The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 596 Sonny: Something seems wrong?

Chapter 596 Sonny: Something seems wrong?
Demonic space, high-level meeting.


"All of this is indeed a conspiracy from heaven!"

The Lord of the Starry Sky burst out with a strong momentum and said angrily.

Among the worlds currently affected by the war, the forces under his jurisdiction have suffered the most, so they are naturally furious.

"Amon, spread this information to other camps."

The black-skinned man sitting on the high platform in the center said, and everyone else immediately fell silent as soon as he opened his mouth.

The leader of the demonic organization, Beelzebub.

"Tell them that all this is an excuse fabricated by heaven, and the so-called hell consciousness is purely a frame-up."

"And I also want to remind them, beware of the thief in heaven who shouts "catch the thief."

"The spider totem is always the cause of everything. Do we really know nothing?" He frowned and asked this unavoidable question.

"They are natives of other worlds. They were sealed from the parallel world thousands of years ago. Zeus has clear records." The Lord of the Starry Sky answered.

They all understand.

"Do you know the origin of Kamel? Is he a reincarnator or a native?" Beelzebub asked the Star Lord, the controller of the God of War world.

the other demon asked hesitantly.

The demon organization does not have strict discipline like the angels. They are actually an alliance of forces of various eighth-level reincarnations.

"Yes Mammon, no doubt, we really know nothing." Beelzebub answered proactively, blocking the openings of others.

"But, about the spider totem..."

However, Lamande was unreasonable: "And no one can control the pricing of the exchange hall. If you have any idea, Xingkong, you can tell us. Even if you want the position of demon leader, I, Lamande, will be the first to support you!"

But Lord Lamande, who looked like a peaceful middle-aged man, was not as good-tempered as he appeared.

"Xingkong, if you can't remember, I can find a few vampires to take care of your daily life."

"Everyone knows that Saulus handed over the spider totem to the camp and was able to enter hell and become a reincarnation. It has nothing to do with me."

"What's so difficult about this? We all know that Sorus, who took out the spider totem, is Lamande's man. Can't we just ask Lamande?"

No matter what the facts are, let's pour dirty water on the opponent first.

All the demons present will smile heartily.

Compared to other demons, this one is much more normal, looking like a young man.

After listening to Lord Lamande's words, Lord Starry Sky's face instantly turned gloomy.

Lamande's words were so rude that even the demon leader was brought out to speak out, and the Lord of the Starry Sky was rendered speechless.

Then he said bitterly: "Now it seems that heaven was already making arrangements at that time."

But he was wearing a white suit with a red rose on his chest, looking extremely coquettish.

The Lord of the Starry Sky started to attack Hassoun's father.

Yes, although Beelzebub is the leader of the demons, he is only at the peak of the eighth level. Even though he is extremely close to the ninth level, he is still a little short of it.

Therefore, the demons will respect him, but they will not follow his lead. This is why Lamande can take him with him.


Ramand glanced at Beelzebub. He always felt that the demon leader was hiding something.

Beelzebub also noticed his gaze, but ignored it and changed the topic: "Okay, now is the time to unite as one, let's not fight among ourselves."

"Since Michael dares to launch a holy war, it means that his injury should be healed soon."

As soon as these words came out, all the demons present became nervous, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Beelzebub was very satisfied with their current honest situation, and continued: "No matter what happens, Michael should be able to leave the heaven space, otherwise he will not have the confidence to start a war."

"Yes, there are more eighth-level reincarnators in hell than in heaven. We are not completely sure that Michael will not take action." Mammon nodded solemnly.

"But I think Michael hasn't fully recovered yet. After all, the breath of the abyss has silenced him for a hundred thousand years, and it's not easy to get rid of it." But at the same time, Mammon also expressed his views, causing all the demons to nod.

"That's right." Beelzebub also sneered at this time, "When we attacked the abyss, Michael was greedy for merit. Although the harvest in heaven was the greatest, it also made him, the most powerful god of war, hide in the heaven space. Recuperate."

"If he had fully recovered, with Michael's temper, he would have burned us all with the holy flames himself."


Beelzebub's words relaxed the atmosphere again, and the demons laughed and breathed a sigh of relief.

After all this, the meeting was much less tense.

"Then this is obviously the conspiracy of the angels!" Lord Starry Sky stepped forward and forcibly redeemed himself.

He asked for orders: "I will go to that world myself and take care of the angel Kamel, otherwise the surrounding worlds will fall."

Beelzebub nodded. He knew that the King of the Starry Sky was reluctant to lose his power, and he would definitely not be able to stop it.

"Don't kill that Kamel, capture him and interrogate him strictly." In the end, Beelzebub just stated his bottom line.

"it is good!"

The Lord of the Starry Sky also knew that his participation in the war so early would definitely trigger a chain reaction and possibly have a negative impact on the situation, so he quickly agreed to Beelzebub's request.

"I will definitely bring him back alive!"

On the other side, Li Ming, who didn't know that he had become the target of the mission, was messing around with Kratos.

They fought from the sky to the ground, from the dense forest to the deep sea, but Li Ming turned around and saw - [The analysis progress is 4%. 】

"Isn't this too slow?"

Li Ming discovered that the analysis progress was not even growing at a constant rate, because the time it stayed at 4% was longer than all the previous times combined.

But except for the analysis, everything else went smoothly.

The reincarnators in heaven followed Li Ming's Angel of Destruction legion and really gained a lot of credit.

Whenever the angel of destruction entangles the reincarnation of hell, people from heaven will swarm up and carry out the siege of the holy light.

Li Ming pointed the transformed spear in his hand: "Devil, suffer death!"

Immediately, a group of reincarnators in heaven waved flags and shouted: "Kamael is right!"

"I have been dormant for a long time, and finally I was inspired to let the glory of heaven destroy the entire hell!" Li Ming continued.


The reincarnators don't care what Li Ming said, as long as it can make them rich, whatever Li Ming says is right.

But this was not the case in the ears of the Star King who had just arrived.

"Okay, okay, heaven has indeed planned this for a long time." The Lord of Starry Sky laughed angrily.

He looked at his huge world, which had been turned into chaos by disaster, and couldn't bear it anymore, so he immediately took action with hatred.

The battlefield sky, which was already covered with dark clouds, suddenly turned completely dark, and an extremely powerful aura enveloped everyone.

Countless reincarnations stopped and trembled.

But still stubborn.

"Did it turn out that the big devil came out? The Holy Light is fearless!"

Li Ming burst out with white light, dispelling some of the darkness and looking extremely dazzling.

"Is this Kamel mentally ill? Can't he feel that an eighth-level powerhouse is coming?" Sunny thought speechlessly as he struggled to resist the invasion of Star King's power.

Sure enough, the next second Li Ming was pressed down by the power of Star Lord, and the holy light on his body dimmed.

"Heaven will eventually win this holy war. Even if I die, His Excellency Michael will wipe out all of you!" But Li Ming was still shouting.

Hearing this, Sonny suddenly felt something was wrong.

Jihad? Michael?

Why are these words so strange when they come out of Kamel's mouth?
(End of this chapter)

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