The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 487 Looking for the scapegoat

Chapter 487 Looking for the scapegoat

Mo Lun and others were quickly recruited as reincarnations.

There were four sixth-level members in their team, and the only fifth-level one, Jaynix, was a scientific research boss, and he immediately became the strongest team of reincarnators in Li Ming's hands.

Although they are all physically enhanced and have obvious shortcomings such as mental attributes and energy attacks, relying on their strong strength, Li Ming believes that the team will be able to make up for their shortcomings soon.

After the arrangements for the successor family were completed, Li Ming returned to the weaving world.

The repair work of the mesh went smoothly, and the legendary "membrane maker" Anna Parker made rapid progress with the help of the master weaver.

They have reconstructed the core of the web, and even if they don't think about operating it, the web will slowly connect to other spider universes.

So the Spider-Men stranded here can finally go home.

The repaired web of fate is undoubtedly still controlled by the master weaver.

But in fact, no one knew that the master weaver had already died once while repairing the web.

The new web organization still decided to build in the world of 928B.

Only in this way can the web of fate be truly considered to be controlled by Li Ming.

The web-spinning organization in "Spider-Man: Across the Universe", aside from the fact that "the Sheriff must die", is definitely very righteous and has a very good impact on the multiverse.

Rebuild the web organization!

Who will be the leader of weaving the web?

The Spider-Man's first recommendation was Li Ming, but Li Ming had always been the hands-off shopkeeper, and he had no time to weave webs.

So first Li Ming made a suggestion, which was unanimously approved by the Spider-Man people.

But with so many Spider-Men gathering in the Weaving World, it would be a waste not to do something.

The true identity of the Weaver Master is Kahn, and Li Ming easily resurrected him using the successor's cloning technology.

But because the spirit of the weaver master had been torn apart by the successor family, Li Ming successfully implanted in him the idea of ​​​​regarding himself as the master.

Quite a few of the Spider-Man present were also members of the Web.

When they arrived at 928B, they found that the place was in a mess. Miguel, Black Spider-Woman Jesse, and Electronic Spider-Man had all died at the hands of the successors.

However, no one moved the main body of the web headquarters. After all, everyone knew that the Spider-Man would definitely come back.

After the Inheritors attacked the Web Headquarters, Spider-Man 2099 deleted the 928B coordinates, and no one of the hunted Spider-Man has been there.

If they wanted to rebuild the Weaving Web, they immediately thought of the 928B universe where the Weaving Web's headquarters is located.

The technological level of the world in 928B is very high. Less than a week has passed since the attack of the successors in this world, but the ruins have been roughly cleared.

The reason why Li Ming agreed to rebuild the Web Organization was to obtain more information about the Spider-Man universe. The Web of Destiny was already in his hands, and Li Ming could go there at any time if he found anything useful.

The statues of Spider-Man 2099 are placed in the open space in front of the ruins, and below the statue is Miguel's grave.

Based on the technology of the Web Headquarters, the Web of Destiny can connect more Spider-Man worlds, and there is no need to worry about affecting the safety of the world as before. Therefore, Spider-Man can visit each other even if they encounter any trouble that cannot be solved.

But before that there is a problem.

The main thing is that this world has a good foundation, including technology, logistics and even officials.

In addition to Li Ming, many Spider-Man unexpectedly proposed Jerome to be the leader.

In the words of punk Spider-Man Hobby: "Mr. Jerome has amazing wisdom, and everyone is convinced."

Translated, Jerome speaks nicely and fools many Spider-Man.

This made Fish look like a fool.

But there are still a lot of fools, and in the end Jerome gave up after saying that he and others still wanted to go to other worlds.

When Li Ming was not the leader of the web weaving, Zhang Parker stepped forward.

It's just that Zhang Parker was quickly rejected because his behavior was inconsistent with most Spider-Man's.

As the representative of the 616 universe with the most well-known Spider-Man, 616 Parker was also included as one of the candidates, but he refused. 616 Parker has no desire to be a leader.

So Li Ming proposed an unexpected person.


The original leader of the web.

To put it bluntly, Miguel is pretty good and has enough prestige within the Spider-Man community. No one is more suitable than him except Li Ming.

The only problem is, he's dead.

But for Li Ming, this is not a problem.

He used the power of the Time Stone, and under the exclamations of all the Spider-Men, turned back time and directly returned the ruined Web Headquarters to its original appearance bit by bit.

Even Miguel's body was pulled out of the cemetery, his color quickly returned, and then - he opened his eyes.

"Didn't I already... have the power of time?"

Miguel is well-informed and naturally recognized the power of the Time Stone, but he was even more surprised by the person who saved him.

"Li, I didn't expect you to save me." He said with a complicated expression.

"Of course." Li Ming responded with a smile, "I'm Spider-Man!"

Not only was Spider-Man 2099 resurrected, but the Black Spider-Woman and Electronic Spider-Man were also brought back from death by Li Ming.

Benjamin Parker, Gwen and other people they knew quickly explained the situation to Miguel and told them Spider-Man's purpose.

"You actually... still believe me?"

Miguel looked at the many Spider-Man in front of him, some he knew and many new friends, but no one objected to him continuing to be the leader of the web.

Although 616 Parker, Zhang Parker and others were not members of Weaving Web before, they have all heard about Miguel's deeds, so they all recognized Miguel.

Benjamin Parker put his arm around Miguel's shoulders and comforted him to work hard. Even Miles and Gwen said they no longer minded Miguel's deception.

So Spider-Man 2099 once again took on the position of web-weaving leader. The Spider-Men were not in a hurry to go back and joined the web-weaving organization one after another. Under the leadership of Miguel, they discussed the rules of action for web-weaving.

Li Ming also found three Spider-Man, they are all variants of Peter Parker. In addition, they have one thing in common.

The three reincarnation teams of the Tiandao camp are exploring their respective universes.

Although the people in the Tiandao camp are only at level six, Li Ming can easily kill them.

But many times, the living are more useful than the dead.

"You will say this when you go back. Do you remember?" Li Ming asked after finishing the story.

The three Spider-Men nodded.

"No problem, the people in Heaven escaped, and when Hell was about to win, Jabr rebelled and backstabbed, and the joint heirs killed Saviola and took the Spider Totem for themselves."

Although Li Ming didn't know the specific content of Saviola's message to the Lord of the Starry Sky, he could also try to confuse the audience and reduce his own attention.

A certain Parker scratched his head with a strange expression: "I always feel that this is something only villains would say."


The other Spider-Man slapped him.

"This is called a strategy!"

"Hehe, too."

Although Li Ming is not the leader of the web, he has a higher prestige than the leader of the web.

Although they don't understand what heaven and hell are, but Li Ming said that this can protect the multiverse, they will do it.

After that, the Spider-Mans began to return one after another, and the surprise Li Ming specially prepared for Toby Spider was ready.

(End of this chapter)

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