I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 162: Is the Vajra Dharma, the method of transforming the sky and striking the earth, so weak

Chapter 162: Is the Vajra Dharma, the method of transforming the sky and striking the earth, so weak?

"Consume 2500 reincarnation points to increase the proficiency of the Nine Yin Manual to 100%."

Outside Dadu Garden, Lin Xuan looked up at the vast royal garden and muttered silently.

During this time, he was quite attentive.

Even when I was with Huang Rong at night, I was seriously studying the Taoist dual cultivation of life and life, "Shen-born nature, Qi-born nature".

Finally, the proficiency level of Jiuyin Manual reached 75%.

Except for a few martial arts that are really difficult to practice, the rest are basically the Nine Yin General Outline and the Healing Chapter, which are difficult to gain proficiency in.

Of course, Lin Xuan also selectively gave up on martial arts such as Heart Destroying Palm, which were useless and a waste of time.

[The proficiency level has been improved, and the reincarnator has completely mastered the legendary skill "Nine Yin Manual". 】

"Not bad, there are 500 points left..."

Lin Xuan raised his brows, digested all the countless insights that came out of thin air in his mind, and exited the panel directly.

According to the urine properties of the reincarnation space, after my proficiency has been improved, I will definitely recommend the Tianjiao-level Nine Yin Manual to myself later.

If nothing else, I definitely don’t meet the upgrade conditions now...

Now that the battle with Eighth Master is about to begin, there is no need to let this kind of thing affect your mood.

After returning, we will study slowly.

"Is it done?"

Huang Rong observed the words and asked softly: "I feel there is an unfathomable aura inside. It should be the Eighth Master Ba who is asking us to fight, right?"

"Well, he should be the only one in the world with this level of cultivation."

Lin Xuan smiled slightly: "Rong'er and I will deal with the Eighth Master, and the others will have to trouble Master Zhang and Miss Yang."

"Don't worry, you two!"

Zhang Wuji held the Holy Fire Order and said in a deep voice: "As long as I have a breath, I won't allow others to interfere and hurt you two."

"This is my first time fighting someone so seriously."

Huang Rong handed the dragon-slaying knife to Huang Shan and smiled: "This knife is useless for hitting the Eighth Division. It's quite good for chopping down soldiers. Sister Yang, let's use it first."

"After today, no matter what the outcome is, the world will be much boring again..."

At this point, Huang Shan seemed to feel that something was wrong, and said apologetically: "It's just a temporary emotion, so don't worry about it."

"That makes sense. I think so too."

Huang Rong said sweetly: "However, we promised Lao Zhang that we would fight well, but we must keep our word after all."

"Is such that."

Lin Xuan nodded, stretched out his hand to hold Huang Rong, and the magical power of wedding clothes restrained itself.

The next moment, ethereal and vast auras were flowing around the two people at the same time, rising into the sky like flying catkins.

The highest good is like water, and water is good for all things without fighting.

The nine yins are also like water. Although they have no permanent shape, they can carry the universe!

The numerous courtyard walls, pavilions and pavilions passed by at the feet of the two of them.

The elite guards stationed in the garden could only see two extremely blurry afterimages flashing past.

Then, it was Zhang Wuji who burst out the Nine Yang Divine Fire...

The flames are raging and the fire is burning up the sky!

The entire Dadu Garden instantly became chaotic!


"The time has come."

Ignoring the chaotic crowd in the distance, Eighth Master Ba lowered his head slightly and looked at the silhouettes of Lin Xuan and his two men as they approached, his voice still calm: "It's been a long time since we last met."

"Ah..., great monk, we don't seem to have agreed to fight today, right?"

Huang Rong looked at the panicked Emperor Yuan Shun not far away, and flicked out a willow-leaf flying knife: "It's been a long time since I've seen him, and I can't even talk about it."

In addition to the ultimate challenge of Eighth Master Ba, there is another challenge task that has not yet been completed: killing the emperor.

Although it stands to reason that if Ba Shiba is present, the emperor should not be easy to kill.

However, Huang Rong felt that there was nothing to lose by killing casually.

What if he really died?

"You two are intent on fighting, and I can sense it."

"Since you two have never shown any intention of backing down, my words of 'Long time no see' are correct."

Ba Shiba lowered his head to look at Liuye Feidao, and said with a smile: "Headmaster Huang has a pure heart."

Under the gaze of Eighth Master Ba, Liu Ye's flying knife continued to explode with sparks, turning into a cloud of iron filings and flying everywhere.

"Escort me! Come and escort me!"

Emperor Yuan Shun shrank his neck, feeling that he had walked in front of the gate of hell, and shouted hurriedly.


"There are assassins!"

A group of guards shouted and formed a dense human wall to protect Emperor Yuan Shun.

