The world begins with Hong Kong TV series

Chapter 47 Wait for my lawyer’s letter!

Chapter 47 Wait for my lawyer’s letter!
  Victory Garden.


The sound of breaking glass suddenly sounded in the night sky.

A figure crashed through the window and fell from the fourth floor.

It hit the ground hard.


"...It seems to be Michael!"

The two plainclothes police officers who stayed outside said in horror.

They had just heard gunshots on the intercom, had called for backup and an ambulance, and heard a team member yelling, "Sir, you're crazy."

Unexpectedly, the commander fell directly from the building the next moment!
  Everything happened too fast.


Inside the building.

"Someone fell down?!"

The police officers who had just retreated to the shopping mall on the third floor also saw someone falling. When they heard the gunshots above stop, they cautiously went upstairs again with their guns in hand.

But I found that the fourth floor was now very peaceful.

There were only the groans and hisses of the shot police officers and the young and Dangerous boys.

In the center of the corridor, Gao Chao squatted on the ground. In the dim light, he briefly showed his face. The Black Star pistol, which was only used as a deterrent, was hidden and allowed to be taken away quietly by a younger brother.

"My boss is dead..."

Gao Chao whispered, confirming that there is no hope for the cockroach, and with the blessing of talent [The Departed Walker], he showed off his cheating version of his acting skills.

Gao Chao glared at several police officers with red eyes:
  "How do you become a policeman? You are so lawless! What law has he broken, Bro. What's wrong with him? He is only in his fifties..."

"If you say shoot, shoot!"

"Just ask your mentally ill officer to wait for you, as if you were possessed by a ghost. Don't think that by jumping out of a building out of fear of crime, you can get my superb forgiveness!"

"Wait for my lawyer's letter!"

"I will have the court send it to your Wan Chai Police Station!"


Several police officers looked at each other. They now had a lot of questions in their hearts, and they couldn't figure out why Michael suddenly went crazy...

For a moment, no police officers paid attention to Gao Chao, only looking after their team member who was shot.

Tonight's affairs are destined to be anything but trivial.

There will soon be a higher-ranking officer to take charge of the overall situation.



Dazzling red and blue lights flashed downstairs in Victory Garden, and at least seven or eight more police cars arrived.

Yellow cordon was raised.

The residents of the building who had been woken up early opened their windows and looked helpless.

There is no doubt that after tonight, the few residents of this building will leave again, and it will soon turn into a ghost building that is no longer inhabited.

In front of the police car.

The leader was a middle-aged man with steady eyes and a solemn expression.

"Where's Michael?"

The middle-aged man who came from Wan Chai Police Station frowned and asked.

"Report to Sir Li! Michael has been taken away by the ambulance and sent to the hospital..." A police officer stepped forward and said.

"Did he fall from the fourth floor?" Although Li Sir was asking, he had already seen the broken window on the fourth floor and knew the answer in his heart.

While he was talking, he had already led people into the building.


Inside the building.

The police officer and the young and Dangerous boy who were injured by Michael have just been sent to the hospital.

Chui Ji was sent to the morgue.

During this period, Siyanming also ran up.

After all, one person can tell that tonight is not going well.

"Brother Blowing Chicken is dead?"

Si Yanming's expression was slightly dull, a little at a loss.

"Yeah... I shouldn't have asked Brother Blowing Chicken to come tonight. Who would have thought that he would meet a crazy swindler!"

Gao Miao looked remorseful, his eyes were red, and he looked sad as if he was about to drop his 'little pearl' at any moment. He already had two undercover identities, and his identity as "an undercover police officer for a society" did not expire because of his death.

Blessed by the characteristics of his talent [The Departed Walker], his acting is full of contagious energy.

When the four eyes saw this, they also had sad expressions on their faces and were in a daze.

He is still very loyal to the cockroach.


Ten minutes ago.

Seeing Gao Gao with red eyes and a blue dragon tattoo, Mrs. Li's newly aroused ferocity was once again dominated by fear.

Subconsciously take a few steps back.

Then, under the watchful eyes of several police officers who were shot and a group of skilled young men, he smashed through the window and jumped off the building.

Of course, in the process of falling from the building, Mrs. Li turned into a sinister wind and escaped.

While escaping from Gao Gao, he flew to the upper floors of Victory Garden, preparing to save his husband, Mr. Li.


And Gao Miao has just received the news from his younger brother - Leon has another ball of plastic wrap in his hand.

Mrs. Li was successfully sealed by Leon.

According to what the younger brother said.

In just a few minutes, Leon first pried open room 9413 with a piece of hair.

Then in the room, I found Mr. and Mrs. Li’s son’s paintbrush.

Leon took off his shirt on the spot and painted on his body very quickly. With a serious expression, he drew two cats, one Garfield and one Tom.

When Mrs. Li came to the door, she was directly intimidated by Leon's shirtless, open-armed, and squirming 'tattoos' on his belly.

Then Leon defeated Mrs. Li directly with chocolate and plastic wrap.

At this time, the master ghost hunter was eating potato chips and watching TV at Mrs. Li's house, waiting for Gao Chao to join him to study the 'Scientific Tattoo Ghost Hunting Technique'.

Gao Miao had also secured the task of flushing the toilet in advance.

The two balls of plastic wrap sealing Mrs. Li and Mr. Li are waiting for Gao Miao to solve them.

"Brother, let Ah Sheng and Ah Fa ask Lawyer Liang to come over..."

Gao Chao whispered to his younger brother.

He would inevitably go to the police station tonight.


Not long after.

"Q is He Lian Sheng's master?" Li Sir, who came up the stairs because the elevator was damaged, noticed the target person at first sight.

There was no other way. Gao Ming was now simply wearing a black suit, with his chest open, and the dragon head tattoo of a red-eyed blue dragon was very eye-catching.

The younger brothers around him also defended him.

These younger brothers may feel uneasy after bragging to death, but there is no doubt that Gao Miao is now their only boss and their absolute backbone.

"...Who is this police officer?"

Gao Chao frowned.

"This is our Sir Li! The leader of the anti-gang group!" a police officer shouted from the side, faintly confronting the skilled young men.

The last name is Li?

Gao Chao looked at him a few times.

This Sir Li is a senior inspector, two levels higher than Michael's trainee inspector.

It's definitely not Li Wenbin. The Li Wenbin in "Chill" didn't play in Wan Chai, nor did he play in Tseung Kwan O.

Moreover, although these characters from another world are only three or four points similar to the actors in real-life movies, Gao Gao has a comparison template in his heart, so it is not difficult to recognize them.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Miao remembered who Li Sir was in front of him.

If nothing else, this person is Inspector Li from "Young and Dangerous 5: Enter the Dragon".

What makes Gao Ming confused is that according to the plot line of the movie "Young and Dangerous", even the incident of "Chen Haonan stabbing a cow in the street" at the beginning of the first movie has not happened yet.

Why did Inspector Li, who was only transferred to Wan Chai Police Station in the fifth film, show up now?

"Gao Chao, do you know that I was transferred from the Wan Chai anti-gang team yesterday?"

"I was transferred here because of Hong Tai's incident. You made too much trouble and dragged my predecessor into guarding the pond."

Li Sir took the initiative to answer Gao Chao's inner doubts and asked:

"Tell me, should you be responsible?"


(End of this chapter)

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