Chapter 14 The gifted Mr. Lin

Two months later
  "Breathe and breathe, tell the old and bring in the new..."

Lin Xuan followed the instructions in the book and slowly let out the turbid air in his body.

Then inhale clear air from the nose, bypass the organs, and swallow into the Dantian to supplement the exhaled air.

When you breathe out, you will be exhausted; when you breathe in, you will be filled up!
  "Heaven and earth contain all things, and the human body is like a small piece of heaven and earth."

"The five internal organs belong to the five elements. The heart is the sky, and the kidneys are the earth. They drift with the flow, and the fire in the heart gradually sinks and merges with the water in the kidneys."

Lin Xuan sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and guided his Qi.

At this time, he no longer needed to follow the booklet step by step.

Just take a breath.

The inner Qi will naturally arise and flow according to the mind.

"I admire Mr. Lin for this."

Of course, these operations have already exceeded the limits of this "Quiet Breathing Method".

Then, the internal force is highly compressed and developed towards the pure route.

Even if it just bursts the meridians, it would still be funny.

Although it is slow, it goes round and round, and it takes time.

"This kind of theory about magical power is very low-level."

"The person who wrote this book of narration may not be as smart as you, and yet he has the nerve to talk so brazenly about his superior qualifications?"

Lin Xuan didn't care about Huang Rong's blow at all, and lay on the ground doing push-ups.

Huang Rong was a little speechless: "Don't be complacent, you started practicing internal strength and your progress was the fastest. Now it's time for your progress to slow down."

The power is really not that great.

Of course, Huang Rong was right.

Huang Rong closed her eyes and leaned on the recliner to bask in the sun: "For those of you who don't know, I thought Mr. Lin was practicing the Yi Jin Jing of the Patriarch of Bodhidharma."

"By studying things to gain knowledge, do you understand everything in the world? Knowledge and action are unified, and there is no distinction between appearance and interior. Do you understand?"

The inner Qi will circulate on its own along the route of breathing and exhaling just now.

Apart from slowly studying it, I can only hope that the reincarnation space will be more reliable next time and go to a more martial arts plane.

"It only took me half a month to develop my inner energy. I am more or less aptly qualified."

But there are many benefits...

"If you really have good qualifications and your brain is wet before you practice this internal skill..."

Even if you get halfway through, you can easily stop.

A month ago, the Internal Strength column finally appeared on his personal dashboard.

Later, it may be something like condensing acupoints, innate Qi, etc.

Even Huang Rong didn't know much about it.

After all, the human body is only that big.

The next direction should be to find ways to open up the eight strange meridians and the mysterious gate of life and death.

But when it comes to exercise, it doesn't matter.

If it were as thick as an oil pipeline, people would have been blown to pieces.

Lin Xuan's internal strength value also increased from one point to five points...

"How about you pursue it a little bit!"

The inner energy that was originally as thick as a hair has become as thick as a charging cable.

Of course, this inner energy cannot grow indefinitely.

After all, this breathing method is considered an extremely low-end skill, and it is not qualified even if you want to breed inner demons.

There is no room for reference.

Lin Xuan coughed and picked up the booklet: "This booklet says very clearly that if you have good qualifications, you can feel Qi in more than a month. Secondly, you can feel it in a season. Thirdly, you can feel it in more than a year. If you have three years, you can feel it. If it doesn’t work, then you can modify the external skills and work from the outside to the inside, there is still a glimmer of hope.”

"You can gain so much insight from this lowest level of breathing and breathing method."

"My kung fu is not great, but my character is quite good."

After another month of practice.

Not only does it not need to meditate deliberately to circulate Qi.

When breathing out in front of you, you need to stay focused and avoid distracting thoughts.

"Forget it, the last sentence is a bit profound, I'm sorry you don't understand..."

"Originally, I just wanted to have some concepts in this area so that I wouldn't be fooled when I choose exercises in the future."

When it comes to cultivating internal strength, the most significant progress is made in the early stages of the process from scratch.

Huang Rong opened her eyes and yawned: "Okay, no more nonsense. You go and chop the firewood. I'll cook later."

"This is simple."

Lin Xuan walked to the corner of the small courtyard, picked up the hatchet, and struck the wooden pile in front of him.

A slight sonic boom sounded in the air.

