The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 616: The dwarf brothers who are very good at playing, join the new camp in the war

Chapter 616: The dwarf brothers who are very good at playing, join the new camp in the war

The winter of Finbul came extremely violently, and the heavy snow never stopped. Midgard was completely covered in snow, and even the Lake of the Nine Realms began to freeze.

The teleportation room on the Nine Realms Bridge needs to rotate on the lake to align with the Kingdom Tower. It is foreseeable that after the Nine Realms Lake freezes, the original teleportation method cannot be used.

So Brock and Sindri's mission is to find a new way to teleport between the nine realms.

This is naturally not easy, but Li Ming believes that Brother Hu Jian will always find a way.

"Yeah, yeah, the dwarf brothers will always find a way, don't try to fool me as Atreus." Brock complained while swinging the hammer.

"Even Odin can't teleport an army on a large scale, what can we do?"

"So Odin is not as good as Brother Hu Jian. Look, after all these years, Asgard's most powerful weapon is still Thor's hammer." Li Ming directly poured them the ecstasy soup.

Where had Brock and Sindri heard such beautiful words? He was immediately amused and smiled.

"Hahaha, yes, we always have wonderful ideas!" Brock said with a laugh, and Sindri nodded beside him.

Of course they have fantastic ideas. After all, the dwarf brothers are famous for having fun, as can be seen from the names of their brothers.

See brothers.

Their store in the game is also called Hu Jian Store
Hu Jian is a beautiful elf in the legendary forest. It seems to have nothing to do with the dwarves. Maybe many people don't know why they have this nickname.

But according to Mimir, the reason why Brock and Sindri had this nickname was that the dwarf brothers used to like to go to the forest to find a wild PPP.

Of course, this news is not true. The point of doubt is that Mimir is not sure how many Hujian are playing together.

The above information was all discussed behind Atreus's back. Atreus was still a little dissatisfied because of this, thinking that they were hiding something from him.

After saying hello to the dwarf brothers, Li Ming walked out of their forging workshop and came to Jotunheim Kingdom Tower.

The Bridge of Nine Realms will soon be unusable, so the Unity Stone placed in the Kingdom Tower has no effect. Li Ming just came to search for loot.

The Unity Stone has been embedded deep in the platform and cannot be taken out by external force, but this does not trouble Li Ming. The green dial lights up on his hand. When he moves it back slightly, the platform starts to turn back time and reveals the Unity Stone again.

The function of the Unity Stone is to protect the user from being harmed by space turbulence by allowing the user to travel through the gaps between the worlds. After Li Ming got it in his hands, he found that he could control more functions than Kratos.

For example, he can directly lead an army through the world barrier without having to contact each other like Kratos.

Li Ming immediately thought, what would happen if an army of angels were sent to the subordinate world of the hell camp?

But then he shook his head. Now there is no need for him to support the fire in hell. Instead, heaven is powerful and needs to be suppressed.

He thought for a while, the Unity Stone was not small, and it was inconvenient to hold it in his hand every time, so Li Ming simply paused the analysis of the Mind Stone and threw the Unity Stone into the analysis panel.

[Resolution time: 15 days. 】

Half a month, not bad.

Li Ming went back to Freya to learn magic for a while, and the Unity Stone was analyzed.

【Unity Stone】

Quality: Epic

Category: Exclusive ability

Effect: Space gem development rate +12%.

"Hey, the ability is actually merged with the space gem?"

Li Ming was a little surprised, but then he thought that the space gem already contained all the rules of space, and naturally contained the ability of the unity stone. And the development rate of 12% is really good. After obtaining the effect of [Unity Stone], Li Ming's space gem development rate soared to 56%!

The improvement in ability is also very significant. Li Ming can now go to other worlds without even opening the abyss portal, waving his hand.

Since the Unity Stone is so effective, Li Ming is looking forward to the effect of the mask that even Odin is crazy about.

So he went to teach Atreus strategic knowledge, including but not limited to "Thirty-Six Strategies", "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and so on.

After all, whether Li Ming can obtain the mask or not, the focus is entirely on Atreus.

Then the plot of the Nordic God of War world came to an end, and Li Ming also came to the Greek God of War world again to understand the current battle situation.

The scale of the battlefield between heaven and hell has expanded again, and now nearly two hundred worlds have been affected by the war.

This directly caused Li Ming's points to skyrocket again. I believe that it won't be long before Li Ming can redeem [Source Power Advanced Level 6].

Li Ming contacted Michelle and gave him Gabriel's wings, which immediately made Michelle burst into tears of gratitude.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li Ming, I will definitely work hard for the abyss!" Michelle swore in front of Li Ming.

Although he can no longer look back, the new boss's atmosphere can also inspire his high subjective initiative.

What he couldn't get even after working diligently within the Angel Organization for hundreds of years was given to him after completing a mission in the abyss.

Who can stand this?

Then Michelle immediately gave Li Ming a piece of important information.

"The Tiandao camp is going to join the war!"

"Teacher just received the news that Heaven has plundered the origins of dozens of hell's subordinate worlds, and the gains are too great for Heaven to sit still."

"Furthermore, Hell has a bad reputation. The four camps of Tiandao, Tiandao, Lord God, and Zhongzhou have always had good relations, so Tiandao is about to open a new battlefield against Hell."

Michelle's words filled Li Ming's heart with surprise.

It's good to join the war, the more the better, anyway, it's not about beating him into the abyss.

"Why don't the Lord God and Zhongzhou join the war?" Li Ming was unsatisfied.

He was very jealous of the resurrection effect of the main god camp. Low-level reincarnators were sent to participate in the battle, exchange for temporary strength. After death, they were resurrected to continue participating in the battle, and exchanged for temporary strength again.

The reincarnators of the Lord God are all leeks of sustainable development!
"The main god camp has a very strong fighting capacity, but it will also consume a lot of money if it joins the war, so it is always more cautious."

Michelle explained.

"And the Zhongzhou camp will never take the initiative to participate in the war unless it is absolutely necessary."

Li Ming understands very well that the main god cannot scatter hawks until he sees a rabbit, and he must be a fat and big rabbit.

Because all the reincarnations of the Lord God are self-destruction madmen, they will definitely not restrain themselves when fighting. I also know that the camp will definitely pay part of the cost of resurrection.

If the wool collected by the reincarnated person is not proportional to the income, the main god camp will naturally not end rashly.

As for Zhongzhou, Li Ming knew that Zhongzhou was basically an oriental type of world, and Li Ming, the people from that place, understood.

Everyone is doing well.

(End of this chapter)

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