The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 462: Heaven, welcome guests

Chapter 462: Heaven, welcome guests

Mo Lun is still evil?

This was Li Ming's first reaction after receiving the news.

But then he felt that it shouldn't be. After all, Mo Lun was treated like that by him, so it stands to reason that he should stay away from him.

But after seeing the person who was teleported, Li Ming knew who it was.

Hell reincarnator!

After all, the purple skin and double horns on the head are so recognizable, not to mention the succubus with a protruding front and back, and a small tail on its butt.

Succubus? Shouldn't that be the abyss?

Ahem, Diana's warning came to Li Ming's mind and he shook his head.

There are five reincarnations, two of the sixth level and three of the fifth level.

Li Ming had a premonition that if he were not here, the universe would be penetrated.

But what he was more concerned about was the deeper meaning here. The reincarnators from hell obviously came through the same portal as Morlun.

He originally wanted to test the enemy's strength. With Mo Lun's experience, the blond Peter was already very careful, but the fifth-level reincarnation was indeed too strong for him.


Miles ran to Universe 65 where Gwen was to visit, but the blond Peter got here first after sending information to Li Ming.

So... someone lied?

The blond Peter did not panic because he knew there was a savior behind him.

The intelligence agents of Team Selason quickly collected the information.

He is lying on the ground now.

"The other one should be the black Spider-Man Miles Morales."

"The origin invasion resets the timeline."

The bone was broken again.

"Intelligence shows that Karen, the guardian of the world, was defeated by a group of Spider-Man. After that, there were two Spider-Man activities in the world."

Li Ming instantly saw that there was room for maneuver, but before that, he had to deal with these reincarnations of hell.

"But no traces of other reincarnations were found, which is consistent with the mission report submitted by Hassoun."

Selason was a little dissatisfied: "Does that mean nothing was found?"

The blond Peter took a breath. He felt the physical injuries and then judged them very skillfully.

In other words, both sides lied.

The hell camp and the heir family have joined forces?

"According to the intelligence inside the devil, this Spider-Man should be dead, right?" Ochi asked doubtfully.

But if he remembered correctly, the hell camp wanted the spider totem, and the heir family wanted to exterminate the spider totem. The two purposes were in great conflict.

Without any instrument testing, the blond Peter knew that there must be more than thirty broken bones. After all, he himself was the authority on broken bones.

The medical level of the heirs is still very high, and Ochi will be alive and kicking in a short time.

"So far it seems so."

"So be it." Anyway, the exploration mission was just incidental, and Selason didn't take it too seriously.

At this time, Ochi pointed at the blond Peter and sneered: "Isn't this Spider-Man waiting for the little black spider to save him?"


His words caused the hell-reincarnators to burst into laughter.

But soon a man who was laughing with his head raised suddenly stopped laughing, pointed at the street lamp and said, "Is that...a little black spider?"

I saw a Spider-Man wearing a dark black Iron Spider suit standing on it. It was black, but it was not small at all.

"It's him!" The intelligence officer in the team immediately exclaimed, "He was the one who killed Guardian Karen!" Serasen's eyes suddenly became sharp: "It seems that something terrible has happened again... catch him !”

After hearing his order, Aoqi, who was at the sixth level of strength, immediately rushed towards Li Ming, but he was faster than Li Ming.

Blue thunder surged from Li Ming's body, and he quickly landed between Samsara and the blond Peter, causing a huge shock wave that forced Serasen and the others back a lot.

But not only that, the people affected by the lightning wave suffered from the paralysis effect, and the lightning seemed to be conscious, continuously causing harm to them.

Because there was more than one seventh-level being on the opposite side, Li Ming did not reveal his full strength.

But the power unleashed by The Flash + Bioelectricity + Superman's Bio-Force Field + Power Stone is still impressive.

Li Ming did not stop attacking. After landing, he jumped up. The bio-force field brought the hell-reincarnators into the air again. At this time, Serasen finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He raised his hand and released a burst of purple demonic energy, corroding the lightning wherever it passed. Li Ming just wanted to dodge, but found that the blond Peter couldn't dodge, so Li Ming had to hold him while resisting Ao Qi's punch.

After all, this is the sixth level, so this punch is very powerful.

In order to relieve the pressure and change his position with Peter, Li Ming flew out more than 20 meters and stuck the blond Peter to the outer wall of a tall building with spider silk. He also fed him another bottle of blood orchid potion. .

After receiving a punch from Ao Qi, Li Ming's Iron Spider suit on his chest was completely damaged.

But Serasen and others' expressions were even more solemn.

Because although Li Ming's armor was broken, his body was unscathed.

With this level of destructive power, even the armor could be penetrated. They didn't believe that Li Ming had not been hit at all.

So there is only one explanation. The body of the person opposite is stronger than the armor!

Aoqi and others were a little speechless. They wanted to say that if you are so strong, why do you wear armor?

Li Ming ignored their strange looks. He was thinking about how to deal with these reincarnations.

Of course, killing them all won't work, so just lure the seventh-level reincarnators from the hell camp over.

The situation is not too clear now, so it is better to be Spider-Man first and let the reincarnation cause trouble first.


Li Ming suddenly thought of an idea.

He pretended to be defeated by the attack of so many people, wrapped the blond Peter in spider silk and turned him into a mummy, then carried him and ran away.

Of course Serasen and the others would not let him run away like this, and the five of them each used their magical powers to chase after him.

The blond Peter was confused, but he also thought he couldn't win, but his only opinion was this.

"Can you...put me...down?"

His voice sounded far and near, as it rose and fell in the air.


Li Ming originally wanted to use a watch organized by the web to open the portal, but for some reason the watch suddenly became unusable.

But it didn't matter, Li Ming still had a portal, so he opened the door and rushed in with the blond Peter.

Serasen and others are not afraid anymore. With Master Weaver, they can come back no matter which universe they are in.

Li Ming teleported to three worlds in a row, and then the real destination was revealed.

There was no doubt that the Hell Team had him, but as soon as they entered this world, their team exploded.

Not only them, another place in the city also burst out with strong momentum and rushed towards here.

This is the 616 universe.

Of course, it's not 616 from the movie universe, but from the comics.

Fortunately, Neptune has a [space beacon] on him, which can locate his location. Otherwise, it would be too difficult to find him one by one in so many universes.

Apart from Heaven, the life and death enemy of the hell camp, who else is rushing over?

Heaven, welcome!

(End of this chapter)

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