The world begins with Hong Kong TV series

Chapter 99 Add money! Add money!

Chapter 99 Add money! Add money!

Locke said.

He Jufeng's nightclub.

This nightclub, which was renamed from 'HighX' to 'White Horse Club' by He Jufeng following Gao Chao's suggestion, is also nicknamed 'Bai Ma Club' by industry insiders.

Business is booming, making money every day.

When Gao Chao came in.

I also saw a rich woman celebrating the birthday of a duck in the store - her 28th birthday.

The rich woman not only booked the venue, but also paid for all the expenses tonight. She also bought twenty-eight gifts, saying that she would make up for the previous ones, and each gift had the specific age written on it.

The gift for the 28-year-old was a heart-shaped box containing 280,000 in cash and a pure gold cup.

A cup means a lifetime.

The 27-year-old male duck’s gift was a brand new Yadi car parked in front of the nightclub.

Yadi, also known as Audi, is the name on Hong Kong Island.

Of course, there was a very popular electric car in later generations also called Yadi...

Due to this time period, Audi has not yet been officially introduced to the Hong Kong Island market, so there are not many cars in Hong Kong.

It was purely imported from Europe by a rich woman.

Just make your favorite duck and car unique!

In addition, there are a total of twenty-six other gifts.


Gao Chao looked a little jealous.

I wonder if you are a woman and it will affect the reputation of this nightclub that will soon belong to him. Brother Chao will definitely blow your gold tonight!


"Brother Chao!"

When Gao Chao arrived, He Jufeng naturally came out to greet him in person.

"The two guests you invited are in the innermost box."

He Jufeng led the way and introduced them.

He asked again:

"Is Sister Ruby feeling better? The store's business is still busy at the moment, so Ruby doesn't have to worry too much."

He Jufeng respects Ruby everywhere and does not dare to offend her. He knows that Ruby is the woman of the super brother in front of him and thinks that Ruby is his sister-in-law.

Through these days of cooperation, he also discovered that Ruby is experienced, sophisticated and has no airs, making her a good nightclub partner.

If nightclubs want to continue to grow bigger and stronger, only ducks are not enough. Chickens also need to be managed by professional people.

And geographically, Lockhart Road was more advantageous than he imagined.

Lockhart Road was originally a famous red light district in later generations.

It is now undergoing rapid development.

This made He Jufeng not want to offend Gao Ming even more, as the price was too high.

And with this super brother protecting him, he has indeed never suffered any intrusion from the community since he opened the store.

This is a rare thing in Hong Kong today.

"Don't worry, she just has a cold and a fever." Gao Chao said casually.

Getting a tattoo will definitely still hurt, but it’s better to have anesthesia and topical medication when getting a tattoo.

But during the recovery period after tattooing, that is, during the healing process, in addition to pain, the main thing is itching, the kind of extreme itching... it can be called magic damage.

The itch makes you want to rub against a tree like a bear to relieve the itch.

For normal itching, just rub it hard against Brother Chao. Brother Chao is best at relieving the itching of the opposite sex. If it doesn't work, just use an electric baton.

However, you cannot scratch the itch after getting a tattoo. You cannot take the initiative to relieve the itch, you can only endure it.

So Ruby still needs to rest for a few days.

As for Gao Ming, the reason why he wasn't affected much after he got the Shoulder Dragon tattoo was because he had the talent of [Immortal God of War].


In the box.

Master Su Zheng and A Wu were sitting together.

There is a lot of expensive wine on the table.

It's just that Gao Chao didn't come and the wine hasn't been opened yet.

"Order so much wine?"

Gao Chao, who opened the door and came in, asked with a smile.

Awu was looking at him and shrugged upon hearing this:

"Tonight there is a lady who pays for the entire meal. I happen to order more. If you don't finish the drink later, you can take it away."

After finishing speaking, Awu cursed:

"Damn it! If that female Kaizi hadn't been a bit old, out of shape, and not good-looking, I would have wanted to be a duck!"

