Chapter 627 Confused Odin
Odin understands human nature and is very suitable to be an actor.

His performance as Tyr is almost flawless.

Li Ming even felt that he had written a biography for Tier.

The peace-loving God of War became cowardly after being imprisoned for many years. However, inspired by his companions, he gradually regained hope and finally led his companions to launch a war of resistance.

What a perfect script, now Odin only has one final step left.

Obtain the mask, and then lead Kratos and others into the trap he set, achieving what he wanted and eradicating the opponents.

"I know there is an ancient road that leads to Asgard."

Tyr Odin said to everyone.

"The reason why I didn't tell you before was because I was worried that you would die, and I was not prepared before."

"But now, I'm ready, let's go together to overthrow Odin!"

After all, he is only a teenager, so it is normal for him to like to show off.

But at this time, Brock keenly realized something was wrong.

Odin nodded. It seemed that he had disguised himself well and completely deceived Loki.

Although Brock is usually naive, the dwarf brother is definitely not stupid.

"Wait." Odin suddenly reacted.

Kratos raised the Leviathan Ax, Freya and Frey drew their swords, Brock and Sindri held their hammers tightly, and even Mimir was ready to spit at any time.

"And why do you suddenly care about this and hold on to that child's mask so tightly?" He slapped the mask off Tyr Odin's hand, "What on earth do you want to do?"

The dwarves have unique talents, especially Brother Hu Jian, who is the best among the dwarves. Even they can't find the way to Asgard, so Brock doubts the authenticity of Tyr's words.

So what is the role he has been playing for so long?
In the eyes of Atreus, isn't he a clown?
However, Atreus smiled and said nothing about this issue. It was impossible for him to tell Li Ming before Li Ming took the initiative to show up.

"It's okay Brock, there's nothing wrong."

Odin was furious and just about to kill the troublemaking dwarf, Atreus stepped forward in time to smooth things over.

Seeing what Brock wanted to say, Atreus immediately comforted him: "He is just Odin disguised as Tyr."

Seeing this, Odin knew that he could no longer hide and could only reveal his true form. He was now staring at Atreus in extreme shock.

Odin couldn't accept it at all. He who thought he was perfect was actually seen through from the beginning!

Damn it! ↓
At first, everyone suspected that they had heard wrongly, but looking at Atreus's expression, it didn't look like he was joking, and Tyr's expression was also very shocked, as if his thoughts had been revealed...

"I still want to know, what is the passage to Asgard that you are talking about?"

Since Atreus did this, he must have a purpose.

His words successfully inspired most of the people, and Freya, Frey, and Mimir all began to be eager to give it a try.

"When...when did you see it?"

"how is this possible?"

"The first time I met Tyr." Atreus replied proudly.

And Atreus has only done one thing for so long.

His eyes locked on the mask that fell to the ground.

"Your target is also my mask!"

Odin was frightened and angry, and wanted to kill the group of people with a crow, but when he was about to take action, Kratos threw an ax directly at them, scaring Odin into quickly using the crow to teleport away.

He couldn't beat this group of people together, and he wasn't afraid of anyone else, but he was still a little scared facing Kratos Odin.

After Odin left, Kratos and others grabbed Atreus and asked him how he knew Odin's true identity.

"Lee told me. He asked me not to tell you, lest Odin would find out." Atreus replied.

But everyone present felt a sense of offense.

Is this...not trusting their IQ or acting skills?

"Who is Li?" Freya's brother, King of Alfheim Frey, raised his hand and asked.

At this moment, a burst of light flashed, and Li Ming's figure appeared in the field.


Atreus quickly said hello and let Frey know Li Ming's identity.

"None of us want Ragnarok to happen, and I am outside the prophecy, so in order to avoid the failure of the plan against Odin, I must hide my identity from the outside world." Li Ming explained.

Everyone expressed understanding, even Frey, and their affection for Li Ming doubled.

Frey's idea is simple.

No matter what you do, as long as you target Odin, we are brothers.

"Now we can gather all our colleagues to attack Asgard and overthrow Odin's rule!" Li Ming suggested.

Everyone suddenly became excited and immediately volunteered.

"I'm going to summon the Valkyrie Legion!" Freya was the first to speak, "and the resistance power of Vanaheim."

Frey also echoed: "I will go to Alfheim to summon the elves!"

"The light elves and dark elves there have been fighting for hundreds of years, how could they just shake hands and make peace?" Mimir was a little unconvinced.

Frey spread his hands: "I can't help it, the people in Alfheim just like me."

As the former Elf King, Frey does have the confidence to say this.

"Let's go to Svartalfaheim to gather the dwarves. Odin's war machines are all made by dwarves, so we can naturally solve them!" Brock and Sindri also jumped and said.

They have had this idea for almost two hundred years to overthrow Odin.

"Then my father and I will go to Muspelheim to look for the legendary flame giant Shirter who destroyed Asgard!" Atreus also suggested.

The well-known synthesis formula: Shirter + Primordial Fire = Ragnarok.

"Need not."

But Li Ming shook his head.

In the original plot, Kratos and his son did find Ragnarok, but during the final battle, the fire giant completely lost his mind. The Asgardians didn't have much to deal with, and they only beat their own people.

Even Frey died under the sword of Shirter.

"Don't forget, we have a strong backup who can't lose to Shirter." Li Ming winked at Atreus.

Atreus understood immediately and gave up searching for Shirtre.

"Strong backup? Who is it?"

Mimir couldn't stand the doubts, and he couldn't be happy until he had to figure them out.

"Well, I told you not to be too surprised." Atreus replied with a shrug.

Among the crowd, only Kratos could guess who it was.

In everyone's doubtful eyes, Atreus said the name.




Even Mimir shouted: "O milk of Odembula, you actually instigated the rebellion of Odin's son!"

"Don't reveal this news yet." Li Ming said at this time, "We want to give Odin a surprise at a critical moment."

Everyone nodded, with gloating smiles on their faces.

Odin is unlucky, happy to hear about it

Hey Hey……

(End of this chapter)

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