The world begins with Hong Kong TV series

Chapter 138 The evil whip! [The originator of taking advantage of the opportunity] [Self-reliance] [

Chapter 138 The evil whip! [The originator of taking advantage of the situation] [Self-reliance] [Wife-killing maniac] (I)

The bathroom was a mess and a shambles.

The broken water pipe was gushing water.

"Brother Chao...what just happened was..."

Lian Haolong, who was guarding outside the bathroom door, was about to say something but hesitated. He stepped forward and asked anxiously.

Gao Chao gently stroked Michiko's soft, smooth white hair. He did not look at Lian Haolong and spoke calmly:
"…It was just a ghost seeking death. I killed it."

The cat possessed by Michiko cannot speak, and was just communicating with Gao Chao using its consciousness.

Of course, Gao Chao does not understand magic, and certainly has not mastered this mysterious method of "consciousness communication".

So almost everything he said to Michiko not long ago was heard by Lian Haolong.

Gao Chao knew that although Lian Haolong did not hear the entire conversation, he must have had some guesses in his mind at this time.

After all, based on the keywords he mentioned, such as "revenge" and "Nine Chrysanthemums Sect", we can infer a lot of information.

Lian Haolong is not a stupid person. He was able to establish a large-scale community called Zhongxinyi in the future, so he must be smart.

Even though Gao Chao had just put away his murderous intent and intentionally avoided using key words when asking Michiko about the inheritance of the Jiujiu School and did not reveal more information, it would probably be difficult to completely hide it from him.

"Really... that ghost is from the Jiujiu faction?"

Lian Haolong continued to ask with a tentative tone, staring blankly at the white cat with blue eyes in Gao Chao's arms.

He and Michiko had a grudge because of the murder of their brother, so naturally he had hatred towards the Jiujiu faction.


Gao Chao nodded lightly.

Without saying anything, he left the room.
"Aaron, clean up this place."


Lian Haolong had a complicated expression and was silent for a few moments. He then nodded without saying anything more.

When he broke into the bathroom, Michiko was still in the 'Yin Feng' state and was stepped on by Gao Chao.

But I didn't see the ghost's face clearly.

And the one third of the miracle medicine that Gao Chao gave him not long ago was like a rebirth for him.

Lian Haolong is still very grateful to Gao Chao.



"Ah Long, Ah Long, as a younger brother, don't make things difficult for your elder brother..."

Before leaving, Gao Chao noticed something strange about Lian Haolong.

After a sigh in my heart.

Calm was soon restored.

He naturally weighed the pros and cons before making a decision.

For him now, the inheritance of Michiko Jiujiu School is undoubtedly more valuable!
When it comes to making choices, Gao Chao has always been decisive enough.

According to Michiko, in addition to being proficient in the Jiujiu school's Qimen Dunjia, warding off ghosts and corpses, commanding shikigami, and refining spells, it also mastered two other magical skills.

They are [Nine-Life Cat Magic] and [Evil Spirit Whip] respectively.

Both of these magic skills are the secret of the Jiujiu School. Even with Michiko's status in the school, she is not qualified to master a third magic skill of the same level.

Especially the [Evil Spirit Whip].

This is the strange rope that Michiko had used before.

According to Michiko, even if one is extremely skilled and has no magical powers, one can still use the evil spirit whip, because this technique is refined with the essence and blood of the practitioner, integrated with the "spiritual plants of heaven and earth", and combined with the spiritual substances that have been refined, and can only be refined by performing the Nine Chrysanthemum Secret Technique.

As for what Michiko called the spiritual plant of heaven and earth... unfortunately, Gao Chao already has one in his hands!
Blue silver grass!
Plants in the fantasy floor tile [Douluo].

It looks like a light blue grass.

It can grow indefinitely and does not need to go through the four seasons of growth and withering like ordinary plants.

The 70,000-year-old Blue Silver Grass can evolve into the Blue Silver King!
One hundred thousand years for the Blue Silver Emperor!
As we all know, the mother of Tang San, the protagonist of "Douluo", is a 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor.

Gao Chao had just taken out the item card of [Blue Silver Grass] in the bathroom, and after using his ability to move objects out of thin air to shock Michiko a little, he also confirmed from her that Blue Silver Grass met the requirements of being a 'Spiritual Plant of Heaven and Earth'.

This was a bit surprising to Gao Chao, who had not had any expectations.

After all, this Blue Silver Grass is only three years old, it's a piece of junk, it doesn't even have a white spirit ring...

It’s not Tang San’s mother.

After some questioning by Gao Chao, the reason was finally clarified.

Because we are living in the Dharma-Ending Age, all plants that possess spirituality are considered "spiritual plants of heaven and earth"!
Due to the environment, the lower limit of spiritual plants in heaven and earth is too low!

