Chinese martial arts! Young Grandmaster

Chapter 106 Shocking news! Big brother is undercover

Chapter 106 Shocking news! Big brother is undercover

  too fast!
  Chen Jie's superb sword skills shocked Chen Jie's heart.

Since Chen Jie entered the dream space, he has been exploring the surroundings and constantly killing zombies!
  Although there were obstacles, it went smoothly.

It even triggered those extremely powerful 'rigor mortis' warning zones on several occasions.

But Chen Jie saved the day every time.

With caution, he controlled the distance from 'rigor mortis'.

Unconsciously, Chen Jie began to become less vigilant towards those powerful 'rigor mortis'.

To put it simply,
  Chen Jie himself didn't even realize that in his subconscious, he seemed to be a little over-expanded.

Especially last time,
  He used a brick to smash through Kuang Tianyou's defense from a few meters away.


After this period of understanding, Chen Jie knew that the 'dream space' had an entry cycle.

He took advantage of the moment when 'Kuang Tianyou' was lost, killed the opponent with one sword, and absorbed the memory of 'Kuang Tianyou'.

In the following time, it will be difficult for him to enter the dream space in a short period of time.

Perhaps only an expert in swordsmanship like the 'Ouchi Master' can perform such terrifying swordsmanship.

Some crazy, bloodthirsty, violent, ruthless... various negative emotions began to become increasingly intense.

"If I stay vigilant, look for favorable opportunities, and use sneak attacks!"

If nothing else,

This 'cooling period' is not too long, it only needs more than four hours.

all of these,
  It made Chen Jie's self-confidence inflate to the point of arrogance.

"Any 'rigor mortis' will have weaknesses!"

It's like my spirit has been torn apart...!

Once he is killed in the 'dream space', his mental power will be greatly affected.

have to say,

The strength of the ‘Master Ouchi’ is extremely powerful, and the residual fighting consciousness is shocking.


After absorbing the memory of 'rigor mortis'.

  Chen Jie took a deep breath and felt a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

You must be energetic and have a period of 'cooling down' before you can enter the 'dream space' again!
  of course,

In other words, Chen Jie can only enter the dream space twice at most in one night.

He adjusted his state of mind and calmed himself down.

Then the violent aura in his subconscious will gradually get out of control...!
  Chen Jie was lying on the bed, lost in thought.

If I could get its memory...

  Thinking of this, Chen Jie's heart beat violently and he was filled with anticipation.

  Chen Jie thought of the last 'Breaking Sword Strike' performed by the 'Ouchi Master' in his dream!
  The dazzling light of the sword is frightening!

The feeling of being beheaded in a dream is really uncomfortable.

His strength has increased dramatically during this period, and his state of mind has indeed become extremely expanded.

The ideas in his mind gradually became clear.

In a short period of time, unlimited access to the 'dream space' cannot be sustained.


In the following time, he finally tasted the ‘tribulation’!
  The price for being arrogant was that Chen Jie was killed instantly with one knife and then retreated from the dream space!
  That long-lost ‘nightmare’ feeling suddenly appeared again.

"I was able to kill 'Bi Liancheng' and 'Kuang Tianyou' because I found their weaknesses...!"

The comprehensive strength of this 'Ouchi master' during his lifetime was not much weaker than that of 'Kuang Tianyou'.

It’s like a ‘cooling off period’.


Its comprehensive combat power exceeds that of Kuang Tianyou who is only left in a 'conditioned reflex state'.

"If you want to recover, you must constantly kill zombies and absorb their memories."

"The dream space is the manifestation of consciousness. If you die in it, your spirit will be traumatized...!"

If the mental state cannot be restored for a long time.

"At its peak, with the 'Qi Family Sword Technique' and 'Xingyi Five Elements Fist' I have learned, it may not be impossible to kill the 'Ouchi Master'."

Chen Jie felt like he had a splitting headache and felt like retching.

Chen Jie kept taking deep breaths to adjust his condition.

"With my current strength, I can't kill this guy yet. I'll wait until my strength is completely stabilized...!"

Chen Jie took a deep breath to calm down.

Perhaps because he was killed with a knife in his dream, Chen Jie's spirit was damaged.

  His face looked pale and his condition was a little sluggish...!

Early the next morning.

After Chen Jie got up, he first called Zhang Haonan.

The call didn't go through!
  This kid probably went out to stay in a hotel last night.

have to say,

Zhang Haonan lives a very free and unrestrained life. If he has money, he will spend more, and if he has no money, he will spend less.

