The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 531 The righteous assault

Chapter 531 The righteous assault

Michelle panicked.

It's not that he didn't predict the enemy's strength, on the contrary, he did a very careful study.

But even though he had tried his best to increase the enemy's strength in his mind, Michelle could never imagine that something dirty with more than eight levels of strength would appear.

"How to do?"

The Supreme asked strangely. They had now determined that the person who disturbed Infinite Ultron was also an outside visitor, and they learned from Li Ming and the others that the visitor was probably an enemy of the Abyss Alliance.

"Ao Chuang will definitely find us when he comes back. One more person will bring more strength." Li Ming made a quick decision.

Of course, what he actually thought was that in the Marvel world, he was invincible with the Infinity Stones, and he could get some information by catching the person coming.

Since they planned to start fighting directly, the members of the Abyss Alliance quickly entered a fighting state.

In addition to the Extremis suit, Tony also wore a caster armor.

Although they are all sixth-level peaks, facing the infinite Ultron standing at the top of the universe, they can only be killed instantly. Even the seventh-level reincarnation Michelle has no time to take care of himself.

Each one is powerful!

"Emperor Weishan's patron saint spell can help you reduce most of the damage." Li Ming explained.

Michelle exclaimed, allowing Li Ming to hear it.

After being prepared, Thanos, who was already very proficient in using the Infinity Gauntlet, clenched his fist with his left hand. In a flash of blue light, he arrived at the location of Michelle and other reincarnations in heaven.

In Michelle's perception, only the two people wearing red armor and green armor were not nearly as strong, and the others were at least about the same strength as him.


Li Ming didn't pay attention to Michelle, because as soon as they appeared, Infinite Ultron took action.

Li Ming and Supreme Strange kept waving their hands, and as the light flashed, a set of orange-yellow transparent armor appeared on each of them.

"Li Ming, the violator?"

The majestic gem energy attacked everyone. Tony's reaction was a little slow and he did not dodge, and was hit a long distance away.

Michelle was a little strange at first, but he didn't understand until a group of people suddenly appeared in the field.

But fortunately, Infinite Ultron only attacked one after another, obviously not focusing on them.

This includes Michelle's goals.

There were even four people who posed no less of a threat to him than that eighth-level strongman.

This eighth-level powerhouse took himself and others as hostages and attracted this group of people to come to the rescue.

The name is quite appropriate.

The answer is of course no.

Everyone was very surprised, and Loki even asked: "Can you give me one more set?"

And this group of people also shocked Michelle.

The place is densely packed with robots of Infinite Ultron, and the Heavenly Reincarnator has already lost two people.

But luckily they were protected by the Patronus Charm and Tony was not injured.

"Everyone come together!" Li Ming shouted.

With a big demon like Infinite Ultron, there is no need to talk about moral principles.

Suddenly, the field was overflowing with colorful energy. The strange orange-red magic of the Supreme, the pink chaos magic of the Scarlet Witch, the blue-white lightning of Thor, and the green time energy of Loki launched a pincer attack on Infinite Ultron.

No matter how powerful Infinite Ultron is, there is only one person, let alone Li Ming and Thanos who are wearing the Infinity Gauntlet and are still holding them back. Soon Infinite Ultron is being beaten back.

"who are you?"

Michelle was stunned in place and asked blankly to Tony who was cleaning the robot.

"We?" Tony responded with a little pride, "Abyss Alliance!"


It was as if lightning struck in Michelle's mind.

It all made sense now. Li Ming was from Abyss!

No wonder that every time he violates the rules, reincarnations from the abyss camp appear.

He caught a big fish this time!

But Michelle didn't feel too happy.

Nothing else, because this big fish is too big.

Michelle came to observe the growth trajectory of the violator Li Ming. The first thing recorded is that Li Ming appeared in the reincarnation space for the first time, and he was a rookie.

Then there is the world of "Transformers". According to feedback, he is just an ordinary person, but Michelle knows that there must be a disguise.

Finally, in the last joint exploration mission, the intelligence revealed by Li Ming was at most level five.

Assuming that he was hiding something, Michelle expected Li Ming to be at the sixth level of strength at most.

After all, the time when Li Ming entered the abyss was stuck there. He thought that no matter how talented he was, it couldn't be too outrageous, right?
But what did he see?
Li Ming and the eighth-level boss are fighting!


Infinite Ultron was hit by Li Ming's power blast with the power gem and flew hundreds of kilometers away, collapsing countless mountains along the way.

Michelle's expression became even more exciting.

The eighth-level boss hasn’t defeated Li Ming yet!

"That's enough, I can destroy the galaxy with just a thought, why don't you die!"

Infinite Ultron was angry. He kept his word and directly mobilized the power of the five gems to launch a massive energy attack that even affected the entire solar system.

Michelle only had time to say "It's over" in her mind, and then her eyes went white.

But such intense energy was fleeting in the universe, and in the blink of an eye, it was held by Supreme Strange in the palm of his hand, and he opened his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.


The Supreme's strange eyes burned with flames. It was obvious that such huge energy, instead of causing him harm, actually made him more energetic.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Infinite Ultron couldn't understand how Supreme Strange did it.

In fact, Li Ming doesn't know this trick, but he has always wanted to learn it.

But according to what is said in the Supreme Strange Magic Notes, he must at least raise the [Supreme Strange Magic] to Lv. 9 before he can initially try to swallow other energies.

Unless he wants a few more tentacles on his body.

Infinite Ultron wanted to attack again, but several black holes blocked his way.

Glove Thanos.

Possessing the diamond-filled Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos is also one of the peak combat powers here.

He controlled the black hole to block Infinite Ultron, and then detonated it directly. The huge suction force made Infinite Ultron have to use the power of gems to block it.

However, this left it open, and Thor and the Scarlet Witch flanked it from front to back and launched continuous air strikes.

Although thunder and chaos magic are not as powerful as Li Ming's source power, they are still very powerful.

And Li Ming was unyielding when he gained the upper hand. He broke the right arm of Infinite Ultron with several source blasts.

Although it grew back in the next second.

"This won't work. As long as Ultron has six infinity stones, it won't be able to kill it even if it penetrates the universe."

Li Ming said quickly.

Although they can defeat Infinite Ultron even if they use hard strength, it's not necessary.

They are not here to destroy the universe, this is just Li Ming finding an opportunity to conduct an exercise for the Abyss Alliance.

Then Li Ming thought of a way.

"Put the gem on it, it won't be able to hold on for just one!"

Li Ming gave Tony a finger. This scene seemed familiar to Tony.

"Tony, I leave it to you."

"Why me?" Tony was very surprised, and then he immediately complained, "It must not be what I think."

He thought it was Li Ming's bad taste again.

"how come?"

Li Ming said with an upright face.

"You are extremely talented in this area. As long as you grab the infinite stones, don't even think about snapping your fingers." But the smile on his face could no longer be contained.

Of course, in fact, this arrangement is for other powerful people to create opportunities for Tony.

He was definitely not teasing Tony.

(End of this chapter)

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