The world begins with Hong Kong TV series

Chapter 14 If you don’t make friends, you are not one of your own. Be careful of being beaten.

Chapter 14 If you don’t make friends, you are not one of your own. Be careful of being beaten.

Inside the ice room.

After Yu Toubiao left with a group of younger brothers.

Feeling that he had lost face in the eyes of his brothers, the plane stayed put.

He values ​​his own face more than his life!
  Gao Ming's behavior today is very to his liking. If you don't give my boss face, you won't give me face. I'll blow your head off on the spot and cripple you!

This is how you should be when you come out to hang out. This is in line with Qian's inner world of pleasure and grudges.

He has never been afraid of fighting.

What happened today, as he just joined the club, he didn’t think he was at fault! He does things for the community!

at the same time.

A restaurant with integrity.

Gao Miao is recruiting the team left to him by Blowing Chicken.

There were seven or eight young and Dangerous boys in total. The oldest was in his forties, and the youngest looked sixteen or seventeen years old. His face was still childish. He had just been punched in the face by one of Hong Tai's men, causing his nose to bleed wildly. There was blood on his chin, neck and collar.

"Brother Chao!"

The younger brothers shouted.

"Wipe the blood...what's your name?" Gao Chao handed a napkin to the youngest Young and Dangerous boy.

He had met most of the others in the past month, but this boy was the only one with a strange face.

"My name is Hei Zai!" The young and Dangerous boy's eyes were bright and he quickly took the napkin. He was a little flattered and had a smile on his face:
  "Thank you, Brother Chao!"

"Brother Chao, Hei Zai joined the club a week ago and I brought him in." The oldest Young and Dangerous boy explained.

"Why mixed societies?"

Gao Chao asked.

While speaking, he turned around and sat in the seat where Chui Ji was sitting, took out the Marlboro cigarettes that he had not finished smoking yesterday, took one for himself, and threw the rest to the other young and Dangerous boys, signaling them to divide.

"I dropped out of school." Hei Zai took out the lighter from his trouser pocket and stepped forward to light Gao Chao's cigarette with quick movements.


"When I was in school, some senior gangsters asked me for protection money. They told me that if I didn't pay, I was no longer one of our own. I would be beaten by them."

"I refused to accept it and went to school with a fruit knife in my schoolbag. They asked me to pay for protection. I took out the fruit knife. The leader slapped me and I stabbed him."

"What happens next?" Gao Chao smiled:
  "How are the punks from the upper class doing?"

"...The leader has not been discharged from the hospital yet. He can continue to go to school after leaving the hospital. His father is the school director."

"The remaining people were given a warning and placed on probation."

Gao Chao nodded.

After asking Hei Zai the name of his school, his expression was a little surprised and his eyes flickered.

After thinking about it, he said to the oldest young and Dangerous boy:
  "Kui Ying, starting from tomorrow, set aside an hour every day to lead the brothers to block the entrance of Southeast Middle School and ask Hei Zai to identify him. This will give the school gangsters who have blackmailed Hei Zai two choices, or give everyone a blow. Brother, pay 10,000 yuan in protection fees!”

"Either drop out of school!"

"...I know how to be a super brother." Shuiying, a smoker, nodded.

"Brother Chao, there's no need to make things so big. I don't want to bring trouble to the club. I..." Hei Zai organized his words.

Gao Chao interrupted him:

"Afraid of trouble, why should you join a club? Since you are my younger brother, I will definitely not let you be wronged. Otherwise, how can I be your elder brother?"

"The school director's son, the one you stabbed into the hospital, how are you going to retaliate against him?" Gao Chao continued to ask.

Hei Zai shook his head:

"He wanted to receive a 366-yuan membership bonus from me and slapped me in the face, but I stabbed him."

"I dropped out of school and he was hospitalized. It's fair. We'll settle the score!"

"...Actually, I don't like going to school. I can't even understand what the teacher says!" Hei Zai added in a low voice.


Gao Chao stood up and stopped worrying about the matter. He said to all the young and Dangerous boys in the box:
  "When I first joined the club, at the induction ceremony, my uncles asked me, do I love brothers or gold? Like everyone else, I said I love brothers!"