He made more than two million yuan last night, how could he do it if he didn't work hard?
  Chen Jie did not continue to let ‘Hua Yu Lou’ send him back to the martial arts school.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

After taking a medicinal bath last night, Hua Yulou was helping Chen Jie loosen his bones.

Chen Jie could feel that the director of operations of "Heaven and Earth" looked at him a little differently.

A cycle of medicinal bath is finally completed!
  In the next period of time, if there is nothing special, Chen Jie will probably not come to "Heaven and Earth" again!
  If we all get to know each other, we will forget each other forever!

After coming out of the "Heaven and Earth", Chen Jie immediately called a "Didi".

Around eight o'clock in the morning,
  Chen Jie came to the back door of the 'Sihai Martial Arts School' and ordered a breakfast.

He tried to call his elder brother Chen Yao.


To his disappointment, the call to his eldest brother Chen Yao still did not go through. Instead, he saw a police car parked in front of the breakfast shop.


Three police officers got out of the police car.

The leading policeman came straight to Chen Jie and asked, "Are you...Chen Jie?"

Chen Jie was stunned when he heard this: "What's wrong?"

"Were you with Zhang Haonan last night?" the leading policeman asked.

Chen Jie was shocked and said hurriedly:
  "What happened to Zhang Haonan? We were together last night! He..."

The policeman scolded and interrupted Chen Jie.

"Okay, come with us, he hurt someone...!"

Chen Jie was stunned on the spot and secretly thought, 'Oops'!
  Although Zhang Haonan is not tall, he is still a student of a martial arts school.

People who practice martial arts have tempers, and it is normal to be brave and fierce.

I don’t know which guy provoked him.

Chen Jie knew Zhang Haonan's temper very well. If this got heated, what would happen?

What does Zhang Haonan's wounding of others have to do with him?
  Chen Jie followed the police with doubts and got into the police car.

Half an hour later...

In the police station, Chen Jie was brought here.

He didn't see Zhang Haonan, nor anyone else.

After entering the police station, the police seemed to have forgotten about him and left him alone in the lounge.

Not an administrative detention cell, not an interrogation room.


It was very strange and left Chen Jie scratching his head.

He didn't understand why he was taken to the police station?

Originally, he thought that since it was Zhang Haonan who injured someone, the most the police could do was ask him to find out the situation.

After the police ask questions, you can leave.

Because he was not yet eighteen years old and had not committed any crime, Chen Jie was not too worried.

As for participating in underground boxing gambling, Chen Jie doesn't have to worry anymore.

The backstage of the ‘Starlight’ boxing ring is very tough.

As long as ‘Starlight’ doesn’t go bankrupt and boxing here, there won’t be any worries.

If even such a small thing cannot be guaranteed, who dares to box in ‘Starlight’?

What Chen Jie didn't figure out was that until noon, there was still no one paying attention to him. He was sitting alone in the lounge, as if he had been completely forgotten.

What are you doing?
  Faced with this situation, Chen Jie suddenly became impatient.

I don’t know if it is true that Zhang Haonan injured someone?

The key is,
  Even if it's true, it doesn't have much to do with me, right?
  Is it...

Isn't Zhang Haonan as simple as hitting someone?
  Damn it...!
  Wouldn't this guy be so hot-headed that he killed someone by mistake?
  Chen Jie was sitting in the lounge, thinking wildly in his mind.

After entering the lounge, his cell phone was confiscated by the police.

One hour……

Two hours...


Until five o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Jie only felt hungry and panicked.

But no one at the police station paid him any attention.

The policeman who brought him here before did not know where he had gone.

Just when Chen Jie was impatient and wanted to say hello to the police and leave directly.

I just heard a voice coming from outside:
  "Chen Jie, come out!"

When Chen Jie heard this, he immediately shouted in surprise: "Here he comes!"

After being left in the lounge for almost a day, he was already impatient.

Finally, someone took care of him, and Chen Jie was naturally very happy.

to be frank,
  He didn't want to stay here for a minute longer.

After a few minutes,
  Chen Jie came to an office on the third floor of the police station.

He followed a policeman, becoming more and more confused and asked impatiently:
  "Police uncle, do you want to take a statement?"

"Can you give me your phone back and let me call the martial arts school?"

"I'm really in a hurry...!"

The policeman who took him to the office on the third floor said nothing and remained silent.

I saw a sturdy middle-aged man sitting in front of a computer on a desk in the office.

He looked majestic, not angry but powerful.

Next to him was another policeman in his thirties with a shaved head and a very energetic look.

