The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 565 Justice League vs. Green Lantern Corps!

Chapter 565 Justice League vs. Green Lantern Corps!

"Green Lantern 2814, how dare you bring outsiders into OA without permission!"

The little blue people were shocked and angry, and asked Hal one after another.

They call Green Lanterns by numbers, and 2814 is the sector number that Hal guards.

But until now, the little blue people have not realized the seriousness of the problem.

Although they don't know how the so-called Justice League entered the OA, they really didn't pay attention to the superheroes who came from an ordinary planet and a civilization that had not even officially left their home planet.

This kind of superhero usually has some strange abilities, but they are not too outrageous. This is the conclusion made by the little blue people based on their personal experience of hundreds of millions of years.

But what they don't quite understand is that there is such a ball in the universe, and it doesn't follow the usual path!

As soon as they appeared, without saying anything, Li Ming and Bruce made a tacit agreement to attack Sinestro.

To be precise, he attacked the yellow light ring on Sinestro's hand.

"The first day I entered the Corps, the instructor told me that the Green Lantern Corps' will was to protect the universe."

Comparatively, if their home planet is abandoned by the Green Lantern Corps, after knowing that there is hope of saving the planet, their choice may not be any different from Hal's.

"How dare you invade the Green Lantern Corps!"

Most Green Lanterns are not aware of the existence of this thing, which means that this thing does not conflict with the interests of most Green Lanterns.

What is the yellow light?
We have the green light!

This kind of unexpected sneak attack is often very useful.

Oh, as soon as these words came out, less than 20% of the Green Lanterns were rushing here at full speed.

But at this time Hal's voice also sounded throughout the OA planet. He used the Green Lantern Ring and Li Ming's source power to assist, and the voice clearly reached the ears of every Green Lantern.

And Hal has already said that their target is only the yellow light ring.

For example, Thomas Ray and Kilowog, the senior Green Lanterns who had taught Hal, looked at each other and walked slowly on their way.

"Now that the Green Lantern Corps has abandoned the Earth, we can only find a way to save our planet with the Yellow Lantern Ring!"

"I'm very curious, if the Parallax Monster goes to your home planet today, what will you do after the Legion abandons your planet?"

After hearing Hal's words, Li Ming clearly noticed that nearly 60% of the Green Lanterns had slowed down.

And Hal's stern voice continued.

This was what Li Ming taught Hal to say, with the purpose of disintegrating the will of the Green Lantern Corps.

Sinestro immediately issued a summons, and all the Green Lanterns on Planet OA knew that there was a foreign invasion and rushed here.

"We don't want to hurt anyone, we just want to protect our home planet!"

But it's a pity that Sinestro has also been through hundreds of battles and has rich experience. He entered the fighting state as early as when they appeared. He quickly flew into the sky to distance himself from the Zhenglian people.

From the very beginning, it was made clear that he and others were here to save their home planet, and no one could find fault with it. After all, the sectors guarded by the Green Lanterns all had their own home planet.

When it comes to fighting, the most important thing is to attack the heart.

"Is this the will of the Green Lantern Corps to give up billions of lives on Earth now that we know there is danger?"

The combination of so many factors has a very significant effect, and the Green Lanterns are no longer as anxious as they were when they first received the call-up order.

Of course, there are also many Green Lanterns who regard the glory of the Green Lantern Corps as their own mission. They feel that no matter what the reason is, they just can't do it, so they rush towards it with all their strength.

But compared to the thousands of Green Lanterns, the number of Green Lanterns who arrived the fastest was only two to three hundred, less than one-tenth of the total number of Green Lantern Corps.

Seeing this scene, Sinestro also knew that Hal's words had a great impact, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, this matter is indeed a fault of the Green Lantern Corps. It is too much to ask the Green Lantern to abandon his home planet, and it also violates most of the taboos of the Green Lanterns. If Hal is asked to abandon his home planet this time, will it be their turn next time?
Some Green Lanterns even feel like their house is being destroyed. The Green Lantern Corps, which has always claimed to uphold justice, would actually make such a choice.

But even if there were only two or three hundred Green Lanterns, Sinestro thought it would be enough to deal with the seven people in front of him.

And even if they arrive slowly, there is still a steady stream of Green Lanterns rushing to the scene.


Sinestro gave the order directly. Except for a few people who were watching, most of the Green Lanterns present took action together. The green lights formed a giant net and rushed towards everyone in the Justice League.

It is worth mentioning that the Green Lantern Corps prohibits the use of lethal force and does not allow the killing of intelligent life.

Therefore, when the Green Lanterns take action at this moment, they mainly use restrictive measures.

Sinestro's face softened slightly, thinking that this would end this farce. The energy of so much Green Lantern is definitely not just that of Earth...


As soon as Sinestro's thoughts came to his mind, he heard a loud noise. A strong man in a red cloak broke through the blockade before the giant network was fully formed. His heat vision swept through the air, causing the giant network to collapse immediately.

Sinestro was still a little hesitant when he saw Clark in the air, but the little blue man had already recognized him.


A little blue man nodded, suddenly enlightened.

"So this is your confidence?"

"But it's useless. Kryptonians are strong in technology. I've seen their individual strength. There's nothing we can do about it..."

Bang bang bang bang!
Before he finished speaking, Clark launched continuous attacks from high altitude, and the Green Lanterns were knocked down like dumplings.

Several Green Lanterns fired green lantern energy reasonably to form a barrier, trying to trap Clark inside.

But they completely underestimated Clark's power. Clark rushed forward with six Green Lanterns. The Green Lanterns were unable to do anything to Superman until they were knocked over.

In fact, Green Lantern's speed is not weak, and he can even fly faster than the speed of light in the universe. However, the location of the battle is the temple of the Green Lantern Corps, and the Green Lanterns have concerns.

Although many people say that Superman has no magic resistance, it is just a joke. This is only compared to his almost invincible physical resistance. Normal magic attacks still cannot break Superman's defense.

"I've never seen such a strong Kryptonian."

The little blue man muttered to himself.

"But it is normal for a race to have several outliers."

He then looked at the others in Zhenglian: "But it is rare for a planet to have an exception in ten thousand years."

But he quickly shut up.

Because Diana is not far behind Clark, her divine attack is even more violent than Superman's, and the green light energy almost collapses at a touch.

Although Batman's attack power is not as strong as the previous two, he has rich attack methods, and one person can hit several people.

Although Supergirl is worse than Superman, she has no problem dealing with several Green Lanterns, but Arthur went even further. He took away the giant stick that Green Lantern embodied, and used his brute force to beat the pillars where the Guardians were sitting one by one. Break.

The little blue people could only fly into the air, helplessly watching the Justice League make a mess of the Green Lantern Corps.

"What's going on with this ball called Earth?"

"Why do so many unconventional characters appear?"

The little blue people were very confused, but the worst thing was Sinestro, because he keenly sensed that several members of the Justice League were targeting him.

Especially the leader in the middle who had not taken action, his eyes never left the yellow light ring in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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