The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 470 Beating up Damons

Chapter 470 Beating up Damons

Spider-Man all love to join in the fun.

And most of them are talkative. Now there are so many Spider-Man together, chattering endlessly.

Even Zod couldn't bear it now and hurriedly walked outside to get some peace and quiet.

"General, here it is."

Adjutant Fiona handed him an earplug.

"Made by scientists, it can isolate most sounds from outside and also has a call function."

Zod put on the earplugs in relief. Kryptonian senses were too sensitive, which was not a good thing.

"Those reincarnations in the heaven camp are different from those we encountered before." Fiona said, looking in Jerome's direction.

Zod also discovered that they had never seen reincarnations from different camps cooperate with each other before, but they had never seen it as harmonious as Jerome and Neptune.

Even those in the Abyss camp couldn't understand it, and the reincarnators in Heaven except Neptune and Livingston were even more surprised.

"The situation is different. Hell is coming this time. We always have to think about ourselves first." Neptune answered calmly.

Asriel shook his head: "Of course not."


The members of Neptune's team would not even ask. Neptune knew that he was going to act with Li Ming this time, so he chose his closest teammates.

"Do we really want to be involved in the plot?" Atheril retreated a little, "We can just stay in this world and explore like Tiandao did."

The reason is that Zhang Parker noticed through readings that 616 Parker actually came from the same universe as him, and was the Peter Parker he knew.

"It would be true if Hell were not involved." Neptune dismissed his chances. "Now that the Hell camp and the Successors have joined forces, they will definitely not miss this opportunity to deal with us."

"What, Asriel, would you mind?" he asked.

"How strong?"

With Zhang Parker's pride, of course he would not think that there was a possibility of being overturned. He would naturally think that this Parker was from the past timeline.

At the mention of the hell camp, Etheriel could only nod.

So Zhang Parker directly ordered other Spider-Man as the leader of Spider-Man.

Asriel was silent. He was not happy about this, because since the protagonist's side involves teammates with seventh-level strength, the villain must have equal or even superior strength.

"Go to the safe zone. There is a world where Spider-Man is very strong and has established a shelter." Neptune told the information he learned.

"How did the discussion go?" Asriel asked the question that concerned him most.

But 616 Parker knew that Zhang Parker was the person from the past, so he would not obey Doctor Octopus's command even though he knew that Ultimate Spider-Man would fail.

"If I remember correctly, the abyss is the focus of the angel's request, right?" Asriel asked Neptune.

The Reincarnator's side was relatively harmonious, but Spider-Man's side suddenly became less harmonious.

He is not an angel, so whether he is in the abyss or not is none of his business.

"Seventh level."

As a result, a violent conflict broke out between the two. Fortunately, Jerome was there. He said a few words to both sides and temporarily calmed down the chaos.

Later, Zhang Parker came up with his research results.

He will make trouble, but he will not hide his secrets.

In fact, Zhang Parker is not the Doctor Octopus in Peter's habitual thinking. His consciousness is the fusion of Doctor Octopus and Peter Parker. Strictly speaking, he is also a superhero.

"This is a stealth device that can cover up our 'smell' from being tracked."

He held up a round object and introduced.

"But it has a limit, just like Kane." He pointed at Scarlet Spider-Man, "His readings are abnormally high." "And that girl." He pointed at the spider silk.

"Even this child." Zhang Parker finally pointed to the baby Ben in Mei Dai's arms, "The readings of the three of them are higher than the other, and I can't find a reasonable explanation."

At this time, the old man Spider-Man suddenly spoke: "They are the three unique totems, the Other, the Bride and the Descendant, the targets that the successors are looking for."

"Totem?" Zhang Parker shook his head, "Stop your superstition, old man."

"But we should go to the safe zone as soon as possible." The old Spider-Man did not argue with him, but directly suggested.

No one rejected this suggestion. Zhang Parker wanted to stay here for a while and use high technology to build some equipment, but since the other Spider-Man had decided to leave, he didn't insist on it.

But at this moment, a portal suddenly opened at the top of the base, and a strong man jumped out of it.

"Wow, Master Weaver, you performed exceptionally well this time. There are so many spiders, it's a feast!"

"It's the successor Damons!" Medei quickly reminded everyone.

Damons opened his mouth wide with surprise on his face: "So many spiders, enough for me to eat for a while."

"and many more……"

After he saw everyone in the field, he suddenly became even more excited.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Mo Lun and the others to raid the totems, but the three major totems are all here with me. The biggest contribution is mine. Father will definitely reward me!"

"Uh... man?"

At this time, Damons suddenly heard a young voice. He looked over and found that it was Jerome wearing clown makeup.

"Who are you? Not a totem?" Damons shook his head in disgust, "You also want to die? Human beings are not delicious at all."

"No, no, no." Jerome shook his head, "I just want to tell you, you should smile like this..."


In the distance, Zhang Parker directed the Spider-Man to launch long-range fire, blasting away Damons who wanted to hear what Jerome had to say.

"I'm drawing your attention to you idiot, what are you expecting? Hahahaha!" Jerome clapped his hands and laughed loudly, making Damons' face instantly darken.

And at this time, he also noticed Zod and others who had fought against him before. Damons quickly cheered up.

However, Zhang Parker had already formulated an attack plan. After the long-range attack group was finished, the Spider-Man who were better at melee combat hurried forward and rushed forward to specifically attack Damons' vital points. He was overwhelmed by so many attacks for a while.

But Zhang Parker soon discovered something was wrong.

Although the Spider-Man attacks were dazzling, Damons was unscathed!
"Retreat!" he shouted quickly.

Damons also exerted his strength at this time: "The spirit is commendable, but my tolerance ends here!"

He burst out with powerful life energy, knocking away all the Spider-Man around him, then grabbed a spider and tried to devour it.


A blast of vibrating energy hit his wrist, freeing the spider on Damons' hand.

Neptune took action.

Behind him are Athelil, who is also at the sixth level, the god-slayer Gerr who is sharpening his sword, and Ebony Maw. Ebony Maw uses his telekinesis to protect the Spider-Man. Black Dwarf raises a giant hammer and rushes towards him. With five Kryptonians.

Damons suddenly seemed to know his way back.

Moreover, Spider-Man's masters are also extremely brave. Zhang Parker has about level five strength in the Ultimate Spider Suit. The strongest one in the field is the Scarlet Spider-Man, Kane Parker.

He has the power of "other things". In the plot, he once broke out and killed Sorus. Now that the successors have fully strengthened their strength, although they can't do it, the attack power of Scarlet Spider-Man can still bring a great deal to Damons. harm.

Faced with the siege of four sixth-level and fifth-level powerful men, Damons quickly confirmed his guess.

He died back.

(End of this chapter)

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