The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 614 Great Love, analysis completed

Chapter 614 Great Love, analysis completed

The mountain of Jotunheim has five straight peaks standing at its highest point, just like the mythical Five Finger Mountains.

This is indeed the highest mountain in the Nine Realms. The surroundings are completely shrouded in clouds and mist, making it difficult to see the situation in the distance. There are only some vague black shadows.

But Li Ming knew that the black shadows around this mountain were not other mountains, most of them were the corpses of other giants.

Thor did it.

Atreus was originally looking forward to seeing a living giant inside, but now he gave up the idea.

There is a huge temple on the mountain, but the giant sculpture inside is covered with dust, and it seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

There was a gap in the temple leading to the outside. Kratos took Atreus and walked over. Atreus's hand unconsciously touched the wall next to it. Suddenly the soil on the wall began to fall, revealing the murals above. out.

"Father, look!"

Atreus excitedly pointed to the pattern on the wall, "The woman holding your ax is mother!"

"What does it look like she's arguing with the giants?"

Kratos and his son looked along the murals. Although many of the images were broken, they still saw that they were all about what they had experienced along the way.

Fighting with Badr, getting to know Jormungandr, and even the battle with Badr's mother and son that just happened.

"These paintings are all our stories."

"My mother is a giant?"

Atreus was very surprised, and he quickly guessed the truth based on the picture.

"Mom led us here. She has been with us since we cut down trees!" He was very excited. "Mom must want to tell us something here!"


Kratos turned to look at Li Ming and found that he was standing in front of a red curtain. There was obviously a prophetic pattern behind the curtain.

So he took Atreus and walked to Li Ming.

"Is this it?" Kratos asked.

Li Ming nodded and motioned for the two father and son to reveal it in person.

Kratos and Atreus looked at each other, and then they both pulled the curtain together and raised it at the same time.

The scene behind came into their eyes.

In the portrait, Kratos fell to the ground, Atreus hugged him, and a long object appeared in his mouth, as if... he was reciting a death prayer.


"This is impossible!"

Atreus was shocked. He did not expect that the prophecy behind this would be that his father would die in front of his eyes.

But Kratos just shrank his eyes and then returned to normal.

He doesn't believe in prophecies or fate.

"Kid, calm down."

Kratos put his hand on Atreus's shoulder, and Atreus hugged Kratos tightly with his backhand, as if he was worried that his father would leave him in the next second.

"This is a prophecy made by Lao Fei," Li Ming said.

Kratos suddenly believed in the prophecy.

Oh no, I believe in my wife.

If this was his ending, he would accept it calmly as long as Atreus could live well.

"But...Lao Fei is unwilling to accept this prophecy." Li Ming pointed to the first mural they saw. "She wanted to break this prophecy, but the giants were unwilling. For this reason, Lao Fei did not hesitate to break with her own race. ”

"Why are the giants unwilling?" Atreus had an opinion.

"Because the giants predicted that Odin's rule would be overthrown within the original trajectory, there would be unknown risks if it were changed."

Li Ming explained.

"But Laufei tried his best to help you reverse your fate, and even went through your journey himself."

"Golden mark?" Kratos opened his eyes wide. Li Ming nodded and said in the excited eyes of father and son: "Yes, that is her guidance to you."

"She planned it all the way, even though the cost was her life."

Li Ming looked at Kratos: "I have to say, she really loves you."

Tears filled Kratos's eyes. He had never doubted his wife's love for him, but he didn't expect Laufei to have paid so much for him.

Atreus's focus was on prophecy.

"Li, you just said that mother helped father reverse his destiny?"

"Actually, the so-called destiny prediction is just a prediction based on a combination of personality and personal choices."

This is what the three goddesses of destiny in this world said personally.

"In other words, if we make different choices, the prophecy will change." Li Ming looked at the father and son with a smile, "This is why Lao Fei asked you to start your journey."

"You have met many enemies and gained many friends along the way. The most important thing is that the relationship between your father and son is getting better and better. These will change your character Kratos."

"When you no longer solve problems by killing, the ending will naturally change."

Atreus immediately asked nervously: "What should my father become?"

But Li Ming shook his head: "This change must be understood by oneself. Even if I know it, I can't say it."


Kratos suddenly touched Atreus' head. Such an intimate gesture and address was the first time in Atreus's memory.

"Don't worry about me." Kratos comforted.

Even if it is for his son, he will try his best to survive.

At this time, Li Ming struck while the iron was hot.

"Remember what Atreus said in the temple of Tyr?"

“When we work together and come together, there is hope.”

"The source of Ragnarok comes from Odin. Now are you going to join us and work together to overthrow Odin?"

Kratos was a little moved, but he looked at Atreus very hesitantly.

Li Ming understood what he meant.

Atreus was too young to take part in the wars of the gods.

"Three years, you have three years to train Atreus and make him a powerful warrior." Li Ming reminded.


Atreus looked up at Kratos. He wanted to join in and change his father's fate.

Kratos sighed: "Training will be tough."

"I am not afraid of hardship!" Atreus replied immediately.

When training was linked to saving his father's life, Atreus burst out with a strong sense of faith.

Kratos knew that even if he disagreed, Atreus would secretly find a way, and it would be even more dangerous then.

So he finally nodded in agreement.

"Let's join!"

Kratos' eyes moved to Laufei in the mural, and he thought to himself: "Is this what you expected, Fei?"

He still couldn't forget the two fallen leaves that fell from the tree when he first met Li Ming.

"Okay, now it's your family time, I won't interrupt you." Li Ming said towards the gap in the wall.

Kratos and his son nodded, walked from the gap to the edge of the mountain top, and worked together to scatter Laufei's ashes around, fulfilling Laufei's last wish.

When they returned to the temple and saw Li Ming, Li Ming also received the reminder.

[Ding, the current parsing progress is 100%! 】

(End of this chapter)

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