I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 104 Ren Yingying, it’s time for the Grand Palace Master to take action

Chapter 104 Ren Yingying, it’s time for the Grand Palace Master to take action

As night falls, at the end of the ancient road is a small inn.

Several lamps were lit inside the inn, emitting a faint yellow light.

"The eldest lady has not seen the leader for more than ten years. She has been missing him so much that she sent a message on the way, asking us to meet here."

"I also want to congratulate the leader and his daughter on their reunion."

Xiang Wentian looked at the map, dismounted, and tied the horse to the hitching post in front of the inn.

"Miss Yaoyue, Brother Lin, come in and sit down."

Ren Woxing laughed and greeted.

"Wait a minute."

Lin Xuan frowned slightly and pointed to a big tree not far away: "Is this the weapon used by your eldest lady?"

"Let's see. If Old Man Ren can solve it, we won't have to take action."

Lin Xuan nodded: "How happy are you?"

She only has a cooperative relationship with Ren Woxing, not a bodyguard or thug for the other party.

Ren Woxing smelled the short blade and said, "It smells of blood. The opponent's martial arts is far superior to Yingying's. Not only did the blade fly from her hand, but she also suffered some injuries from the tiger's mouth."

Xiang Wentian subconsciously looked at the inn in front of him with a strange expression.

"Unexpectedly, a total of four guests came."

"How to say?"

At this moment, a somewhat stiff male voice sounded from the inn and reached everyone's ears.

Strictly speaking, apart from Dongfang Bubai, Yao Yue had no obligation to take action.

Yao Yue glanced at Lin Xuan and asked via voice transmission.

Yaoyue thought about it for a while, and there was actually a trace of fighting spirit in her eyes.



"This one……"

"Then just barely..."

Lin Xuan shrugged: "After all, we are cooperating, so we can't really let anything happen to him."

"Are you happy?"

However, judging from the girl's demeanor, she seems to be quite interested in this kind of challenge.

On the trunk of the tree, which is more than one foot high, there is a very short blade, which looks like a dagger or a thorn in the eyebrow.

"Master, look."

Anger flashed in Ren Woxing's eyes and he strode towards the inn: "Why don't I dare!"

Xiang Wentian's figure flashed, came to the foot of the big tree, jumped up, and took off the short blade.


The weapon's blade was short and thin, almost invisible under the cover of night.

"The eldest lady has been living with Lu Zhuweng in Luoyang for a while. Lu Zhuweng always calls the eldest lady 'aunt'."

Xiang Wentian was startled and looked up.

It's much more troublesome than clearing the place directly.

In the night, the dim and old inn looked like a giant beast from the wild, exuding a strange atmosphere.

"Your daughter and your disciple have fallen into my hands. Do you dare to come in?"

He was always calm and calm, and although his mood was a little heavy, his expression remained calm.

Ren Woxing was confused and looked at Xiang Wentian.

Sitting at a table in the middle of the inn was a man dressed as a ronin warrior: "I'm very happy to meet you all for the first time."

The man sat upright, dressed a bit primly, with only a half-drunk glass of water in front of him.

Lin Xuan felt that he was probably too busy these days...

"It's the birthday gift I gave Yingying before."

"My disciple?"

"Very good! Ren Sang, you are finally here!"

"As you Han people say, 'It's a great pleasure to have friends from far away.'"

Xiang Wentian looked at it for a few times, his expression uncertain, and handed it to Ren Woxing.

"Then the eldest lady is now..."

This kind of selective action requires careful consideration of Ren Woxing's strength and possible response methods.

The ronin was stunned for a while, moved his mouth a few times, silently picked up the water glass and drank the water.

"This Japanese Ronin is really shameless..."

The corners of Yao Yue's lips raised slightly, and she whispered into Lin Xuan's ear with a cold look on her face.

With her temperament, she would feel very unhappy when she heard "a friend is coming from afar".

If he hadn't respected his identity, he would have knocked this ronin away long ago.

Who is your friend?
  "Let's have some fun."

Lin Xuan chatted privately: "You shouldn't need to take action on this."

"This person really doesn't need it, but others may want it."

"...Then get ready."


Yaoyue nodded and looked thoughtfully at the wooden floor under her feet.

"You are the last leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, let's go to Ren Sang."

The ronin drank the water silently, thought for a moment, and then looked at Ren Woxing seriously: "Ren Sang, my Majesty Sasaki Kojiro, I have come here to duel with you this time."

