The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 9 Visiting Wayne Manor

Chapter 9 Visiting Wayne Manor
  In the northern suburbs of Gotham, lies the famous Wayne Manor.

It occupies a large area, and the building has an obvious Gotham style, but only two people live in such a magnificent manor.

Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth.

Then a strange phenomenon occurred.

In this city where crime is so rampant and robberies and thefts are commonplace, Wayne Manor, with only one old man and one young man without any security measures, can actually stay safe.

This is very Gotham.

Li Ming came to the door of Wayne Manor and called Bruce. Not long after, he saw Bruce running here happily.

After the funeral of the Waynes and the transfer of shares of Wayne Group to Bruce, the outside world's attention to Bruce dropped rapidly. After initially training the little penguin, Li Ming finally had the opportunity to meet the future protagonist of Gotham.

Saving Bruce was an unexpected surprise, and of course he wanted to have a good relationship with Young Batman.

The current Gotham gang overlord is his ally, the future King of Gotham Penguin is his younger brother, and finally he is Batman's savior.

He could just walk sideways in Gotham!
  The King of Gotham?

I'm the!
  "Li, you are finally here."

Bruce was very happy about Li Ming's visit and ran over to open the door for him.

Even Ah Fu was left behind.

"I was a little busy some time ago." Li Ming explained.

"Has your trouble been solved? If not, I can help."

Bruce is still thinking about Li Ming being hunted down.


Although Falcone did not communicate with Maroni, as long as he was on the territory of the Falcone gang family, nothing would happen to Li Ming.

"Afu, this is Li who I told you to save me." Bruce introduced Afu.

Alfred was quite puzzled that the usually reserved young master was so excited today.

After hearing Bruce's introduction, he quickly stepped forward, took the initiative to shake hands with Li Ming, and said gratefully: "It turns out to be Mr. Li. I am the young master's guardian, Alfred Pennyworth."

"On behalf of the Wayne family, I would like to thank Mr. Li very much for your help."

After the death of the Waynes, Alfred became Bruce's legal guardian. This was also the decision of the Waynes, so Alfred can naturally represent the Wayne family.

Ah Fu didn't care about Li Ming's identity.

The fact that Li Ming saved Bruce was enough for Ah Fu to double his affection for him.

"I just did what I was supposed to do."

Li Ming didn't take any credit, which made Ah Fu's impression of him better.

The three of them went all the way to the study room in the manor. Ah Fu quickly brought tea after asking Li Ming for his opinion.

Li Ming took a sip. It was obviously a very high-end black tea.

It’s just that the brewing method is not very good.

But seeing Ah Fu busy and busy, Li Ming knew that no one is perfect, as long as his attitude is in place.

Alfred was responsible for all the expenses of the huge Wayne Manor, from laundry and cooking to housekeeping and nursing homes.

Only a small number of workers, such as gardeners, are hired from outside and do not live in the manor.

Oh, and by the way, Wayne Manor doesn’t have to plan expenses.

"I came here mainly to see if Bruce is okay?" Li Ming explained his purpose.

"I'm very good."

"not too good."

Bruce and Afu answered at the same time, but gave completely opposite answers.

"I have no problem." Bruce retorted, looking at Ah Fu dissatisfied.

"If the young master is talking about a person standing on the edge of a building, walking into a dense forest blindfolded, etc." Ah Fu corrected calmly, "These dangerous behaviors are nothing, then it is indeed no problem."


Hearing Li Ming's questioning voice, Bruce actually panicked and quickly explained: "I am doing this to defeat fear."

Perhaps because Bruce believed that his life was saved by Li Ming, and what Li Ming said to him that night left a deep impression on him.

The most important thing was that the life experience Li Ming told was very similar to his, which made him subconsciously regard Li Ming as a very important person.

"Do you still have nightmares?" Li Ming asked. Bruce was silent for a moment and replied: "Occasionally."

"In fact, the young master often suffers from insomnia and has nightmares even when he is asleep." Ah Fu revealed ruthlessly.

Li Ming knew that the source of Bruce's fear was the alley that night.

"Fear is not a weakness, being dominated by fear is a weakness."

After Li Ming thought carefully, he said seriously: "Bruce, you are a very independent boy. I have no intention of interfering in your choice."

“But the prerequisite for overcoming fear is not to put yourself in danger.”

"As long as you are safe, I believe Pennyworth will not interfere with your decision."

Ah Fu nodded vigorously on the side, and Li Ming's words came to his heart.

He only cares about whether the young master is safe, and he can ignore everything else, even the real cause of the Waynes' deaths.

It's not that Alfred is paranoid, this is actually what the Waynes meant.

Bruce's father, Thomas Wayne, had made complete plans for this situation before his death.

How would Bruce grow up if they died as a couple?

The most important principle among these is to let Bruce choose his own future path.

Li Ming did not intend to interfere with Bruce's growth trajectory. He knew that Bruce would follow the path of Batman no matter what.

"I'm...testing myself." Bruce replied softly.

"Testing yourself doesn't have to involve self-mutilation. Maybe you can divert your attention." Li Ming thought for a while, "A challenge is also a test. Bruce, you can try it."

"I believe Pennyworth will be very happy to find various challenges for you."

"Mr. Li, you can call me Ah Fu."

Alfred became closer to Li Ming.

"It's an escape." Bruce was reluctant.

"It's not that diverting our attention appropriately can actually make us face our nightmares more calmly."

Li Ming stared into Bruce's eyes: "Just like me, I have gone back to the night when my parents were killed countless times, but now I have enough courage to face it."

"I was able to walk out of that night peacefully, and I very much hope you can too, Bruce."

To be honest, Li Ming, like Ah Fu, has no experience in raising children.

But he still knows how to talk.

The key to whether rhetoric is effective is not what is said, but who says it.

If the audience is not willing to listen, no matter how much you say, it will be useless.

But if the listener is receptive to the talker, a few words can also be enlightening.

It just so happened that Li Ming, who had the same problem as Bruce but managed to come out on his own, was a good role model.

So he could listen to everything Li Ming said.

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Bruce finally agreed, "What test will you start with?"

Ah Fu looked uncontrollably surprised, rubbed his hands and suggested: "Horse riding? Hunting? Gardening?"

Bruce thought for a while and was not very interested. He turned to Li Ming and asked, "Li, what challenge did you choose before?"

Li Ming made a fist pumping gesture.


"I almost forgot, you are a boxer." Bruce suddenly realized.

"Then choose boxing!"

Bruce finally agreed.

Seeing that all his proposals were rejected, Ah Fu was a little confused, but then he thought about how hard it was for the young master to cheer up, so he quickly agreed.

"Lee, come and teach me how to box!"

 Today’s update comes a little earlier


  (End of this chapter)

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