The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 705 He Flying Too Close to the Sun

Chapter 705 He Flying Too Close to the Sun

The Gotham Hotel was bustling with people.

Countless reporters gathered at the hotel entrance, counting the guests entering.

Many business elites, political bigwigs and other important figures who are rarely seen in normal times all appeared here today.

Because today is the wedding of Bruce Wayne, the boss of Wayne Group.

According to Bruce's personality, he didn't plan to make a big fuss, but Alfu thought that this was the first public appearance of the Wayne family's mistress and it shouldn't be so careless.

Bruce thought about it and felt it was a good idea, so he agreed.

"It's really grand! Is this the second time someone has been able to hold a wedding at a Gotham Hotel?" some reporters were discussing. "The last time was Mayor Penguin."

"Yes, and the entire city of Gotham has a paid day off. It's so impressive."

"This is Bruce Wayne, after all."

Wayne Group was originally a business giant. After the rise of Gotham Group, it joined forces with Wayne Group and is now the second largest company in the world.

Moreover, Bruce is the only controller of the Wayne Group. He has never had any scandals before, but the first time he revealed his emotional life to the outside world was by getting married.

With all these halos, it was only natural that Wayne's wedding would be so grand.

"I just wonder what it would be like if the King of Gotham had a wedding?" someone sighed.

"Mr. Li Ming? His girlfriend is Wonder Woman!" Another reporter said with a wry smile, "It is said that they looked like this 20 years ago. Maybe when we die of old age, we won't even be able to see their wedding day."

Someone asked, "Speaking of which, Mr. Li Ming has returned, right?"

"Didn't you watch the news? I heard he was the officiant."

"Bruce Wayne is so lucky to have the King of Gotham as the master of ceremonies." Someone nearby immediately sighed with envy.

This statement caused the audience to nod in agreement. Although they did not know that Bruce Wayne was Batman, they would still feel so even if they knew.

This is the prestige that Li Ming has accumulated in this world for more than 20 years.

The wedding process was very conventional. After all, it was open to the outside world, and children like Arthur and Damian could not let go.

In fact, they had already held a celebration party on an island a few days ago.

However, the guest list of this wedding was passed on to Luther who was far away in Metropolis by someone with ulterior motives.

When Luthor saw that among the invitees there was a reporter named Clark Kent, he smiled knowingly.

On the big screen above his head was a map of the metropolis, covered with dense lines.

"Mr. Luther, this is the record of the supersonic flight trajectory over the metropolis detected by our satellite." The researcher standing in front of the operating table said respectfully.

Then Philip left tactfully.

Luther himself is a highly intelligent genius and can operate a satellite.

He switched the record to within 24 hours, and after refreshing, several intersection points appeared on the map of the metropolis.

Civilian aircraft cannot reach supersonic speeds, so apart from fighter jets, there is only one possible entity that can fly supersonically over a metropolis - Superman.

At this moment, there are two main intersection points shown on the map.

"The Daily Planet headquarters, the Garden Apartment, as expected..." Lex Luthor smiled at Clark's photo on the guest list, "I found you!"

The Garden Apartment is where Clark lives in the metropolis.

Superman’s true identity, which had been the subject of official speculation and investigation for a long time, was actually discovered by Lex Luthor!
Although Luther even launched a satellite specifically for this purpose.

At this time, Luther's communication rang.

"Sir, Director Waller of the Sky Eye Bureau is here."

"Please ask her to come to the reception room," Luther responded.

Before leaving, he hesitated for a moment, but still took a document with him.

When they arrived at the reception room, Waller handed over a document and said, "Your application has been approved." Luther took it but did not look at it. Instead, he smiled and asked, "You don't need to go there in person to deliver documents. Do you have any questions?"

"Superman is a core member of the Justice League. Have you considered the reaction of the Justice League if you deal with him?" Waller asked seriously, "Especially now..."

"The King of Gotham is back." Luther smiled and completed Waller's words.


Waller nodded, not hiding his fear of Li Ming.

Luther shook his head and laughed: "You really are full of fear of that person."

"It's okay. I can wait until he leaves before taking any action."

Luthor nodded and pretended to be magnanimous, but his real thought was - who is not afraid of the King of Gotham?

Waller was still confused: "Why do you have such malice towards Superman?"

"There are many superheroes and even more people with super powers. Why are you only targeting Superman?"

Luthor answered seriously: "Because only Superman is the greatest harm to mankind!"

"Remember the world twenty years ago?" he asked.

Waller didn't say much, he had no idea what Luther was going to say.

So Luther explained himself: "When the world was in crisis 20 years ago, people were thinking about how to save themselves and how to solve it with their own strength."

"But now it's different, we have superheroes."

"The King of Gotham is the most mysterious, but what is certain is that he was also an ordinary person twenty years ago."

"Batman, Green Lantern, Clayface, or the more recent Flash, they were all ordinary people at first."

"Wait..." Waller interrupted Luthor and asked in surprise, "Do you know the true identities of the members of the Justice League?"

Batman Waller knew it was Bruce, but she had no idea about the others.

"Believe me, it makes no difference whether they know or not. They are not a threat to human safety."

Luther spread his hands and brushed it off.

"Wonder Woman and Aquaman are a little more special, but it is certain that they are both native residents of the Earth."

At this point he held up a finger: "With one exception, Superman!"

"He is an alien, and he is very powerful. He can fly from one end of the earth to the other in less than a minute."

"The most important thing is that he is actually very friendly to humans!"

"Do you know how many people out there worship Superman as a god from outer space?"

“Do you know how many people are looking forward to the next alien arrival?”

“How many people, when faced with setbacks, don’t think about solving the problem themselves, but wait for Superman to save them?”

Waller remained silent. Of course she knew, which was why she was committed to forming a special team and enjoyed causing trouble for the King of Gotham.

Luther's tone was so excited that it was a little crazy. Even Amanda Waller didn't dare to say much about his current state.

"The emergence of Superman has weakened human potential and caused many humans to lose their vigilance against aliens."

"What if the next Superman comes to Earth and instead of helping to save the Earthlings, wants to destroy the Earth?"

Luthor said meaningfully: "Superman may not be wrong, but he flew too close to the sun."

"He blocked the sun's rays and will eventually burn himself."

"The Earth should be protected by humans themselves!"

"So Superman is a threat!" Luthor's voice was very deep, "And I will solve this threat for the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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