The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 533 The End of Infinite Ultron

Chapter 533 The End of Infinite Ultron
Although this was not the first time he heard Ultron's point of view, Tony was still very surprised.

You, Dr. Banner, and Jarvis, who are all completely messed up in their outlook on life, how could they give birth to something like Ultron?

Tony felt that it was definitely not his fault.

The only explanation is the Mind Stone.

He already knew this was not a good thing!

With this thought in his mind, Tony rolled his eyes at Li Ming.

"Are you sure you want to watch it explode?"

The self-destruction of the four gems of Ultron is not like Thanos in "Avengers 4", which controlled the impact to a very small range.

This explosion affected almost half of the universe. If Infinite Ultron succeeded in self-destructing, at least half of the universe would be in ruins, and even the plane might be blasted with cracks, allowing Ultron to hide in the multiverse.

"Don't worry, get ready for Sunday." Li Ming responded quickly.

He activated the ability of Zeus's Lightning Sword and was so fast that he almost teleported, and he grabbed the signaling device that Tony had let go.

So Ultron quickly controlled the gem energy to attack Li Ming. Under the energy fluctuation at such a close range, the Patronus Charm on Li Ming gradually fell off and was subsequently consumed.

Finally, Li Ming found an energy weak area at the head of Ultron. Supreme Strange immediately took action and used the diamond space to prop up a hole. Li Ming and Thanos also immediately used gem energy to stabilize Ultron's Infinity Stones. Prevent him from blowing up.

Tony, who was closest to Ultron, quickly took out the signaling device, but Ultron would not let Tony succeed easily, and punched him away.

Its root is always artificial intelligence. When it encounters a more advanced Sunday that has become a living body, it is naturally irresistible.

Then Li Ming raised the signaling device and hit Ultron on the head. Ultron also wanted to stop him, but Li Ming was much stronger than Tony, and Ultron couldn't resist it at all.

"Loading...Consciousness erasing..." Sunday's voice also rang.

"found it!"

Although Li Ming's right arm was scratched with a bone-deep wound by the violent energy, it did not affect his movement at all, and the wound was still recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Ultron exclaimed.

However, the energy field of the surrounding Infinity Stones is chaotic and space jump does not work, but Li Ming is not only a good thing with the Infinity Stones.

Li Ming's physique comes from Solus, and his physical strength is stronger than Superman at this stage. Coupled with the self-healing ability of [Extremis Metal (A-level)], it is not surprising that he can withstand the energy of the Infinity Stones in a short period of time.

"Another...artificial intelligence?"

Seeing that Tony's power was unable to compete with Ultron, Li Ming immediately went to help.

But Li Ming had no intention of solving Ultron's doubts. He broke away suddenly and thrust the signaling device through the controllable gap in the Supreme Strange Structure, directly into Ultron's head.

"Your physical strength is actually so high?"

It almost vomited blood. I thought Li Ming's arm would be crushed into powder by the energy immediately, but it didn't.

Ultron thought this was an opportunity and quickly increased the intensity of his attack, hoping to tear Li Ming's right arm holding the signaling device into pieces before Li Ming succeeded.

Now Ultron's energy fluctuations are indeed large, but the chaotic energy field also gives Li Ming the opportunity to exploit the gaps.

The infinite Ultron that destroyed the world suddenly seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and his whole body twisted uncontrollably.

It's like in the world of cultivating immortals, a little monk with low strength relies on the golden finger (the soul gem) to continuously upgrade, and finally becomes obsessed with magic and becomes a giant in the demon world. However, because of his weak feet, he is defeated by a small soldier of the righteous boss.

Ultron's body swayed more and more calmly, indicating that Sunday's work was almost done.

"You...can never achieve...true peace."

Ultron finally stared at Li Ming and others and said these words, then completely stopped moving. "Consciousness has been erased." Sunday's voice came from Ultron's mouth.

"It's done."

Li Ming tore off the rag strips on his arms. His injuries had healed, but his clothes were inevitably damaged.

Of course, as soon as Li Ming's heart moved, the liquid nanometal poured out of his body, and he constructed new clothes in an instant.

"Successful?" Tony finally relaxed, "Huh, it's not easy."

Although Li Ming has always been confident, for others, it is an unprecedented fierce battle, and they dare not take it lightly even if there are many people.

Tony looked around. The planet they were on was affected by the energy of the gem and was close to collapse. Even with the Patronus Charm, he could feel the magma that was about to burst out in the gully under his feet.

"It's really scary."

He didn't dare to think about how tragic it would be if the battle took place on Earth.
"This is what we fight for, to keep danger out of our homes."

At this time, as the captain, Li Ming naturally started to drink chicken soup.

We must take this opportunity to promote the importance of the existence of the Abyss Alliance.

Sure enough, after hearing what Li Ming said, even Thanos nodded in agreement. It seems that personally experiencing a cosmic crisis is very convincing.

After recovering all the infinite stones from Ultron, Li Ming and others returned to Earth again. At this time, Thor, Wanda, Black Widow and Hawkeye were still fighting the robots.

Although Ultron's robot adopts the hive mode, in addition to the main body of Ultron, there are also extensions. This is to ensure that the robot army will not go down after Ultron leaves the current universe.

So after Ultron's death, the robot army is still attacking living creatures.

It was easier for them to solve it. On Sunday, they knew the location of the extension directly by accessing the Ultron database and manually offlined all the robots.

At this time, Thor and others finally knew that they had won, and they all smiled.

But Natasha and Clint couldn't laugh.

Even if they are the ones who want to defeat Ultron the most.

Looking at the two of them, Tony, Sol and others also stopped smiling.

They could understand how Natasha and Clint were feeling.

No matter who's universe is massacred until only one is left, it's difficult to be happy about defeating the devil and saving the world. After all, the world is gone.

"No matter what, thank you very much." Natasha suppressed the burst of emotions and said to everyone in the Abyss Alliance.

"Is there anything we can do, like go back in time to before this happened?"

Loki suggested suddenly.

Reset time, TVA does it all the time.

"Unfortunately, this cannot be done." The bald Yuatu appeared on the scene.

He explained: "Ultron has affected many universes. We cannot go back to the entire multiverse at the same time without affecting the stability of time."

Li Ming felt that this was indeed the case. To reverse the time of the entire multiverse, at least he could not do it currently.

The God of Story in the comics can do it, but Loki here obviously can't do it either.

After thinking about it, Li Ming's eyes lit up.

"So... I have a place to go."

(End of this chapter)

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