I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 117 After all, he is a madman, so what if he kills the fate of the Ming Dynasty?

Chapter 117 After all, he is a madman, so what if he kills the fate of the Ming Dynasty?

"Old Yu, wait a minute, I want to ask him something."

Lin Xuan stretched out his hand to stop Yu Dayou: "In the past, did you go to the Tomb of the Living Dead and kill all the people in the tomb?"

"Two hundred years ago, my thoughts were different from what I think now. I wanted to kill all those rat-like people in the world."

"At that time, I did go to the ancient tomb. There was a girl inside who was very good at martial arts, so I spent some effort."

The middle-aged eunuch glanced at Lin Xuan: "Your inner strength is the same as hers. Are you her descendant?"

"Not to mention the uploader, I am the leader of the Sun and Moon God Sect."

Lin Xuan said solemnly: "However, I promise that senior to seek justice for her."

"Justice? I am here. You can get justice by killing me, but do you have such ability?"

"Speaking of the Sun and Moon God Sect... it's even more interesting."

"What you are worried about may not be that others are practicing this book and their martial arts are better than yours, right?"


Facing such a great god, Yao Yue was speechless.

The middle-aged eunuch spoke calmly, as if he was saying things that were natural: "Don't worry, if you meet the right person in the future, the "Sunflower Collection" will return to the world."

Lin Xuan said lightly: "But looking at the senior's behavior, it seems that he doesn't agree with it at all."

"You two are considered to be some of the most outstanding figures in the world over the years. Could it be that you can't even see through such a trivial matter?"

"Anyway, you Ming Dynasty won't be able to survive much longer with the arrangements I have made. I might as well leave some more thoughts in this world."

"It would be better if this kind of thing cannot be passed down."

Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang looked at each other with subtle expressions.

The middle-aged eunuch looked disdainful: "I've never seen the sword technique to ward off evil spirits. It must be just a superficial knowledge."

The two tomes exploded at the same time and turned into powder.

Lin Xuan took out two copies of the "Sunflower Collection" from his pocket and tried to use them freely.

She was very angry when she heard the strange behavior of Sunflower Ancestor before, and planned to take action to see the gold content of the old monster in front of her.

"Well, it's really nothing. I don't have to be restricted to the imperial mausoleum area. After I kill you, I can just join the world again."

The middle-aged eunuch did not reach out to stop him, but quietly watched the book being destroyed: "Little girl, are you worried that someone else will practice it?"

They are also among the few martial arts masters in the world, experts among experts.

But Patriarch Kuihua immediately changed the topic and showed off his own enlightenment from the palace.

They wouldn't even think about this method, let alone do it.

"The true content of the book cannot be learned without my guidance."

"The red leaf book is here too?"

"Senior, if he enlightens himself to the palace, he will have great perseverance."

"The sword technique of warding off evil is still passed down in the world."

"It's a pity this time. Not only did we kill all the descendants of our predecessors, but we also destroyed your skills."

A smile appeared on the middle-aged eunuch's lips: "By acting in this way, you can be said to be sincere in martial arts."

"Is this it?"

But for fear of having impure desires in my heart, I cut myself off first...

"If it falls into your hands, it is your destiny. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed."

In an instant, this extremely strange and powerful martial arts manual disappeared without a trace.

"Crooked ways!"

The middle-aged eunuch suddenly chuckled: "I made a special trip to give you a big gift. You must have received it from Dongfang Bubai, why don't you practice?"

It’s so wild!
  It can only be said that it is difficult for people to understand each other.

And he said it so proudly and so confidently...

Yaoyue snorted coldly and stretched out her hand to press it.

The book flew out flatly and floated in front of the middle-aged eunuch.

The middle-aged eunuch glanced at him: "So, I am the only one left in the world who knows this martial art?"

"When I was obsessed with martial arts, I realized that the desires in my heart were impure and it was difficult to reach the realm of heaven and man, so I swung my sword to kill my emotions from the palace. I also created a unique magical skill that only those with such great perseverance can practice."

