I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 169: Clear the level, new teammate selection

Chapter 169: Clear the level, new teammate selection

The process of retying this time is relatively simple.

After Lin Xuan reached level 10, he dragged the body of the two-headed bear up the mountain and dumped it on the edge of the Qiongqi warning area.

After waiting for an hour, Qiongqi discovered the bear carcass and came over happily for a meal.

Then, he was shot blind by Lin Xuan with an arrow...

The furious Qiongqi flew in the air for a quarter of an hour, and the wind blades he spit out chopped down several big trees.

In the end, he fell to the ground exhausted and was easily stabbed to death by Lin Xuan.

Then, Lin Xuan plucked a few Qiongqi's long hairs, tied the stones to his bow and arrow, and shot open the temple door.

The demonized monks seemed unable to leave the temple too far. After checking around, they all returned to the temple.

So, Lin Xuan chose a good location and spent four days watching the Buddha statue fill his body with the flesh, blood and bones of these monks.

Because of the anti-addiction factor, it is said to be four days, but in fact it is only twelve hours.

After finding no suspicious targets, the demonized monks returned to the distance and continued to kowtow and pray.


It took five days to smoothly kill all the monsters in sight.

"The fear of fire is the instinct of living things. This group of monks are so concerned about death. It cannot be explained by faith at all..."

Lin Xuan felt that the designer should be trying to show that this thing is scary...

"It was said at the beginning that mankind has perished, and it seems to be true."

Lin Xuan casually scanned the psychiatrist's photo and introduction, and pressed exit.

Burned by the fierce fire, all the flesh and blood in the Buddha's body was burned into black charcoal, and the black mist on his body became thinner.

There was a loud "boom", flames danced, and the huge body of the Buddha appeared.

The white light kept flashing, and the level of Lin Xuan's controlled character climbed all the way to level 16.

The demonized monks stood up one after another, looking around with scarlet and cruel eyes.

In a moment, a fire broke out, turning the entire wooden Buddhist temple into a sea of ​​flames.

The Blood Buddha was busy replenishing himself, and the demonized monk was busy kowtowing and lining up to be raped, and did not notice Lin Xuan's little moves at all.

In the early stages of playing this game, the cultivation efficiency was pretty good, and I could gain an average of two points of energy per day.


"This willpower alone is beyond the scope of human beings."

After all, Lin Xuan's mental stability certified by the reincarnation space is not affected...

That's another story.

After the last demonic monk was completely devoured, the Buddha statue also glowed with blood, and its originally dull eyes turned scarlet and demonic, with overwhelming momentum.

He spent some time peeling off some of the fat from Qiongqi's body and made an animal fat torch.

But now, it doesn't go up even a little bit for several days, and I don't feel tired when playing games.

At this moment, the game prompt suddenly appeared...

[It is judged that the player has continued to play at full load for twenty days. Players are asked to evaluate their mental state by themselves. If there are any risks, please consult a dedicated psychologist. 】

Lin Xuan guessed that those colleagues who had a few questions may have passed the level.

"Although those monks were all devoured by the Blood Buddha, I couldn't get any experience points. I guess all the power that could be converted into experience points was used to strengthen the Blood Buddha."

Otherwise, even if the whole world goes crazy, Lin Xuan is still awake.

Then, he was swallowed up by the rolling sea of ​​fire.

Lin Xuan compared and tried it and found that the fat burning effect in Qiongqi's body was the best.

The Buddha statue can devour one monster monk in half an hour on average, which is quite efficient.

Theoretically, unless there is interference from a being higher than the reincarnation space.

Lin Xuan thought for a moment and reloaded the new game.

[The Blood Buddha has devoured all the demonized monks, and it is determined that the current player cannot destroy them in any way, and the game has failed. 】

"This should also be the world view that the game wants to express. Monsters are constantly devouring and strengthening. If the player's growth cannot keep up with the evolution of monsters, they are doomed to fail."

This shows that this prologue is nothing special, and you can get used to it quickly if you stick to it.

As soon as the screen went dark, Lin Xuan returned to the initial boot state.

Lin Xuan felt the improvement in his physical fitness and slowly walked into the burning temple.

Of course, in this case, philosophical questions such as "who is the madman" may also be involved...

Lin Xuan unceremoniously dug into the wood to make a fire, lit the torch, and threw it into the wood pile.

There should be no need to see a psychiatrist.

It took another hour to cut down all the flammable trees around and pile the wood around the Buddhist temple.

"Let's start another round and clear the first chapter..."

[According to the player ID number, you have not configured a dedicated psychologist. Do you need to configure it for you? 】

Seeing the character controlled by Lin Xuan, the Buddha's eyes flashed red and he reached out to grab it.

"It will become brittle if it is burned by fire."

Lin Xuan controlled the character to take a step back, pulled out a wooden stick from behind, and swung it.

With a dull impact, the Buddha's right hand exploded and flew everywhere.

There was doubt in the Buddha's eyes, and he stretched out his left hand.

Lin Xuan called again with a stick, and the Buddha's left hand turned into mud.

"I thought you were some kind of Buddha or demon, but it turns out you're just a wood carving and clay sculpture."

"What maintains your existence, is it merit or faith? Forget it, it's pretty much the same anyway."

Lin Xuan took advantage of his strength to run a few steps and suddenly jumped up.

The big stick slashed in the air and hit the Buddha statue on the forehead.

