I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 107 Dongfang is undefeated, is this the Sunflower Book?

Chapter 107 Dongfang is undefeated, is this the Sunflower Book?

"That person just lets me do whatever I want? He does have some skills. But who is this young man? Why is his martial arts so powerful?"

Manager Xue looked at Ren Woxing and Lin Xuan, frowned slightly, and thought to himself.

When Ren Woxing was imprisoned, she was only in her teens and had no interaction with her.

"Hahaha, Manager Xue, I never thought that I would encounter something like this when I come here this time."

Sword Master Shangquan laughed, with a cold look in his eyes: "If I take action to kill these rebellious people, can General Snow accept my invitation on behalf of the Eastern Cult Master?"

I just heard Xiang Wentian say that all the bad guys he brought had been killed.

It made him feel a little angry.

But the martial arts skills displayed by Lin Xuan and Ren Woxing are indeed extraordinary.

Sword Master Shangquan weighed it up and decided that there was no need to fight for a few losers.

The sword flashed, and then turned into a thunderous sword force, as if it could split the void.

"This matter is related to the foundation of the divine religion, and I don't dare to make any independent decisions."

Sword Master Shangquan lowered his head with dull eyes and looked at his abdomen. He wanted to say something but couldn't.

It was as if the opponent's palm had a vastness that encompassed the world.

Sword Master Shangquan looked at Lin Xuan with a smile: "If you and others can kill Dongfang Bubai and take charge of the Sun and Moon God Sect, it will be fine for our Fuso Kingdom to cooperate with you."


Lin Xuan said calmly: "If you don't want this dignity, I will kill you with my own hands."

Sword Master Shangquan's pupils suddenly shrank and his sword was unsheathed.

Manager Snow: "..."

Sword Master Kamizumi didn't know why he felt this way.

Xue Qianxun snorted lightly, her face looking a little ugly.

But his intuition told him that this was definitely not a good thing.

At that time, he rode six dragons to control the sky!

That's it.

Sword Master Kamizumi opened his eyes wide and stared at his sword.

Slash with the wind!
  Lin Xuan raised his left palm one square, turned his right palm to the power of Yin, and pressed it slowly.

Although the young man in front of him simply clapped his hands with both hands.

Even if his momentum has not yet reached its peak, he can only take action forcefully.


The broad warrior robe floated in the wind, and the white hair on his head fluttered in the wind, like venomous snakes.

"Relying on the old and betraying the old, not knowing whether to live or die."

Sword Master Shangquan's expression changed, and his right hand suddenly pressed on the hilt of the sword: "Arrogant!"

And he continued to get smaller, until he appeared in the opponent's palm and was crushed into pieces.

"You can kill all the monsters and monsters."

At least, you have to get some real benefits.

"Forget it then, I will stay for a few days. When your divine sect decides the winner, I will discuss it with the leader of your sect."

Sword Master Shangquan was startled, his eyes a little confused.

In an instant, his expression calmed down, and his aura began to rise.

It's not some kind of internal energy, it's simply caused by the agitation of the sword energy.

The roar of the dragon resounded throughout the world, as if the giant dragon had shut up and swallowed the universe.

"If you are old enough, I will allow you to commit suicide by caesarean section."

"Eight grids!"

Where the power of the sword was at its peak, Lin Xuan flipped his left palm, and a green sword shadow drew out from his sleeve, one square in the opposite direction.

Lin Xuan moves his palms up and down, the upper palm descends, and the lower palm rises, turning into the cathode and giving birth to the yang.


The next moment, the sword made an overwhelming breaking sound and split into two.

There was no smile on Lin Xuan's face: "When did I tell you to leave?"

"Young man, your palm skills are good. If I can't help you today, I will leave now."

But Sword Master Shangquan actually had a very strange illusion in his heart.

The swords, lights, and shadows collided together, making an extremely clear clang sound, and stopped each other.

The remaining wisp of sword energy fell on Lin Xuan's robe, cutting a hole more than a foot long.

The mountain breeze blew by, and the robe on Sword Master Shangquan's lower abdomen tore silently, revealing the hollow of one palm.

At the last moment, Lin Xuan used his Yang palm to hide his sword, blocking his sword strike against the wind.

A slap from the air with his Yin palm shattered all his internal organs.

In an instant, decades of life experiences, joys and sorrows, flashed through the mind of Sword Master Kamizumi like a revolving lantern.

Finally, he sighed softly, fell to the ground and died.

"It's better if this person is dead, so as not to talk nonsense to the leader..."