"Hahaha! Brother Wu, Brother Wu has such a good figure. As a duck, he will definitely be more popular than the duck celebrating his birthday outside!" Master Su smiled and praised.

"It hurts your lungs! It's just a joke, I rely on my strength to make a living, okay!" Awu smiled and patted Master Su's chest.

Gao Miao was also looking at A Wu at this time.

Ah Wu, physical fitness evaluation - [Martial Arts Practitioner]!

And this Jiaqian brother, who became famous earlier than the Jiaqian layman in the movie "Xiuchundao", really has a special talent!

Dark mist rolled in the depths of Gao Chao's eyes.


[Brother Add Money (Add Money, Add Money...Add Money! Damn it!)]

——When collecting money to do things, if the host can ask the employer to temporarily increase the money, the physical quality will be slightly strengthened and the luck will be highly weakened.

(Let the employer be willing to increase your money five times)


Physical fitness is slightly strengthened!


This scope is very broad, and force sensitivity is considered a certain attribute of physical fitness.

Overall strengthening means that whether it is strength or physical defense, speed, hearing, vision, endurance...all will be enhanced!

And there are no restrictions on 'on the basis of ordinary people'!

Another powerful talent!

As for the highly weakened luck...

Considering the way Brother Jiaqian died in the original drama, Gao Chao can understand it.

To be honest, with Brother Jia Qian's strength, if he hadn't been frequently consumed along the way when he helped Zhan Mi rescue Mr. Guo, and if he had been so unlucky, he wouldn't have been left empty-handed by Dongguan Zai and his three younger brothers in the carriage. He was stabbed to death with four knives.

'Fortunately, I have the talent to increase luck, and I will probably encounter more of this type of talent in the future...'

Gao Chao had a smile on his face and shook hands with A Wu:

"You are very skilled. Kill someone for me."

"Two hundred thousand!" Awu made the offer directly without any hesitation.

"...This hundred thousand yuan is the deposit."

Gao Chao asked the younger brother behind him to throw a small paper bag of money over.

Sitting opposite A Wu with a big sword and a golden sword:

"But it has to be done beautifully! It can't be ostentatious yet!"

Two hundred thousand for a human life is really not expensive.

Moreover, Ah Wu is worth the price. In addition to sword skills, the opponent is also proficient in firearms and assassination... He does things cleanly and professionally.

With this transaction, it is also a good start for the subsequent conquering of Awu.

I learned from Big D that Zhao Dong Boxing Gym has made a lot of money with its recent fan transfers.

After Gao Chao and other gym owners were killed by A Wu, Jesus would not be able to forgive him without exploding a wave of gold coins from the Zhao Dong Boxing Gym.

"Who is Brother Chao going to kill?"

A Wu asked while pouring glasses of wine for Gao Chao and Master Su.

"...A Feng, please go out first." Gao Miao did not answer the question immediately, but turned to He Jufeng, who was feeling uneasy and began to sweat on his forehead.

"Brother Chao, call me if you need anything." He Jufeng nodded hastily, fearing that he would hear more.

Only then did he realize that Brother Chao, who usually spoke kindly and talked and laughed with him, was not as easy to get along with as he seemed...

Looking at his leaving figure, Gao Chao smiled meaningfully.

This was also a deterrent to He Jufeng.

[The King of Ducks] will be unlocked in a few days. He Jufeng has no choice. Gao Miao will not give him a way out.


In the box.

After Gao Chao told A Wu the information about the owner of Zhao Dong Boxing Gym.

I asked my younger brother to pass a cigar to Awu:

"You can consider coming over to help me. I'm not short of money."

"...I don't doubt this. Brother Chao, you can even afford a building!" A Wu smiled and shrugged, toasting Gao Chao with a glass of wine.

But no definite answer was immediately given.

He is a member of the mixed number gang, although he has no sense of belonging to the number gang at all.

But in the short term, there are no high-level ideas yet.

After all, Gao Chao doesn't have any "domineering spirit" that can make others bow to him.