The two of them had expressionless faces, not knowing what they were thinking in their hearts.


When Chen Jie entered the office, the two looked him up and down.

"Uncle policeman, there is really an emergency at home. Please return your phone to me first! Let me make a call first."

Chen Jie continued to say to the middle-aged policeman sitting in front of the computer:

"Also, what did Zhang Haonan commit? Why did you take me to the police station...?"

The two policemen looked at each other and did not answer Chen Jie's words.

After a while,

Among them, the middle-aged policeman sitting in front of the computer said to his colleague next to him:
  "They look very similar, but they are much younger. They are indeed brothers!"


The middle-aged policeman took out a cigarette and threw one to the short-haired policeman at any time.

He lit the cigarette with a lighter and raised his head to motion for Chen Jie to sit down.

  He took a deep breath of cigarette and asked, "Is your name Chen Jie?"

Chen Jie was speechless, laughed, and replied:
  "Uncle policeman, aren't you asking questions knowingly? Why did you bring me here and ask me my name?"

"My name is Xiao Zhan, captain of the third team of the city bureau's serious crime team!"

The policeman next to him, who was shaving his hair, asked with a cold face: "Is Chen Yao your eldest brother!?"


When Chen Jie heard this, he was completely confused.

What do you mean?
  Wasn't it because of Zhang Haonan's incident that he was taken to the police station?

Why are you asking about your eldest brother Chen Yao all of a sudden?

Chen Jie didn't understand why the police suddenly asked about his elder brother Chen Yao.

"Really?" Xiao Zhan asked emphatically again.

"Yes, my eldest brother is Chen Yao, what's wrong?" Chen Jie took a deep breath.

  Xiao Zhan didn't make a sound, but kept smoking.


He was thinking about how to organize language.

After a while...

Xiao Zhan looked up at Chen Jie, sighed and asked:
  "What does Chen Yao do? Do you know?"

Chen Jie frowned when he heard this.

this moment,
  He remained vigilant in his heart and did not dare to speak nonsense easily.

The eldest brother Chen Yao has not been contacted for more than four months. I don’t know what he is busy with?

right now,

The police suddenly took him to the police station and asked about his elder brother Chen Yao.

Could it be that...eldest brother committed a crime?

all of a sudden,

Chen Jie's mind was filled with random thoughts and he could not calm down for a long time.

He glanced up at the two police officers in the office and became cautious.

Next, Chen Jie thought for a while, frowned and replied:
  "Uncle policeman, my relationship with my eldest brother is very average. After all, there is a ten-year age difference between us. There is a generation gap!"

"He only gave me living expenses. Usually, we brothers rarely communicate with each other, and we don't have much contact!"

"As for what he committed outside, I don't know!"

"If you want to know something from me, I'm sorry, I can't help you."

The eldest brother is Chen Jie's only relative, and the two brothers depend on each other for life!
  Even if the eldest brother really committed something, Chen Jie would never say anything to the police.

  Xiao Zhan blew out a puff of smoke and then sighed.

He put out the cigarette in his hand and stood up.


I saw Xiao Zhan looking at Chen Jie and saying in a deep voice:

"You don't have to be so nervous, Chen Yao is my colleague!"

  Chen Jie was completely stunned, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Because the eldest brother Chen Yao has been claiming that he is working part-time, engaged in foreign trade, and doing small business these years.

For a while,
  When Chen Jie heard what Xiao Zhan said, he was stunned.


What do you mean?
  The eldest brother Chen Yao is a policeman?
  This is absolutely impossible!

The eldest brother acts like a policeman all day long, how does he look like a policeman?
  Growing up, Chen Jie had never seen his eldest brother Chen Yao wearing a police uniform.

The key is,
  His usual behavior is completely inconsistent with the policeman in Chen Jie's impression.

Chen Jie didn't react for a moment, only feeling that Xiao Zhan was trying to trick him.

"Chen Yao is an undercover police agent...he is our colleague!"

Xiao Zhan took a deep breath and continued with a trembling voice:

"Three days ago, Chen Yao... died!"


Xiao Zhan's voice was choked and he did not continue.

  Chen Jie opened his eyes wide and suddenly felt his mind roaring, as if it was exploding.

At this moment, his thoughts stopped completely like a thunderbolt.

I saw him mumbling and repeating one sentence.


"My elder brother was a police undercover agent and died? Sacrifice?!"

"No, this is impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"My eldest brother can't die! He can't die...!"

"woo woo woo woo……!"

Tears fell from his eyes….

(End of this chapter)

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