"What little guy?"

Ren Woxing was startled, frowned and said, "The names of your Japanese pirates are indeed all kinds of strange."

Starting from the Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, the Ming Dynasty spent a lot of effort to strengthen coastal defense.

In the early years, Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou worked together and spent more than ten years to basically eliminate the Japanese invasion along the southeast coast.

After that, Haiphong was quiet for a while.

But in recent years, Japanese pirates have shown some signs of resurgence.

Occasionally, there would be samurai ronin among them, fighting against famous masters from the Central Plains.

Ren Woxing has only heard a little bit about this these days.

This is the first time I've seen one alive.

"It's Kojiro, not Kojiro."

"My ancestors were nobles conferred by the emperor, not those lowly ronin."

Sasaki Kojiro looked extremely serious: "Besides, you Han people's names are not necessarily very clever."

"I don't have time to argue with you about whose name is better."

Ren Woxing suspected that there was something wrong with the other party's brain and was too lazy to communicate: "Where is my daughter?"

"She's in the room upstairs, so let her come down."

Sasaki Kojiro took out a tachi and wiped the handle carefully: "Ren-san, don't worry, I am an upright samurai. I will only use your family to force you to fight, and I will never affect the fairness of the duel by threatening your family."

"...So, do I still want to thank you?"

Ren Woxing was dumbfounded and groaned.

Fortunately, he had already regarded the little guy in front of him as a fool, so he wouldn't be angry.

There is no point in getting angry with a fool.

"No need to thank me! Duels between warriors should be sacred."

Sasaki Kojiro said loudly: "Let him go."


In the room upstairs, someone seemed to snort softly.

Then, there was a slight sound of drawing a knife, as if the rope was cut with a knife.

The door opened, and a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old walked down, supporting a blood-stained old man in green robe.

"I'll give you one more time to deal with personal matters."

Sasaki Kojiro thought for a moment, then actually took out an incense stick from his bag and lit it with a fire stick.


Ren Woxing looked at him speechlessly and turned away.

Faced with this kind of person, I really have nothing to say.

"Leader, you are finally back!" As he spoke, the two of them had already walked down the stairs. The old man in green robe looked at Ren Woxing and sighed.

"Well, come back and settle the score with the old thief from the East."

Ren Woxing looked a little concerned: "My little girl has dragged you down this time. Is the injury serious?"

"The injury is okay, but the junior is not as skilled as others and failed to protect the young lady. I still ask the master to punish me."

Green Bamboo Man smiled bitterly.

"Nothing happened to Yingying. There is nothing to punish her."

Ren Woxing waved his hand: "Brother Xiang, please bandage him."

"I've seen Zhu Weng."

Xiang Wentian smiled slightly and took out the wound gauze.

This Green Bamboo Man and Ren Woxing have a somewhat close relationship as teachers and teachers.

Therefore, as soon as Dongfang Invincible took office, the old man became prosperous early.

However, this old man is indifferent by nature and does not like to fight for power. His martial arts skills are also quite extraordinary, and he has a good reputation in the church.

Only then did Dongfang Bubai let him go.

Unexpectedly, the young lady escorted this time also suffered some injuries.

He will probably be promoted in the future.


At this time, Ren Yingying flattened her mouth and said softly.

The little girl is quite pretty and pretty, and she is also aloof.

But I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but Lin Xuan always felt that there was something sinister in this girl's eyes.

"Yingying has grown so big in the blink of an eye."

Ren Woxing seemed a little emotional, his eyes froze for a moment, and then he introduced: "Yingying, this is Lin... Daxia Lin and leader Yao Yue. They are here to help dad deal with Dongfang Bubai."

"The little girl Ren Yingying has met Daxia Lin and the leader of Yao Yue."

It was okay to see Lin Xuan, but when she saw Yao Yue, Ren Yingying was obviously stunned for a moment, with a trace of disappointment flashing in her eyes.

Lin Xuan noticed that Yao Yue twisted her mouth slightly, seeming to be secretly proud.

Lin Xuan was unable to analyze the psychological motivations of the two girls.

"Okay, what's that Japanese guy's name?"

Ren Woxing looked at it and found that the stick of incense was only half burned, and felt a little impatient: "You said you wanted to challenge me to a duel, so let's do it."

While talking, Ren Woxing took out a long sword from his bag and stood up.

In addition to the star-absorbing technique, he is considered the best master in the world in sword and palm skills.

