Magic treasure mirror

Chapter 102 [Establish a monument and succeed the patriarch]

Chapter 102 [Establishing a monument and succeeding as the sect leader] (st update, please subscribe)
  Immortal Qingzhan did not kill the demon clan, but re-planned the fairy city and demon city, requiring all half-demon and demon clan to live in the demon city. If they want to live in the fairy city, special approval is required.

The Demon City is under the management of the Sky-Splitting Demon Emperor, and the highest management unit is the Ten Thousand Demon City.

All persons registered in Fairy City and Demon City, whether human or demon, who are killed must be traced to their origins to find the real culprit. If they are people or demons from the two cities, they will be pursued.

The implicit meaning here is that if they are killing each other in the mountains and forests, there will be no control.

There are those among the demon race who yearn for peace, and there are those among the human race who are keen on killing. These cannot be completely prohibited, so an opening needs to be given.

Over the years, although they have been coexisting peacefully on the surface, the humans in the Northern Wasteland who have lost their high-end combat power have actually been oppressed by the monsters. Now that they have a backer, they immediately clamored to deal with some of the monsters who have done many evil things. .

Sikou Xiliang, the Tribulation-Transcending Lord of the Yuhua Immortal Sect, was severely injured and fled back then. He also held a breath in his heart and expressed his full support for their request.

What Lu Chengtong didn't expect was that his name as 'Aocheng, Descendant of Taotie' was so loud that he would be included in the list of targets to be denounced.

You know, I have been targeting the demon clan, so why do I still have so much resentment towards my allies?

Then he discovered the reason, it was the group from Shenzhao Mountain.

Back then, as the leopard demon "Hua Xuzi" of Qingyu City, he persuaded his father-in-law Lujiaoxian to raid Shenzhao Mountain and seize the other party's secrets. Naturally, some people were inevitably killed in the process.

They didn't care about the people who died, but the inheritance of their sect was taken away.

Therefore, they want to attack the Deer Antler Immortal.

As the son-in-law of the Deer Antler Fairy, he was regarded as one of the accomplices because of his reputation.

It's really ridiculous. Although Hua Xuzi is also me, what's the matter with Aocheng?

Lu Chengtong didn't want his father-in-law to die like this. He was mainly worried that the matter would get too big and involve his wife Lu Lingyi and the children.

After thinking for a while, he let the clone change into his own appearance and headed to Shenzhao Mountain.

At this time, the most powerful monks in Shenzhao Mountain were only in the realm of God Transformation. When they saw Ao Cheng, the Taotie Lord who had swallowed the God of Transformation, appeared here, they all looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Lu Chengtong said loudly:

"I am Aocheng, a descendant of Taotie, the deputy director of the Inspection Department of Ten Thousand Demons City, and the son-in-law of the Deer Antler Immortal of Shenzhao City. I came today to pay for my past sins, but one thing needs to be made clear. This is for me. The father-in-law's family atones for their sins.

I, Aocheng, hold the position of Inspection Department of Ten Thousand Monsters City, and I have never slacked off. No matter whether you are a monster or a human, I treat them equally!
  I have never done anything to Shenzhao Mountain.

Therefore, I came today to atone for my family’s sins. After today, if you continue to entangle my father-in-law’s family and my descendants, I will definitely become your inner demon!

I will use my own life as compensation! "

After the words fell, huge spiritual pressure emerged, and a huge gluttonous beast appeared in mid-air. Then, its body suddenly exploded, turning into a rain of blood, splashing into the sky, and almost soaking the entire Shenzhao Mountain.

An avatar died, and Lu Chengtong, who transformed into Qingsongzi, changed his expression and began to adjust his breath.

Aocheng's identity is too high-profile. Now that human rule has returned, if the leader is shot, he will be targeted sooner or later. It is better to withdraw now.

Qingsongzi's vest is just the right thing to do.

He actually didn't want his family to be too conspicuous, especially when the number of descendants was not large enough.

Nowadays, the name of the Taotie blood descendant has been brought to the forefront by evildoers. Even though he has done nothing outrageous to the human race, he is still being targeted.

