The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 598 In the world of "God of War 4", the God of War picked up a God of War

Chapter 598 In the world of "God of War 4", the God of War picked up a God of War

Li Ming briefly felt the breath of the dense forest and found that there was almost no breath of living people here, only ogres and corpses everywhere.

The only safe zone is an area in the forest that is wrapped in a protective spell.

That's where Kratos' family lives, the Wild Forest.

At the end of "God of War 3", Kratos spread the power of hope to the world at the cost of his life, but he did not die.

Maybe the Blade of Chaos didn't want to lose its master, or maybe a god saved him. When Kratos woke up again, he had arrived in the world of Norse mythology.

Although Greece and Northern Europe may be the same world in the game and can be reached by Kratos by boat, here, Greece and Northern Europe belong to two different worlds.

Midgard is the world in Norse mythology.

In this dense forest where Li Ming was, Kratos lived alone for seventy years until he met another love in his heart.

Fei, an equally powerful female warrior.

At this time, Fei had passed away, and Kratos cut down the protective trees she had set up in the wild forest according to Fei's last words, guiding Odin to discover this place, and allowing the father and son to embark on their journey in advance.

The giants will rebel against Odin and the entire Æsir, and this war will eventually destroy the entire Nine Realms.

Because a few giants have a special gift.

Fei is the God of War among the giants. He once fought with the Asa Protoss and saved many lives, including giants, humans, dwarves, etc., so he is very loved.

Now is the time when the plot of "God of War 4" begins.

The reason why Fei didn't say anything was to protect her family and... to help Kratos change his destiny.

They can accurately predict future events, and the most famous prediction they made is Ragnarok.

So the two people who had a lot in common fell in love and gave birth to a little boy twenty-seven years later. Kratos named him Atreus.

At this time, Kratos' temper was much better than when he was in Greece. He confessed everything about himself to Fei, but Fei did not tell her previous experiences.


So Odin's response was - kill all the giants in the world!

Fei's true identity is a giant, and in this world, the giants are the worst race.

But in the end the giants died, and the disheartened Fei lived in seclusion in the wild forest and used protective spells to create a paradise.

Fei is also proficient in prophecy. She predicted that Kratos would die in Ragnarok, so she traveled everywhere in advance and marked all the crawlable gaps in the nine worlds to guide Kratos out of this ending.

The reason why he was so sure was that Li Ming discovered that the protective spell in the dense forest had weakened a lot, which meant that Kratos' wife Fei was dead.

So the entire "God of War 4" and "God of War 5" are actually the process of Fei changing Kratos' life.

And she, like Kratos, is tired of war.

Of course, Kratos doesn't care.

The giant nation Jotunheim was destroyed as a result.

The Odin of this world is not the kind old man in Marvel, but a tyrannical king.

Li Ming didn't know if the giant had a weak brain. It would be fine if he discovered this kind of prophecy. He could just hide it secretly and not let others know. But he preferred death. The giant who made this prophecy did so in front of Odin. Said it face to face.

The protective tree is the big tree engraved with golden handprints that Kratos holds in his arms while missing his dead wife at the beginning of "God of War 4".

Nowadays, the war between heaven and hell is getting more and more intense. A war like this between the two camps with so many worlds cannot be ended in a short time, so Li Ming has time to secretly develop.

His purpose is to get in touch with Kratos, so he naturally wants to get in touch with them.

But Kratos and his son had just lost their wife and mother, so Li Ming had to use some strategy to get in.

Fortunately, Li Ming is also familiar with the plot of "God of War", and the most important thing is that he is also very clever.

Li Ming walked to the wild forest and attracted a man-eating troll. These trolls were huge and considered one of the strongest predators in the forest.

Li Ming quickly inflicted some injuries on himself, and deliberately preserved the wounds of the Blade of Chaos on his chest. Then he walked the troll all the way to a big tree with a golden palm print on it.

Only then did Li Ming kill the roaring troll behind him, and the surrounding environment was also destroyed by him, pretending to be a scene after a hard battle. Afterwards, Li Ming pretended to be seriously injured and passed out under the big tree with the golden palm mark.

At this time, the movement here also attracted Kratos and his son who went to chop down trees. When they arrived, they immediately discovered Li Ming under the big tree.

"Father, look, there is someone there!"

A little boy with a round face and short hair next to Kratos pointed at Li Ming and shouted, this is Kratos's son, Atreus.

Atreus was very excited because it had been a long time since he last saw a human.

In the plot of "God of War 4", due to Odin's successive battles, Helheim, the underworld, can no longer accommodate more dead souls. Many dead souls are forced to return to their former bodies. This is why the undead in the Nine Realms are prevalent.

Most of the humans in Midgard lost their lives at the hands of these ghost walkers. After death, they became new undead and continued to slaughter living creatures.

Now, except for a few human gathering points in Midgard, there are no traces of human life elsewhere.

"Stay behind me, kid."

Kratos grabbed Atreus. Unlike his simple son, Kratos had experienced too many dangers, so he was very wary of everything.

They slowly walked to the big tree and saw the troll's corpse with traces extending all the way out, and quickly figured out the situation.

"He was chased here by the troll and tried his best to kill the troll, but he was also injured and fainted." Atreus said.

At this time, Kratos saw that there was no danger and stopped holding him. So Atreus rushed to Li Ming, squatted down and checked his injuries.

"He's still angry!"

Atreus raised his head and suggested to his father: "Father, let's save him."

But there was no sympathy in Kratos's eyes. He just shook his head: "We have more important things to do."

After speaking, he came to the big tree with golden palm prints and put his palms on the marks, as if he could feel the warmth of his wife's palms.

"But my mother taught me to be kind and to help those in need."

Atreus became stubborn. In front of the big tree planted by his mother, he remembered his mother's instructions to him to be kind.

Kratos didn't speak, but silently took out his ax and prepared to chop down the tree.

He rejected Atreus's proposal with his actions.

"This must be what mother wanted to see. It's definitely not a coincidence that he happened to fall under mother's tree!" Atreus said unwillingly.

He was afraid of his father, but Atreus had faith when it came to his mother.

Kratos also stopped moving when he heard this. He knew that Atreus's words were correct.

"Fei, if you really think so, drop a leaf on him." Kratos said, stroking the trunk.

But in fact, he had already planned to save this person. Anyway, if he had evil intentions, he would just kill him.

"I'm not afraid that you will raise conditions, but I'm afraid that you won't raise them."

Li Ming was secretly happy.

But Atreus's eyes widened. He was not surprised by this condition, but——

"Father can actually say so many words in one breath?"

"Ah uh..."

Atreus then realized that he had actually spoken out what was in his heart, and quickly reached out to cover his mouth.

But Kratos didn't pay attention to what he said at this time, because he found that just as he finished speaking, two leaves suddenly broke away from the branches, swayed left and right in the air with the breeze, and slowly and accurately fell to Li Ming's body.


Li Ming, who was pretending to be unconscious, felt confused.

He only knocked down one leaf, why did he lose two?

(End of this chapter)

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