The world begins with Hong Kong TV series

Chapter 140 This is still a broken dragon!

Chapter 140 This is still a broken dragon! ( words long chapter)

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Gao Yi frowned, raised his hand rudely, and pushed away the crowd in front of him who were starting to gather around him out of curiosity.

Since cameras were not allowed into the banquet and there were strict security procedures, no one blatantly raised their cameras to film the gambling gang in front of them.

"...Sir, are you taking photos secretly? Security!" Gao Yi cleared the way for the God of Gamblers behind him while observing his surroundings. Suddenly, his face darkened and he pulled out a middle-aged man in a tuxedo from the crowd.

The middle-aged man looked flustered, and a pocket camera was shaken out from his sleeve by Gao Yi on the spot. The camera was quickly taken away by the security personnel called by Gao Yi.

Among the onlookers, someone recognized the middle-aged man as a reporter from a newspaper.

"The God of Gamblers doesn't take pictures! Please understand!"

Gao Yi emphasized in a cold voice.

This cousin of the God of Gamblers is just like 99% of the Hong Kong Islanders that Gao Chao has met. His physical fitness and mental strength are both rated as [ordinary people].

The only exception is that Gao Yi is the owner of the talent [Originator of Taking Advantage of the Heat] - in the plot of [God of Gamblers 1], Gao Yi pushed his cousin Gao Jin's wife, a beautiful woman who was as pretty as Huo Min, down the stairs and killed her, killing her first and then taking advantage of the heat...

This left a huge shadow on Gao Chao's young mind at the time. The scene replayed itself that night and he had nightmares all night long.

Speaking of which, it seems that no one named Gao Yi is a simple character. If Gao Chao remembers correctly, there is a principal of a high school with the same name and surname, who is also very famous. He has a lot of fun with Teacher Bai in their school, and it seems that they have tried all kinds of exciting ways of playing.

"A Chao, he is Gao Jin's cousin. I heard that Gao Yi is Gao Jin's most trusted and capable assistant."

Big D looked towards the elevator and spoke slowly. Self-assured of his status as a big boss, he glanced at Gao Chao who was standing still beside him, but did not gather around him like the others did.

Big D, who had received the news long ago and knew that the God of Gamblers would attend the jewelry exhibition, had obviously done his homework - Gao Jin had always deliberately remained mysterious in order to keep a low profile and pretend to be cool, and his personal information was kept very strictly, but Gao Yi was not so particular, so his information was relatively easy to check.

"...cousins, they are indeed Gao Jin's beloved relatives, brothers and sisters."

Gao Chao smiled with an ambiguous meaning.

In the sight, Gao Yi had his hair combed back, his hair wax made it shiny, and he was wearing a well-ironed suit. He looked respectable, but after the little incident just now, a hint of impatience and sinisterness appeared from time to time between his brows, making Gao Yi look difficult to get along with.

Gao Chao, knowing exactly what kind of person this was, did not pay any more attention to him.

Instead, he looked behind Gao Yi, at Gao Jin, who had the same hairstyle, steady steps, and tall stature, and who slowly appeared.

Gao Jin——[Martial artist]——[Person with special abilities]!
Special abilities!

Gao Chao's eyes fluctuated slightly for a moment, but he was not very surprised.

Judging from the prequel "God of Gamblers 3: Young God of Gamblers", Gao Jin did not have any special abilities when he was young, and he mainly used psychological tactics.

But in [God of Gamblers 1] and [God of Gamblers 2], the 'mature form' Gao Jin definitely possesses special abilities, but the fact that he has these special abilities is kept very secret.

For example, in "God of Gamblers 1", Gao Jin replaced the cards held in the hand of Chen Xiaodao's younger brother through the air - how could the parties involved not notice at all when the cards that they had been holding tightly in their hands were replaced? This can only be explained by metaphysics.

He also scared away two fierce wolfhounds of foreigners with just his eyes... hypnotized Xiao Fangfang with a cigarette... and helped Haitang draw a 2 of diamonds while wearing a short-sleeved shirt... All of the above are more or less suspected of having special abilities.

