The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 446: The God of Stories

Chapter 446: The God of Stories (Happy New Year!)

A white light flashed past, and when Li Ming opened his eyes again, he found himself in a void.

This timeline has been erased.

Because Li Ming has the same ability to slip through time as Loki, he was not taken away by the timeline.

Otherwise, if it were other reincarnations, they would probably be as useless as Mobius and others.

No, Mobius and others are returning to the timeline. If they are reincarnators, they will have to wait for Loki to restart the timeline.

Li Ming did not interfere with Rocky's growth process. He came to the 1994 timeline based on his understanding of the plot.

OB lives in this era. From a plot perspective, Li Ming has at least 18 months, which is a year and a half, to continue practicing.

For Loki, this time is even longer. He has several centuries.

But this Li Ming is not envious. He has tried it, but except for the 1994 timeline, other time tributaries will quickly become noodle. It is obvious that this is a plug-in specially opened by the legacy for Loki, even if he has [time slip] It cannot be copied even if it is taken off.

Even Sylvie, Loki found her in a fast food restaurant.

During this period, in order to understand the working principle of the time loom, Loki also spent several centuries mastering all TVA's time technology. Of course, Li Ming could not follow this experience.

OB is a down-and-out novel writer in this timeline, and his dream is to write a best-selling book.

Just as the two were entangled, Sylvie's timeline began to melt. They hurried to OB's timeline to start a plan to return Loki to before the explosion.

Li Ming could paddle calmly, but Rocky could not.

The plan did not succeed, because this timeline also began to become noodle, but Loki mastered the time in time to escape and returned to before the explosion of the time loom.

During this period, he met Casey, B-15, Mobius and others, and found that they did not recognize him. It was not until he came to the 1994 timeline and met OB that he solved his doubts.

But just like in the plot, it still failed.

And in the past year and a half, he used the "TVA Official Manual" to create a time controller by himself.

Li Ming, who was paddling in the timeline, saw that the surroundings began to turn into noodles, and he could only follow him back to the node where the time loom exploded.

Originally, Sylvie thought this was good. Everyone had their own lives, and Rocky could live here with her.

When Loki found the Mobius variant to persuade, OB found Loki.

He has [Time Escape] and has used it very skillfully. Li Ming followed Loki's trajectory and watched as a bystander as Loki tried again and again and failed again and again.

So with the help of the time controller, variants of Mobius, B-15, and Casey all joined Loki's team.

For Loki it was only a few minutes away, but OB has been there for a year and a half.

OB told Loki that if he wanted to save everything, he needed to bring everyone together and then use their time halo positioning to return to the moment when the time loom exploded.

Loki did as he was told, and at the same time gave OB the "Official Manual of the Time Variation Administration" so that he could start learning TVA technology again.

But unlike a certain author, OB is also a Ph.D. in physics.

But for Rocky, Mobius, B-15, Casey, OB and others, as well as Li Ming, were all his friends, and he wanted his friends back.

He returned to his previous state, traveling back and forth between multiple time scenes.

So Loki went directly back to the beginning, the end of time, the time when Sylvie killed the remaining people.

At this time, Sylvie didn't know what would happen in the future. No matter what Loki said, she still wanted to kill the remaining people.

Finally, Loki had no choice but to ask the man behind, and the man behind stopped time and told Loki the truth.

This is the reincarnation mentioned by the left behind, and this is why he sits and watches Sylvie kill him, because he knows that Loki will always come back at this time.

Now Loki's choice becomes, either let Sylvie kill the remaining people and repeat the same mistakes, or... kill Sylvie and maintain the rule of the sacred timeline.

Of course Loki won't kill Sylvie, but he doesn't want to let the multiverse timeline collapse.

Finally, he was shaken and had the idea of ​​​​killing Sylvie to save the timeline. He returned to the timeline of the OB variant and wanted to ask Sylvie's opinion, but after he wanted to talk to Sylvie, Loki changed his mind.

The Holy Timeline has too many shortcomings, so replace it with a better choice!

Just as Loki was about to return, time suddenly stopped again.

"Have you decided?"

Li Ming's voice rang out.


Loki was a little surprised. He tried many times to escape through time to find Li Ming, but found nothing.

He took a deep breath: "Yes, I have decided."

"Since someone has to sacrifice, why can't it be me?"

There was reluctance in Loki's words, but more importantly, determination.

"I can give everyone the right to choose!"

Li Ming shook his head: "But the price is that you can only endure loneliness forever."

Loki was not surprised why Li Ming knew his plan.

"You said that only I can decide what kind of god I become, and now I have decided to become the god of stories."

He explained with a smile.

"Everyone reserves the right to write their own story!"

Although he had seen it in the series, Li Ming still felt very moved when he witnessed it with his own eyes, so Li Ming confirmed his thoughts.

He wants to cut off the God of Stories!

This is not because Li Ming has bad intentions. He doesn't want to see heroes suffering, so he helps various superheroes solve their difficulties. As for what he gains from it...

Not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning.

"If Thor sees you like this, he will definitely feel ashamed." Li Ming said deliberately.

Speaking of his brother, Loki's eyes started to turn red: "My brother is gone, so we can't let more Lokis suffer the same fate as me."

Li Ming shook his head: "Actually, your timeline is still there."

"What?" Loki was surprised, "But TVA..."

"Before coming to the Time Variation Administration, I took away the time reset device." Li Ming took out a device and showed it, "But after I made the changes, the timeline disappeared from TVA's surveillance."

Loki burst into tears instantly, and the joy of regaining something was concentrated in him.

He hurriedly raised his head to prevent tears from flowing down, and then cried and laughed and said: "Thank you, Li."

Then he became even more determined: "That's why I have to protect the multiple timelines!"

Li Ming nodded to confirm his will, and then said when Loki was caught off guard: "But you don't have to endure loneliness all the time."

"How?" Loki asked.

If the skill protects multiple timelines and he doesn't have to be alone, then of course Loki is willing to accept it.

An Infinity Gauntlet suddenly appeared in Li Ming's hand, with six gems shining brightly on it.

Most Infinity Stones cannot be used outside the timeline, but the one in Li Ming's hand comes from the Supreme Strange Universe and is at the multiverse level, so it is not subject to this restriction.

Li Ming smiled: "Loki, do you still remember your clone?"

Happy New Year to everyone! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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