The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 448 Asgard, your king is here

Chapter 448 Asgard, your king is back (Happy New Year, third update!)

Loki did not immediately become the hands-off shopkeeper, because he still had to hand over the affairs of the God of Stories to the Time Variation Administration.

The Time Variation Management Bureau still has a need to exist, but their responsibilities now become what Li Ming said before - prediction and prevention.

TVA will only take action if the direction of a timeline will obviously harm other timelines, or if someone will cause serious harm.

Now with the God of Story server, TVA can observe further time and ensure that there are no mistakes as much as possible.

Especially the possibility of a multiverse war mentioned by the people left behind is a focus of TVA, as are other variations of Kang the Conqueror.

Li Ming also got the God of Stories server he wanted. With this thing, the Marvel Universe will have no secrets from him.

And when nothing happens, Li Ming can access the God of Stories server, where his time gem development speed increases very quickly, which is a perfect training amplifier.

After settling in the Time Variation Management Bureau, Li Ming took Loki and Sylvie to Loki's original timeline.

Because of the different speed of time, many years have passed here.

"Loki... no." Heimdall bowed respectfully and saluted, his tone was very surprising, "Your Majesty Loki, you are back!"

"It's me," he murmured.

But then he set his sights on the sculptures of New Asgard.

But the difference is that there is an additional stone sculpture here.

"Is that you?" Sylvie asked, pointing to the sculpture, and suddenly she gave a bad smile, "It's much prettier than the big one."

His starting point is not the desire for power, but recognition.

"Don't get me wrong, sand came in." He tried his best to make up for himself.

A man wearing a horned helmet sits on a throne holding Odin's scepter.

Sylvie even gave Rocky a big hug.

As in the plot, New Asgard was established on Earth.

At this time, Heimdall, who was patrolling New Asgard, discovered three unidentified people and quickly brought them over. However, after seeing the people clearly, Heimdall was stunned.

Now that the people of Asgard have voluntarily recognized him as their king, how could Loki not be moved to tears?

"Who is there?"

"In memory of the eternal king of Asgard - Loki Odinson."

Loki's eyes suddenly became moist.

Loki used to tease others, mostly because he wanted to attract others' attention. Even the reason why he always wanted to be the king was because he thought that after becoming the king, everyone would respect him.

Loki didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He also thought of the tricky stone statue that Li Ming had made.

And after getting closer, Loki could clearly see the inscription under the sculpture.

They all knew that what Loki wanted in his life was nothing more than recognition.

But Li Ming just looked at him with a smile, without any intention of making fun of him.

But what he didn't expect was that the sculpture actually showed him on the throne.

Loki could roughly guess that it was established by the people of Asgard in memory of him saving the Asgardian refugee ship.

His eyes have many magical abilities. It is only basic to see through illusions. Naturally, he can see clearly that the Loki in front of him is a real person.

The other Asgardian soldiers could not conceal their excitement and bowed to Loki one after another.

After all, Loki saved all their lives.

Loki quickly wiped away his tears, responded a few times, and then joked: "This is the first time you salute me sincerely, Heimdall."

Heimdall also smiled: "Everyone will grow up." It seems that they grew up together, and now they are very happy to be reunited as old friends and to resolve their differences.

Only then did Loki have time to look around carefully, and then he noticed something was wrong.

There are traces of battles everywhere. Many residents are busy cleaning the battlefield, and many of them still have sad expressions on their faces.

It seemed like there had been a big battle here not long ago. No wonder Heimdall was so vigilant just now.

"What happened?" Loki asked.

"The God Slayer attacked here. He took the legendary Black Death Sword and slaughtered the gods of the universe everywhere. After being repelled by us, he stole all the children here." Heimdall explained.

It is worth mentioning that his son Axel is also included.

"Thor, Valkyrie, and Jane asked Zeus to, uh... borrow Zeus's lightning sword, but the storm battle ax was taken away."

Heimdall's explanation made Loki wonder: "Jane Foster?"

"Yes, she inherited Mjolnir's power of thunder."

"Wow, you are really a principled hammer, huh?"

Loki couldn't help complaining. He still remembered the scene when he was on the Rainbow Bridge and was suppressed by Thor with the Meow Hammer, unable to move.

"And Zeus lent the Lightning Sword?" Loki questioned, "Did he really borrow it?"

Of course Heimdall knew this was unrealistic and could only shrug.

"I'm just playing a prank, but it's up to Thor to get into big trouble." Loki raised his eyebrows.

Heimdall changed the subject decisively: "Valkyrie was injured, Jane Foster had cancer, so Thor went after the God-Slayer alone."

At this time, an Asgardian soldier came over: "Your Majesty, the Valkyrie is looking for you... Your Majesty Loki!"

The smile on Loki's face never fell. He responded to the soldiers' greetings enthusiastically, but then asked strangely: "King?"

"After the Thanos crisis, Thor was very depressed, so he left New Asgard to me." Heimdall explained, "But now that you are back, it's time to return the throne to you."

"No no no."

Under Heimdall's surprised gaze, Loki quickly waved his hand: "You did a good job. I can rest assured that Asgard will be left to you."

"I have more important things to do now."

"What is it?" Heimdall asked.

Loki was eager to give it a try: "Of course, let King Loki save Asgard again!"

He closed his eyes and wanted to connect to the God of Stories server to find Thor's current location, but this timeline was outside TVA's surveillance. Just when Loki wanted to go back, Li Ming said directly: "Don't bother, I know they are here. where."

"Have you been here before?" Loki was surprised.

Then he shook his head. No matter what Li Ming did now, Loki wouldn't be surprised. After all, even the people left behind were plotted by him.

"That's not true, but I can sense the position of the Storm Axe." Li Ming replied.

Then, before Loki and others could ask further questions, Li Ming took out a storm ax of the same style as Thor while everyone was stunned.

"I have a lot more, I'll give you a handful later." Li Ming said to Loki.

Loki chuckled. He had just learned from Heimdall the importance of the Storm Ax to Thor. Thor's face would definitely look good if he had one in his hand.

At this time, even Heimdall couldn't help but said: "The God Killer should come to snatch you away."

(End of this chapter)

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