With a huge explosion, the Buddha statue fell down and turned into fragments all over the ground.

White light circulated, and Lin Xuan reached level 18.

Lin Xuan waited for a moment, and the flames gradually extinguished, leaving only the charred Buddhist temple around.

Apart from the blood moon above his head, there was nothing else out of the ordinary.

"It's pretty simple."

Lin Xuan thought for a moment, then pulled out the dagger and slashed it across his throat.

There was a flash of blood.

[The player has currently cleared all the monsters in the "Big Buddha Temple", and it is determined that the player meets the definition of clearance. 】

[Congratulations to the player for passing the first chapter of Blood Moon. ] [Based on a series of player behaviors in the game, it is recommended to conduct psychological evaluation...]

A few lines of prompts flashed out on the game interface, directly disconnecting Lin Xuan's game connection.

"Isn't this normal game thinking logic?"

Lin Xuan shook his head and took off his gaming helmet.

He was going to open a new dungeon in the afternoon, and he didn't plan to go see a psychiatrist for nothing.

Originally, Lin Xuan just planned to learn about the company's projects and write a review to explain them.

It turns out that the difficulty of this game is indeed relatively high, coupled with the disgusting anti-addiction settings...

Lin Xuan spent a lot more time than expected.

Fortunately, the last time went smoothly, there were no weird divine developments, and I finally passed the level smoothly.

It saves me the trouble of going back and downloading a copy, and I still think about it from time to time.

"Hello, Lin Xuan, I'm Yuan Hua."

After lunch, Lin Xuan's cell phone rang. It was his current boss.

"Hello, Mr. Yuan."

Lin Xuan smiled: "Are you so free today?"

"It's okay. Things went smoothly this time. I should be able to come back in half a month."

Yuan Hua hesitated: "I received news this morning that you passed the first chapter of "Blood Moon" in the test?"

"Well, it's quite fun."

Lin Xuan nodded and said truthfully.


Yuan Hua seemed not to have expected this reaction: "Do you really think this game is fun?"

"Is there any problem? The degree of freedom in this game is quite good, and there is a sense of pleasure in defeating the strong by the weak."

"No..., okay, let's not discuss the content of the game first."

Yuan Hua was silent for a moment: "Under the light of that blood moon, didn't you have any reaction such as nausea and discomfort?"

"Okay, the painting style is a bit weird, but considering the world view of the game, it should be relatively consistent."

"...I'll tell you the truth, you are the ninth person in the test group to clear the first chapter."

"Others basically need to rest or meditate for an hour after every fifteen to twenty minutes of gaming, and work nearly fifteen hours a day."

Yuan Hua's voice was extremely confused: "With your mental strength, can you actually persist in such high-intensity and high-load work for a long time?"

"Maybe I am more dedicated to my work..."


"Maybe I'm not that mentally sharp."

Lin Xuan pondered: "The things in the game must be fake. I only focused on completing the game and didn't pay much attention to the scenes."

"That thing can also be regarded as mental pollution. It doesn't matter if you don't pay attention to it?"

Yuan Hua was stunned: "Do you know how this scene was simulated?"

"Field investigation?"

"...That's not the case. No one dares to commit suicide like this, and the current technical means are not up to it."

Yuan Hua was stunned for a moment and then changed his words: "I guess you have a very special physique that can greatly weaken mental pollution. There have been examples of this before. For warriors, this kind of physique is extremely precious. "

"I see……"

Lin Xuan realized that others had already thought of a reason for him and cooperated: "Why is it precious?"

"I'll be back in half a month, let's talk about this issue."

"To prevent accidents, you should take more rest now. There is no need to conduct game reviews."

Yuan Hua pondered: ""Blood Moon" itself is too difficult for newcomers."

"Okay. By the way, do the scenes in the game really exist?"

"...may have existed."

Yuan Hua thought about his words: "But it has nothing to do with us, so you don't have to worry about cleaning up the monsters."

"Okay, I know."

Lin Xuan pondered for a moment: "I'll treat you to dinner later."

"……it is good!"

Yuan Hua was silent for three seconds, agreed, and hung up the phone.

"If the world view of the game remains unchanged, that game scene should not belong to Blue Star."

"According to the concept of the game, I suspect that an extremely powerful person took action to control or even take over a relatively weak monster in that world..."

"Then control that monster to destroy other monsters in the entire scene or even the entire plane, and then self-destruct."

"But what is the purpose of doing this? Invading the demon world? And then seizing the resources of that world?"

"No! If we can seize resources, it means that the two worlds are interconnected. Just clear the land with nuclear bombs. There is no need to take such extreme measures."

Lin Xuan thought for a moment, looked at the countdown on the panel, and shook his head.

The game still deliberately hides some key information, and maybe it is deliberately misleading.

It's none of my business at the moment, just draw these conclusions.

Let’s talk about this topic with Yuan Hua again after completing the next reincarnation copy...

【Countdown 00:01】

[Reincarnation Lin Xuan starts the fourth round of dungeon selection]

At this moment, Qingyue's space prompt sounded.

[Please choose one of the following people to become a Samsara teammate in the fourth round of dungeons]

【A. The dying old man】

[B. A grumpy literary man]

【C. The unique mountain man】

[Note: The dungeon matched by the reincarnator will be determined by the number of reincarnations and the overall strength between the reincarnator and his teammates. 】

"Why is it so abstract..."

(End of this chapter)

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