"But I actually love gold too!"

"Everyone who follows me Gao Chao today is my best brother! I don't want to see my brothers suffer because of lack of money!" ˆ ˆ ˆ "Let's all take the money and spend it on picking up girls, having sex, or taking baths in the sauna as you like. Tonight we Let’s completely occupy Lockhart Road! Wealth and glory are before your eyes, let’s make a fortune together!”

Gao Miao took out 5,000 yuan from his body and asked Shui Ying to share it - he borrowed the money from a society. The loan he had made before to unlock the [Double Bone Dragon], tiger bones and deer bones were still a bit expensive. After buying those bones and the suits, there was still more than six thousand left to spend.

Amidst the excited thanks from the younger brothers.

Gao Chao finally concluded:

"Remember, your eldest brother's name is Gao Chao, superman's Chao!"

"...Okay Brother Chao! Whoever dares not to give you face in the future, we will help you overtake him too!" The younger brothers are very cooperative.

"Good brother!" Gao Chao applauded.

"Bah, bang, bang, bang!" There was intense and warm applause in the box.

Overall, the summary is a bit awkward and not exciting enough.

But fortunately, we are one step closer to unlocking [Zhao Shanhe] - imitating the pheasant’s self-introduction ten times in public (2/10)

After leaving the Guanqi Restaurant.

Gao Chao first went to a tailor shop to have his peaked-collar suit mended.

By the way, I changed Hei Zai into new clothes.

During this period, Gao Chao conducted eight "self-introductions" in public and received a lot of strange looks.

Because Gao Chao was always followed by several younger brothers, no one who was not afraid of being beaten dared to mock him.

Regarding this, Shui Ying and Hei Zai secretly looked at each other, both thinking in their hearts. Brother Chao is so talented, so good at fighting, and generous with his strikes... but doesn't he have some quirks?

By the time Gao Chao completely unlocked his new talent [Zhao Shanhe], it was already afternoon.

After filling up his two activateable talent slots, Gao Chao was shocked and had a different feeling from when he used the [Zhao Shanhe] talent card.

‘——In daily life, when you see someone of the opposite sex that matches your aesthetics, the neurons in your brain will be more likely to be excited. ’

Looking at the hot young women coming and going on the street, my superb body became obviously more excited, and the secretion of dopamine, endorphins, gonadotropins, acetylcholine... began to accelerate...

  Pheasant, pheasant, don’t call me Zhao Shanhe from now on, call me Zhao Ritian! Come on, Teddy Zhao!
  Gao Gao was speechless. No wonder in the original drama "Young and Dangerous", Pheasant often got into trouble because he couldn't control his chicks!
  This talent is too abstract, but he is a serious person!
  "Kuai Ying! Take me to the best chicken stall on Lockhart Road tonight! Damn, I'm so angry now! It's all the prince's fault!"

Gao Chao said in a serious tone, glancing at the street from the corner of his eye.

"...Oh oh, okay! Don't worry, Brother Chao, I know the whole Wan Chai!" Shuiying's face soon showed a smile that all men understand.


At this time.

But a group of people walked straight towards Gao Miao.

The leader has long, flowing, black's the long-haired one who's on the street!

"Brother Chao, can we talk alone?"

Changmao said politely.

"Just call me Ah Chao."

Gao Chao signaled Shui Ying and others to disperse.

Wait until the younger brothers are far away.

Changmao sat opposite Gao Chao:

"Achao, just call me Changmao from now on. You work for Brother Blowing Chicken, and I work for Brother Big D. We all have the same status."

Gao Chao nodded and waited for him to continue.

"A month ago, Ah Chao, you took out a loan of 50,000 yuan from Brother D through Four Eyes as a guarantee," Changmao said slowly.

Seeing Gao Chao did not deny it.

He crossed his fingers and continued:

"Brother D said there is no need to repay this money. He heard about your performance in the restaurant today and also knew that you drove away the ghosts and established a Locket Road for the club."

"Brother D also said that if Hong Tai gives you trouble, you should make this call."

Changmao placed a business card on the table in front of the two of them.


(End of this chapter)

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