Chapter 166 Game Test, Blood Moon

Lin Xuan slept for eight hours and fully recovered.

Today is Thursday, as usual, you can come or not.

But Lin Xuan wanted to play games, so he took the initiative to go to work and came to the company restaurant early.

The company restaurant recently changed its chef.

This person’s style is not easy to comment on…

Strictly speaking, the level of cooking is indeed top-notch.

If you are serious about cooking, you can easily master the eight major cuisines at your fingertips.

A British dinner can be as delicious as Lin Xuan imagined.

But that guy does some weird stuff from time to time.

At first, it was just delicacies such as fried mooncakes with pickled peppers, fried noodles with isatis root, and fried stinky tofu with marshmallows.

Regardless of whether it is edible or not, you can tell at a glance that it is dark cuisine, which leaves room for regret.

But I don’t know what’s going on with this guy lately...

I started trying to change the ordinary things into extremely mysterious flavors.

I had a lot of complaints at first.

But now, the canteen's business is getting better and better...

It is said that there are still outsiders trying to sneak in and participate in food challenges.

Lin Xuan also didn't quite understand this.

It can only be said that there are too many idle people.

"This, this..., okay, thank you!"

Lin Xuan took some puddings, a glass of Coke, and found an empty seat to sit down.

The few times I went there were ancient replicas, and the food I ate was relatively authentic.

After returning, Lin Xuan likes to balance technology and hard work.

Anyway, with his current physique, it is basically impossible for him to suffer from gastrointestinal problems.

Nothing to worry about.

"Hey, your name is Lin Xuan, right? Long time no see!"

At this moment, a rough voice sounded, and a spirited young man held a tray and took the initiative to sit opposite Lin Xuan.

"Huh? Oh, you are Tu Sifang, right?"

Lin Xuan looked at it and said with a smile: "It's been a long time indeed."

This was the new classmate Lin Xuan met in Yuan Hua's office during the warrior assessment.

Oh, strictly speaking, I should be considered a new colleague...

Lin Xuan remembered that there was another girl who was also admitted by Yuan Hua.

But I never saw it later.

After completing the warrior assessment, Lin Xuan visited two more dungeons.

Therefore, it should be considered that I had an acquaintance with this young man two years ago.

Being able to think of it so quickly, Lin Xuan felt that his memory was pretty good.

"Wait a minute..."

Tu Sifang looked at Lin Xuan's pudding with a strange expression: "Friendly reminder, this is heather flavored."

"Can you see this?"

Lin Xuan was silent for a moment and put down the spoon.

"I ate one earlier and just came back from brushing my teeth..."

Tu Sifang said bitterly: "This chef will be beaten to death sooner or later."

"I see there are quite a lot of people eating?"

Lin Xuan looked around and found many people checking in and taking photos, with tacit smiles on their faces.

What's outrageous is that most of them are men.

"……I do not know then."

Tu Sifang was also a little confused: "Maybe some people like this kind of taste."

"Okay, I really don't like it."

Lin Xuan poured the pudding decisively.

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Xuan went to get a large bowl of silkworm chrysalises and a few strings of weird roasted insects.

This kind of dark-looking ingredient has indeed not been modified twice.

It tastes pretty good.

As long as it's not too bizarre, Lin Xuan thinks he can try it.

After all, who knows where the next dungeon will go and what I can eat.

It is best to have some basic concepts about various ingredients.

"When I flew over, I saw your seat was empty and thought you weren't coming."

Lin Xuan chatted casually while eating and drinking.

"Oh, I was doing black boxing at that time. I accidentally broke a few of my ribs. I lay in the hospital for two weeks."

Tu Sifang looked a little proud: "I was lucky. Later I found Old Monster Yuan. She said that the testing department was full and she arranged a good place for me."

"...My brother is indeed full of martial virtue."

Lin Xuan praised: "What good place are you going to later?"

"Of course it's the Security Department!"

Tu Sifang patted his chest with a proud look on his face: "To put it in layman's terms, it's just being a security guard."

"...Is it any different from the security guards outside?"

"Let's learn... Our company's security quality is well-known and has been reported to the relevant departments."

"In other words, if there is anything difficult for the court to solve, our department will give priority to our department for assistance." "I heard from the boss that last month alone we helped solve a dozen out-of-control warriors."

Tu Sifang is obviously very satisfied with his current life: "In addition, there are special in-group training every day, and there will be no fights at all."

"Congratulations then..."

Lin Xuan's heart moved, and he smiled and said: "If there is a shortage of manpower in the future, I can also help."

