The world begins with Hong Kong TV series

Chapter 91 [Evil Tattoo Artist] [Ghost Girl]

Chapter 91 [Evil Tattoo Artist] [Ghost Girl]

In the melee.

Ma Yusheng followed at the back and was not injured. Instead, he took the opportunity to stab someone from behind.

Seeing how brave his boss and the plane were, he was relieved and squatted down to help the plane treat its wounds.

"After bandaging the wounds, throw the bodies into the sea..." Gao Chao ordered calmly.

Immediately walked to the captain's cabin.

After making several phone calls, the last person I contacted was the captain.

The sea is strong enough to cover up most of the sounds.

There was no movement in the captain's cabin at this time.


After half an hour.

Gao Chao controlled this offshore fishing vessel.

During this time he was also shot in the arm by a bullet - the captain had a pistol.

Before being killed by Gao Chao, the captain resisted.

Before he died, he stated that he did not know anything about the ship, otherwise the Southeast Asian sailors would have brought this gun with them.

But Gao Chao didn't listen to his explanation.

It doesn't matter anymore.

So many people died!

If you want to blame, blame your lack of strict control!

Gao Ming and others are really going to be murdered by those Southeast Asian sailors. Can the captain still uphold justice for Gao Ming and others?

Before boarding the ship, Gao Miao paid a large sum of money as agreed!


The bodies of the captain and the sailors were all thrown overboard.

The sea can swallow everything.

Only the first mate and second mate were left on the ship. The second mate was now the one driving the ship and was from Hong Kong.

"Brother Chao, I found some medicine for your arm..." Ma Yusheng came over with a medical kit.

At this time, Gao Chao was playing with the captain's pistol. The bullet in his arm had been removed and the wound was healing quickly.

After thinking about it, I didn’t refuse:

"...Give me a bandage."

He looked at Ma Yusheng who was concentrating on applying medicine to himself.

Gao Ming did not take it lightly. The money and silk moved people's hearts. It's hard to say what the only uninjured brother would think.

"Brother Chao, I have interrogated the chief mate, and it is as I thought. This ocean-going fishing vessel is responsible for fishing, and there will be a transport ship to pick up the goods on the way. This can ensure that the fishing vessel can operate continuously for a long time... But what we are doing now In this case, you cannot contact the transport ship!"

Ma Yusheng's tone was serious, and he quickly calmed down after dumping the body.

As for the strange thoughts, he really didn't have any. He knew very well what kind of strength Brother Chao had. As the first younger brother who followed Gao Chao, Mao Yusheng knew that his boss was definitely not a human being and could not be judged by common sense.

"...So along the way, we have to pretend to be sailors, try to avoid transport ships and coast guard vessels of various countries, and after arriving in the South China Sea, sneak into Hong Kong Island." Gao Chao also considered this.

"If you want to smuggle in... I do know a route, but unfortunately it's not suitable. It's only suitable for smuggling from the Guangdong and Guangxi areas in the north." Mao Yusheng's tone was a little complicated, and he recalled something:

"When I was young, I came to Hong Kong Island illegally and almost died... After I stabilized, I took my younger siblings over."

"Good times will come in the future." Gao Chao said with relief and continued to give instructions:

"Keep an eye on the second officer!"


Nine days later.

Under the night.

Hong Kong Island.

Yuen Long.

A wilderness that has not yet been developed.

The trio of Gao Ming successfully landed with several large bags of cash.

There were no near misses during this period, and it was not such a coincidence that I encountered a pirate who was about to disappear.

The satellite technology of this era was not as mature as that of later generations. The sea was boundless. Except for a few passenger ships and some fishing boats, Gao Chao and the others did not encounter other ships.

However, when approaching Hong Kong Island, the second officer had a premonition that his chances of survival were slim. In desperation, he began to secretly drive the fishing boat to the nearby waters where the coast guard was stationed.

Hope to fight for a glimmer of hope.