A look of shame and anger flashed across Yaoyue's face, and her expression was a little stiff.

The palm force broke through the air and swept on the two "Sunflower Collection".

"Lü Dongbin wrote a poem to wake up from his illness: The body of the twenty-eight beauties is as crisp as a stick, and a sword at the waist kills the foolish man. Although no heads are seen, secretly he teaches you that the bone marrow is withered."

"As for the "Sunflower Book", it's just a little trick to test people's hearts. Whether it succeeds or not has nothing to do with the general trend of the world. It's just a matter of chance."

"My meritorious deeds are part of the creation, and you still have disciples and successors, so why should I be afraid?"

"Being old and not dying is a thief. Anyone who steals the destiny of a country is a thief of the country."

Qi Jiguang said coldly: "But since you have acted like two thieves, why are you deliberately trying to overthrow our Ming Dynasty? What benefits does this have to you?"

"I told you that the situation is different. Back then, I killed the masters of the martial arts world because I was afraid that the rising war in the world would affect my luck in absorbing the Ming Dynasty."

"But now, I am too entangled with the fate of the Ming Dynasty, and the world of mortals is a fetter. On the contrary, it makes me feel uncomfortable."

"The fate is so entangled that I can't directly attack the court, so I have to use some secret methods to destroy the Ming Dynasty."

"With my current cultivation level, when the dynasty changes and the fate of the Ming Dynasty is exhausted, my merits will be complete and I will hopefully transform into an immortal, just like Lu Dongbin in the past."

The middle-aged eunuch smiled and said: "There is only one autumn in your life. The hegemony of the dynasty is also fleeting, so you don't need to feel any resentment."

"I thought you really had some clever tricks, but it turned out to be just an idiot's dream."

Lin Xuan looked indifferent: "But since you have lived alone for two hundred years, it is understandable that your brain is not normal."

This ancestor of Sunflower must have extremely high martial arts skills.

It may also be feasible to pursue Shattered Void.

I just want to be a god...

Lin Xuan found it a bit difficult to comment.

"A eunuch is a eunuch after all, and his words are so whimsical."

Yao Yue nodded: "Since you have murderous intentions, let's decide between life and death."

"When I have the intention to kill, you feel something in your heart?"

The middle-aged eunuch nodded and slowly stretched out his right hand as if holding a sword: "Well, that's enough. It's time to send you on your way."

As if feeling his call, an exquisite long sword shot out from the wooden house and came into the hands of the middle-aged eunuch. The hilt of the sword is in the shape of a dragon, and the sword glow flows like purple lightning, exuding vast imperial power.

"This..., is this the sword that Emperor Chengzu used to wear?"

Qi Jiguang snorted coldly, with anger on his face: "Did you enter the Chengzu Mausoleum privately?"

"Zhu Di is known to be shameless. He is obviously a gangster who steals the country and usurps the throne, but he has the audacity to be related to Emperor Zhenwu."

The middle-aged eunuch said calmly: "I will use it for him, so that the sword will not be covered with dust."


Yu Dayou's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and Jing Chu's sword fell down.

Qi Jiguang drew out his saber at the same time, and the light from the saber struck out like lightning.

Almost at the same time, Yao Yueqing scolded, and a ray of green light cut through the void, as if ignoring time and space, it came directly to the throat of the middle-aged eunuch.

Yao Yue has an arrogant personality, and is usually unwilling to even take the initiative, let alone attack.

But in front of this nervous middle-aged eunuch, Yaoyue also felt an indescribable sense of oppression.

It was as if he would be wiped out if he hesitated even a little bit.

So, Yao Yue silently lowered her limit a little...

"Is that all?"

The middle-aged eunuch smiled and waved his long sword, and invisible sword energy as dense as rain burst through the air, forcing the three of them back more than ten steps.

"It's not easy to fight..."

Lin Xuan blocked the dissipated sword energy with a "seeing a dragon in the field" gesture, and then changed his palm gesture to "a strong dragon with regrets" and struck the middle-aged eunuch.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms? This martial art has not been lost yet?"