Seeing that life and death were separated, General Manager Snow let out a sullen breath, lowered his head slightly, and flicked his fingers.

A jet-black steel needle shot out of the air and pierced Lin Xuan's throat like lightning.

Although she acts unscrupulously, she also has her own arrogance.

Just now, when Lin Xuan was engaged in a life-and-death battle with Sword Master Quan, she didn't even bother to take advantage and launched a sneak attack.

However, the fight is over now...

Naturally, she had no reason to hold back.

"Is this the martial arts recorded in the Sunflower Book?"

The moment the steel needle was released, a cold and beautiful female voice sounded in Manager Snow's ears.


Manager Snow felt a chill in his heart and looked up.

Before she knew it, there was an extremely gorgeous woman in front of her.

The woman sneered and stared at the steel needle in her hand.

Then, he stretched out his green-white fingers and tapped lightly.

The steel needle made a crisp cracking sound, disintegrated and turned into a pile of steel scraps.

The mountain wind blows and disappears without a trace.

"You...who are you?"

Manager Snow took a deep breath and his expression became extremely solemn.

"Where is Dongfang Bubai?"

Yaoyue said coldly: "Take me to kill him."

"You deserve it too!"

Anger suddenly flashed in Manager Snow's eyes, and he flicked his black robe heavily.

Dozens of steel needles were shot out at the same time, hitting various major points in Yaoyue's body.

"Is the Sunflower Manual a hidden weapon technique?"

There was a hint of disdain in Yao Yue's eyes, and she stretched out her right hand, as if she didn't care, and grabbed the needle shadows all over the sky.

The sound of "chi chi" was heard in the air, and the steel needles all over the sky paused slightly in the air.

Then, it turned into a streak of black light, shooting away towards the Snow Manager at a speed several times faster than when it came.

"How can it be!"

There was a look of horror in Manager Snow's eyes, and he suddenly tugged on his black robe and swung it with all his strength.

Feminine and powerful Qi has been poured into it, turning the black robe into a giant shield.

A dense explosion sounded, and the steel needles hit the black robe like a violent storm.

Under the constant collision of Gang Qi, General Manager Xue frowned and his body continued to tremble.

"That's all."

The corners of Yao Yue's lips raised slightly, her body appeared directly in front of Manager Xue, and she flicked out her palm.

Manager Snow gritted his teeth and rolled up his palms.

The palms of the two men touched each other in the air, and a sneer appeared at the corner of Yao Yue's mouth, and her body appeared three feet away, standing with her hands behind her back.

The next moment, Manager Snow showed an expression of extreme pain and surprise on his face.

Then, Manager Snow swayed, half-knelt on the ground involuntarily, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Why... why don't you kill me?" Manager Xue gasped violently, raised his head unwillingly, and looked at Yao Yue.

The moment she blocked Yao Yue's palm, a whirlpool of Qi like a steel cone pierced directly into her abdomen.

With one blow, all the internal energy she had cultivated for more than ten years had dissipated.

In fact, once the Qi is lifted slightly, the abdomen will feel like it is torn apart, and life would be worse than death.

"I originally planned to kill you."

"However, when others took action, after all, you never made a sneak attack, and you still had some courage, so I will spare your life."

Yaoyue said calmly: "This can be regarded as your fate."


Manager Snow bit his silver teeth secretly and snorted softly.

If your skills are not as good as others, you have nothing to say.

Moreover, she had a very strange feeling.

If I hadn't taken that shot right now...

The beautiful woman in front of her would not take action against her.

"Thank you, Grand Palace Master."

Lin Xuan walked to Yao Yue's side and handed over the Bi Xue Zhao Dan Qing.

No matter how hard he thought about it, he would not block someone else's slash with his bare hands.

I still asked Yao Yue to borrow some weapons.

"What can I thank you for?"

Yao Yue stretched out her hand to take the magic sword: "Even if it's a sneak attack, the needle probably won't hurt you."

"It's hard to say."

"……whispering sound."

Yao Yue glanced at Lin Xuan, raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and put away her dagger.

"Anyone who surrenders will be forgiven. Those who are stubborn will be like this Jia Bu and will be killed without mercy!"

At this moment, Ren Woxing held up Jia Bu's head and looked around with a stern look.

When Shangguan Yun fought with him, he just showed off.

Ren Woxing understood what he was doing and used his killing moves one after another. He killed Jia Bu with just a few moves.

Not surprisingly, Shangguan Yun immediately surrendered, saying that he endured the humiliation just to wait until Leader Ren came back to take charge of the overall situation.

Although Ren Woxing didn't believe such nonsense, it was indeed beneficial and harmless for Shangguan Yun to do this at this time.

