The world begins with Hong Kong TV series

Chapter 38 Unlocking the 3rd Talent Slot

Chapter 38 Unlocking the third talent slot
  Around 9pm.

After finishing the night run, Gao Chao, who was having a late night snack, received a phone call.

The negotiations between Dumbledore and Camel have come to fruition.


"Playing in the ring?"

Gao Chao's tone was surprised.

"Yes, Uncle Deng and Luo Tuo have a good relationship. Over the years, they have given each other gifts during the New Year and holidays, and they don't want to see conflict between the two parties."

Chuiji also seemed to be relieved. Although he felt sorry for that villa in his heart, he was more afraid of death. He said with a smile on the other end of the phone:

"A week later, we will hold an underground boxing match with Liansheng and Dongxing Club, and the outcome will be used to decide who owns Hongtai's territory. We will also invite other clubs to watch the match!"

"Make a name for yourself, Ah Chao!"

"I don't think there is anyone in Hong Kong's clubs who can compete better than you. I'm prepared to pay hundreds of thousands for you to win!"

"Uncle Deng also said to me when he called me just now, Ah Chao, you must participate this time and win the beauty!"


After Gao Miao hung up the call, he was thoughtful.

If you're in the ring.

It's really "Young and Dangerous".

The "Ranking Battle of Jianghu Giants" in the comics is very famous.

It's a pity that this different world is integrated into the movie version of "Young and Dangerous".

Gao Chao means there is no one who can fight.

Even though his physical fitness is only slightly stronger than that of ordinary people, Chen Haonan and Shan Ji cannot compete with him.

Chen Haonan has the skill of "Wind God Legs". In the movie, he can shamelessly shout "Wind God Legs" in the ring.

Then he kicked Situ Haonan, who was full of muscles and knew fighting skills better than you.

But Brother Chao has more troubles than you!

"Playing in the ring, opening gambling stalls, dividing the territory..."

Gao Chao whispered.

No big boss in He Liansheng would doubt that he was superb and capable of fighting. After all, he almost single-handedly killed Hong Tai's talker.

Although except for Gao Chao's few confidants, the other big guys haven't figured out the inside story yet, but the less clear they are, the higher they will estimate Gao Chao's strength.

This time Dong Xing not only grabbed Big D's territory, but also other big guys' territory. A Le, Yu Toubiao, and Da Po Hei must also attach great importance to it.

The reason why I didn't jump out before was because Big D volunteered to stand in front.

The current level of proficiency is undoubtedly crucial.

'I wonder what Big D will think after hearing the news...'

Gao Chao touched his chin.

Although Big D has a way to kill himself, after all, he just gave himself one million, so he can temporarily consider avoiding his death.

'But two talent slots are still not enough insurance...'

Gao Chao dialed the number of his younger brother Mai Yusheng:

"A Sheng, contact me a few girls tonight. They're married, but they always like to hang out... Don't look for a real good family, so you don't have to make a mess. Brother Chao only spends your time and I'm willing to do it." money..."

"Remember, the girl you are looking for must be clean enough! If I contract an unclean disease, I will definitely castrate you!"

Gao Chao put forward many conditions.

Prepare to unlock [Green Zhongxin] tonight.

They are all just tool people. Gao Ming said that he only cares about his kidneys and not his heart.

As for hygiene, he attaches great importance to it. It is impossible to waste a precious chance of rebirth because of a certain disease.


The next day.


Gao Chao successfully unlocked [Green Zhongxin].

After the girls took the money and left their contact information, they left with smiles. Gao Miao didn't even remember their names, and there was no need to remember them.

Although Hong Kong Island is not big, we will never meet again.

"A Sheng, drive and pick up Hei Zai!"

Gao Chao said to Ma Yusheng who had been waiting outside all night.

The fish stall business in the Yulao Market has been handed over to relatives to take care of, and now he is following Gao Chao wholeheartedly.

The fish seller thinks he is discerning.