But he was discovered by the calm and attentive fish salesman who had been guarding him.

After Gao Ming asked the plane to kill the second officer, the first officer also knew that he would definitely die and was no longer willing to cooperate.

It was also killed by a plane and sank directly into the sea.

Fortunately, Ma Yusheng knows a little about the driving skills of fishing boats, and he has been secretly learning from the second officer these days.

But only if you 'know a little bit'.

In addition, several people have very little navigation knowledge.

Originally planning to land in the southern district of Hong Kong Island, we actually went directly to Yuen Long! "Brother Chao... it's not necessarily a bad thing! I'm familiar with the road ahead! I smuggled myself to Yuen Long first!" Mao Yusheng was shocked.

He didn't expect that by some combination of circumstances, he would actually be able to use the route he used to sneak across the border.

"... Shekou, mangroves... swim through SZ Bay. If everything goes well, you can swim to Yuen Long in just over an hour... Yes, I remember, this is the current road!" Ma Yusheng said excitedly.

At this time, he was unshaven. After nine days at sea, he and the plane had lost a lot of weight.

Only Gao Chao was still full of energy and rosy.

There is no way, [Severe Mental Illness] and [Immortal God of War] are in such good condition.

"lead the way!"

Gao Chao signaled him to stop talking nonsense.

All he wants now is to eat, sleep, and have a good time after handling this large amount of cash.

While speaking, black mist rolled in the depths of Gao Chao's eyes, and he was exploring the surroundings.

This is a built-in function of the system. His original scanning range was thirty meters, but after his mental power was upgraded, it was fifty meters.

This means that anyone within a fifty-meter radius who can be evaluated for physical fitness and mental strength will be detected by Gao Gao.

It's equivalent to a weakened version of the Eye of Truth.


"and many more!"

When the three of them passed by a deserted grassland, Gao Chao's eyes moved slightly, flashing with surprise, and he suddenly stared at a dilapidated house not far away.

It is very strange that a broken house can appear in such a wilderness.

Fortunately, it's not a supernatural film set.

Of course, don’t be afraid if you have it, a superb tattoo can cover it.

In that broken room, there were dim lights on, and there were two living people inside, and both of them had special talents!

'Escape route... wilderness, shabby house... a man and a woman... the movie [Yigai Yuntian]? '

Thoughts flashed through Gao Gao's mind like lightning.

Wait until you see the detailed introduction of the two special talents.

This is even more confirmed.


[Ghost Girl (Actually, being a human being at the wrong time is worse than being a ghost.)]

——After death, the probability of becoming a ghost is highly enhanced.

——Ghost state, super enhanced charm.

——If you were not a girl before death, this talent will be invalid.

(The physical body dies completely and becomes a ghost state)


[Evil Tattoo Artist (It turns out that the tattoo process can be so inappropriate for children...)]

——Acquire expert tattoo skills.

——When a request for a tattoo is made, the likelihood of rejection by the opposite sex and the same sex is slightly reduced.

——After you tattoo someone with your own hands, you can permanently sense their approximate location.

——You can use expert-level or expert-level tattoo skills to wash off the original tattoos on a person's body, painlessly, without scars, and perfectly.

(Personally tattooed five men and five women)



"Brother seems like someone is calling for help inside the house? Is it a woman?" Ma Yusheng heard something.

"Go down!"

Gao Chao took out the captain's pistol.


At this time, inside the broken house.

A middle-aged man with a sinewy face, a slovenly body, and a perverted expression. He looked like a villain at first glance.

He was grinning ferociously and pounced on a young woman with braids and simple clothes.

The young woman screamed in horror and struggled to resist. Although she was dressed in a rustic and disgraced appearance, her outstanding appearance could not be concealed.


Gao Chao fiercely kicked the door open.

Step forward quickly.

He kicked the middle-aged man away and put the gun on his head.


(PS, there is another chapter tonight, updated in the early morning.)

(End of this chapter)

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