The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 485: Counting the money for Li Ming after being sold

Chapter 485: Counting the money for Li Ming after being sold

When they returned to the Weaving World, the Spider-Men had stabilized the situation.

Thalasson has been killed by Zod and Geer, and the other fifth-level reincarnations are also dead. Only Ochi has been saved by the Spider-Man.

After all, Spider-Man usually really doesn't kill people.

Of course, the reason why Ao Qi didn't die was because of Li Ming's instruction, because he smelled the rebellious spirit from Ao Qi.

Even Jabr, the bully Spider-Man who wanted him dead, stopped at the last moment.

He remembered that when Uncle Ben died, he didn't feel happy chasing the murderer.

Living with the legacy of our loved ones is the best way to remember them.

So the bully Spider-Man just beat Jabr and arrested him. He could see that Jabr had a secret, and felt that doing so would help Li Ming and make Jabr valuable.

Even Li Ming had not thought of this, and Li Ming had already assumed that Jabr was a dead man.

Li Ming is a reincarnation person, he can naturally see it.

Asriel in heaven fell into deep thought.

The Spider-Man were also relieved, and their evaluation of Li Ming was even higher.

Anyway, he does not belong to the Angel Organization, does not need to report tasks, and does not want to participate in this kind of game among the reincarnation bosses.

Master Weaver feels like he is about to die. He has absorbed too much power from Jabr. However, his true identity is the successor Kahn, and his recovery ability is only stronger than Morlun, so he can recover on his own if he is left alone for a while. .

He remembered Neptune's proposal to have a unified approach to this mission and hide Li Ming's existence to avoid getting burned. He now felt that it was feasible.

Came to the place where the web was.

Otherwise, although Li Ming is in trouble, even if Li Ming can't deal with other big guys, can't he still be able to deal with him?
As for the soy sauce Legend Team, they are exploring Earth 13 with Team Jerome.

As an independent reincarnation person, if you don't know "Gou Zi Jue", you won't be able to live for such a long time.

Jabr's totem absorber also became a trophy for the Spider-Man people. They all knew that this thing was one of the culprits that caused the great crisis, so Li Ming destroyed it in front of them.

Everyone was overjoyed immediately, but the reincarnators were more concerned about Li Ming's own condition.

Li Ming went to deal with two seventh-order people by himself, and then rescued the hostages unscathed?
All reincarnations have considered one question - how strong is Li Ming?
The reincarnators of the abyss and Neptune Livingston were of course happy. They all followed Li Ming. The stronger Li Ming was, the more at ease they felt.

Spider-Man didn't have much ill feelings toward Master Weaver. They also saw that Master Weaver was being coerced, and they even took the initiative to provide help to Medei and others.

Just when Madea Parker was waiting impatiently, Li Ming returned in time, holding Benji, who the Spider-Man were worried about, in his arms.

After all, Zedd and others were so respectful to Li Ming that they almost put Li Ming on the altar.

Asriel leads the Independent Paradise Team, and can take the team to level six without joining the Angel Organization, just by suppressing his curiosity.

So Li Ming made an agreement with him to let the master weaver assist the "membrane maker" Anna Parker to repair the web, and then he could be freed.

Of course, before destroying it, Li Ming used the time stone to confirm that it could be restored before doing so.

It was an unexpected surprise that Li Ming was able to ask Jabr about the Lord of the Starry Sky.

After all, if it were him, he would have hidden it well if he didn't turn it into ashes in front of the nine Jabur clans.

But he didn't want to know the reason why Li Ming was able to sneak into this joint exploration mission.

The master weaver agreed.

Because they had to wait for the web to be repaired before the Spider-Man could return to their own world, they enjoyed a rare relaxing time in the weaving world.

However, Li Ming began to interrogate the two prisoners of Hell Reincarnation, Aoqi and Jabr.

Separate of course. The result was not good for Li Ming.

Because as soon as Li Ming showed up, the two knew that Li Ming was a reincarnator.

Obviously Saviola has revealed the information, but he is still not sure which camp Li Ming belongs to.

This alone is nothing, but in order to show off, Jabr took the initiative to confess that the totem that Saviola had used before had the ability to transmit information across the world. Saviola must have sent the information to the Lord of the Stars.

The eighth-level powerhouse is still facing off.

A hint of gloom flashed in Li Ming's heart. The only thing he was thankful for was that Saviola might not have guessed his exact camp.

He needs to find a way to remedy this in advance.

Li Ming also knew the reason why Jabr was able to hide from the Heir family. The Star King's side had been in contact with the Heir family very early, and even obtained the Heir's body.

Therefore, the Lord of the Starry Sky used various means to let his reincarnations acquire the abilities of the successors, so that Jabr could disguise himself as a clone and enter the successor family.

It's just that this method is very cumbersome, and the Star King only succeeded three times.

Kerry, Jabr, Saviola.

It all fell into Li Ming's hands.

Only then did Li Ming realize that he had long been enmity with the Lord of the Starry Sky.

When Aoqi was interrogated, there was nothing more valuable than what Jabur said. Aoqi's eyes were very resentful, as if he was resenting Jabur for being in the limelight in front of Li Ming, and worried that it would affect his chances of survival.

Li Ming rolled his eyes and had an idea in his mind.

The repair work of the web went very smoothly. With the help of the weaving master, they first brought all the Spider-Man who stayed in the cartoon world to the weaving world.

Jerome and others who went to Earth 13 to check out the outcome of the battlefield are also back.

"Takuya, I'm sorry, Leopardon was completely damaged when we found it."

Jerome sighed and said to Takuya Yamashiro.

"But we can take Leopardon back to the abyss, find a way to repair it, and then send it back to you."

When Toei Spider-Man saw the tattered Leopardton, he rushed towards him and burst into tears.

Spider-Man with relatively high technological level such as Zhang Parker and Spider-Man 2099 also went to check it out, but they all shook their heads and said it could not be repaired.

Of course, Li Ming is not surprised by this. In the plot, although Leo Patton was caught and repaired in 2099, this time Jerome and others dismantled Leo Patton's energy and other core devices, and also If they cultivate well, they are considered powerful.

So Yamashiro Takuya gratefully handed Leo Patton to Jerome, hoping that they could help repair Leo Patton.

The reincarnators of the legendary camp who went to Earth 13 with Jerome and his party all expressed their disdain for this.

After being sold, he helped count the money.

But they were also accomplices, because the core device on Leopardton's body was the Ferris wheel that they helped dismantle.

As for the reward, it is a share of fire source energy in units of Pikabai. Of course, the additional condition is that the Legendary Team must help Li Ming and come up with a perfect plan to repair Leo Patton.

Ferris Wheel is a Transformer, so the energy of the Fire Source has a fatal attraction for him. He begged Captain Angus for a long time before Angus agreed to the deal.

The Leopardon robot has a quasi-seventh level of strength, but what Li Ming values ​​most is its own weapons.

War Soul Excalibur.

After charging, the War Spirit Sword can exert seven levels of destructive power. If Li Ming can produce more energy, the Transformers Legion will definitely be greatly strengthened.

(End of this chapter)

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