Brother Chao has only been involved with Lian Sheng for a long time, but he has done so many great things, and now he is still managing two clubs. This astonishingly fast rise to the top made him decide to follow Gao Chao. Besides, he and his brother had brought Dao Youming there in the first place...

Although no one present mentioned it again.

But Ma Yusheng knew that he had already submitted his name. After being in the club for so many years, he finally got in with both feet.


Ma Yusheng drove Hei Zai over in a brand new Mercedes-Benz.

Mercedes-Benz is also a Mercedes-Benz.

It's the name here in Hong Kong Island and Macau.

After Che Shi Gaochao completed his morning training this morning, he decided to take a break to recuperate his strength - after all, he had not unlocked [Fang Shi Long] yet.

Take advantage of the gap.

He took his younger brother to find Dasha in Saigon and bought a second-hand car.

Saigon Dasha is the one who was very arrogant in the first part of the movie "Young and Dangerous" and was then beaten up by Chen Haonan and his group. He is in charge of the stolen car resources in Saigon.

Dasha had heard about Gao Chao's reputation and knew that this man was a ruthless character.

In addition, Gao Ming was an amiable person most of the time. After Gao Ming inadvertently showed the Black Star pistol at his waist... the two parties had a pleasant conversation.

So Dasha happily found Gao Chao a 90% new Mercedes Benz.

The original price was seven to eight hundred thousand, but Gao Chao got it for one hundred and fifty thousand.

He also said that if he got into trouble because of this car, he would let Brother Chao know how Brother Chao overtook others.

Immediately, he ignored Dasha's somewhat stiff smile and asked Ma Yusheng to drive away.

Gao Chao doesn't have a driver's license.

But there will be one soon.

He can even get proof of identity through the association, let alone a driver's license, all he has to do is spend money.

Even when the status of Gao Gao rises further, he can just give instructions for this kind of thing.

"Brother Chao, were you satisfied last night? I specially bought you the most expensive one, the ultra-thin one..." Ma Yusheng approached with a smile and lit a cigarette for Gao Miao.

After getting acquainted with Gao Chao, Ma Yusheng was not as reserved as he was at the beginning.

Gao Chao ignored him.

He didn't mind these confidants joking with him, as long as they were in a measured manner. After all, Mao Yusheng had guarded him all night yesterday.

Without selling Yusheng, he couldn't concentrate on the real thing - unlocking talents.

After all, Hong Tai might still have some fish slipping through the net. Being careful can at least prevent the boat from capsizing in the ditch and save the number of rebirths.

"Hei Zai, take me to your school."

Gao Chao said to Hei Zai.


Hei Zai's school is Southeast Middle School.

It is the middle school where the heroine Zhu Wanfang is in the movie "School".

Since yesterday.

Gao Ming asked Hei Zai, Wu Ying and the others to 'reminisce' about the past with the people who had forced Hei Zai to drop out of school outside the school gate.

What surprised Gao Chao.

Someone approached me that day.

He came here with 10,000 yuan and said frankly that he wanted to pay homage to Gao Chao Pier - he said his name was Zhou George.

The name is a combination of Chinese and Western.

That is, in "School Storm", the villain who is in the same class as Zhu Wanfang and has done all kinds of bad things.


'As expected, the third talent slot will be unlocked today...'

Gao Chao came to the gate of Southeast Middle School.

The school is holding a sports meeting for primary and secondary school students, which is held by several nearby schools. Because Southeast Middle School is backed by the airport, the playground is very large.

The secondary schools, junior high schools and high schools on Hong Kong Island are all in the same school.

There is no high school entrance examination.

Therefore, the learning pressure of Form One to Form Three will be much less, and students’ enthusiasm for learning will not be overdrawn prematurely due to problem-solving tactics.

But it is precisely because there is no high school entrance examination that students cannot be diverted to the high school entrance examination. As a result, there are always hoodlums in various middle schools who are ignorant and incompetent and cause trouble.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for students like Zhu Wanfang in the movie who want to study seriously to be influenced by campus gangsters like George Zhou and even have their lives ruined.


(End of this chapter)

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