Happy to everyone!

"Leader, spare your life!"

"We are willing to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and ask the leader to be magnanimous!"

"The Invincible Dongfang has lost all conscience, and both humans and gods are angry!"

After hesitating for a moment, dozens of believers dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground.

They are all guards of the Sun and Moon God Sect. They have only joined for a short time and basically do not know Ren Woxing.

But if you don’t know me, you don’t know me…

Now seeing that Jia Bu was killed, Shangguan Yun surrendered, and General Manager Xue was seriously injured, Xiang Wentian turned against him.

Lin Xuan, Ren Woxing and others were so fierce that it was unbelievable.

Thinking with your buttocks, you also understand that the situation is over.

Seeing someone taking the lead, many outsiders followed suit.

For a while, the sounds of weapons hitting the ground and knees hitting the ground continued to sound.

The few who refused to surrender were all killed by Xiang Wentian and others.

Without further ado, the front of Chengde Hall was packed with people kneeling on their knees.


Ren Woxing laughed loudly, feeling proud and looking even more sternly.

Well, except for subconsciously avoiding Yao Yue's side, everyone else seems to be drifting away.

The reason is quite simple.

Just then, Ren Woxing looked around proudly and saw Yao Yue fighting with Manager Xue.

Manager Snow's steel needle is actually very powerful.

Ren Woxing estimated that he would have to go all out to resolve it.

But Yao Yue just lightly grasped, seduced and slapped her, and she managed to keep him submissive.

Ren Woxing took on the role of himself...

Suddenly I felt a little chill in my heart.

"What are Snowmaster's plans?"

Lin Xuan looked at the woman in front of him with her hands on the ground and asked lightly: "Will you take us to see Dongfang Bubai?"

The other party's appearance, coupled with the pitiful look, felt a bit like Nie Xiaoqian, which made Lin Xuan feel a little nostalgic.

But that's all.

"If I don't take you there, will you kill me?"

Manager Snow brushed the messy hair on his temples and sneered.

"That's not necessary."

"Heimuya has changed its owner. Dongfang Bubai wants to hide. How long can he hide?"

Lin Xuan said calmly: "Let Manager Xue lead the way, I just give you a chance."

"give me a chance?"

Manager Xue sneered: "What if the little lady doesn't want this opportunity?"

"Then Mr. Xue, take a good rest while we go find Dongfang Bubai's whereabouts."

Lin Xuan said calmly: "But I don't know if General Manager Xue has been in charge of all these years and has failed the brothers in the church. Now that his martial arts has been lost, can he be alone?"


Manager Xue was startled, subconsciously looking at the dark crowd outside Chengde Hall, and sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead.

"There are some things that the old Eastern thief can't hide from even if he wants to. He has to meet to decide whether to live or die."

"Little girl, I won't embarrass you. I took us to see Dongfang Bubai. No one on Blackwood Cliff can offend you."

Ren Woxing said loudly: "If the old thief from the East can really kill us, then the entire cult will still have to obey his orders. If not, then he deserves to die."

"Although the little girl knows that Mr. Ren is a first-class person in the world."

"But I didn't expect that Miss Yao Yue and Mr. Lin are also such amazingly talented and beautiful people."

Manager Xue glanced at Shangquan Sword Master's body, sighed, and said quietly: "That's all, these few people came here with force this time. The little girl's skills are not as good as others, so I am convinced."

"Hahaha, I must be dissatisfied with my mouth and heart."

Ren Woxing laughed and said, "If I were treated in such a miserable way, I would not be convinced."

Manager Snow: "..."

"Forget it, let this little girl think whatever you want."

Ren Woxing waved his hand: "You can leave now."

"Hmph! The Eastern Cult Master is invincible in the world. If you are willing to go and die, of course it's best. Come with me!"

Manager Snow was silent for a moment, then finally gritted his teeth and seemed to have made up his mind.

"No need."

Yao Yue raised her chin slightly and said calmly: "He is already here."


Ren Woxing was startled and subconsciously looked up.

"Qianxun, are you going to betray me too?"

A faint voice sounded, and a red shadow like a fire cloud appeared on the top of Chengde Hall.

The person who came had an indistinguishable face, long hair, and was extremely beautiful and heroic.

The mountain wind howled, the red robes fluttered, and the entire sky seemed to be shrouded in bright red light.


It seems to have a strange charm, except for a few people such as Yao Yue and Lin Xuan.

The remaining nearly a thousand people present held their breaths and stared at the unparalleled figure on the top of Chengde Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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