Chapter 621 God is a Sheep
"Captain, did you do this on purpose?"

This hell-reincarnator suddenly felt blessed and asked Dar in a low voice.

There was a hint of luck in his words.

But Dar shook his head: "I found that the detector was sensitive, so I took it out to check, but I didn't expect to find traces of the holy light."

Then he said in a deep voice: "Call everyone here."

"The Holy Light intensity is level 5, so it shouldn't be too much trouble."

The team members nodded. Level 5 holy light meant that the opponent would not exceed level and was still within their acceptance range.

After all, they have five sixth levels.

However, the team members were still a little frightened, and there was a shadow in their hearts. In the world of God of War in Greece, there had been an existence like the angel Kamel.

Who knows what little tricks Heaven has done in the world of the Nordic God of War.

Through Dar's eyes, Li Ming clearly saw the fear of the reincarnator, and was somewhat thankful that the holy light of this bait was not too strong.

During the war, those who discovered the reincarnation of the Holy Light in Hell would definitely check it out, but if the intensity of the Holy Light were higher, God knows whether these cowards would run away on the spot, or report it directly.

Although all members of this reincarnation team are at the sixth level, they can walk sideways in the reincarnation space as long as they don't encounter those at the seventh level.

But now times have changed, and the sixth level strength has already reached the starting point on the battlefield. They have fallen directly from the mainstay in the middle to the bottom and become the main soldiers of the Samsara. This gap is really not small.

Although the sixth-order reincarnators can still show off their power against the subordinate civilizations of the camp, the change in the strength pattern on the battlefield has directly led to a sharp increase in the casualty rate of the sixth-order reincarnators. Who has time to show off to the subordinate civilizations?
The most important thing is that during the camp war, the tasks are all mandatory and there is no choice at all.

So it's not surprising that they were extremely cowardly, it was really forced by the situation.

Reincarnators are the most diverse. Some fighting maniacs are immersed in the blood of the war, and some speculators are keen on the high profits of war. There will definitely be Goudao bosses who just want to save their lives.

The members of the Hell Team quickly gathered together and then heard the bad news.

In a world that is far away from heaven, holy light suddenly appears. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

The last world where this happened was the angel Kamel, who made all the sixth-level people just cannon fodder.

Who knows what bombs Heaven has planted here?
Everyone frowned.

Now who is going to check is the question.

Going together with five people is something that only rookies would do. If something unexpected happens, they will be dealt with in one fell swoop.

But the five people looked at each other, you looked at me and I looked at you, but no one was willing to speak.

No one would give face even to Dar, who was the captain.

They were just a makeshift team, and no one wanted to take any chances.

So Dar pretended to sigh helplessly, and casually nodded to two reincarnations: "Let's go together."

Now everyone was speechless. The captain also went there in person. He couldn't shirk it even if he wanted to. Only the other two people were left with surprise on their faces, just like the joy when the teacher randomly checked and recited the text in class and suddenly skipped his own.

But for the other two reincarnators who were selected, this was not the case.

The climate in Asgard is very comfortable, and Odin is isolated from the influence of the winter of Fimbul, but the hearts of these two reincarnations seem to be blown by the cold wind of Midgard.

So cool.

But when the three of them arrived at the location of the Holy Light Detector, they found that it was a cliff.

A sheep is grazing leisurely there.

The breath of holy light comes from the sheep.

"A sheep?"

The hell-reincarnator felt relieved. Although there was a strong holy light on this sheep, even the hell-reincarnator who was full of darkness did not feel any discomfort.

Harmless to humans and animals.

They made a decision in their hearts.

"Take it back?" a reincarnator suggested.

Then he was immediately opposed by his teammates.

"What are you thinking about? That's the Holy Light."

"Then kill it?"

"You do it?"

The reincarnation person who spoke quickly shook his head like a rattle. He was also afraid of offending the Holy Light. "Report it, Captain." The topic naturally shifted to Captain Dar.

Dar thought about it for a moment, then shook his head.

"If we don't report it yet, our mission has not been completed yet. Let's observe it for a while. If there are any changes, we will..."

Dar pondered for a moment.

"We will report it and leave this world directly."

It's called running away.

This plan was unanimously approved by the players present, and the remaining two players also agreed very much after returning.

They even felt that Dar, the captain, was really competent. He could think of leading his team members to run away at any time to protect their safety.

Seeing how sensible the team members were, Li Ming behind Dar also nodded with satisfaction.

This group of hell-reincarnators were so cowardly, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, their captain was controlled in advance.

Otherwise, this sheep might not be captured.

After there was no one around, Li Ming appeared on the cliff again and squatted in front of the sheep emitting holy light.

"Hey, hey."

He poked the sheep in the head.

"Can you hear me?"

The sheep made no response, still staring at him with clear and stupid eyes.

"You little thing, are you really a god?"

Li Ming muttered something scary.

The appearance of this Holy Light Sheep was naturally done by Li Ming, but to be precise, it was God's handiwork.

【Seal of God】

Quality: Legend

Type: special props

Effect: Can spread God's holy light to the current universe.

Since Li Ming wants to frame Tiantian and tilt the firepower of the major camps towards Tiantian, he must make a big move.

The effect of Angel Kamel last time was okay, but it was far from enough to make other camps that were waiting and watching have the desire to go to war with heaven.

What about... God?

If a world where God is impossible is occupied by God, who can say that it has nothing to do with heaven?

When the time comes, many camps will wonder whether it is not hell that creates camp autonomy, but your paradise.

Playing with thieves and shouting to catch thieves?

This information is guaranteed to add another nuclear bomb to the camp war and blow a few more big holes into the already chaotic situation.

It's just that there is a slight deviation during the implementation process.

Li Ming thought that after using the [Seal of God], a god would pop up directly like in Constantine's world.

Unexpectedly, after he used it, this Holy Light Sheep appeared on the spot.

Li Ming originally thought that the pattern on the [God's Seal] was randomly drawn by God, but he didn't expect it to be true.

It's just that the sheepherder has become himself.

Moreover, a telepathy suddenly came from the sheep, allowing Li Ming to immediately understand the current situation.

If the Sheep of Light can survive seven weeks, God can appear in this world and occupy the world's consciousness.

Li Ming's expression suddenly became a little strange.

"What is this? God's catastrophe?"

(End of this chapter)

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