The next moment, the wooden pile shook slightly and split into two, revealing a smooth section.

In the past two months, apart from going to teahouses and restaurants to collect information, Lin Xuan spent most of his time practicing.

Not only did he master all the tiger sword techniques, but he also learned half of the Luo Ying Shen Sword Palm.

The effect is also good, from muscle training to bone training. The bones of the whole body are harder, have stronger penetrating power, and have stronger resistance to blows.

There is also an additional point of strength, two points of constitution and one point of skill added to the panel.

After that, it should be muscle training.

Wait until the fascia of the whole body stretches and contracts strongly, and even the muscles and bones sing together.

You should be able to become an intermediate warrior.

This process is quite enjoyable.

There is a feeling that what you pay will be rewarded.

Physically, it's also quite refreshing.

After Lin Xuan practices internal strength, his body will be exhausted.

However, the spirit is better.

If you sleep for two to three hours every day, you will be full of energy.

Lin Xuan suspected that those martial arts masters spent half an hour every day meditating for several weeks.

It can replace sleep.

You can use other people's sleeping time to do other things.

Rounding up, it equals doubling the age.

"By the way, how's that going? We can't wait here forever, can we?"

Seeing Lin Xuan finish chopping the firewood, Huang Rong picked up the firewood, threw it into the stove and lit it.

He asked smoothly while boiling the soup stock that had been prepared.

This life was so comfortable that Huang Rong actually wanted to stay there for a while.

However, this side mission is stuck, and there has been no progress in the main mission...

It still made her feel a little guilty.

"It should be within the next few days."

Lin Xuan thought for a while: "Half a month ago, Wu Erlang went to Bianliang, Tokyo on official business. That person may not dare to wait for him to come back."

Originally, Lin Xuan wanted to see how the plot would change if he persuaded Wu Dalang to divorce Pan Jinlian.

As a result, after letting Wu Song clarify the interests...

Wu Dalang is actually a turtle man and feels that it is not easy for him to find a wife. Such groundless things should not be taken seriously.

He has no intention of divorcing his wife.

Wu Song was naturally very angry.

But after scolding Wu Dalang a few times, he had no choice but to pay attention secretly.

Of course, Wu Song was also a well-known hero after all.

When this evil spirit was in Yanggu County, Ximen Qing did not dare to make any mistakes.

Originally, I could barely live a peaceful life.

But at the end of the new year, Chen Zhixian took the initiative to find Wu Song.

Arrange for him to go to Bianliang, Tokyo, to give gifts to superior officials to improve his performance appraisal.

By the way, I brought the gold, silver, antiques, jewelry, etc. collected during my tenure as magistrate in the past two years back to my relatives in Tokyo for collection and mailing.

Such a private task naturally requires someone you can trust.

Those who go must work hard to avoid being intercepted.

Looking at this matter horizontally and vertically, only Wu Song is the best candidate.

Wu Song was on duty under someone else, so he couldn't shirk it, so he took a few soldiers to Bianliang.

Before leaving, Wu Song made a special trip to entrust Lin Xuan to take some time to help look after Wu Dalang.

Seeing that the task was finally progressing, Lin Xuan naturally agreed.

"Oh I see……"

Huang Rong's voice was a little lazy: "Although this Wu Dalang has no future, he is still a good person. He will come over every now and then and give us a few bags of cooking cakes."

"so what?"

"You said that his wife wants Hongxing to cheat on you. Of course this girl doesn't care about such bad things."

Huang Rong raised her brows slightly: "But if that pair of bitchy men and women want to kill him, it's really too much."

"Yeah, that's what I thought too."

Lin Xuan smiled: "Don't worry. As soon as Wu Song left, I found an informant and asked him to keep an eye on Wu Dalang for me. There will be nothing wrong."

"Is it so stable?"

Huang Rong was somewhat impressed: "You know the enemy first and make decisions before taking action. You have a bit of the style of a Marquis of Wu."

"Master Lin, Master Huang, it's not good!"

At this moment, the courtyard door was pushed open.

A young man of fifteen or sixteen years old rushed in in a hurry; "Something happened! Wu Dalang was injured by a high official from Ximen! He is about to die!"


Huang Rong was startled and looked at Lin Xuan with a strange look.

Do you trust me or not?
  (End of this chapter)

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