As for the physical fitness of the "Martial Artist", it is easy to understand. Although Gao Jin rarely takes action in the "God of Gamblers" series, he always wins when he does. He is also proficient in gunmanship and has killed many people.

Moreover, this God of Gamblers has outstanding physical fitness. In the play, he rolled down the hillside and hit his head like that, but he only lost his memory. A normal person would have died long ago.

Moreover, from a basic logic point of view, this alien world has integrated so many film and television works, and talented people emerge in endlessly. If Gao Jin, who is running around the world, did not have some hard skills, he would not be able to live safely to this day with the resounding title of "God of Gamblers".


Gao Chao soon came into contact with Gao Jin.

The gambling god behaved properly, with a faint smile on his lips all the time, looking very gentlemanly. He was obviously very familiar with the procedures of this banquet and seemed to be completely at ease. He first talked for a few words with the two pairs of foreign consuls and their spouses who were the center of attention at the banquet, and then chatted and laughed with some wealthy businessmen from Hong Kong Island.

Finally, introduced by a wealthy businessman, he walked towards Gao Chao and Da D.

The wealthy businessman who acted as the "middleman" was none other than Mr. Zhang, who was engaged in real estate not long ago. He was very enthusiastic at this time and emphasized that Big D was running a gambling boat business.

"Hahaha! God of Gamblers, I have always admired you, and today I finally get to meet you."

Big D narrowed his eyes slightly, smiled with wrinkles on his face, and after a few simple polite words, he said directly:

"I would like to invite you to come to my gambling boat in a couple of days to play a round of public gambling. Are you interested?"

Gao Jin looked at Da D for a few times, his eyes were calm, and the smile on his lips did not change, but he refused very straightforwardly: "I'm sorry, I have to take a boat to Macau tomorrow."

Big D's smile faded for a moment, and then he laughed again:

"So when is the time?"

Without waiting for Gao Jin to answer, Big D emphasized:
"Don't worry, God of Gamblers. You will never suffer any loss in this bet. I can assure you of that! You won't reject me again, right?"

As he spoke, Big D's tone began to get heavier.

Gao Jin was silent for a moment.

He smiled and shook his head again:

"What a coincidence! My schedule has been very full in the past year."


All of a sudden.

As he was rejected repeatedly, Big D's expression became visibly gloomy.

Facing Big D who changed his face so quickly, Gao Jin just raised his glass calmly, made a simple gesture to Big D, took a sip himself, raised his eyebrows slightly, and exclaimed:

“…The wine is very good.”

Seeing this, Big D's face twitched and he said in a cold tone:

"Can't you spare even one day?"

"If a man has no faith, he cannot stand. We have an agreement in advance." Gao Jin shrugged with a smile, glanced at Mr. Zhang next to him, and had the intention of withdrawing and leaving.

Gao Chao watched with great interest from the side, focusing on observing Gao Jin. He found that the gambling god's eyes were really bright, the kind that sparkled.

Just like when I read novels in my previous life, some authors often used the word "twinkling eyes" to describe characters, as if the character's eyes were light bulbs, which looked full of flaws.

But the difference is that Gao Jin's eyes are abnormally bright, and I don't know if he is wearing contact lenses.

Or is it because of special abilities?
After thinking for a moment, Gao Chao saw that Da D's tone was getting more hostile, so he took the initiative to break the increasingly tense atmosphere:
"Brother D, why don't you introduce Mr. Gao Jin to me? After all, he and I are both members of the Gao family."

"...This is Ah Chao...He's my good brother." After introducing Gao Jin, Big D glanced at him with a slightly cold look, and had no intention of speaking again for the time being.

Although he had heard many legends about the 'God of Gamblers' in the past, it did not mean that he would have any feelings of worship and respect for Gao Jin.

