I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 179 I bet your Lingxi finger can’t hold this green bamboo stick

Chapter 179 I bet you can’t clamp this green bamboo stick with just one finger of your wit.

"Master Mu, please come in, Master Lu please come in."

Lin Xuan's mind moved slightly and he said loudly.

The two of them had profound internal skills, and their conversations across the many courtyards were as if they were in their ears.

"Taoist Wudang Mu has met Mr. Lin and Miss A Qing."

A moment later, a down-and-out old Taoist man walked into the backyard under the leadership of the housekeeper.

Behind Mu Daoren was a rather handsome middle-aged man with a beard as long as his eyebrows.

This iconic look is naturally that of Lu Xiaofeng, who is known as the "four eyebrows".

"Today, the old Taoist will not go to the Three Treasures Hall for any reason."

After greeting each other, Taoist Mu smiled and said: "The old Taoist heard that Mr. Lin was in charge of the sword competition in the imperial city, so he shamelessly asked him to go through the back door and asked for two places to watch the battle."

After hearing Wang Qiong's serious explanation of Lin Xuan's suspected origins, he felt dubious and made up his mind to meet him.

"I see... Wang Shangshu just told me about this yesterday afternoon. I didn't expect the court to move so quickly."

The specific person to whom it should be given must naturally follow Lin Xuan's rules.

"I have heard of you two being famous all over the world for your chivalry and righteousness, so there is no harm in giving two quotas."

Lu Xiaofeng, although he is a playboy and romantic by nature, he is not a bad person and is quite interesting to his friends.

As for the number of spectators, Mu Dao actually didn't care that much.

"Xiao Feng has a long history of chivalrous and righteous deeds. Not long ago, he helped the court find Jin Jiuling, an embroidery thief, and he is considered one of his own."

"I'm the most afraid of trouble. Originally, I heard they said they planned to let me designate candidates for the palace. I was so scared that I couldn't sleep for two days."

However, in the original work, it seems that Wei Ziyun, the imperial guard, handed the ribbon to Lu Xiaofeng and asked Lu Xiaofeng to lead people into the palace.

You dislike your family too much, do you want to play a game of Nine Tribes?

"Lao Dao and Xiao Feng have always been on good terms, so we came here together."

I had long planned to leave this mess to myself.

Mu Taoist was a little surprised: "Is it possible that Mr. Lin doesn't know about this?"

"But since we are responsible for this kind of thing, we must treat everyone equally and give others an explanation."

"Since I agreed to take charge of this matter, I naturally won't care about this little trouble."

"The quota for sword watching is also determined by the Young Master alone."

Since the quota is in Lin Xuan's hands, he will take the blame if anything happens.

It seems that Wang Qiong has been troubled by the spectator quota.

Mu Taoren was stunned for a moment, then he quickly smiled like a good man and said that he would not be offended: "Since Mr. Lin is responsible for this matter, it is natural that Mr. Lin has full authority to make the decision."

Lin Xuan smiled slightly and said calmly: "If Wei Ziyun can arrange it, you two can just find him."

Lu Xiaofeng pondered: "But, what is the price?"

It seems that not only did he not get the emperor's permission.

"Last night, notices everywhere in the capital announced that this sword competition will be under the full supervision of Young Master Lin."

Mu Taoren felt that as long as we all became familiar and formed a good relationship, there was no need to be too fussy.

Mu Taoren's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "Originally, Wei Ziyun planned to let Xiaofeng draft the candidate for Guan Jian."

Lin Xuan smiled and looked at Taoist Mu: "Has Taoist Mu gone to see Wang Shangshu this morning?"

Logically speaking, even the chief assistant cannot make decisions on this matter alone.

But this kind of thing requires a tacit understanding...

When he saw that he agreed, he immediately announced it.

"City Lord Ye and Ximen Chuixue are both my friends. I really want to visit them."

Lu Xiaofeng sighed repeatedly: "There are only five places, and there are more than 500 people who want to go. Just think about it and you will know how troublesome it will be."

It’s not like choosing the leader of Wudang...

"Well..., Wang Shangshu agreed at that time to help the old Taoist say a good word to the young master."

Most likely, even the notices have been written.

Lin Xuan's thoughts moved slightly and he said calmly: "Let's do this. You two will take Ah Qing's moves. No matter who wins or loses, I will grant you two palace entry tokens."

"The Taoist Master's information is quite good."

"As far as I know, the matter of entering the palace is very involved. It should be decided by the emperor, the chief minister and Wang Shangshu. Wei Ziyun is not qualified to influence it."

Lin Xuan smiled: "Does Brother Lu want to go?"

Even Wang Qiong acted extremely cautiously after receiving Zhu Houzhao's authorization.

Lin Xuan was speechless and said with a smile: "Taoist Master Mu is indeed not wrong."

Lin Xuan also couldn't figure out why Wei Ziyun, a mere fourth-grade imperial guard, was so bold.

Even the name of the visitor does not need to be reported.

Throughout the series, this guy's stance has always been on the court's side.

Among the first-line experts, he is unique.

In the current messy situation, Lin Xuan felt that he could still save some face.

However, if the quota is given away for free, it will be worthless.