"Some small tricks made the Dharma Master laugh."

Lin Xuan smiled lightly, not surprised at all.

Since it is a challenge mission, it is definitely not easy to exploit loopholes.

"Headmaster Huang has a hundred-year-old mysterious skill. Even a casual attack is not considered a small trick."

The corners of Ba Shiba's mouth were slightly raised, almost like a smile but not a smile.

"The great monk's vision is quite accurate."

Huang Rong hummed and said, "If you want to fight, just fight. There's no need to talk so much about useless things!"

As a young girl, Huang Rong felt quite unhappy when she was involved with the "Hundred Years of Mysterious Art".

She deeply suspected that Ba Shiba was taking advantage of the opportunity to act strangely.

"What Master Huang said is that it is better for people to be simple."

"Over the past few years, I have cultivated the magical power of transforming the sky and striking the earth. I have traveled across the universe without a single defeat, and my achievements are far beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

"Unfortunately, to this day, I still have not been able to determine life and death."

"Even if he is far superior to ordinary people, it is only a difference of fifty steps and a hundred steps, as if he is the king and hegemony among the monkeys."

Bashiba's voice was low, as if he had endless emotion: "What kind of secrets are there between life and death?"

"You've never died, how can you figure out the way of life and death?"

Huang Rong snorted: "Brother Lin and I beat you to death. Did you have an epiphany?"

"If you two really have such ability, I would be happy to ask for it."

Eighth Master Ba smiled and said: "Master Zhang and Miss Yang are also top figures in the world. With them taking action, you two can fight with all your heart."

Almost at the same time, the sound of clothes flying through the air was heard, and Zhang Wuji and Huang Shan also rushed over.

The two of them looked at the elite guards who were like a mountain of swords and spears, their expressions as usual.

At their level, even if they die in battle, it will hardly affect their state of mind.

"The Dharma Master is quite disciplined."

Lin Xuan took a deep look at Ba Shiba, and his hands turned into the artistic conception of "Shocking Baili", which was photographed from a distance.

The intersection of yin and yang creates thunder that can shake hundreds of miles!

Suddenly, a strong wind blew between heaven and earth, and a golden dragon roared out, like the fury of thunder.

By adding points to practice the Nine Yin Manual to perfection, and adding the bonus from the dungeon mission, Lin Xuan's basic attributes have reached about 450.

Even if it is just physical strength, he is only one step away from the so-called "body-forging master" in the main world.

Including internal strength, Lin Xuan is enough to compete with ordinary masters.

The Nine Yin True Qi is good for all things, and it is not too much of a burden to perform several legendary moves of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

As if a Category 12 typhoon was passing by, hundreds of soldiers who rushed forward were blown away by the wind and thrown far away.

Even the Eighth Master Ba's full-body robe was forced to fly backwards by Lin Xuan's palm in the air.

"Gangqi channeling, condensing reality!"

Zhang Wuji was shocked, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes.

Originally, Zhang Wuji felt that he was only slightly inferior to Lin Xuan.

After mastering the Great Shift of the Universe, we can already maintain an invincible and undefeated situation.

But seeing Lin Xuan's palm strike, the angry dragon danced wildly.

Zhang Wuji felt that he was still too naive...

With his current level of martial arts, even using the Great Shift of the Universe would be in vain. I can only fight to get hurt and take it by force.

"Very good. It seems that compared to Wudang Mountain, you have another chance to make great progress in your martial arts!"

A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Ba Shiba's mouth, and he stretched out his hand to press it gently.

Infinite Buddha's light swirled, and the power of the God-Destroying Palm and the Dragon-Subduing Palm collided and dissipated at the same time.

"Reincarnation for hundreds of lives, in a blink of an eye!"

Ba Shiba's eyes seemed to be filled with joy and sorrow, and he seemed to have the Buddhist compassion of "cutting flesh to feed the eagles".

The brilliance that seemed to be able to purify all things surged out from Ba Shiba's eyes, illuminating the entire world in white.

The magic that transforms the sky and strikes the earth!


"This is such a shameless move..., this reincarnation of hundreds of lives..., huh?"

Lin Xuan shook his head and opened his eyes.

This is an extremely strange perspective.

In the dark, Lin Xuan felt like he was standing in the void, overlooking the earth.

At your feet, there is a lively grassland market.

Merchants from all over the world conduct various transactions and barter there.

In the dark, there seemed to be a force that wanted to drag Lin Xuan into it and become one with someone in the market.

But this power is extremely weak, insignificant.

"Is Transforming Heaven and Earth Strike so weak? Or is this person not my previous life at all?"

Lin Xuan raised his head thoughtfully and glanced at the sky.

Between heaven and earth, there was an extremely clear and incomparable sound of breaking.

