The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 558 King of Gotham Fan Meeting

Chapter 558 King of Gotham Fan Meeting

"see me?"

Hal, who was not nervous when he messed up the drill just now, suddenly became nervous now.

"Why...oh, what a disaster, Mr. Li Ming is our major shareholder."

Hal reacted immediately and stumbled over his words.

"I just... messed up my idol's business?"

"Yes, Your Excellency Li Ming is very angry now!"

Carol replied angrily.

Although she had long known that Hal's personality was like this, Carol was also very depressed about such a waste of the whole company's efforts, and she didn't mind scaring him.

Hal's face paled obviously. He admired Li Ming very much, and it was true that he dreamed of meeting Li Ming, but not after he got into trouble.

Carol took him to the door of the reception room and said politely: "Go in, the King of Gotham is waiting for you."


Hal swallowed hard and asked, "Do I need to salute?"

Carol sighed, no longer wanting to see his worthless appearance, she opened the door and kicked him in.

After stumbling through the door, Hal saw Li Ming sitting on the sofa smiling at him, and he quickly straightened his posture.

Then he bent down and said hello: "Your Excellency Li Ming."

"I watched the drill just now." Li Ming said gently.

Hal turned even paler.

"I'm curious, why did you violate the rules of engagement just to win when you knew that this exercise was about the company's survival?"

Hearing Li Ming's question, Hal's heart began to sink rapidly.

Oh no, no, no, your Excellency Li Ming is indeed here to investigate.

"I...I'm just taking every flight seriously."

Hal could only explain palely.

Without saying a word, Li Ming stood up and walked to Hal. Just when Hal was racking his brains and wanted to explain, Li Ming suddenly reached out and patted his shoulder twice.

"I admire you very much. People who can stick to themselves are very valuable."

Although he said he appreciated it, Li Ming didn't actually say that he was right.

That is to say, Hal will become the Green Lantern. If it were anyone else who messed up like this, Li Ming would have drowned him long ago.

But Hal himself would not know what Li Ming was thinking. Now he only felt that Li Ming's whole body was radiating light.

Everyone else blamed him, and Hal understood.

But Li Ming, the company's largest shareholder, recognized him, which made Hal very excited.

Look, what is the structure of the King of Gotham!

"However, although many times we do have to use some extraordinary means in order to win."

At this time, Li Ming changed the subject.

"But we cannot disregard the safety of our teammates. It is really not good to use our teammates as bait."

Hal nodded quickly.

Hal could not take it seriously when faced with other people's preaching, but Li Ming was the person he had admired since he was a child, and Hal cared very much about what he said.

Even though Li Ming looks younger than Hal, Li Ming looked like this when Hal watched TV twenty years ago. His peers, such as Gordon, have already turned gray now.

Therefore, in front of Li Ming, Hal placed his status as a junior.

After encouraging Hal a few more words, Li Ming asked Hal to leave. He was just familiar with Hal.

The next time is the official meeting.

The meeting of the King of Gotham and the Green Lantern!
Because a green alien spacecraft has been detected in space on Sunday and is flying towards the earth, and its landing point is the shore of Beach City.

This is the spaceship of the legendary Green Lantern, Abin Sue, who fled to Earth while dying after being attacked by the Parallax monster.

Hal Jordan became the Green Lantern after inheriting Abin Sue's Green Lantern ring. Li Ming had no intention of stealing Hal's opportunity. Hal in the movie version was destined to become the Green Lantern. The Green Lantern Ring did not look for the nearest living being, but selected Hal on the entire planet.

But this does not mean that Li Ming does not want the power of the green light. Hal is just a stepping stone for Li Ming, and he has already made plans.

Because the accident was finally solved perfectly by Li Ming, Hal did not receive much blame. He drove home excitedly and couldn't wait to tell everyone he knew about the recognition of him by the King of Gotham.

This state lasted until night. Hal, who was about to go out to have fun, was suddenly surrounded by a green light, and then was carried across half of the seaside city by the green light, and was thrown into a puddle on the shore.

He was surprised to find that there was an alien spacecraft in the water on the shore, and there was a purple-skinned alien inside!
Hal quickly jumped into the water and rescued Abin Su from the spacecraft, but faced with the huge wound on Abin Su's chest, Hal had no choice.

"Hold on, I'll find you a hospital...well, a hospital that can transfuse purple blood."

Hal was in a hurry, but Abin Su was very calm. He handed the green light ring to Hal.

"Take it, it has chosen you, put it in the lamp and swear..." Abin Su's breath became weaker and weaker, and his voice became very low.

"What oath?" Hal was confused.

"Supreme honor and responsibility..."

Abin Su only had time to say half a sentence before he lost his breath completely.

"No, no, you don't want to die!"

Hal also tried to compress Abin Su's chest, but to no avail.

"It's usually difficult to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on aliens."

At this time, a voice that was very familiar to Hal sounded. He looked up and saw that it was Li Ming.

"Your Excellency Li Ming...oh Justice League! This matter is under the jurisdiction of the Justice League."

Hal muttered to himself, as if he had found a backbone.

He rushed to Li Ming, told the story incoherently, and showed Li Ming the green light ring.

However, Li Ming just waved his hand and did not take the ring.

"It chose you, take good care of it." Li Ming said.

"Your Excellency Li Ming, do you know what this is?" Hal was surprised.

"The Green Lantern Corps' ring, the light over there can recharge it."

Li Ming pointed to the green light in the spacecraft.

"The official people are coming soon. If you don't want to be brought into the bureau, it's best to leave first."

"oh oh!"

"it is good!"

Hal was very obedient and immediately rushed into the spacecraft, put on the light, and called his good friend Thomas to pick him up.

"Is he...dead?"

After doing all this, Hal looked at Abin Su and asked.

"It seems so." Li Ming replied.

Regardless of whether Abin Su is dead or not, Li Ming treats him as dead anyway.

Otherwise, wouldn’t Hal’s lamp ring have to be returned?

Li Ming took out a business card and handed it to Hal: "If you need help with anything, you can contact me."

Hal quickly took it and received the contact information of the King of Gotham. This was something he had never dared to think about before.

Soon Thomas arrived in his car.

Hal quickly told him the story, then took Thomas, who wanted to get Li Ming's autograph, and left quickly.

However, Thomas still issued a soul torture.

"The alien gave you a ring? Did he propose to you?"

 Thank you Qingshan negative snow

  Murong Yuhao and I have great monthly support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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