Spiritual plants are rare in the world today, and even if they are planted in secret places, their survival rate is extremely low.

According to Michiko, although the blue silver grass in Gao Chao's hand is not very old, it is extremely spiritual. In her eyes, it is already a top-notch spiritual plant in the world.

Even the evil spirit whip that Michiko used during her lifetime was made by forcibly giving some weak spirituality to ordinary plants of high age through the form of sacrifice.

Of course, the above statements are just Michiko’s one-sided account.

Gao Chao was skeptical.

Although he was able to control Michiko with his talent of [Gray Impermanence], he still did not let his guard down.

They are all talking nonsense.

Who knows how much truth or falsehood Michiko's words have.

He also didn't mind giving it a try by refining the blue silver grass into an evil spirit whip.

After all, most of the [Item Cards] in his hand have been gathering dust.

If it fails, just treat it as waste.

Moreover, although the combat system of [Douluo] has always been criticized, the fantasy floor tiles are still fantasy, and the blue silver grass may be able to give him a surprise.

the most important is.

Gao Chao did not choose to take out the more precious [Red Dragon Leather] in his hand.

Although red dragon leather is not a spiritual plant of heaven and earth.

But it is definitely a rare treasure, at least stronger than the blue silver grass of lower year, maybe it can be half as good as Tang San's mother.



"Wow, this cat is even prettier after washing!"

Gangsheng looked at Gao Chao who came out holding the white cat with blue eyes. His beautiful amber eyes glowed. He stroked his smooth cheeks with his hands, smiling happily. He was deeply attracted to this demon cat.

After adapting to her situation and life in Hong Kong Island, she was obviously no longer as nervous and cramped as when she first arrived in Hong Kong Island, and began to reveal her lively and playful side.

In particular, Gao Chao did not drag her into the abyss and eat her up without leaving anything behind as she had feared at the beginning... Instead, he gave her a stable, regular and respectable job, solved her ID card and household registration problems, as well as her accommodation issues, and almost met all her requests.

And he never bullied her...

Now even Gangsheng herself has gradually come to believe that "Gao Chao really treats and takes care of her like a sister."

no way.

People always tend to believe what they want to believe - especially adults.

"Brother Chao, I want to raise it at my home." Gangsheng said with anticipation and stretched out his hand to hug Michiko.

Seeing that Gao Chao dodged by leaning to the side, Gang Sheng dragged out a faintly coquettish tone, thinking that Gao Chao was teasing her: "Give it to me, I obviously brought this stray cat back home."

"I've said before, I like small animals very much. This cat is so cute, I'll raise it." Gao Chao rubbed Michiko's snow-white cat head.

Of course, he couldn't hand Michiko over to Hongsheng.

After all, Michiko should have been targeting Hong Kong students from the beginning.

If Gao Chao hadn't subdued it now, Gangsheng would probably be possessed by Michiko after nightfall tonight.

"If you want to keep a cat, there are many stray cats in Hong Kong Island... or you can live in my house. I have a new villa in Sai Kung, and we can keep one together then." Gao Chao smiled faintly.


Gangsheng is getting more and more beautiful now. She is naturally beautiful and now she is dressed like an urban beauty, her appearance is even more outstanding and charming.

When Michiko was alive, she was also quite beautiful and a unique beauty.

If she possessed Hongsheng... what is this? Two souls in one body?
Twin martial souls?

One over two?

Gao Chao looked at Gangsheng with a puzzled look.

"Who wants to raise a cat with you..." Facing Gao Chao's somewhat malicious gaze, Gangsheng's voice gradually became smaller, his head slightly lowered, and his delicate face slightly reddened.

Immediately, the light in front of her eyes dimmed, and it was Gao Chao who suddenly walked in front of her holding Michiko. Gangsheng could clearly feel her breath hitting the chest of Gao Chao's suit.

"Brother Chao... um..."

Suddenly, the Hong Kong student who was about to say something stopped breathing, her beautiful eyes widened, her exquisite and curvy body shook violently, she raised her arms, but didn't know where to put her hands, her whole body seemed to be run through by an electric current, and her well-proportioned calves under her OL skirt stiffened briefly, then felt numb, and she couldn't help but feel weak.


After a few breaths.

Gao Chao opened his mouth and let his breathing become rapid. His cheeks turned red, his amber eyes were crystal clear and watery, and his pretty face flashed with horror, panic, and shame... The Hong Kong student took a deep breath and ran away with his head down.

Seeing Gangsheng's fantasy of luck being shattered after the kiss and him running away, Gao Chao did not continue.

Instead, she reached out and wiped the light lipstick that was stained on her lips.

"Meow~" Michiko cried out in Gao Chao's arms.

