I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 184 The honest monk fled and asked Hua An to come to the rescue.

Chapter 184 The honest monk fled and asked Hua An to come to the rescue.

"Since you two have no objection to Ah Qing's victory, please take a rest."

Lin Xuan looked at the honest monk and said calmly: "The number of spectators is still there. Master, do you plan to take action now, or do you want to catch up with Lu Daxia and others first?"

"It seems that the monk is no match for Miss Ah Qing..."

The honest monk let out a sullen breath and rubbed his stiff cheeks: "But Mr. Lin just said that being able to take three of your moves is considered a pass?"

Although he is not very proficient in swordsmanship, he can still tell whether his swordsmanship is good or bad.

The moment Ah Qing drew his sword, an extremely strange idea appeared in the honest monk's mind.

It was as if the sword fairy girl in front of her was a big butcher who was killing pigs and hemp.

And he was a little pig tied to the table, unable to move.

Facing the vicious butcher's knife, my heart is full of fear, pity, helplessness and confusion...

Not as refreshing as Master Lu.

"Subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger!"

Lin Xuan nodded: "If the master is ready, he will take action."

"That's what I said..."

The honest monk sighed: "No matter what, the monk is also your friend. If the monk dies, you will lose a friend."

But this guy always likes to play some inexplicable tricks, and he is also keen on pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

To be honest, the honest monk also felt that this idea was really stupid.

The honest monk said with a sad face: "If he takes action, the monk will naturally lose and he won't dare to ask for the token."

The dragon shadow whined and fell apart.

The Honest Monk shouted sharply, clenched his fist with his right hand, and struck out with the Big Fuhu Fist.

The honest monk ignored Lu Xiaofeng's ridicule and asked seriously.

"Well, this time it's just a matter of victory, not life or death."

This honest monk's martial arts skills are actually pretty good, at least above average here, and many masters can't compare to him.

The honest monk looked around: "Lu Xiaoji, stop watching the fun and come here to help."

"Just hit me. Why are you calling me?"

The honest monk sighed again, and suddenly jumped forward, with his left hand like a dragon's claw, attacking quickly like a violent wind and rain.

The strength of the claws pierced the air, like a dragon roaring.

"Here's the rules."

In comparison, surviving Lin Xuan's three moves is quite cost-effective.

But this thought lingered in his mind for a while.

"Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand?"

"Just die, you didn't ask for it."

"It seems to make sense..."

Save yourself a bad sleep at night.

"He must be better than you."

"The monk is offended!"

"wait a minute!"

The dragon roars in the clouds, the tiger roars in the wind!

The wind and clouds surged, and the Gang Qi in front of the honest monk vaguely manifested into a transparent giant tiger, roaring towards him.

The Honest Monk’s expression turned even more ugly: “What if someone beats the Monk to death?”

"...What the monk means is that I will stay by the side. If the monk fails, you can help me block it."

Lu Xiaofeng thought for a moment: "If you really die, will I burn incense sticks for you at this time next year?"

Extremely sharp air waves spurted out, vaguely showing the shape of a dragon, unrivaled in power.

"You have lived here for so long, how is Mr. Lin's martial arts?"

Lu Xiaofeng thought for a while: "But I probably won't be a killer. I probably won't be able to kill you with three moves."

Lu Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, then said thoughtfully, "Just discuss it with Mr. Lin."

Lu Xiaofeng walked up to the honest monk with a swagger and said, "I'm still waiting to see you get beaten."

"Master Lin, the monk is greedy for life and afraid of death. He wants this hero Lu to take care of him."

The honest monk weighed it up and decided not to provoke Ah Qing.

Lin Xuan nodded, stretched out his right hand, and struck out with a divine claw, claw to claw.

Lin Xuan flicked his sleeves: "Master, please."

In the void, Lin Xuan's claw strength turned into a huge cage, trapping the dragon-shaped Gang Qi inside, and then suddenly closed it.

"This move does have the intention of slaying a tiger, but I am not a tiger."

Lin Xuan clenched his right hand and swung out the Big Demon Subduing Fist, attacking the fist with his fist.

