Magic treasure mirror

Chapter 138 [I can be small and truly harmonious]

Chapter 138 [I can be small and truly harmonious] (st update, please subscribe)
  Lu Runping said:

"Master, when I went out to slay demons this time, I deeply felt that my strength and cultivation were insufficient. When faced with the demons doing evil, I could not stop them in advance, so that countless people lost their lives. The world has been suffering from demons for a long time, and I can only Come up with something.”

"Alas, my teacher knows that you are kind-hearted and cannot bear the suffering of the common people, but there are many ways to improve your strength. With your talent, you don't need to go to such dangerous places."

Xue Yunzi persuaded again.

Lu Runping was very stubborn and continued:
  "I have perfected the meaning of extreme cold. Even the monks in the realm of gods will be killed by me if they don't pay attention. This time when I go to the Baisheng secret realm, it is my support and what I want to improve. Master, you Don't worry, I won't try to be brave, I will definitely wait until I am strong enough before launching a challenge.

So this time I will be gone for a long time, Master, I will miss you. "

Seeing his appearance, Xue Yunzi also understood that the child's attitude was very determined, and couldn't help but sigh.

He took out something, pushed it in front of Lu Runping with spiritual energy, and said:

"This is ten thousand years of black ice crystal marrow. It is one of the best auxiliary tools for cultivating the true meaning of ice. I originally planned to wait for you to break through to the spirit transformation realm before giving it to you to use. I was worried that you would not be able to grasp it. But I don’t know how long it will take, so just take it and remember to put your own safety first.

The teacher is waiting for you to come out. "

Lu Runping's eyes immediately lit up when he saw the ten thousand year black ice crystal marrow.

His plan was to let the current clone die, and then condense a new clone. A high-level clone would have a high-level sustenance. He originally said that he would look for it over the past few decades, but he didn't expect that Xue Yunzi would directly give him one. Very appropriate stuff.

This thing is enough to carry a clone of Hedao realm.

"Thank you Master. This disciple will definitely come back safely and will not let Master down!"

Xue Yunzi was very kind to him. Although he had already obtained a divine way seed, if anything good happened in the future, he would still have to think of him. Lu Runping was not a person who did not repay kindness.

There is no senior brother or sister to say goodbye to, I just left a letter to avoid any more fussing and coyness.

Lu Gong, the Xiangxiang son of the Tianyu Immortal Sect, is quite famous among the various Immortal Sects. The news that he entered the Baisheng Secret Realm in the Tianbao Domain was spread by the disciples of the Yonghua Immortal Sect who guarded the Baisheng Secret Realm, and all the Immortal Sects basically knew about it. .

There are no entertainment activities in the world of immortality. The deeds of celebrities in various immortal sects are part of everyone's entertainment.

In the past few years, Lu Runping himself has gained the reputation of the 'Three Cultivators of Subduing Demons', and his clone Lu Gong has also been called the 'Ice Lord'. His fighting methods are all about freezing the opponent, and he is very domineering. He also killed many demon cultivators in the divine realm.

Everyone has different guesses as to why this person entered this mysterious realm of escape from death.

Some people think that it is to avoid the cause of the vendetta and worry about the encirclement and suppression of the devil; some people think that it is to avoid the love debt, Fairy Yunzheng and Fairy Xiangxiang compete to be his Taoist companion, and he cannot bear to see the two of them injured; of course, some people say that There is a legitimate reason, which is that he wants to gain stronger strength and better eliminate demons and defend the law.

But everyone is more willing to believe the second reason, and the rumors are getting more and more sinister. Some people even asked the two people face to face.

Yan Jiaojiao was annoyed by the questions and said casually.

"If one day he can surpass me, then I will be his Taoist companion."

The good-hearted person who got the news went to ask Fairy Yunzheng with the news.

was also answered.

"If Fairy Xiangxiang becomes Taoist friend Lu, I am willing to be a junior."

This was obviously something the two of them said casually in order to deal with these people, and they both thought it was impossible.

Although Lu Gong's talent is very strong, Yan Jiaojiao's talent is not weak either, and she was born so many years earlier than him. Now Lu Gong is only at the early stage of Nascent Soul Realm, and Yan Jiaojiao is already at the early stage of the Divine Transformation Realm. .

One step is slow, one step is slow, the gap between them is so huge, how can it be possible to catch up.

But the more legendary something is, the more it is sought after and expected by people.

A group of cultivators who have nothing to do except practice and fight, may keep paying attention to this matter for decades. Lu Runping didn't know that his scandal had spread everywhere, and he had no intention of paying attention to these things.

After the avatar entered the Secret Realm of Yum Victory, he started to challenge directly. After playing ten games, he stopped.

He came here just to disappear for a reasonable period of time. It was also incidental to hone his combat skills through fighting. He mainly focused on the training of the other side.

It is somewhat difficult to enter the Hedao realm.

Time flies, and thirty-five years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Runping still hasn't been able to take that step. It's really difficult to achieve the Hedao realm.

However, today is a good day, because the dragon elephant fruit that has been cultivated for so long has finally matured.

The fourth-generation head of the family died unexpectedly because of the great cause and effect involved in this thing.

Now that he has finally matured, it can be said that the spirits of his ancestors can rest in peace.

Lu Runping obtained twenty-two Dragon Elephant Fruits.

According to the information recorded in the treasure mirror, a dragon elephant fruit can allow a monk to gain the power of a divine elephant. With only the physical strength, he can activate the law and fight against monks who have perfected the realm of god transformation.

After eating ten Dragon Elephant Fruits, you will gain the power of a divine dragon. Your physical strength can rival a Hedao monk.

In other words, eating ten Dragon Elephant Fruits can increase the physical strength to the level of a top-grade spiritual weapon.

At present, Lu Runping's physical strength is only at the level of a top-grade spiritual weapon, and he can go head-to-head with monsters in the realm of gods.

After eating the dragon elephant fruit and quickly refining it, the energy and blood in the body seemed to come alive, running rampant, roaring and tumbling.

After eating the first one, I felt the approximate energy increase, and with a certain idea in mind, I ate nine Dragon Elephant Fruits directly.

He had many magical powers, and this surging energy could not do anything to him. He quickly gathered it and condensed it all over his body. After three days, the refining was completed.

A random snap of the fingers is like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring.

The physical body of the Hedao Realm and the physical body of the ordinary Hedao Realm monk are completely different things.

In the latter, the body is just a vessel that carries power, while in the former, the power itself lies.

Vaguely, the law of power appears in the body. This is the ultimate pursuit of the physical way. To prove the way with force, the physical body becomes holy!
  At this time, Lu Runping suddenly paused, and a mysterious realization appeared.

He immediately took out the 'Eternal Transformation Pill', which was an elixir obtained from the Holy Heaven Secret Realm.

Without hesitation, he swallowed it into his belly, and the fairy energy was released. His whole body was wrapped in it, and the mysterious feeling became even clearer.

This breakthrough was not an accident.

Years of perseverance in enlightenment, the power of the soul that has exceeded the limit, and the physical body of the Hedao realm that now generates its own Tao charm are all the keys to this enlightenment.

Everything seemed to fall into place.

The Hedao realm is accomplished!

I, Lu Runping, am one hundred and twenty-eight years old, in the early stage of Hedao realm, can I be called a genius by my Taoist friends?

(End of this chapter)

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