The world begins with Hong Kong TV series

Chapter 93: Cleared, so easy!

Chapter 93: Clear it all, so easy!

The night breeze is cool.

Ruby, dressed up and wearing exquisite makeup, drove over.

The car was given to her by Gao Ming before she left Hong Kong Island.

A blue Mazda MX-5 roadster.

The original price was more than 200,000 Hong Kong dollars, which is considered one of the cheapest sports cars at the moment, but it looks very good. Gao Miao bought it from Dasha in Saigon for 70,000 yuan.

All procedures and documents are complete.

Once anything goes wrong... Gao Gao is not angry but happy.

Because he lacks a reason to surpass Dasha.

Dasha has made a lot of money from the 'stolen car' market in Saigon over the years.

It is estimated that a lot of gold coins can be exploded.


"Where has Brother Chao been these days..."

Ruby got off the car, holding an expensive women's handbag, and couldn't help but ask Dafa at the door.

"Don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask." Da Dafa was patrolling around the villa with a dozen of his younger brothers, looking a little impatient.

But in a flash, I thought about the kind of relationship this woman has with Brother Chao. If she blows the pillow wind... She sighed loudly:

"Brother Chao is right up there... We younger brothers don't dare to say nonsense. Sister Ruby, please understand."

Ruby nodded.

After taking a look at the young and Dangerous boy who seemed to be "vaguely hostile" to her, he walked upstairs.

Then she saw the Hong Kong student who had just taken a shower, with bright eyes and white teeth, and wet black hair.

The two women looked at each other across an English-style staircase.

"……who is she?"

Ruby asked the Filipino maid in the villa with a complicated tone.

In fact, what she wanted to ask more was.

How come Hong Kong students are wearing her clothes?

"This is a cousin from my hometown." Gao Chao came out after hearing the noise and pointed at the Hong Kong student who was embarrassed and did not dare to look directly into Ruby's eyes:

"Like me, they all come from the north."

"Cousin, you go and have a rest." Gao Chao waved his hand to the astonished Hong Kong student.

Wait for Hong Kong students to leave quickly.

"Is she really your cousin?" Ruby had managed Hong Tai's nightclub successfully. She was very good at observing people's emotions and could tell that Hong Kong students were unnatural.

"...I feel like I came at the wrong time today." Ruby continued, with a hint of imperceptible grievance in her tone.

"No, you came just in time."

Gao Chao picked her up by the waist.

After Ruby struggled twice, she was patted down by Gao Ming, neither lightly nor harshly.

No more movement.

"Driving that Mazda?"


"Find time to have a shot in the Mazda too!" Gao Chao said with a smile.

They say Mazda is prone to traffic jams? Or is it a cylinder plug?

No matter what, there is nothing wrong with using an electric baton more often!


Hong Kong Island.

Sham Shui Po District.

This is the area with the most public housing estates on Hong Kong Island, many factories, and a very dense population.

It was once called "a poor and happy paradise" by some media in later generations.

Poor is really poor.

I don’t know if I am happy or not.

The third aunt who is a Hong Kong student wants to join lives in Sham Shui Po.

This place is called a slum by the locals.

"...Thank you, Brother Qian Chao."

The Hong Kong student who got off the car bowed slightly to Gao Chao in the car.

Ruby's dress is low-cut...

Gao Chao glanced at people's seams.

Well, the gap is small.

No ripples.

Fortunately, she is naturally beautiful and has good skin. After taking a shower last night, she was dazzlingly white, and she has long legs... The Hong Kong student is considered very tall among women.

Especially for women in this era.

Wearing flat shoes, she is about 1.75 meters tall, very tall.

"I won't go over to your third aunt's side. I'll wait for you for half an hour." Gao Chao glanced at his watch.

"...Brother Chao, I won't continue to cause you any trouble...I'm afraid your girlfriend misunderstood last night...I may live with my third aunt next time." Hong Kong Sheng plucked up the courage to say.

He signaled Gao Ming not to wait for her.

For Gao Gao, her inner fear was greater than gratitude and curiosity.

And last night, the woman named Ruby with a good figure had a really loud voice... which made her very uncomfortable and couldn't sleep.

"Go!" Gao Chao waved his hand:

"I'll leave in half an hour." "...Okay, thank you Brother Chao!"

Hong Kong students bowed again.

"..." Gao Chao was speechless.