The fist intention was condensed and real, turned into a huge magic seal, and crashed on the tiger's back, smashing the tiger's shadow into two pieces.


The Honest Monk's face changed horribly and he retreated hastily!

"Take a slap from me too."

Lin Xuan took a step forward, waved his right hand, and pressed forward.

The roar of the dragon fills the world!

A golden dragon phantom appeared from Lin Xuan's palm and rushed towards the honest monk.

"This...is this the intention of subduing the dragon?!"

With the power of the Dragon Subduing Palm locked, the honest monk felt a tightness in his chest, as if he was stuck in a quagmire, unable to move forward or retreat, so he had to move his palm to block it.

The two palms collided in the air, and the golden dragon's shadow did not stop. It broke through the honest monk's body-protecting aura and swept forward as if it were devastating.

"Admit defeat and show mercy!"

Lu Xiaofeng's expression changed drastically, and she rushed forward, pushed the pale-faced honest monk away, and stretched out her hand to block Lin Xuan's Dragon Subduing Palm.

"Well, I said it's just a matter of competition."

Lin Xuan smiled faintly and pressed down with his palm.

The Gang Qi was deflected, and the Dragon Subduing Palm struck the ground.

The extremely hard green brick floor, under the impact of the palm force, quickly collapsed like tofu dregs.

In an instant, the surrounding area exploded into a mess.

"Oh my god!"

The honest monk stumbled back seven or eight steps and sat down on the ground, looking horrified: "Stop fighting, the monk has given up. If you fight again, you will die!"

"What you said is indeed honest..."

Lu Xiaofeng stretched out her hand to wipe the cold sweat from her forehead: "Thank you, Brother Lin, for keeping your hand."

"It's not about holding back. If Master Honest takes this palm and blocks the next one, he can go and watch the battle."

Lin Xuan smiled lightly: "Master is a guest from afar, let's stay for a few days."

"Then you're welcome, monk."

The honest monk was shocked: "I didn't expect that Mr. Lin's martial arts has reached such an extent. This is really the only monk I have seen in his life."

"What you said doesn't seem very honest."

Ah Qing glanced at the honest monk and tilted his head: "Huh? On the other hand, have you actually seen a stronger master?"

"Huh? Who else is better than Mr. Lin?"

Lu Xiaofeng was startled: "Your Great Compassionate Abbot of Shaolin? The old monk does have profound internal skills, but if he really takes action, I'm afraid he won't be as good as Mr. Lin."

"...Don't ask the female donor. The monk accepts your favor this time and will never dare to go against the female donor in the future."

"Oh, monk, I have a stomachache. I'm sorry to be with you! Don't blame me!" The honest monk's face became even more ugly. Without saying a word, he kowtowed to Ah Qing and ran away.


Lu Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, seemed to understand something, sighed, and felt a little uninterested.


In the pavilion, all the experts watching were also confused.

However, due to his status as an honest monk, it was difficult for people to complain openly.

They had no choice but to chat privately in groups.

Lin Xuan took a casual glance and found that Mu Taoren was also smiling and participating with interest.

"Lin Xuan, this honest monk escaped..."

Ah Qing didn't encounter this attitude either, and felt a little confused. He stretched out his hand and pulled Lin Xuan's sleeve: "Did I say the wrong thing again?"

"This monk is guilty, and it has nothing to do with you."

Lin Xuan smiled: "Just leave. This monk should mean what he says. Don't worry too much."

"Is it like this?"

Ah Qing seemed to feel a lot more relaxed and said with a smile, "Then just ignore him."

"What are Mrs. Hua's plans now?"

Lin Xuan smiled and looked at Mrs. Hua, whose face was full of shock.

Gongsun Lan seemed to have been greatly stimulated and had not recovered yet.

Lin Xuan didn't bother him and waited until the girl figured it out.

"Huh? This..."

Mrs. Hua's face froze and she stopped talking.

She was originally arrogant and thought that after practicing swordsmanship for so many years, she was probably the best in the world.

Even in Mrs. Hua's eyes, even a world-famous sword like Ye Gucheng is at best on par with her.