The middle-aged eunuch snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, and knocked Lin Xuan away from him.

The powerful dragon has regrets, and uses the power of the extreme sun to wait for the end of the strong crossbow.

The power of this palm was nothing to this middle-aged eunuch.

But once the palm movement is activated, a pure yang masculine aura will be exuded.

Although the middle-aged eunuch's cultivation has reached the realm of heaven and man, this pure Yang energy has long since left him...

After receiving this palm, the middle-aged eunuch felt an indescribable discomfort in his heart.

It's not very harmful, but very humiliating!
  "Come again!"

Yaoyue's sword returned in vain. In an almost impossible moment, the green sword light surged again, roaring towards the middle-aged eunuch with heavy sword power.

Yao Yue's swordsmanship can be transformed into tens of thousands of moves with one move, and it is impossible to defeat it simply by dodging.

Even if she continued to unfold her sword, the sword energy would surge and its power would continue to increase.

"Cooperate with this girl..."

Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang looked at each other and silently chose the assistant position.

"Hahaha! It's interesting."

The middle-aged eunuch still had a leisurely look on his face, and his long sword was like a lightning blade, stabbing out with ease.

Countless afterimages lingered around, as if he had turned into dozens of clones, all drawing swords together.

In the night sky, the sword light was like a dragon, sweeping across the mountain.

The mountains, rocks, grass and trees disappeared without a trace as soon as the sword light touched them.

Blood splattered, and just the agitation of the sword energy cut several wounds more than an inch deep on the four of them.

  "This...that thief's martial arts is so terrifying!"

Feng Bao looked at it with cold sweat on his face and subconsciously looked at Zhang Juzheng.

"His martial arts skills are already extremely high, and he has stolen the luck of the dynasty. He has probably reached the highest level in the world."

Zhang Juzheng's expression remained unchanged: "Eunuch Feng, does he have any other ideas?"

"There is nothing our family can do, so let's do what you want."


Zhang Juzheng nodded and looked at the old man beside him: "Jianzheng, let's do it!"

"This..., Zhang, Mr. Zhang!"

Qin Tian Jian was trembling all over, with a tangled look on his face: "If the dragon energy of this place is gone, our national destiny of the Ming Dynasty will also be greatly damaged."

"It's no pity. If we can kill this country beetle today, it will be a lasting achievement."

"Besides, in the past, Emperor Hongwu also came from scratch and conquered the Tatar world. His luck was like a dragon."

Zhang Juzheng's eyes flashed with pride: "Don't talk about the dragon spirit of the imperial mausoleum. Even if my national destiny of the Ming Dynasty is wiped out today, if God gives me another ten years, I can still rebuild the rivers and mountains and rebuild the prosperous Ming Dynasty!"

"Then just follow what the adults say!"

The Qintian Supervisor was bowing to Zhang Juzheng and looked at the hundreds of Qi Refiners behind him: "Do it!"


A group of Qi Refiners with different expressions walked into the completed magic circle one after another.

Dark clouds are rolling, thunder and lightning are coming!
  "Presumptuous! Zhang Juzheng is so courageous!"

In the Forbidden City, the young emperor wearing a dragon robe roared: "He even dares to kill the dragon spirit in the imperial mausoleum! He is simply not a minister! Why doesn't he become the emperor?"

"Your Majesty may wish to ask Mr. Taiyue this way in the future."

Queen Mother Li glanced at Emperor Wanli and spoke calmly.

"...I made a mistake for a moment, so my mother doesn't have to worry about it."

As if he thought of something, Emperor Wanli's expression froze, and he sighed: "But overnight, my Ming Dynasty will change."

"Isn't reform just about changing the sky?"


"I know what your Majesty is thinking."

Empress Dowager Li looked up at the changing sky: "It is not necessarily a bad thing to break and then stand."

Following Queen Mother Li's voice, extremely violent thunder gathered in the nine heavens and turned into a huge thunder pillar.

The thunder pillar flashed, as if carrying the power of destruction, it crashed towards the foot of Tianshou Mountain.

Emperor Wanli: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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