According to the class teacher Lao Xu, high-level warriors like Tu Sifang, warriors at the martial master level, are the most motivated.

After all, you get what you pay for.

Every time, the strength of the body can be increased visibly to the naked eye.

You can also achieve achievements beyond ordinary people through your own efforts.

However, if you continue to practice, ordinary geniuses will not be able to use it...

Basically, you have to face bottlenecks one by one.

It becomes increasingly difficult to break through until you are completely stuck.

Later, when you find that your efforts are useless, even after your peak period, your physical fitness is still gradually declining...

Many people gave up just like Lao Xu.

Start to compromise with life, get a wife, have children, and live a stable life.

This is quite emotional...

According to the official statement, out-of-control warriors are basically unable to accept the huge psychological gap, and are unwilling to ignore everyone, so they seek revenge on society.

Of course, there may be other unknown situations that have been blocked by the authorities...

Lin Xuan felt that it would be best to see a few real cases if he had the chance.

Anyway, a mission that everyone can participate in is definitely not that much more dangerous.

As for the actual combat opportunities that this guy was talking about, Lin Xuan was not interested.

He has no shortage of life and death battles in the dungeon.

Lin Xuan does not intend to show his strength in daily competitions.

"OK, no problem!"

Tu Sifang left Lin Xuan's phone number: "Our team is actually a bit short of people. I will ask the boss to inform Old Monster Yuan later. If she agrees to let her go, I will call you to come with me if there is a suitable task."


Lin Xuan nodded and asked casually: "By the way, there was a new colleague last time. Did she give up?"

"You mean Su Xinyue? She should also be in your test team. But a few days before we joined the company, her grandfather had an accident, and she went back to attend the funeral."

Tu Sifang thought for a while: "This kind of big family has many rules and has a lot of things to deal with. It will probably take a month before we can come here."

"I see, life is impermanent..."

Lin Xuan felt there was nothing to say, so he waved goodbye to Tu Sifang, walked into the elevator next to the restaurant, and came to the testing department.


It was only eight o'clock when we arrived at the testing department.

Speaking of which, the company's office is also quite strange.

When no one is around, the green light is on above the office room.

Once someone enters, the light turns red.

Lin Xuan has always been very dissatisfied with this unconventional setting.

I feel like every time I enter the office, I feel like I have entered the toilet...

Today, more than 80% of independent office rooms have red lights on, indicating that someone is inside.

"Is it so easy even if attendance is not taken into account..."

Lin Xuan shook his head, swiped his card and walked into his office.

In my impression, there is no overtime compensation for overtime work here.

Lin Xuan felt that Yuan Hua probably didn't care about trivial matters like absenteeism.

But many people still work overtime until late at night, then sleep in the company and continue working.

It can be seen that the key to the behavior of working overtime lies in the driving force itself.

"Well, I still need to find something to do, and it can't be too Buddhist."

"Now there are still missions to crack and challenge in the dungeon, but there is nothing to do in the main world."

Lin Xuan thought for a while, put on a gaming helmet, and entered a test game called "Blood Moon".

In order, this is the game with the highest testing priority for the entire game testing group.

[After three thousand years of the Shenhua Dynasty, a blood moon appeared in the sky, and the blood light enveloped the world, and the whole world fell into madness. 】

[You are a warrior who traveled from Blue Star. When you came to this world, mankind had already perished. Only monsters are left on the earth, raging, devouring each other, and constantly evolving. 】

[But for some reason, the crazy effect produced by the blood moon seems to be ineffective on you. 】

[Behind all this, is it the reincarnation of heaven or the devil? Your mission is to clean up the world and learn as much as possible about the truth. 】

[Note: Everything in this world is your enemy! All you can do is kill! 】

[According to the player ID number, the player is a senior game test engineer and can access the game. 】

[According to relevant terms, players can currently only explore the first chapter, and the game time must not exceed three hours per day. 】

[Warm reminder: If the player's life monitor displays an abnormal alarm, the game will be forcibly interrupted and medical staff will be arranged to provide relevant care. 】

[If the player clears the first chapter and completes the relevant analysis, subsequent chapters will be opened based on the player's actual situation. 】

[Chapter 1: Great Buddhist Temple! 】

"Is this an anti-addiction game?"

"At the beginning of the game, humanity is destroyed, and only monsters are left. Will one person fight against the entire world?"

"I've seen a lot of savior games, but there's actually a destroyer? Can this pass the review?"

"Oh, this company doesn't seem to care about this..."

Lin Xuan read the settings and entered the game interface.

 This game needs to be explained. It’s not a fool’s errand. A new copy should be opened the day after tomorrow.



(End of this chapter)

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