They just want to find a target. Therefore, it is wisest to retreat from the rapids.

Under his deliberate promotion, True Lord Taotie committed suicide to prove his innocence, and the matter of repaying debts for his relatives was widely spread. Among the human race, there were great opinions on Shenzhaoshan's actions, and the demon race became even more agitated and attacked Split Sky. The Demon King asks for orders to protect the interests of the Demon Clan. The Demon Clan cannot be slandered for nothing.

In the end, the Sky-Splitting Demon Emperor negotiated with Sikou Xiliang. Sikou Xiliang condemned Ichiban Shenzhaoshan, affirmed Aocheng's actions, commended him for impartially enforcing the law during the governance of the demon clan, and set up a monument for him for people to commemorate. .

Later, Taotie patterns were even painted in the judicial halls of various fairy cities to demonstrate strict law enforcement.

The descendants of Aocheng were naturally given preferential treatment.

Lujiaoxian also resigned as the city lord and moved into Ten Thousand Monsters City with his grandson and his family to settle down.

This bloodline is protected and should not be cut off.

Lu Chengtong no longer cares about things over there. Lu Lingyi is a person who knows the general situation. There is also Luzhangxian, a relative of the Hedao realm, plus his incestuous relationship with the Split Heaven Demon Emperor, so it should not be broken off no matter what. Bloodline.

However, since he wants to denounce the demon clan, he can also take the opportunity to operate.

The Wind Fire Demonic Leopard clan that he had enmity with back then was now targeted by an ancestor of the Hedao Realm and a clan member of the Divine Transformation Realm.

Lu Chengtong directly controlled a group of Jindan Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm monks from the Ascension Immortal Sect and asked Sikou Xiliang for orders.

Together, they accused the Wind Fire Demon Leopard Clan of suppressing and harming the people of the Yuhua Xianmen. They also talked about their persecution of other human races, and their numerous crimes were too numerous to mention.

Sikou Xiliang is now looking for a demon clan to set a role model. After all, the incident involving Zhenjun Taotie caused a lot of trouble and damaged his face.

It is necessary to deal with the demon clan to make the demon clan suffer a blow, so as to maintain its majesty.

He did not conduct any more investigations, and directly took action personally, killing the two remaining members of the Wind Fire Demon Leopard clan.

At the same time, Lu Chengtong received a divine channel fruit in the middle stage of the Divine Transformation Realm.

This is exactly what the Wind-Fire Demonic Leopard clan's cultivator in the realm of gods produced.

Knowing that it was coming, Lu Chengtong naturally designed him to get this good thing first.

He didn't dare to give it to the one in the Hedao realm, because he was afraid that the other party would obtain the Dao Fruit, greatly increase his strength, and then run away.

The magical powers in his hand are very strong, even the most peaceful magical power [Spring Breeze Transforms into Rain], once the cultivation level is high, once activated, the effect is enough to cause rebirth with a drop of blood.

The vitality in the body is endless, and it is difficult to die even if you want to.

He would be very satisfied if he only had a Tao Fruit in the middle stage of the Divine Transformation Realm.

After letting Baojian absorb it, Baojian's soul level is raised to the God Transformation Realm, which basically means that the Lu family has a protector of the God Transformation Realm that can be passed down.

The Wind Fire Demonic Leopard was just one of the monsters being targeted. Lu Chengtong also had several enemies, and he also guided and designed them. He even let Qing Songzi personally play a battle.

It can also be regarded as allowing oneself to establish some dignity, so as to better take over the position of the leader of the Qingyu Immortal Sect.

Yes, he is going to be the leader.

As the only monk of the Qingyu Immortal Sect who is in the realm of gods and a genius disciple of the sect’s ‘rooted Miaohong’, it is only natural for him to take over the position of the sect leader when everything is in ruins!

 Thanks to the book friend [Miaoguangli] for the 427 points reward
    Thanks to the book friend [whooshed to the sky] for the 300-point reward.
  (End of this chapter)

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