The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 466: Don’t make a date with Gotham people!

Chapter 466: Don’t make a date with Gotham people!

Although it was decided to attack the 1610 universe, there were disagreements about the personnel configuration.

If Morlun proposed to go, at least one of Solus or Saviola, the seventh-level boss from Hell, would have to go.

However, the Hell Team had fought against Li Ming and did not feel that Li Ming's strength was as exaggerated as Mo Lun said.

Mainly Sorus is paying attention to the emergence of a super strong man among Spider-Man, while Saviola is keeping an eye on the reincarnations of the heaven camp, and no one is free.

In the end, Solus compromised: "You go to 1610 first. If you find that the strength is too strong, I will come back."

So the attack lineup was decided. Three sixth-level reincarnators were dispatched from the hell side, plus five fifth-level ones.

They had just suffered a setback and lost face. Only by killing Universe 1610 with overwhelming power could Hell regain its place.

The successors sent out the sixth-level heiress Verna, and the blond male and female team, Bora and Blix, were all one step away from the sixth level.

And Morlun.

"This is not a drill!"

In the original plot, Spider-Man hides on Earth 13 and accepts the protection of Spider-Man, Captain of the Universe. Captain Universe has the mysterious power from the eternal god, and his strength is comparable to Sorus.

"Everyone in position!"

Moreover, there were a total of five sixth-level and seven fifth-level attacks from both sides. Even Mo Lun felt that Li Ming should not be able to stop them.


An unexpected attack is equivalent to a fight. Since it is a fight, then he, Batman's mentor, will definitely not make such a stupid mistake.

Li Ming immediately gave orders to all Spider-Man.

Li Ming would not do that.

This island is similar to Isla Nublar in Jurassic World.

After all, it was a joint operation, and Morlun was worried that his father Sorus would be unhappy if he continued to shirk, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

I have to say that the Spider-Man Construction Team is very easy to use, it is powerful and flexible, and the most important thing is that there is no need to pay labor.

On a large island in the 1610 universe, Li Ming was directing Spider-Man to arrange defense facilities.


"How can the laser matrix be so conspicuous? Add a lampshade to disguise it as a street lamp."

At this moment, the alarm on the island suddenly sounded. This was a portal warning, indicating an invasion from other dimensions.

"That sonic cannon, yes, put it down a little."

"It seems that they have been prepared for a long time." The successor Blix said after seeing this.

Thanks to his ready-made weapons and equipment and the high efficiency of Spider-Man's construction team, he has now built the entire island into a defensive fortress, with surprises for attackers everywhere inside.

There were more than twenty spider totems here, and it was certain that they would be attacked, so of course Li Ming had to prepare in advance.


Therefore, the Spider-Man did not do any defensive work. As a result, after Captain Spider-Man of the Universe was defeated by Solus, he had no ability to resist the successors.

Ochi, who had eyes in hell, snorted coldly: "It's useless. It has no meaning other than letting myself live for a few more minutes."

"Be careful, don't let too many totems go." Mo Lun stared at Li Ming closely, trying to see what he was doing, but Li Ming's face was hidden behind the spider suit and he couldn't see anything.

Morlun took a deep breath and tried to cover up some unpleasant memories.

"Do it!"

A group of people rushed directly towards Spider-Man on the island, and Ozzie, who rushed at the front, lived up to his reputation as an eye-catcher.


He directly hit an opaque energy barrier, covering the entire center of the island, and the two horns on his head were almost rubbed off.

But he made his contribution, and everyone else paused for a moment. "Work together to break it!" Morlun said to everyone.

Although he has a shadow on Li Ming, since they are now facing each other, Mo Lun will definitely not hold back.

Although the successors have no ability to release energy, they are physically very strong and can exert peak power with every punch.

On the Hell Reincarnation side, the demons and monsters showed off their special abilities. Selason took out a black rune sword, Ochi used a pair of gloves full of resentful souls, and the others also used high-explosive means. Want to break through the energy shield.

But Li Ming didn't put up the energy shield just to get beaten.

As early as when the direction of the attack was determined, the Spider-Man used the cover of the energy shield to carry Li Mingfa's weapons to the designated location. After Morlun and others stopped, the shield suddenly opened several holes.




Powerful weapons such as energy cannons, sonic cannons, laser arrays, ion cannons, etc. that Spider-Man had seen or never seen poured down on Morlun and others.

Taken outside, these weapons have the power to destroy a city.

The Spider-Men kept Li Ming's advice in mind, it is better to cut off one of the enemy's ten fingers than to hurt them. They concentrated their firepower and killed a fifth-level reincarnator from hell in an instant.

Then they named the second one, who was still a fifth-level reincarnation from hell. This time, the person was on guard, but the Spider-Man's weapons were extremely fast, and there were people who were responsible for blocking the route, and they quickly sent the second reincarnation from hell. The person received the lunch box.

Serasen was furious, why do you keep beating my people?
He directly activated all his magic power and transformed into a winged demon. The sword in his hand released strong black energy, which spread along the shield towards the weapon launch port.

Two turrets were contaminated by black energy and were immediately destroyed. Fortunately, Spider-Man who controlled them was able to get away quickly.

Seeing that the energy shield was about to collapse, Li Ming immediately ordered all Spider-Man to move back. As expected, the energy shield collapsed not long after.

The reincarnations and successors of Hell, who had been holding back for a long time, rushed in hurriedly, but by this time the Spider-Mans had already hid deep in the mountains and forests of the island.

The process of pursuit was extremely difficult, because various weapons suddenly appeared along the way, and their power was very powerful. Even if they had the lowest level of fifth level strength, they would still have many disadvantages.

After all, Li Ming was so crazy that he dismantled the main cannon of the starship!
And he dismantled an entire Star Fleet.

The cannon was leveled, the court martial, and the starship's main gun couldn't escape even with its wings.

Not long after chasing, another reincarnator died on the hell side, and the successor Bora was also sent back to the cloning base by the concentrated fire of two starship main guns.

Selason and the others couldn't bear it anymore.

"Stay away, I'm going to sink this island!" Selason shouted.

It is not difficult for a sixth-level reincarnation to sink an island.

But how could Li Ming, who had already made arrangements for this kind of thing, let the guests who came to the door worry about it?

All the Spider-Men have secretly left the island through Cybertron's space bridge and arrived on the shore.

Then Li Ming pressed the detonator in his hand.

Cybertron technology bombs are much more powerful than nuclear bombs. They can control the explosion within a certain range. The most important thing is that there is no radiation.

He released ten of them, which were powerful enough to sink an island group covering an area of ​​37.8 square kilometers.

Li Ming had tested it and found that although the successors were stronger, they still had the weakness of being afraid of radiation. Of course, he couldn't let this killer information leak out.


The violent explosion energy was controlled within the island, reducing the attack range but increasing the energy intensity.

When he felt the explosion, Molun was heartbroken.

I told you I shouldn't have come!

The heirs are all elite fighters, and they haven't tried military weapons for a long time, let alone been beaten like this.

What's the purpose of making a fight with Li Ming?
(End of this chapter)

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