It's better to take this opportunity and let A Qing play with a few more people and accumulate some experience.

Ah Qing, this girl, definitely has no problem with her talent in swordsmanship.

Although her internal strength couldn't be achieved quickly, she had enough for the time being.

What is lacking most now is actual combat.

It is quite necessary to compete with more masters.

"Miss Ah Qing?"

Mu Taoist looked at A Qingjiao's timid look, nodded with a smile and said: "Since Mr. Lin said so, I have no objection."

"I met a lady named Gongsun a while ago, and she was very powerful. Now women in the world are getting more and more scary."

Lu Xiaofeng muttered twice, with a wry smile on her lips, but her eyes were quite confident. No matter what, he can be regarded as a top master in the arena.

It's not like he even dares to learn a few tricks with other girls.

"Are these two powerful?"

Ah Qing was stunned for a moment, pursed her lips, pulled Lin Xuan's sleeves, and asked in a low voice.

"A pretty good master."

Lin Xuan patted the little girl on the shoulder: "You are also very powerful, don't be afraid, just compete seriously."

"...I'm not afraid of them."

Ah Qing was a little happy, nodded and said: "Okay, then I'll be more serious."

"Mr. Lin, Miss Ah Qing, I practice a fingering technique called 'Lingxi Yi Finger'."

"It's taken from Li Shangyin's poem of the past, 'The body is without a colorful phoenix and the two wings are flying, but the mind is tacitly connected'."

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Ah Qing's nonchalant expression and asked, "Have you ever heard of this?"

If the opponent is a master, Lu Xiaofeng will naturally go all out.

But she was just a little-known beautiful girl, and Lu Xiaofeng was embarrassed to take advantage of her, so she felt it was necessary to explain a few words.

Otherwise, if you turn around and reach out to grab someone else's pink fist, others will think that you are deliberately frivolous...

It's also quite embarrassing.

"Li Yishan's poems are novel in conception and can be called a generational poet. Of course I have heard of them."

Lin Xuan smiled and explained to Ah Qing calmly.

"...I'm talking about this fingering technique."

Lu Xiaofeng sighed and explained patiently: "Although this Lingxi Finger is not a murderous skill, it can defeat all the moves in the world. It can be used to control swords, whips, spears, fists, and hidden weapons, so it is somewhat unsung."

"So awesome."

Ah Qing blinked and picked up the bamboo stick on the ground: "Then I want to give it a try!"

"Bamboo stick?"

Lu Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment: "You're learning the stick technique? Why is the grip so weird?"

"This is swordsmanship. I can't use an iron sword, so I use a bamboo stick instead."

Ah Qing doesn't like to talk too much: "I'm going to draw my sword, be careful!"

"Swordsmanship? That's fine. Miss Ah Qing invites you."

Lu Xiaofeng laughed and shook his head. He stretched out his right hand with his index and middle fingers raised in front of him.

Ah Qing waved his bamboo stick and stabbed forward leisurely.

The green bamboo stick shook slightly in the air and split into two.

Tai Chi Tao, Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things!

In an instant, the green bamboo sticks turned into thousands of blue blurs.

The bamboo shadows rolled like a tide, sweeping towards Lu Xiaofeng.

Ah Qing felt that it was enough to have Tai Chi in his heart, and the original sword circle of the Tai Chi sword was dispensable, so he omitted them all.


Mu Taoren's body trembled, and the smile at the corner of his mouth suddenly stiffened.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?"

Lu Xiaofeng's pupils shrank instantly, with a look of horror in her eyes.

With his cultivation level, he could only feel countless green bamboo shadows.

It is even impossible to completely grasp the movement trajectory of the green bamboo stick.

It's as if it has transformed into Tai Chi of heaven and earth, and is everywhere.


Lu Xiaofeng took a deep breath, and her body turned into afterimages, heading towards the tidal bamboo shadows.

In mid-air, the sound of clashing energy continued to sound, like an iron horse with an iron sword.

Bamboo shadows all over the sky stirred up the blue sky and continued to dissipate.

After a moment, all light and shadow shattered.

All movements suddenly stopped.

Lu Xiaofeng stood proudly, holding the green bamboo stick between two fingers of her right hand.

"Xiao Feng!"

Mu Taoist's face changed slightly and he lost his voice.

"The bamboo stick is caught by you, let's call it a draw."

Ah Qing thought for a moment and let go of the green bamboo stick in his hand.

"The bamboo stick is indeed clamped, and I can block the sword energy, but..."

Lu Xiaofeng let out a long sigh and gently loosened her fingers.

Accompanied by a crisp cracking sound, the green bamboo stick split into countless bamboo strands and scattered in the wind.

"There is such a sword intention in the world..."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled bitterly, suddenly opened his mouth, spit out a mouthful of blood mist, and fell back.

The next moment, dense blood spots appeared on Lu Xiaofeng's clothes.

The white robe was instantly dyed blood red.

This was caused by the ubiquitous Tai Chi sword intent.

In the face of Ah Qing's sword intent, the protective aura was meaningless.

"If this continues, it will be Emperor Shaktian who should be afraid..."

Lin Xuan felt a glimmer of expectation in his heart and walked towards Lu Xiaofeng.

(End of this chapter)

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