I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 128 Will I be a god in the future? I have a koi physique.

Chapter 128 Will I be a god in the future? I have a koi physique.

"...This question is indeed somewhat important."

Lin Xuan thought for a while: "Where is the original you in this world?"

"What does 'original me' mean?"

"Where's that Huang Rong from Peach Blossom Island?"

"I checked, and there is no such person at all."


"According to the clues in the records, there is no such person as 'Huang Rong' in the world. My father is still one of the Five Ultimates from more than a hundred years ago."

"But I don't know what happened next. My father's whereabouts are unknown, and the martial arts of Peach Blossom Island have not been passed down."

"Maybe the 'original me' in this world died in childbirth when I was born."

Huang Rong pouted: "If it hadn't been for the mysterious Emei Patriarch who said that part of Emei's martial arts originated from Peach Blossom Island, I'm afraid no one in the world would know about Peach Blossom Island."

Huang Rong frowned slightly: "But what happened to the Emei Patriarch?"

"...You are really good at comforting people."

"As for extinction... Actually, she thinks it would be great if the Patriarch is willing to come back for a visit. She actually has no expectations for me."

Huang Rong was stunned instead: "Master Lin, please explain it to me."

"Most likely the original Emei Patriarch had some connection with you. If it had nothing to do with you at all, the Emei lineage would not exist."


"Actually, although the Emei Patriarch looks powerful, the martial arts taught by him are quite average, far inferior to Lao Huang's Nine Yin Manual."

"Mu Nianci? The other surname is not important, but the surname Mu is a little more important..."

Although it's a bit weird, it still makes sense.

"...Who is Guo Jing's wife?"

Huang Rong ran to ask, and then came back: "The old nun said that the Condor Hero Yang Guo was also a great master who was famous in the world more than a hundred years ago. It is said that he even personally killed the Mongolian Mongolian Khan. But his mother His name is not revealed, I only know that he is called the Qin family."

"The Yitian Sword was brought to Emei by the founder of Emei. It is said that these two items were forged by Guo Jing, the hero of Xiangyang."

"From ancient times to the present, there have been so many great masters claiming to be reincarnated immortals, and there are even a lot of reincarnated soul boys in Tantric Buddhism. Aren't they also unable to solve the mystery of the womb?"

"This is understandable..."

Huang Rong thought for a while: "According to the old nun, Guo Jing is proficient in the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, the Nine Yin Manual and so on, and is also a top master."

Lin Xuan smiled: "If this is the case, it is also a good thing. It means that you will be really powerful in the future, and the purple energy will come from the east!"

Therefore, the reincarnation space had to be forcibly replaced with the Huang Rong template.

Lin Xuan shrugged: "Probably because Samsara Space was afraid of logical confusion, it deliberately deleted your role as an 'unexpected person'."

Even without Huang Rong's influence, he should be able to practice peerless martial arts, become famous all over the world, and complete the world line.

Lin Xuan's thoughts moved slightly: "Go and ask Master Miejie if there is a Condor Hero Yang Guo, and who is his mother?"

Huang Rong let out a sullen breath: "I really thought at first that I would be very powerful in the future, and I would have to come back to do this task. I was scared to death."

"When you say that, it's somewhat possible..."

"This copy is different from Water Margin. You are a historical figure."

"Then I can't remember clearly. It seems that the surname is Mu, Mu Guiying's Mu. Is this important?"

"...Okay, where did the Yitian Sword and the Dragon-Slaying Sword come from?"

After all, Guo Jing and Yang Guo were both chosen by nature and sons of fate.

With this setting, Huang Rong is indeed dispensable in the entire plot.

"Can you figure this out?"

"It's hard to say. It's also possible that the inheritance and cause of the Emei Sect is these exercises. If you really teach powerful martial arts, it will cause a series of problems."

In other words, even if Guo Jing and Mu Nianci get married, they probably won't be able to give birth to a woman with such a character as Guo Xiang.

"Okay, logically it doesn't seem to be a big problem..."

"Well, there is also a possibility that you can come back in person to resolve the cause and effect..."

Huang Rong jumped up and defended a few words: "Besides, the only one in Emei now who thinks I am the Patriarch is the old nun Miejie. There is also a female disciple named Zhou Zhiruo who is half-convinced. Others call me the leader."

It is difficult to make simple substitutions.

Since Guo Xiang does not exist in this world.

Lin Xuan explained a few words and said thoughtfully: "So maybe the reincarnation space directly used your template to make a guest appearance, and also left a backdoor for you, so that you can take charge of Emei and solve the cause and effect."

"How am I weak? I, I'm almost congenital, okay! It's not easy for me at my age!"

If the surname is Qin, it is probably Qin Nanqin, the biological mother of Yang Guo in the serial version.

Huang Rong pouted: "Why don't you say that I will become a god in the future, and I can take care of these things if I leave any avatar."

Guo Xiang's character is actually quite unique.

Lin Xuan thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "Speaking of which, if you are so weak now, will you still be regarded as the founder by Yan Mie?"

"Okay, you become a little fairy."

Lin Xuan smiled, with a little expectation in his heart.

The taste of immortality...

It should be pretty good.

"Hey, I don't think about good things all day long."

Huang Rong felt something was wrong and rolled her eyes: "Can you verify those conjectures just now?"

"There is no way to verify it yet. We are too weak now, and it is still a bit far away to become gods."

Lin Xuan shook his head and said: "In that plane of Water Margin, you might be able to meet a few experts. I can communicate with them if I have a chance next time."

"Hey, hey, I remembered this, I want to give you something!"