The market in front of me and the grassland in the distance were completely shattered and collapsed.

The next moment, Lin Xuan appeared outside a prosperous house.

Inside the gate of the house, there is a night banquet for wealthy families, with people drinking, singing and dancing.

Outside the gate, it is the cold winter, countless beggars, noisy crying and begging.

While the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen bone!

"She quite knows how to find conflicts."

Lin Xuan shook his head and looked up at the sky again.

As a result, the mansion, the long street, and even the world collapsed.


One person defends the city, the bridal chamber is decorated with flowers and candles, he dies thousands of miles from hunger, and he is named on the gold medal list...

Lin Xuan keeps appearing in different scenes.

As a complete bystander, silently watching the various situations in the world.

"I understand, these are all scenes that Bashiba himself has experienced..."

Lin Xuan suddenly had a flash of enlightenment in his heart. He took one last look at the sky and broke through the mental illusion.


When he opened his eyes, he saw the gray and pale face of Eighth Master Ba.

The original aura of being like a god or a Buddha is gone.

"Brother Lin, this magic that transforms the sky and strikes the earth is nothing special..."

Huang Rong also opened her eyes and wondered: "Why did Lao Zhang suffer such a big loss?"

"Maybe this technique can't find our past lives at all, making it impossible for you and me to take our place."

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "Ba Shiba's ability alone is not enough to build a world without roots and origins."

"Make bricks without straw?"

"...That's about it."

"The method of transforming the sky and striking the earth cannot go wrong! The only explanation is that you have no previous life at all!"

Bashiba took a deep breath and said sternly: "How can there be people like you in this world!"

His state of mind was already close to perfection, and he could easily read, play with, and even tamper with the other party's memory by using Heaven Transformation and Earth Strike.

Originally, Ba Shiba planned to understand the cause and effect of reincarnation of Lin Xuan and Huang Rong, and then destroy their consciousness, so that he could realize the broken path.

As a result, Lin Xuan and Lin Xuan did not get any feedback at all as the Eighth Master Ba continued to operate.

On the contrary, he was exhausted mentally and physically from forcibly constructing illusions.

This is still secondary...

More importantly, the occurrence of such outrageous things was also a huge blow to Ba Shiba.

As a result, huge cracks appeared in his originally almost unshakable Bodhi state of mind.

Ba Shiba felt that if he continued like this, his enlightenment would be shattered...

If you are not careful, you may go crazy and die.

"A past life? Maybe there was, maybe there wasn't."

Lin Xuan said calmly: "You can't find it anyway, and it has nothing to do with you."

From Bashiba's few words, it is not difficult to guess what happened.

Lin Xuan doesn't know if he really has no previous life, or if the reincarnation space has added a shield.

There’s not much to say about the latter.

There is no harm in the former.

In TV dramas, Lin Xuan often sees the fate of three lives and three lives, causing a lot of love and hatred.

Well, even if White Snake came to Xu Xian, it was just to repay the favor from her previous life...

Lin Xuan was speechless for this kind of plot.

It would be better to not have a previous life at all and be happy and at ease.

"Hmm? Didn't I have a previous life too?"

Huang Rong was startled, and then said sweetly: "Forget it, let's beat this monk to death first."


Ba Shiba's eyes widened and he let out a demon-spelling roar.

The light bloomed, and a Vajra statue that was several feet tall and made entirely of gold suddenly appeared.

The Vajra Dharma Master holds the demon-conquering pestle, his mouth is like a basin of blood, his teeth are like swords and halberds, and he roars silently!

King Kong glares angrily!

Under the overwhelming pressure, the guards and sergeants around them exploded into blood mist.

The Vajra Dharma form continues to expand, and its expression becomes more and more ferocious, like a Buddha or a demon.

In an instant, it was like a mountain.

"This..., what is this?"

Huang Rong was shocked and turned pale, trying her best to resist King Kong's pressure: "This monk has become a Buddha?"

"Impossible! If he had become a Buddha, he would have broken into pieces and ascended long ago..."

Lin Xuan frowned and said, "The only explanation is that we are still in the spiritual illusion of Eighth Master Ba."

"Huh? Why?"

"Zhang Wuji and Huang Shan are not here, and the expressions of the sergeants are too dull."

"It should be that after Ba Shiba's mental frustration, he was unable to construct a perfect illusion..."

Lin Xuan let out a sullen breath: "It's probably because he didn't want his heart to be dusted, so he simply used the illusion as a battlefield to decide the outcome with us."

"Illusion? But...but he has turned into a god and Buddha in the illusion. How can we fight him?"

"The fact that he didn't defeat Lao Zhang shows that his skills must have weaknesses."

Lin Xuan stared at the vast and domineering Vajra Dharma: "If we find out his weaknesses, this illusion will naturally be broken."

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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