His current talent related to charm is almost always aimed at women, especially Taimei.

It can't be targeted at men... What if all men fall in love with Brother Chao? Brother Chao is very difficult to handle.

What Gao Chao currently needs is a talent that can increase the 'loyalty' of his subordinates.


The night is as cold as water.

Tsuen Wan.

A transaction is taking place.

"Brother Kun, please continue to cooperate next time!" The owner of Zhaodong Boxing Gym smiled and held Lin Kun's hand.

Lin Kun smiled and said goodbye to him.

After entering his car, Lin Kun's expression collapsed:

"It's been really bad luck lately... Even a small character like this has to be traded!"

The driver was Ali and did not speak to him.

For most police officers, when working as an undercover agent, they must not talk too much. If you talk too much, you will make mistakes. It is best to disguise yourself as a taciturn character.

And an undercover career can indeed make people become more and more silent.

"Here, here is two hundred thousand. Your gunshot wound is not healed yet. Use it to improve your life and add more nutrition."

Lin Kun withdrew some of the money from the drug money after this transaction and handed it to Ali:

"I tell you, just take good care of yourself and come out with me!"

"...But I don't trust anyone else. I only believe in you now!" Lin Kun continued.

The last time the fish-headed mark was caught, Ali blocked a shot for him and almost died.

In addition, several of his confidants died in that transaction, and he also intended to cultivate and promote Ali at this time.

"...Thank you, Brother Kun." A smile appeared on Ali's face. He turned around and accepted the money without refusing.

He understood that if he didn't accept the money, Lin Kun would be worried about him.

"Damn! What happened last time, the fish head mark was definitely exposed! It caused me so much trouble! My kidneys are not good after being soaked in the sea for so long..."

Lin Kun cursed:

"There are also those younger brothers under Yu Toubiao. They have been trying to cause trouble for me recently. They say that I have caused Yu Toubiao's problems and they want me to spend three million to settle the matter. What a bunch of beasts!"

"Relying on the power of the association?!"


the other side.

When Lin Kun was complaining about Ali.

Gao Chao was also taking the car back to the Repulse Bay villa.

'Twenty-two talents have been unlocked...'

Gao Chao looked at the bustling night view of Hong Kong Island outside the window and silently opened the system panel in his mind (picture attached)——

'In terms of experience cards, there are also a few more cards that have permanently unlocked talents and become redundant. You can take out five cards and draw them...'


(PS, reading the comments, a reader brother said that the web version cannot see pictures, so the system panel will also be updated in the 'Writer's Say' later in this chapter.)

(PS, as for the brother who listens to books... Xiaoyu should try to post as many free chapters related to the system and talents, and not add them to the paid chapters. After all, a system panel is nearly 300 words, and one or two cents is enough. Money, it’s not easy for me to make money nowadays.)

(Finally, thank you to all the friends who support genuine reading! You are the biggest heroes and contributors to this book and are irreplaceable!)

 "[Physical fitness evaluation: slightly stronger than ordinary people]"

  "[Mental Assessment: Severe Mental Illness]"

  "Permanently solidified talents: [Reborn], [Traverser]"

  "Activatable talent slot: 4"

  "Activated talents (4/4): [Double Bone Dragon], [Hong Kong Island Zhao Zilong], [Invincible Hot Wheels], [Immortal God of War]"

  "Unlocked talents: [Double Bone Dragon], [Zhao Shanhe], [Combat Side Lucky Halo], [Immortal God of War], [See Money],

  [Iron Stomach Boy], [Infernal Walker], [Green Letter], [Long Distance Running Champion], [Hurdle Master],

  [Villain Tattoo], [Hong Kong Island Zhao Zilong], [Ghost Control Expert], [Electric Shock Kid], [Invincible Hot Wheels],

  [Fire Fighting Master], [Fishing Master], [Attracting Bees and Butterflies], [Rapping Master], [Table Overturning Maniac]

  [Night Running Master], [Evil Tattoo Artist]"



(End of this chapter)

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