"When I cleared the last dungeon, Space asked me to spin a big roulette wheel. This is the reward I got from spinning!"

Huang Rong took out a small ink-colored token from her arms and handed it to Lin Xuan: "According to space, there is only one thousandth chance of this happening. According to what you said before, I have a koi physique!"

"what is this?"

Lin Xuan was slightly startled, then stretched out his hand to take the token: "The bells and tripods used for sacrifices during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties?"

The token has a round sky and a square place, with an ancient shape and extremely ancient writings on it.

Holding it in hand, a strong Jin Ge intention rose into the sky. It was as if the token pointed to the blood-drenched Shura battlefield.

"The space said this thing is called the 'Reinforcement Order'. Because the Water Margin dungeon is more difficult, it is limited to this dungeon."

"The Yin Order can summon a person from the original plane to participate in this reincarnation copy. I plan to take dad to see our 'Peach Blossom Island'."

"What you have in your hand is the Yang Ling, which can summon a Samsara teammate you encountered before to accompany you."

"My only Samsara teammate is you, so let Space transfer this token to you."

"Your strength has improved so obviously. You must have been to a dungeon later, right? If you meet a powerful teammate, you can discuss it with him and ask him to help."

Huang Rong smiled innocently: "According to the prompts from the space, teammates summoned by the reinforcement order can also receive rewards, so that they will not treat others badly."


Lin Xuan looked at the token in his hand and fell into deep thought.

How do you say this thing...

In theory, being strong is indeed quite strong.

However, Lin Xuan’s current Samsara teammate is only Yao Yue.

There is nothing wrong with this girl's strength.

But if you summon Yao Yue in front of Huang Rong...

Lin Xuan had an inexplicable premonition in his heart.

"Brother Lin, what are you thinking about?"

Huang Rong raised her eyebrows, feeling a little confused: "Are you embarrassed to ask someone for help?"

"This is not..."

Lin Xuan threw the reinforcement order directly into the storage space, his expression unchanged: "I'm just thinking about how to maximize its value."

It stands to reason that the next copy will be a newcomer.

Then if they are matched again, there is a high probability that it will be Yaoyue.

The next match would be with a new person, and then it would be possible to match with Huang Rong.

In other words, after finishing this dungeon, we should be able to match up with new people twice.

There should be at least one to bring, right?

Well, there’s nothing to worry about!

"Hehe, you have many more clever ideas than me in this regard, so I'll leave it to you."

Huang Rong exhaled a sullen breath: "Okay, let's not talk about those things, let's settle the current matters first."

"Is it a matter in the hands of the big boss?"

"Well, no matter what the reason is, since this Emei martial arts originated from Peach Blossom Island, I still want to take some responsibility."

Huang Rong snorted: "At least, we can't let our Taohua Island martial arts be defeated by others."

"Huh? Falling flowers and flowing water? Is Emei already in such a miserable state now?"

Lin Xuan was startled, his expression slightly solemn.

Guangmingding still needs to be fixed, and Emei Sect needs to put some effort into taking care of it.

After all, the bridal chamber flowers and candles are not the main mission.

Let’s take a closer look at these disciples after they are sent back to Emei.

“Emei’s life has indeed been rough these past few years.”

"I didn't tell you before Miyue. When she was getting the Yitian Sword, she met a demon in the Ruyang Palace. His martial arts were unfathomable."

"Within a few moves, he used cold palm power to severely injure her. Not only has she not recovered over the years, she has even gotten worse."

"The siege of Guangmingding did not go well this time. We fought against the Five Elements Banner several times and suffered some losses."

Huang Rong was a little depressed: "In the past two days, we met a man named Wei Yixiao, the Green-winged Bat King. He killed several disciples in a sneak attack. We can't catch up with him, and there's nothing we can do against him."

"The Five Elements Banner is supposed to have 500 people per flag, and the total number is 2,500 people. They are good at military formations. It is really difficult for ordinary disciples to handle it."

"However, the Five Elements Flag, Yang Xiao, Tianying Sect, and Wusan people are not easy to deal with, and there are no powerful masters. You can try to defeat them one by one."

Lin Xuan nodded: "As for Na Wei Yixiao, come and try it next time you meet me."

The nature of Mingjiao is actually similar to that of "Liangshan Heroes".

There may be nothing wrong with being generous and righteous, heroic and fearless of life and death.

But when it comes to doing things, he does everything possible and treats human life as nothing.

In order to force Cheng Kun out, Xie Xun could kill innocent people without caring.

Even though Wei Yixiao was cold, he would only suck human blood and would not look at livestock such as chickens, ducks, horses, and cows.

If Lu Zhishen met him, he would probably be like: "Thieves are fighting with each other, and they will be punched by Sajia."

Of course, whether the fight can be fought is another matter...


At this moment, three fireworks shot into the sky from the southwest at the same time, turning into a whisk, a guqin, and a fist.


Huang Rong was startled: "Wudang, Kunlun, and Kongtong all asked for help at the same time? Is the Ming Cult so fierce?"


The expressions of all the Emei disciples suddenly changed, and they all stood up and looked at Huang Rong, waiting for instructions.

Lin Xuan noticed that Xiao Zhao's mouth was full of food and he subconsciously touched his belly.

"Big dragon head?"

Huang Rong blinked her eyes, looked at Lin Xuan habitually, and asked.

"Go and have a look."

Lin Xuan also laughed when he thought about his previous experience.

"it is good."

Huang Rong's voice was clear: "From Emei to the rest, follow me to help."


(End of this chapter)

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