Magic treasure mirror

Chapter 120 [Conquering strange beasts, Cave Teapot]

Chapter 120 [Conquering strange beasts, Cave Teapot] (st update, please subscribe)
  After learning the information about this strange beast, Lu Runping felt that he must capture it.

The intelligence of alien beasts is very low, but their loyalty is extremely high.

This is the perfect person to cultivate as a partner!
  Yan Jiaojiao felt very close to Lu Runping, and the communication was quite smooth.

Before I knew it, more than an hour had passed.

The two returned to the house.

"It's just the right time to come back. I believe that your senior sister Yan has already told you that this six-winged frost centipede is the most suitable for you.

Do you dare to try and gain the trust of such a strange beast? "

Xue Yunzi asked.

"Right on my mind."

Lu Runping smiled.

Xue Yunzi was very happy to see Lu Runping having such a magnanimous attitude, and he was very satisfied with this disciple.

He is full of talent, diligent and eager to learn, has a high level of understanding, and has a good personality. There is literally nothing wrong with him.

It will be very comfortable and worry-free for such a person to be a disciple and a master.

The others didn't say anything, and a few people came to the foot of the back mountain together, where there was a huge ice cave.

Stepping into the ice cave, the temperature suddenly dropped below zero. As it went deeper, the temperature gradually dropped, even to a level that was enough to prevent the spiritual power of the foundation-building monks from functioning normally.

The space inside is very large, and the entrance to the cave is very large. The entrance is twenty meters wide and more than ten meters high.

Finally, we came to an underground world covered with ice crystals.

The environment here was forcibly changed by the formation, and this glacier scene was artificially created.

It's even snowing.

Lu Runping saw the huge figure of the six-winged frost centipede at a glance.

The body is more than thirty feet long, and the whole body is like being carved by ice crystals. One hundred sharp legs grasp the ice and stretch the body.

There are three pairs of wings on its back that are similar to butterfly wings. They are translucent and have purple lines, giving it an eerie feel.

Even if it reaches the Hedao realm, this six-winged frost centipede doesn't have much wisdom.

After seeing Elder Tianfeng appear, it quickly crawled over.

As it approached, the cold air around it increased sharply, and soon reached a level that even the Golden Core Realm monks found it difficult to resist.

However, Lu Runping's clone had ice-attribute spiritual roots. The cold air was absorbed by him and he felt very relaxed.

If the cold was stronger, he wouldn't be able to bear it even with the Ice Spirit Root, but it was just right now.

Elder Tianfeng conversed with the Six-Winged Frost Centipede, using spiritual communication, which Lu Runping and the others could not hear.

After a while, the six-winged frost centipede led several people and continued to move towards a location.

Elder Tianfeng said:

"It is difficult for six-winged frost centipedes to reproduce. So far, there are only seventeen six-winged frost centipedes in my possession. Among them, there are three golden elixir realm larvae. They are from the same batch. Now they have grown to the middle stage of golden elixir realm. schedule."

After a pause, she looked at Lu Runping and said with a smile:
  "It's up to you which one you can take away."

With that said, they arrived at a pit and saw several six-winged frost centipedes biting a monster beast inside the pit.

Although the relationship between the Wanling Immortal Sect and the monster beasts is very good, the monster beast itself is a collection, and the Wanling Immortal Sect only has good relations with some of them.

Another group of violent races that hate humans and pose a threat to other demon races have become the targets of their hunting.

Spirit beasts themselves are not vegetarians. They need to eat flesh and blood to grow.

There are thousands of types of monsters. Even if the Wanling Immortal Sect has a good relationship with 10,000 of them and can coexist peacefully, there are still a large number of targets for hunting.

For example, the fire-clawed civet that the six-winged frost centipede is eating at this time.

This kind of monster is accustomed to eating hearts. Whether they are monsters or humans, they eat them all. Their favorite thing is to eat the heart of a living creature in front of them.

Lu Runping saw the three smallest six-winged frost centipedes, which were about three feet in size. Insect monsters are usually smaller in size than other monsters in the same realm, and this six-winged frost centipede is the same.

Elder Tianfeng didn't know what he said to the monster. Not long after, three six-winged frost centipedes of the Golden Core Realm crawled in front of Lu Runping and looked at him quietly.

If most people were stared at by three of these monsters, they would be so frightened that they would panic.

But Lu Runping was calm and composed, which made several people rate him even higher.

"Go ahead and get recognition from one of them. I will control the situation, but at most I will ensure that they will not attack you."

If possible, Lu Runping would like to pack up the whole litter and take it away.

But he knew this was unrealistic.

The six-winged frost centipede was the private property of Elder Tianfeng and was not included in the list of monster cubs distributed by Wanlingxian Sect. The reason why Lu Runping could choose it was because of his five-spice body constitution.

Still gave Yan Jiaojiao face.

It is not good to be greedy. If you have the magical power, there is no need to fight for it.

Of course, don’t give it to yourself in vain.

"Okay, thank you, senior."

After thanking him, Lu Runping walked directly to the youngest six-winged frost centipede. He raised his hand and activated the five-spice body. Several fragrances mixed together and penetrated into the body of the six-winged frost centipede.

Seeing his ability to manipulate emotions so skillfully, several people looked surprised.

Especially Yan Jiaojiao.

As the owner of the Five-Fragrance Body, she knew very well that the power of emotions itself was one of the most difficult laws to master. With Lu Runping's current cultivation level, it was extremely rare to be able to achieve this level.

She had to admit that the other party was more talented than herself in this aspect.

The six-winged frost centipede is a strange beast to begin with, the kind that doesn't have a bright mind and is easily deceived.

cough cough.

It can't be said to be a lie, but a promise.

The little guy quickly recognized Lu Runping and came to his legs, lying down quietly.

"The five-spice body is indeed the natural beast-controlling body. It's too easy."

Wan Chunzhi sighed when he saw this.

He usually has to wait a few days to tame a spiritual pet, but unlike this, it's as if he directly asked if you would like to come with me, and the other person said yes in a stupid manner.

Effortless look.

"It just looks easy to you. In fact, this child's control over the five-spice body is already very strong."

Elder Tianfeng is an understanding person and immediately pointed out the key.

When Xue Yunzi saw that Lu Runping had obtained a six-winged frost centipede, he laughed and said:

"It seems that my apprentice has succeeded. In that case, I would like to thank fellow Taoist for the gift! It's just that I still need to explain the precautions for domestication."

Elder Tianfeng threw out a jade slip and said:
  "These are the domestication precautions I usually organize, just follow them."

At this time, Wan Chunzhi took out a teapot and said with a smile:
  "Seeing such a good seedling, I have to make a good relationship. This is a cave pot. There is a small cave inside that can accommodate living creatures. I will give it to you as a meeting gift."

Hearing this, Xue Yunzi's eyes lit up. He didn't expect this old guy to be so willing to take the job. He immediately said to Lu Runping:

"Why don't you hurry up and thank your seniors. The elders gave it to me. I dare not refuse it, so I kept it."

Upon hearing this, Lu Runping immediately took the treasure and thanked him profusely.

This is the advantage of being backed by a big group. Having talent and background means that there is a high probability of achieving extraordinary results in the future.

There are people who are willing to spend big money to invest.

(End of this chapter)

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