As a person who is used to being arrogant and domineering, and who has recently become the boss of the society, Big D is feeling very proud of himself. He does not think that the "deified gambler" in front of him has the right to not give him face.

In Big D's opinion, Gao Jin has no territory, few followers, and no official background. He can find someone to kill him at any time.

God of Gamblers? Believe it or not, I will turn you into a concrete pillar and throw you into the sea for reclamation, so that you can't even be a water ghost!

"Okay, got it."

Just when Big D was unhappy, Gao Chao had successfully obtained the two talent cards of [Wife-killer] and [Psychology Master] from Gao Jin by shaking hands.

He also very politely shook hands with Gao Yi, who was acting as a background figure behind Gao Jin, holding his head high and being taciturn.

This did make this gentleman, who liked to take advantage of the opportunity, stunned for a moment.

At this point, the three talent experience cards are complete.

Gao Chao didn't hesitate too much.

Directly select the system's [Sacrifice] function and do a five-draw trial card.

In his mind, he quickly locked onto the five experience cards: "Killing Machine", "Aimee Missile", "Yin Yang Eyes", "Dog Feeding Master", and "Wife Killer".

The first four cards have already unlocked permanent talents and have become useless and redundant experience cards.

The only difference is the [wife-killing maniac].

This experience card is the first time that Gao Chao chose to sacrifice a talent in advance without unlocking the talent.

Because in his opinion, [The Wife-Killing Man] is too stupid.

'The tragic death rate of the opposite sex who loves you is highly increased' Gao Chao really couldn't accept this.

Brother Chao is so outstanding, is it wrong for those girls to admire him?
Gao Chao felt that it would be much kinder for him to surpass them than to kill them.

Therefore, he did not think that he would ever need to use this experience card. After all, if he spent a lot of effort to make Ruan Mei, Fang Ting... and other talent carriers fall in love with him from the bottom of their hearts, but they were all killed before he had time to take shortcuts to further strengthen their favorability and meet the conditions for unlocking the talent, wouldn't he suffer a great loss?

"Even the talent experience cards like [Poor Guy], [Love Brain], and [Cooking Master] may have miraculous effects at certain times, but [Wife Killer] should be forgotten..."

Gao Chao shook his head silently, and a light flashed in his mind.

Three brilliant streams of light emerged one by one.


[Yuwen Chengdu (I, Yuwen Chengdu, hate wasting things the most in my life. I usually eat every grain of rice in the bowl... Listen to my orders! Line up outside!)]


[Abin (His high school grades were not ideal...)]


[Fairy Wand (with vibration and spiral functions, minors are not allowed to use it without the company of their parents)]


Gao Chao was secretly delighted. Although he only drew three out of five, at least he got two character cards, and both had special talents.

Although [Abin] is a bit useless and his talent is [junior stud], [Yuwen Chengdu] is extremely powerful!
Yuwen Chengdu——[Top martial artist]——[Slightly stronger than ordinary people]!
Physical fitness is rated very highly.

And it comes with two practical talents.


[Born with supernatural powers (all heroes are born with supernatural powers, and the second best in the world is no exception)]

——Strength is highly enhanced.

——Based on ordinary people, the physical defense is highly enhanced.

——Based on the average person, endurance is moderately enhanced.


[Big Brother Who Takes the Lead (Follow General Yuwen to the Death!)]

——The morale of your subordinates will not be easily lowered.

——It is easier to convince your subordinates when you are loyal.


The talents are great.

Unfortunately, the talents that come with the character cards cannot be unlocked, so even the conditions for unlocking the talents are not displayed.

"I hope the system can unlock the corresponding functions later..." Gao Chao was very envious of [Innate Supernatural Power].



Following the mediation of Gao Chao and Mr. Zhang.

Big D didn't make things too difficult for Gao Jin. When Shao Meizhen came over and noticed the situation, he took advantage of the situation and found an excuse to leave temporarily.

With an unhappy look on his face, he obviously had no interest in staying here to continue communicating with Gao Jin.

