Chapter 605: Son Nuquitos
Li Ming completely regarded himself as the lubricant between father and son. He found that as long as Atreus understood Kratos's thoughts, the analysis progress would be improved.

He knows how to deal with children.

With Li Ming around, Atreus was not made to doubt life by the taciturn Kratos like in the plot, feeling that Kratos didn't care about him.

Through Li Ming's reminder, he understood that his father loved him, but he was not good at expressing it.

As a result, many of Atreus' previous dissatisfactions with his father disappeared.

But there's another thing that gives Kratos a headache.

Atreus followed Li Ming and learned to complain about his old father.

When he saw another rune, Atreus spoke first before Kratos could speak.

He imitated Kratos' tone: "Kid, read this."

When Kratos was stumped by the mechanism in the temple, Atreus did not impatiently say "Why don't you stop doing it, it's a stupid riddle" as in the plot, but would tease Kratos with Li Ming.

“Does killing wolves really affect IQ?”

"You are inferior if you only know how to use an axe."

Of course, the above two sentences were said by Li Ming. Atreus would deliberately wait for Kratos to find the wrong mechanism, then seemingly carelessly point to the correct location, making Kratos look like a fool.

Every time like this, Kratos would glare at the two of them, and then turn away from them.

Sometimes Atreus would worry about whether Kratos was really angry, and then Li Ming would pat his shoulder to indicate that it was okay.

The parsing progress doesn't lie.

[Analysis progress +1%. 】

[Analysis progress +1%. 】

What an arrogant old God of War who speaks with disdain for his integrity!
The three of them broke through the obstacles. Kratos and his son killed them all the way, and Li Ming applauded and applauded all the way. They finally removed the obstacles of the dark elves and restored the light of creation.

Standing in front of the Light of Creation, Kratos took out the collection device given to him by Freya. He needed to walk in to collect it.

"Here you go, kid."

He gave Atreus the Ax of Leviathan to use for his own protection.

Of course, with Li Ming by his side, Kratos wasn't worried that Atreus' life would be in danger.

Then he walked right in.

"Now it's your turn to protect me, little God of War." Li Ming winked at Atreus and said shamelessly.

Atreus looked in disbelief.

He had seen Li Ming use an ax full of thunder and lightning to defeat the Dark Elf King in one fell swoop. How could Li Ming say this to a child to protect him?

But when it comes to being thick-skinned, Atreus is no match for Li Ming. Seeing the dark elf soldiers rushing over to Li Ming indifferently, Atreus could only face them with a pout.

This welcome lasts a day and a night.

The Dark Elf soldiers kept attacking. Atreus was a little confused at first, but he gradually got used to it and used knives, bows and arrows, scissors, and axes to deal with the invading enemies over and over again. The bodies of the Dark Elf were piled up. Several hills finally subsided temporarily.


Atreus gasped, looking at his father who was about to be swallowed up by the light of the world.

"Why hasn't father come out yet?"

Because Li Ming has always been with him and understood that Kratos loves him, Atreus is not as angry as in the plot and is worried that Kratos will not want him anymore.

"He must be trapped by the illusion." Li Ming explained.

Then he rolled his eyes, approached Atreus and said: "Pull Kratos out later, and you will be like this..."

Atreus was shocked, he did not expect such an operation: "Is this really possible?"

Li Ming patted his chest: "Trust me!"

So Atreus nodded, and then quickly went to pull Kratos out who had taken another step forward. When he was first pulled out, Kratos was still a little angry.

"What are you doing..."

"Why have you been gone for so long?" Unexpectedly, Atreus was the first to attack.

Only then did Kratos notice the surrounding scene and was immediately stunned.

There were dark elf corpses all over the ground. Seeing that Li Ming was spotless and Atreus was covered in blood, it was not difficult to know who had solved the problem.

"How long have I been in there?" he asked.

"The whole day..." Atreus sobbed, "I thought you didn't want me anymore."

After saying that, he didn't care about Kratos's reaction, and turned around and left to clean up the battlefield.

But his look on the verge of tears left Kratos at a loss.

How has he ever dealt with such a situation?
In particular, Li Ming was still helping: "Atreus has been worried about you all day."

This made Kratos feel even more guilty.

Although he felt that he was only in it for a few seconds, Kratos also heard Atreus complaining about himself in the vision, and realized that he had indeed neglected his son in many places.

Now this happened again, but it made Kratos a little anxious.

Although he is the Spartan God of War, no father does not want his children to show admiration and care for him in front of him, so Kratos is actually very happy.

But looking at Atreus who ignored him, Kratos really didn't know how to comfort the child.

"Please, you can give me a hug." Li Ming looked anxiously from the side.

Kratos woke up from a dream and quickly walked over and hugged Atreus.

"Sorry, I thought only a few seconds passed," Kratos explained.

Atreus's body stopped shaking, and he hugged Kratos tightly.

He was not angry to begin with, but Li Ming said that he could see the other side of Kratos, so he did so.

Unexpectedly, he really saw his father expressing true emotions. He had only seen his father like this in his mother before.

Crying children are fed by milk, and the same applies to the God of War.

Atreus glanced at Li Ming secretly and gave him a smile.

It seems like... telling a little lie now and then can pay off well?

[The current analysis progress is 45%. 】

"Good guy, it's gone up so much this time," Li Mingxin said.

After collecting the light of the world, the three returned the same way, but the Dark Elf King was not happy.

You have killed so many of my subordinates, how can we leave without killing us?
Yes, Li Ming felt that the Dark Elf King came out to deliver food. Although he was much stronger than other Dark Elf, it was not like he had never seen Kratos' embryo-killing strength before.

Sure enough, under the mixed doubles fight between Kratos and his son, the Dark Elf King was also beaten to the ground, but when Kratos was about to kill him with his axe, Li Ming took action.

He used his source power to block Leviathan's ax, and then said: "The war between the light and dark elves should not be ended by us."

Li Ming vaguely remembered that the light elves seemed to want to enslave the dark elves, so they were killed by the dark elves.

Kratos nodded and took back his axe.

[Analysis progress +2%. 】

Is this only 2%?

Li Ming was a little disappointed, thinking that recognizing your ideas is not as good as helping you coax your children. Kratos, you are really a slave to your son.

(End of this chapter)

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