Gao Chao glanced at it sideways.

The inheritance of the Jiujiu School is more important.

This is the important reason why Gao Chao just chose to let the Hong Kong student go.

Otherwise, there will definitely be a bloody fight in the office today.

Brother Chao feels uncomfortable without Chaoman for a few days.

After all, Hong Kong student’s [Ghost Girl] has not been unlocked yet.

Gao Chao wants to improve so much.

After unlocking a new talent, the number of his 'accumulated unlocked talents' will reach 40.

At that time, you can activate talent slot 5→6.

The strength has been improved again.

Maybe the system can unlock new features.


late at night.

Superman Apartments.

The dimly-lit room was filled with strange runes drawn in blood, with circles of burning candles covering the outermost part. In the center where the runes were most densely packed, besides a brazier that had not yet been lit, there was also a cute white cat with blue eyes, but with cold pupils, staring out the window and gazing at the moon with bated breath.

"...Is that all?" Gao Chao asked with a frown, holding the Blue Silver Grass in one hand and the urn in the other, his eyes full of doubt.

The room that seemed to be carrying out a 'cult ritual' was room 9413, which was the bedroom of the three ghosts of the Li family.

Of course, '9413' sounds too unlucky and seems abrupt, so it has been changed to Room '913' by Gao Chao, the owner of the apartment.

This room has been sealed off by the police since the murder occurred. After Gao Chao took over Superman Apartment, this room has never been open to the public again.

"Gao-san, please believe me."

Michiko's voice rang in Gao Chao's ears through the means of 'consciousness communication':

"Although the magic array that our Jiujiu sect set up here has been destroyed by the stinking Taoist priests from Mount Mao, the yin energy that has accumulated over the years is very strong and pure, making it the most suitable for refining the evil spirit whip."

"You wouldn't dare to play any tricks!" Gao Chao snorted coldly, put down the urn, pinched the blue-eyed white cat by the scruff of the neck, and lifted it up with one hand.

He has been criticizing Michiko a lot these days.

"..."Michiko's soft cat whiskers trembled. After her blue pupils looked at Gao Chao, she showed obedience and tucked her tail between her legs.

Facing a man who is apparently just an 'ordinary person' but possesses many mysterious methods that it cannot understand and whose body is almost invulnerable to swords and guns, Michiko obviously has no intention of provoking him at the moment.

"Taka-san, the time has come. You can pour the ashes in." Michiko reminded, looking at the moonlight outside the window.

The ashes are those of Old Mrs. Li, Mrs. Li, and Mr. Li.

After the death of these three people, their funeral affairs were handled by Li's relatives. The only survivor of the Li family, the grandson of Old Mrs. Li, is currently adopted by his relatives.

Gao Chao asked his subordinates to spend more than two days to locate the cemetery of the three ghosts of the Li family. He asked Da Shengfa to sneak in with a few subordinates at night, to chisel open the A4 paper-sized urns and take out the ashes one by one.

According to Michiko, the Li family had lived in the room with the most concentrated Yin energy in the formation for many years, and their bodies had long been corroded by the Yin energy. Not only were they more likely to turn into ghosts after death, their corpses were also good materials for corpse training, and even their ashes contained "spiritual" substances.

In Gao Chao's impression, Mr. Li, who died at the hands of him and Leon, was extremely vicious and violent during his lifetime. His complexion was darker and paler than that of ordinary people. He looked like a ghost when he was alive, which was consistent with what Michiko said.

After all, once ordinary people are eroded by negative energy for a long time, their body and personality will be affected.


As Gao Chao poured the ashes in the jar into the brazier, Michiko also walked lightly to the brazier.

A pair of gem-like blue cat eyes stared at the brazier, and a faint blue fluorescence gradually flickered in the pupils, gathering and dispersing like clouds and taking the shape of flames.


Suddenly, without any fire source, the ashes and some dry mulberry branches in the brazier began to burn fiercely.

Moreover, the flames were a strange blue color, and even the flames were faintly cold.

"...Hurry...spiritual plant..." Michiko's extremely weak voice sounded, and the cat's eyes no longer had the dazzling blue luster just now, and even the pure white fur looked dull.

He looked as if he was seriously injured.

Gao Chao glanced at Michiko who was lying on the ground.

Slowly raised the blue silver grass in his hand.



The next day.

The upper floors of the Cointreau Hotel.

A large-scale jewelry exhibition is underway.

The gimmick and selling point of this exhibition was "three priceless Russian royal jewels", which attracted the attention of many people in Hong Kong Island.

The newspapers started warming up as early as a week ago.

In addition to introducing the jewelry, the newspaper also boasted about the "TNS Security System" that sponsored and escorted the jewelry exhibition, as well as the company's professional security team.

(End of this chapter)

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