The world begins with Hong Kong TV series

Chapter 79 In terms of level, you should kneel down to me

Chapter 79 In terms of level, you should kneel down to me... (Please subscribe!)

On the rooftop.

Faced with Uncle Biao's inquiry.

Gao Chao shook his head and told the truth:
  "This matter is impossible, Uncle Biao. In this club, Liansheng, seniority is very serious..."

"To be honest, although my current power is enough to rank among the top ten in He Lian Sheng, in terms of qualifications, I am not even as good as those in charge of the small hall!"

"Really?" Uncle Biao was thoughtful.

Then he suddenly said to Chen Jiaju next to him:
  "...Jiaju, did you hear that? Even if it is a mixed club, it must be based on seniority!"

Chen Jiaju touched his big nose but did not reply.

In his opinion, the same is true for the police force.

He often complained about this in front of Uncle Biao.

"So, Ah Chao, you don't have a chance yet..." Uncle Biao nodded.

The matter was not mentioned again.

Gao Ming is not ready to use the power of the police now to help him become the new Heliansheng talker.

Because that's unrealistic.

Unless he kills Uncle Deng and other uncles in one go, and uses the help of the police to send Big D, A Le and others in.

But in that case, the traces would be too heavy.

It is impossible for the police to cooperate with him to become an 'old man killer'.

The most important thing is that it has only been less than two months since Gao Ming joined Helian Sheng, but his identity, status and fame have soared like a rocket.

Count him all the way.

The noodle stalls of Fangui and Fanshu were overturned by the police.

Hong Tai's prince was taken away from the hospital by the police and imprisoned.

The police also intervened in the death of the bragging chicken.

Just when Yu Toubiao wanted to cooperate with Gao Chao in selling documents, he fell into the hands of the police...

To be honest, for those really smart people in the club, as long as they are a little more suspicious, they may gradually become suspicious of Gao Gao.

It's just because of the changes in Hong Kong's community community during this period, and He Lian Sheng has been at the center of the storm, and the people who talk about it have been changing one after another, so most people's attention and energy cannot be transferred to Gao Ming.

For Big D, A Le and the others, nothing is more important now than running for spokesperson.

"Achao, I came to see you today mainly because there is something that needs your attention." Uncle Biao said the main purpose of his coming today:
  "Do you know Lin Kun? He escaped the night we caught the fish head."

"Our police need you to contact him and dig out the interest groups behind him... If you can handle this well, the informant fee will definitely be higher than this time, and you will be credited with great credit!"


Gao Chao was silent for a moment.

Having watched "The Disciple", he certainly knows that the industrial chain behind Lin Kun involves the Golden Triangle and a general named Chachai.

Speaking of which, northern Myanmar is part of the Golden Triangle.

In Hong Kong films, there are also too many film and television works that use the Golden Triangle as the villain's base camp.

Therefore, Hong Kong movies have always told the world that it is not a good place and it is very dangerous...

"no problem!"

In this matter, Gao Ming did not choose to reject Uncle Biao.

As a police informant, the police have the right to assign tasks to him. After all, he signed an informant contract, although whether he does it or not depends on Gao Chao himself.

At this point, Chen Jiaju made Gao Miao very satisfied.

Chen Sir would not bother him no matter what.

He was given almost no tasks.

As a fierce police officer with typical personal heroism, if something really happens, Chen Jiaju's first reaction is always to go to the police first and solve the problem himself.

Rather than trouble Gao Chao, trouble other police officers.

"However, I hope you can do me two favors, Uncle Biao."

Gao Chao was not polite to Uncle Biao.

When it is time to mention conditions, you must mention them.

Otherwise, people will think that you have no desires or desires.

"...Tell me about it." Uncle Biao raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I hope that after helping the police dig out the chain of interests behind Lin Kun, I can obtain the status of an auxiliary police officer!" Gao Chao said slowly.

The status of the auxiliary police in Hong Kong Island is not low, and their energy is definitely not low.

This can be seen from the fact that they also have independent law enforcement rights, the right to carry guns, and equal pay for equal work...