If you bow again, Brother Chao will become superhuman when he gets angry!

It's so early in the morning, it's not unlucky to do "three bows".



Ten minutes later.

Hong Kong students returned to Gao Chao's car with a depressed expression.

"Failed to recognize the bride?" Gao Ming asked, who had expected it, and suppressed a smile.

"...Have you guessed it a long time ago?" Hong Kong Sheng was obviously in a bad mood and his face didn't look good.

The next moment, she was worried that her tone just now was a bit cold.

Seeing that Gao Ming didn't care, Hong Kong Sheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Get in the car first!"

Gao Chao said calmly.

The driver, Captain Lu, ran out of the car very discerningly and opened the door for Hong Kong students.

"Thank you." Hong Kong Sheng thanked Captain Lu and sat in the back seat of the car glumly, looking out the window with confusion.

She failed to recognize her marriage.

The third aunt treated her like a god of plague and disliked her very much. She took out two hundred yuan and looked like she just wanted to send her away. The squinting eyes made her nauseous...

"How many sons and daughters does your third aunt have?" Gao Chao asked.

"...Two sons and two daughters, they are not very old." Hong Kong Sheng turned to look at Gao Miao, blinked, and looked away:

"She should still be in school."

"The pressure of survival on Hong Kong Island is very high. Your third aunt lives in Sham Shui Po and raises so many children. Even if the family only has an extra pair of chopsticks, she will definitely not be willing to..."

Gao Chao touched his chin:

"And she hasn't applied for public housing yet, right?"

In public housing on Hong Kong Island, the rent only costs a few hundred, and you can rent a house suitable for a family to live in, and you don't have to pay any rent, land rent, property fees, or even maintenance fees...

You can save a lot of money in a month.

Normally, if you rent a house in Hong Kong Island that is suitable for a family to live in and has a decent environment, such as the superb Wan Chai, you don't have to think about it for several thousand.

Plus property fees, maintenance fees and other miscellaneous expenses...get ready to tighten your belt.

Therefore, the supply of public housing on Hong Kong Island has always exceeded demand.

Need to queue.

Sometimes I can't even exclude you.

Take Luo Huiling from [Big Times] for example. She lived a difficult life with the three sisters of the Fang family. They waited in line for public housing for nearly ten years before it was finally their turn.

The family was very happy at that time because living in public housing would greatly improve their quality of life.

"...I don't mean to blame Third Aunt." Hong Kong Sheng's bright and beautiful eyes were like mist, with typical auspicious eyes, and he shook his head and said:

"I'm just very disappointed. Before my mother died, she asked me to come and join my third aunt... I took such a big risk to sneak into Hong Kong Island, but..."

Hong Kong Sheng sighed.

"I will arrange a serious job for you." Gao Miao did not accompany this girl to be sentimental.

Just looking at Hong Kong students' eyes.

This woman's eyes are really beautiful, as if she was born with colored contacts. The pupils are light brown and look blurry and alluring.

What a little stunner!

What about Eagle without Ruby?

When Gao Chao enters the 'Superman' state, just stare into her eyes.

As for Ruby, she was naturally staring at the pair of big eagles.

This woman cooperated with her for a long time last night and did not leave the villa this morning, vaguely acting like a hostess.

The woman's mind is really complicated. Gao Miao remembers that she was very resistant at first.

"...What kind of serious job?" Hong Kong Sheng asked in a low voice, feeling embarrassed when Gao Chao looked at him.

"You'll know when the time comes. It's up to you to choose!" Gao Chao smiled.

Ask Captain Lu to park the car in front of a shopping mall.

Gao Ming took Hong Kong students to buy a few sets of new clothes. The prices were not cheap for ordinary people, which made Hong Kong students who did not understand the prices of goods in Hong Kong secretly smack their lips.

Gao Chao was impatient when she stopped him while paying the bill, and after scolding him, he successfully bought it.

"These clothes are so expensive...I will return the money to your brother Chao after I work." Hong Kong student said in a low voice after changing into suitable new clothes, his appearance became more attractive.

"talk later."

Gao Chao is on the phone.


after an hour.

Peninsula Hotel.


Gao Ming wore a brand new white suit, gold-rimmed glasses, and looked elegant.

Standing next to her was Liang Guixin, dressed in black professional attire.

"Mr. Gao!"

The person from the Housing Department came over with a smile and shook hands with Gao Chao.

(End of this chapter)

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