Chapter 17 That man is a master

Although the Song Dynasty was not good at military affairs, it was known as the "big coward" and "big send".

But the economy and commerce are still very prosperous.

In the early Song Dynasty, the imperial court shortened the curfew and closed the business hours of businesses until midnight.

In the late Northern Song Dynasty, folk customs became more and more open, and the curfew simply disappeared.

In the middle of the night, vendors selling midnight snacks can be seen from time to time in street shops.

Lin Xuan and Huang Rong didn't even need to prepare night clothes.

After strutting all the way, they arrived at Ximen Qing's mansion.

  From the perspective of a businessman, Ximen Qing is quite powerful.

It only took more than ten years to go from a low-income family to one of the top business elites in Yanggu County.

Huang Rong was dumbfounded when she heard this and rolled her eyes at Lin Xuan: "But I don't know how many of them Mr. Lin plans to steal?"

Not only does it run the only herbal medicine shop in Yanggu County.

"This Ximen Qing is so rich, he must have no problem marrying several wives, yet he actually steals other people's wives."

Then, with a strong tug, the treetop was broken and the rope was recovered.

A gentleman is good at fake things.

Lin Xuan stretched out his hand and covered his face with a scarf: "We are risking lives after all. The trouble is a bit urgent, you know?"

The main business is extensive, black and white, and making money every day.

"Quite good at changing the subject."

Lin Xuan commented casually: "What you can't get, you will keep showing off...well, just ready to make a move."

He also engaged in loan sharking, litigated lawsuits for others, and colluded with the government...

However, similar results can be achieved with the help of the point tool.

Huang Rong walked around the back of the house, found a convenient position to sneak in, and stopped.

Now that you have money, your living standards are not bad.

Huang Rong sneered, covered herself with a scarf, and climbed up the nearby tree like a squirrel using her hands and feet.

Within the high blue brick walls, there are all kinds of pavilions, ponds, rockeries, and famous flowers and plants.

"Master Lin is very knowledgeable!"

"I'm talking about Ximen Qing, what does it have to do with me? Don't slander him randomly."

Taking advantage of the momentum, he jumped and landed lightly in the inner courtyard.

Lin Xuan imitated Huang Rong's movements and climbed up the tree, tied a rope on the treetop, and landed quietly on the ground along the rope.

The Peach Blossom Island Light Kung Fu performed by Huang Rong needs to be combined with a unique internal skill, and Lin Xuan cannot be so elegant.

"A wife is worse than a concubine, a concubine is worse than a thief, and a thief is worse than not being able to steal."

"Well, this house is large and the layout is quite neat."

"The main courtyard in the back is deserted, but the attic in the atrium is brightly lit. Guests must have arrived, and Ximen Qing is keeping him company."

Huang Rong looked around, then confidently rushed forward: "Follow me."

The two of them turned left and right, and just as they were about to enter the attic, sparse footsteps suddenly sounded on the wooden stairs, approaching from far away.

"Just avoid it."

Lin Xuan pulled Huang Rong out and lay down in the bushes nearby.

Judging from the footsteps, the person coming must be a young woman who doesn't know martial arts.

Probably a maid or something like that.

Lin Xuan came here to kill Ximen Qing, not to destroy the family.

I have no intention of getting into trouble with ordinary servants.

Not only is there no benefit to killing, it can also easily lead to accidents.

"Huh? Sister Chunmei, did you hear anything just now?"

In a moment, a girl dressed as a maid came out of the attic holding a tray with a confused voice.

"Listen, it's probably a big mouse that got into the bushes."

Another maid followed and walked out, chuckling: "Xiaoyu, if you don't believe it, go and catch it."

"Making fun of people again! I'm not a kitten or puppy, so why should I use it as a mouse?"

The maid named "Xiaoyu" spat lightly: "I said this because I was worried that a thief would come in."

"Thieves? We are high-ranking officials with a good reputation. We have no less than a hundred servants guarding the courtyard. How dare we provoke ordinary thieves?"

"If someone really comes in, he will be a master of climbing over walls. He can kill you with just a few moves, let alone anything." Chunmei seemed to have thought of something, and sighed softly: "Even if a thief comes in, it is because the guards are not guarding the courtyard well. , no wonder what happened to our sisters. We just do our job well and don’t have to worry about these things."

"Sister Chunmei said..."

Xiaoyu thought for a while, nodded and said: "Then let's go back."

"Well, it's a good job tonight. We were served tea and asked to leave, and we also got some silver rewards."

"Yes, that Mr. Zhai looked so sultry. I thought he wanted to keep me to sleep with him."

Xiaoyu covered her mouth and smiled: "But he still waved his hand and let us leave. I'm afraid he is too old to be useful."

"Mr. Zhai is not a simple person. If he really wants to sleep with you, it wouldn't be a bad thing."


"Look at the way our senior officials looked just now. Even when they saw Mr. Zhizhou, they were not so respectful."

"The guard Mr. Zhai brought with him also gave me a strange feeling, as if he had killed many people.

Chunmei thought for a while: "This guard alone is definitely not something that ordinary people can use."

"Ah? So powerful?"

Xiaoyu blinked: "Then we sisters will find an excuse to go in and deliver some food to see if we can have a good time and make a fortune."

"You...are you seeking death?" Everyone in Chunmei was numb: "I obviously want to discuss something secretly with the high officials, and I told you not to come again. You still ran away, maybe you are rushing to reincarnate. ?”

"Ah? Is this, so fierce?"

Xiaoyu shivered: "Then let's go back to sleep."

"Yeah." Chunmei nodded and said no more.

The footsteps of the two people disappeared into the distance, and for a moment they were barely audible.

"What's the fuss about?"

Huang Rong frowned slightly: "Let's wait for Ximen Qing to come out, then we might as well go up and have a look."

"Go up and have a look..."

Lin Xuan pondered for a moment: "Ximen Qing is not a good person, and anyone who can conspire with him is certainly not a good person. If it is convenient, kill them all, and you can probably get some reputation."

Lin Xuan was actually a little confused about this plot.

After all, according to the original work of Water Margin, Wu Song would not return until two months later to kill and rape.

Who knows what Ximen Qing was doing when Wu Dalang died.

Moreover, I saw the maid named "Chunmei" just now.

Lin Xuan also felt strange, and deeply suspected that there was another classical masterpiece integrated here...

But it doesn’t matter!
  Anyway, he was going to take the route of a gangster.

Even if you don't like it, you don't need to consider so many details.

"Okay, then say so!"

The two of them quietly came to the second floor, found a dark corner, and gently poked the window paper.

I saw a scribe in brocade robes sitting in the main and guest seats in the hall.

The scribe was in his forties, with an elegant appearance and a goatee beard. He looked quite dignified.

Lin Xuan estimated that this person should be "Mr. Zhai" the maid mentioned earlier.

Sitting in the master's seat opposite the scribe was a young man in his mid-twenties.

The man looks fair and heroic, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised in a humble smile, which makes him feel very sincere.

Needless to say, this is naturally Ximen Qing.

In addition, there is a seven-foot tall man sitting below the two of them.

The big man has broad lips and a square mouth, and has a beard. He is holding a tea cup in his left hand and pressing his right hand on the handle of his waist knife, looking majestic.

"That big guy is a master!"

Huang Rong frowned slightly, stretched out her slender white fingers, and wrote on Lin Xuan's palm.

"How does it compare to Wu Song?"

Lin Xuan's heart trembled slightly, he held Huang Rong's little hand and stretched out his hand to write.

"It should be slightly inferior, but it should not be underestimated."

"Listen to them first."

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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