They also have the authority to handle daily illegal and criminal cases. Auxiliary police officers of the same level must obey the orders of regular police officers when they meet regular police officers of the same level.

But if you encounter a regular police officer with a lower rank than yourself... the situation will be reversed.

For example, if Gao Chao is now an auxiliary police officer at the senior inspector level, then he has the right to order regular police officers at the inspector level like Chen Jiaju to cooperate with his actions.

'In terms of rank, if I am higher than you, you should kneel down in front of me...'

The auxiliary police in Hong Kong Island really have this confidence. There are clear regulations on this within the police force.

Moreover, when the auxiliary police patrol the streets, they can also shoot and kill gangsters in emergencies when necessary.

According to Gao Chao’s investigation during this period.

There are currently more than 4500 auxiliary police officers on Hong Kong Island, with a male-to-female ratio of about 7:3. The total number is about one-ninth of the regular police force on Hong Kong Island!

At least 60% of the people who make up the auxiliary police come from all walks of life, including cleaners, property management personnel, agents, office workers, managers... To be honest, Gao Miao feels that there is a lot of room for maneuver here!

With his current reputation in the community, it is not realistic to become a formal police officer. Reluctantly becoming a police officer is also the logistics of logistics.

If Gao Chao wants to [take it all in black and white], he can only find another way.

"Auxiliary police..."

Uncle Biao frowned.

After thinking for a moment, Uncle Biao looked at Gao Ming:

"Achao, we will consider this matter carefully... I can't give you an accurate answer for the time being, but I will try my best to help you fight for it!"


There was no disappointment on Gao Chao's face.

Mention another thing:

"Also, I hope Uncle Biao can help me contact people at the Housing Department and help me find connections. I want to buy a building!"

"Ah?" A look of astonishment flashed across Uncle Biao's face.

"...What?!" Chen Jiaju also sounded surprised, suspecting that he was hearing hallucinations.

After Uncle Biao took a serious look at Gao Chao again, he seemed to have thought of something and asked with some uncertainty:
  "Victory Garden?"

He nodded when he saw Gao Chao.

"..." Uncle Biao was silent for a moment, and then said slowly:

"...No problem...I will ask Jiaju to give you his contact information!"

As a veteran in the police force, Uncle Biao still has a very deep network of connections.

"Where did you get so much money, Chao?" Chen Jiaju next to him couldn't help but ask.

"You know, I represented He Lian Sheng and Dong Xing in boxing and won twelve games in a row." Gao Chao shrugged:

"I won more than ten million!"

"In addition, my boss treated me like a godson when he was alive. We share the same affection as father and son."

"He left me a legacy and asked me to take care of his ineffective biological son."

"And I now have two streets of land, plus the informant fee... it is not unrealistic to buy a building like Victory Garden where housing prices have plummeted, homicides have occurred one after another, and the feng shui is extremely bad."

Chen Jiaju was seen a little silent.

Gao Chao said with a smile:

"Brother Ju, I want to do some industrial work to benefit the people and promote the economic development of Hong Kong Island... You can't expect me to really live on the society's money, right?"

"It's just a business like valet parking. Do you know that when I asked my boys to collect the protection fees from the businesses in the territory, my conscience ached! How difficult is it for people to make money?" Gao Chao touched it. Her chest looked so sincere.

[The Departed]'s talent is continuing to output.

"Yes..." Chen Jiaju glanced at Uncle Biao, who had not expressed any opinions on this matter, and nodded slightly.


After Gao Chao left with more than one million in informant fees.

Uncle Biao suddenly said to Chen Jiaju:

"This Ah Chao is indeed not doesn't look like he was acting! No wonder he can do such an excellent job as an informant..."

Uncle Biao's tone was somewhat emotional.

Chen Jiaju was thinking about another thing at this time, but he did not hear the subtext of Uncle Biao. After a pause, he suddenly suggested seriously:

"I think if Chao really wants to be an auxiliary police officer, he can be satisfied..."

He originally had the idea of ​​letting Gao Miao be an auxiliary police officer.

"...I'll discuss it with Sir Lin first!" Uncle Biao was noncommittal.


(End of this chapter)

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