It is a sure thing to get a token from Lin Xuan and be invited to the imperial city to watch swordsmanship.

But at this time, Mrs. Hua discovered that there seemed to be some discrepancies between her thoughts and the actual situation...

The swordsmanship she was so proud of was easily broken by someone else using a green bamboo stick.

In fact, even the little monk with an unspectacular appearance just now was faintly superior to her in martial arts.

Are the current people in the world already involved in this situation?

"Mrs. Hua, are you okay? Didn't Miss Ah Qing hit you on the head just now?"

Ouyang Qing saw Mrs. Hua's distraught look and silently touched the knife.

"You! Ahem, I do feel a little unwell, but it's nothing."

Mrs. Hua came to her senses and swallowed her anger: "I am impressed by the skills of these two people I saw today."

Mrs. Hua was extremely embarrassed at this time.

I wish I could go back early, take a nap, and forget everything about today.

But now he came to the door by himself...

Even if you have to bite the bullet, you must explain the situation clearly.

After all, the chivalrous women in the world are not as good as others, so they just pat their butts and leave.

But she is a first-grade wife, so she cannot do such a thing.

Those who were thrown away were the entire Taishi Mansion.

"I see. Madam Hua has a body of gold, so she should go back and rest early."

Lin Xuan waved his hand: "Everything is fine, A Qing can send Mrs. Hua out of the house."

Since he was timid, Lin Xuan also gave him a step.

There's no point in bullying a middle-aged aunt.

"Well...if I withdraw like this, I'm afraid it will have some impact on the Grand Master's reputation."

Mrs. Hua was a little uneasy: "If I appoint a servant of the Hua family, can I be brave enough to ask you to give me some advice?"

"Servant? It doesn't matter. There is no superiority or inferiority to those who challenge."

Lin Xuan thought about it and smiled: "But there is no transfer of the quota to watch the game. If someone from your family gets it, he can only go by himself."

"Of course, I am the royal wife of the imperial court, so I won't take advantage of my servants, right?"

Mrs. Hua heard what Lin Xuan meant, let out a sullen breath and smiled bitterly.

Normally, she would have retorted.

But now my fists are not strong enough to hit hard, so I can only be submissive...

"Mrs. Hua, let me go."

Wu Zhuangyuan's face turned pale, he gritted his teeth and took a step forward.

He is an upright martial arts champion, and he is usually very arrogant.

I feel that there are only a few people in the world, including Mrs. Hua, who can surpass me.

The so-called martial arts warriors are all a group of little Camillas who cannot stand up to the stage.

However, Lin Xuan and Ah Qing's free hand frightened him to death.

Until now, his little heart is still beating wildly.

"Are you going? Huh? Isn't your face black? Why has it turned white?"

"Huh? What's going on? Where does the smell come from?"

Mrs. Hua said doubtfully: "Forget it, let's not talk about this. Are you sure?"

"not sure!"

Wu Zhuangyuan is straightforward and confident.

"...Then what are you going to do?"

Mrs. Hua was shocked by Wu Zhuangyuan's attitude: "Are you itchy? Do you want to be beaten?"

"My martial arts skills are the best, and I'm thick-skinned. If I get beaten up, I might not die."

Wu Zhuangyuan said proudly: "Everyone else in the house is a weakling. They all have thin arms and legs. What can they do if they go up there?"

"I don't see that you are not very capable, but you are quite loyal."

Mrs. Hua couldn't laugh or cry: "Squat down and cool down, don't seek death!"

"Ah? Then who do you plan to let die, madam?"

Wu Zhuangyuan squatted aside and asked with a sad face.


Mrs. Hua's eyes showed strange color and she smiled.

"Ah? Madam, please spare my life!"

A beautiful girl was frightened and walked up in a panic.

"Sister Qiuxiang doesn't know martial arts, Mrs. Hua should forget about it..."

"Of course not her."

Mrs. Hua said softly: "Qiuxiang, go and call Hua An and tell him that there are some things here that require him to take action."

"Ah? Hua An? Yes!"

Qiuxiang was stunned for a moment and walked out in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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