"...Mr. Gao, please!" Gao Jin watched Big D leave, turned around and raised his glass to Gao Chao to express his gratitude, with a more sincere smile on his lips.

Although he is not afraid of big D at all.

But I also understand that it will be troublesome if the local tyrants in Hong Kong like Big D, who have their own tribal power, intend to target us.

Facing Gao Chao, who had just helped him out and shown kindness, Gao Jin did not put on airs.

"You are Mr. Gao, and I am also Mr. Gao. It sounds too strange and awkward... From now on, just call me Ah Chao." Gao Chao, who had a drink with Gao Jin, said with a smile:

"You are older than me anyway, so it won't hurt anyone if I call you Brother Shengjin."


……at the same time.

While Gao Chao and Gao Jin were concentrating on their conversation, a young, beautiful and fashionably dressed woman was carefully hiding in the crowd, holding up a camera hidden in a black handbag and secretly taking pictures of Gao Chao and Gao Jin.

"...Look, it's the God of Gamblers Gao Jin. His information is more valuable than Long Wei's. It really wasn't a wasted trip today." Le Huizhen whispered to the TV station manager next to her, excitement showing on her pretty face.

She has a standard oval face with just the right amount of collagen on her face. A little more would make her look fatter, and a little less would make her look thinner. Coupled with her curvy figure and hot clothes, she gives people a pure and sexy feeling.

"Hurry up and take pictures of the person next to them as well. That person is Gao Chao, the boss of the Heliansheng gang. You know the news about Superman Apartment? It was him... Take pictures of both of their faces." The TV station director with a traitor's hairstyle and glasses responded in a low voice.

Both of them had just passed the security check. After creating some artificial coincidences to deceive the security, they successfully brought the camera in. They just took a secret photo of Long Wei flirting with a beautiful woman.

"Wait! He's staring at me..." Le Huizhen suddenly hid the handbag on her arm behind her waist, and her tone became unnatural.

It turned out that Gao Chao, who was secretly photographed, seemed to have noticed something and was looking at Le Huizhen with a sharp gaze.

"Why are you panicking? He won't eat you. Hide the camera quickly."

"He's walking towards us... He seems to have discovered it!" Le Huizhen shook her head, her tone slightly anxious.

When I was about to continue asking the supervisor, I found that the supervisor was already pretending to "not know her".

Before leaving quickly, he whispered a warning:
"Don't betray me! You'd better take care of yourself and don't provoke him. This Gao Chao looks quite gentle, but he is actually very cruel."

After the supervisor finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Upon seeing this, Le Huizhen cursed under her breath, then forced a bright smile onto her pretty face and blinked her beautiful eyes with delicate eyelashes, looking harmless.

"Miss, it's wrong to take pictures secretly." Gao Chao walked over with a gentle smile.

He has always been gentle and easy-going towards this kind of beautiful girl with special talents.

Speaking of which, as Le Huizhen is the heroine of "Dragon's Edge", Gao Chao had searched for her at the banquet from the very beginning. After all, this woman was likely to have special talents, but Le Huizhen had obviously not entered the banquet at that time.

Fortunately, this beautiful reporter did not disappoint Brother Chao.


[The Lady in Red (all her film and television roles wearing red clothes are amazing...)]

——When wearing red clothes, your charm is highly enhanced.

(Wear a sexy red dress for a year)

Apart from the unlocking conditions that made Gao Chao's eyes twitch slightly, there's nothing else to complain about.

"Miss, are you taking secret photos?!"

At this time, Gao Yi, who followed Gao Chao, suddenly changed his expression. He stretched out his hand towards Le Huizhen with a cold look, ready to snatch the camera with a big movement.

However, Gao Chao easily blocked it and pushed him back, causing him to stumble back two steps.
"Don't be so rude to beautiful women, Yi."


Do I know you well?

Gao Yi was unhappy.

Just as he was about to say something with a frown on his face, his cousin Gao Jin raised his hand to stop him:

"Okay, young lady, hand over the videotape. No one here will embarrass you."