If you can't figure out the reality of the opponent in front of you, you naturally don't plan to fight the enemy with bare hands.

Seeing Ren Woxing stand up, Lin Xuan, Ren Yingying and others also stepped back to give way to the opening.

"Okay! According to my promise to the Eastern Cult Leader, I will keep your life."

Sasaki Kojiro extinguished the incense and said, "So, between you and me, we are not only superior, but also life and death!"

Let me go: "..."

"I heard that one of you Han people named Feng Qingyang is also very good at swordsmanship?"

"After a fight with you, I will set off to Huashan to give him a fight."

Sasaki Kojiro clenched the sword tightly, with a hint of pride in his eyes: "You sword practitioners from the Central Plains, it is a great honor for you to die under the sword of our Japanese swordsman."

His face was cold and his voice was extremely calm.

As if everything was taken for granted.

With his movements, his whole aura continued to rise.

Lin Xuan compared it and felt that this guy's martial arts might be pretty good.

At least it should be stronger than Yu Canghai.

"Yelang is arrogant and does not know his own abilities!"

Of course, Ren Woxing would not care about Yu Canghai and sneered: "You can take action."

No matter how polite this ronin was, he still caught his daughter and hurt his subordinates.

For Ren Woxing, this was definitely a blatant provocation and he had no intention of holding back.

Besides, the other party's tone is really crazy...

Even if you don't have murderous intentions, you can still force people to have murderous intentions.

"Okay! Draw your sword!"

A gleam flashed in Kojiro's eyes, and his right hand holding the handle of the knife looked a little white.

Unlike swords, Japanese swords and scabbards have a certain curvature.

The art of drawing a sword is to use the arc when drawing a sword to create an instant explosive force.

The strength and speed are far greater than swinging a knife directly out of thin air.

Often, a single move can make the difference between life and death.


Ren Woxing nodded, pulled out his sword, and made a casual stance.

"Huh? No...no flaws?"

Kojiro was silent for a moment, with a rosy look on his pale face: "You can draw a sword so easily, are you worthy of using a sword?"

Although he brewed his momentum to the extreme.

But Ren Woxing just unsheathed his sword casually.

But Kojiro found that he couldn't find a single flaw.

In fact, Kojiro had a strange intuitive premonition.

The moment he takes action, he will die!
  This is embarrassing...

In desperation, Kojiro had no choice but to launch verbal attacks, trying to find flaws in the opponent's mind.

"If you want to fight, then fight. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Ren Woxing said angrily: "If you don't take action, I will kill you."


Kojiro was silent for a moment, and his expression became more gloomy.


At this moment, a shrill bone whistle sounded in the distance, as if coming from the other side of the underworld.

"Yan Hui! Kill!"

Sasaki Kojiro's eyes suddenly flashed with joy, and he pulled out the sword with all his strength.

The sword was unsheathed, and a fierce and domineering sword energy spurted out, slashing towards Ren Woxing.


Ren Woxing nodded, waved his sword, and took advantage of the situation.

At the moment of the confrontation between qi machines, the layers of sword qi swept in all directions like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

The ceiling, beams, walls and even the wooden floor tiles were stirred by the sword energy, leaving sword marks and sawdust flying everywhere.

"Ghost wheel flash!"

At this moment, a sharp sneer sounded in the room, and a figure shot out like a zombie.

In mid-air, the Japanese sword was unsheathed, drawing a sharp sword light, and suddenly slashed towards Ren Woxing.

The sword energy broke through the air, and the ground cracked with the sword, leaving long knife marks.

Almost at the same time, the wooden floor behind Ren Woxing suddenly collapsed, and a ninja in black ejected from the ground.

His whole body was covered with mud, his clothes were dark, his ninja sword was also dark, and his whole body was covered in black.

There were only two eyes, flashing with a strange blood light.

The ninja sword seemed to melt into the void without causing any sound of breaking through the sky!
  When he got behind Ren Woxing, the sword suddenly exploded!

The sword energy rolled around, as if it was about to tear the entire void apart.

"Leader, be careful!"

Xiang Wentian was shocked, he took out his long whip and hurriedly swept forward.


Facing the three Japanese swords approaching rapidly, Ren Woxing could not help but feel a flash of horror in his eyes.

"It's not easy after acting for so long..."

Lin Xuan smiled half-heartedly and reached out to pick up the short blade that Ren Yingying had dropped.


(End of this chapter)

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