“……”Le Huizhen bit her red lips lightly. Although she was quite reluctant, she finally succumbed to the pressure and handed over the videotape.

During this time, she did not notice that Gao Chao's fingers touched her palm, but her pretty face was full of unwillingness.

She started her career as a journalist shortly after graduation and actually has a "hot pepper" personality.

Unfortunately, she couldn't get tough with Gao Chao, the 'seemingly gentle' gang leader. As a young reporter who was keen on in-depth interviews and full of energy, Le Huizhen was well aware of how rampant these Hong Kong gangs had become in recent years.

"Miss, I wish you a pleasant party." Gao Chao did not bother Le Huizhen too much at this time. After smiling at her, he chose to continue talking with Gao Jin and began to consciously guide the topic towards the direction of "special abilities".

When Gao Chao noticed Le Huizhen leaving out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but shake his head secretly.

It's a pity that a gunfight will happen in the Cointreau Hotel soon, otherwise he would have chosen to replace a few talents that increase charm in the talent slot.


the other side.

Feifei, disguised as a receptionist, finally realized that something was wrong.

After she shook off the big star Long Wei, who had just finished an interview with the media outside the hotel and was sticking to her like taffy, she immediately took the elevator to the banquet area, and soon walked to a remote corner with a gloomy face.

"Hey! Something's wrong, the doctor's missing!"

Feifei turned on the communication device hidden on her body and said in a cold voice.

"...My brother is missing at this time? Are you kidding me?" There was a flash of electric noise on the other end of the communication, and then a male voice was heard.

Soon, a quarrel broke out over there, and the voices of several leaders were heard one after another:
"So are you still going to do this?"

"Nonsense! You've been preparing for so long, and you want to give up halfway?"

"...Let's follow the plan first. Once we have control of the hotel, we can find a doctor!"

The leaders finally reached a consensus.

After all, they were all fierce gangsters who had committed many serious crimes. Although they realized that the sudden disappearance of their usually steady leader must be suspicious, they had no intention of backing down.

One minute later.

When Feifei left with a gloomy face, Luo Tianhong walked out from the corner of the corridor. A cold smile appeared on her baby face, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she picked up the phone and said:

"Tell Brother Chao..."

With the doctor disabled, Feifei is the only person to contact the gangsters outside. Gao Chao, knowing this, naturally sent Luo Tianhong to keep an eye on this girl.

If Feifei does not choose to carry out the doctor's original plan, then Luo Tianhong will attack like a wolf warrior and "help" her to persevere.



Outside the Cointreau Hotel.

A large number of media gathered at this time.

In addition to the traffic brought by the banquet itself, many media came for the God of Gamblers Gao Jin.

The media who had just interviewed Long Wei and some Hong Kong entertainment stars were obviously still dissatisfied. Faced with the security personnel who strictly guarded and refused to let them enter the hotel, they were expressing strong resentment.

not far away.

In a van parked on the side of the road, there were three fierce eyes staring at this side.

"Tony, this Gao Chao just killed the dinosaurs not long ago, and he dares to come out so arrogantly. He doesn't even have a few more brothers around him. He really looks down on the Number Gang..."

The middle-aged man in the lead stroked his stubble and smiled, then glanced at the time on his watch.

The three people sitting in the car were actually the three Vietnamese brothers who were recently invited by Hua Fu, the leader of the Number Gang, to deal with Gao Chao.

The leader was none other than Xian Weicha, also known as Brother Zha in the underworld.

"Maybe he thinks he's really good at fighting."

Tony answered slowly and quietly, but it gave people an inexplicable chill and he exuded a dangerous aura.

"That's right. Didn't he win ten... dozens of competitions in a row in front of many societies in Hong Kong Island?" Brother Zha briefly recalled, then turned around and sneered and asked his other brother:

"Ah Hu, do you remember? Didn't Hua Fu just say it not long ago? How many games were there?"

"I don't remember." Ah Hu, who was sitting in the back row, shook his head. He had a strong body and strong muscles all over his body. He was a muscular man, but it seemed that his brain was a little not working well.

"It's twelve games in a row." Tony said slowly, loading a shotgun.

At this time, in addition to the shotgun, there were also two AK rifles in the van.

"Who cares how many games he has!"

Ah Hu flexed his fist with a ferocious expression:
"All I know is that I will beat him to death very soon!"

"Hahaha!" Brother Zha patted Ah Hu's shoulder.

He immediately lit a cigar for himself and said leisurely, "This time when we come back... the three of us brothers will never leave again."

"After we get rid of this Gao Chao, we will bring Mom to Hong Kong Island to enjoy a good life."

"If Huafu doesn't meet the conditions he promised us in advance, Tony, do you know what to do?"



"Long Wei is coming!"

At the banquet, another shining character appeared.

Long Wei is one of the top male artists in Hong Kong Island in this strange world, and he claims to be an action star who never uses a stunt double.

But in fact, many dangerous action scenes were completed by Li Jie who helped him, and he is also the male protagonist of "Dumb and Dumber".

Unfortunately, Mr. Li Jie, who came from the military and whose family was destroyed by the doctor and his gang of international gangsters, did not appear at the banquet at this time, just like the original plot.

Gao Chao naturally looked over with expectation.

As the title of the movie suggests, Long Wei is an important character in this drama.

But the next moment, disappointment appeared in Gao Chao's eyes, and then his eyes became a little weird.

Long Wei has talent!
And there are still three!

Unfortunately, just like He Jinyin, it is of no value other than providing Gao Chao with a trial card.

Because Long Wei’s three talents are [Dragon of the Furniture City] + [Combat Side·Lucky Aura] + [Sex Dragon]!
I'm super!

Gao Chao was furious.

Long Wei actually possesses Chen Jiaju’s unique talent!
Thinking of certain characteristics of Long Wei's father and his agent Charlie Cao... Gao Chao couldn't help but shake his head, Fatty Wang, you said that this drama is not used to blacken my idol, you are definitely a Long hater!
This is purely a personal grudge.

"However, fortunately, Long Wei does not have two bones, after all, he is not pure enough..."

As the owner of the gifted [Double-bone Dragon], Gao Chao feels that he is superior to Gao Longwei.

No double bones.

This is just a crippled dragon!


After Long Wei, a big name in the entertainment industry, appeared.

As if it was agreed, many celebrities who had just finished being interviewed by the media entered the venue one after another. Many female celebrities with outstanding looks were very eye-catching.

Everyone dressed up beautifully and began to show off their beauty. Everywhere you looked, there were flowers and petals everywhere.

It was a familiar figure that attracted Gao Chao's attention.

"Xiao Ling, there are several big bosses who are willing to invest in the company's new play tonight... You must seize the opportunity and stop being willful. President Li is already very disappointed in you!"

Fang Xiaoling was wearing a light pink dress that highlighted her slender figure, and her agent's voice rang in her ears.

This caused a look of annoyance to appear between her delicate brows.

Although the drama "Goddess of Flower Street" in which she starred half a year ago was a huge hit, it did not give her the expected status in the industry.

There are still many people who can easily dominate her future and career...

Recently, the company's top management has shown a tendency to hide her. Even the leading female role in a new drama, which had been secured after an audition, was snatched away by a newcomer in the company.

Thinking about how she worked so hard in acting, and how she was almost involved in a dangerous police operation a few months ago while filming a night scene, where it was said that the police even found a pistol during the operation, but still ended up like this, she couldn't help but feel sad...



(PS, it is said that the actor who played Li Rongrong opened a Tik Tok account last year, but was scared to cancel the account because the comments section of the video was full of comments such as "queue up" and "follow General Yuwen to the death.")
(PS, there are video clips of famous scenes at the end of the chapter, but they may not pass the review... This chapter is mostly foreshadowing, and the next chapter will be more substantial.)
(End of this chapter)

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