I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 200: Your Majesty, take it easy, the shocked Emperor Shitian

Chapter 200: Your Majesty, take it easy, the shocked Emperor Shitian
"The grudges that have been entangled for so many years have finally come to an end."

Bai Suzhen's eyes were full of water, and she smiled sweetly: "I didn't expect that God has become so old. This immortality is more like a curse to him."

"God is definitely not willing to do this, but we started a little too early, and his backhand is not available."

"Huh? With his talent, he probably still won't be able to comprehend the 'Yuanji Maha'..."

Bai Suzhen said in surprise: "Does he have other ways to rejuvenate himself?"

"Give up your body, find a young man with great talent, dig out his brain, and replace it with your own brain."

"Although it's a bit troublesome, you can live forever by changing into a new body every hundred years or so."

Lin Xuan said calmly: "With the talent and talents of the Immortal God, if you meet the natural carrier of Maha Infinite, you may not be unable to take a step further."

According to the original work, Bu Jingyun is the destiny of "cloud", Nie Feng is the destiny of "wind", and Maha Wuliang is derived from the power of wind and cloud.

In other words, if the two of them practice Maha Wuliang, their achievements will be even better than that of the Immortal God.

So Zhu Houzhao ran for several streets with his sword in hand, but couldn't find anyone to cut him down...

"I don't know if it's possible..."

As the villain and Bu Jingyun's elder, God enjoyed the negative effects and was easily defeated to death.

All I have to do is hold up a sign: I am the Dog Emperor, you bunch of bastard rebels, come and fuck me.

"This idea is really crazy!"

Even if the Immortal God studies heaven and humans, it would still be an out-and-out lunatic act to attempt such an era-spanning endeavor.

When they saw the imperial guard's flag, they all knelt down to accept the surrender.

In theory, brain transplants are indeed possible.

"Well, I'll go to the Search God's Palace later. I just fought and gained some understanding of the Heaven's Infinite Maha."

After hearing that the boss was dead, ordinary Dongchang Fanzi and Jinyiwei's mentality suddenly collapsed.

However, Bu Jingyun possesses the invincible aura of the protagonist, coupled with the fate of the "Lonely Star of Evil" like the law of cause and effect...

This scene is extremely showy.

Bai Suzhen thought for a moment and looked a little horrified: "Can this really lead to immortality?"

The immortal god in the original book took a fancy to Bu Jingyun's body and planned to occupy the magpie's nest.

Morale was gone, and it was completely impossible to fight.

Everyone knows that everything else is illusory, and only immortality is real.

Bai Suzhen muttered: "If given time, we may not be able to unify heaven and earth and achieve the true Yuanji Maha."


Bai Suzhen was silent for a moment, her cheeks flushed: "Mr. Lin, what happened today..."

Although there are many black technologies in the Fengyun Plane, in the medical field, it is not possible to resurrect the flesh and bones of the dead.

"Well, then I wish Miss Bai that all her wishes will come true."

Anyway, such high-end surgery is not possible on earth.

It may also be that this guy spent too much energy on his unremitting pursuit of immortality.

However, the difficulty is too incredible.

In a moment, the originally evenly matched situation turned into a one-sided crushing one.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "Aqing should have gone back, let's go too."

"I...that's not what I meant."

Lin Xuan shook his head and said with a smile: "Miss Bai feels that she is crazy, so she might as well burn down Sou Shen Palace, so that this method will not be passed down."

"Then...that we are in front of the Immortal God..."

"This matter..."

He has never had time to bring trouble to the world.

Zhu Houzhao had already changed out of his guard uniform, put on his dragon robe and gold armor, rode a big white horse, and rushed to the front with great interest.

After Jiang Bin and Crown Prince Nan were assassinated by Ah Qing, the war situation was completely locked.

"what's up?"


At this moment, the sound of thundering horse hooves continued to sound.

Bai Suzhen's cheeks turned even redder, and she lightly stamped her feet, looking aggrieved.

Lin Xuan thought for a while, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with his pursuit...

Lin Xuan laughed and said: "Everything is used in a life-and-death confrontation. What Miss Bai said before is definitely a way to follow the power. I won't misunderstand it."

"Hey, what do you mean?"

However, at this time, there are actually not many rebels found on the streets.

Seeing the rushing soldiers and horses, Bai Suzhen screamed, billowing black mist condensed, and disappeared into the night.

"Ah... was he the Demon Lord just now?"

Zhu Houzhao was also stunned for a moment, subconsciously shrank his head and looked at Lin Xuan: "I am not ruining your good deeds, am I?"

Although he likes oral pleasure, he also likes to tease beautiful women.

But for a person like Bai Suzhen, Zhu Houzhao didn't dare to provoke her even if she had the courage to do so.

If he really gets grudged by this girl, with the other party's peerless cultivation, just a few random revenges would be very frustrating.

Maybe when I wake up, I will really be bald...

"Okay, it probably doesn't count."

Lin Xuan was unwilling to continue this topic and gently flicked his sleeves: "Why are you here, Your Majesty? Aren't you afraid of that immortal god?"

"Oh, I'm actually quite afraid of that person."

"However, I met Miss A Qing on the road. She said that God is dead and asked me to come over and call you home for midnight snack."

Zhu Houzhao spread his hands and said: "This is the little god's destiny, and I dare not disobey it."

"...Where's Ah Qing?"

"She said it was so boring here. She went back to bake some chicken wings to eat. She also said that Tang Jieyuan taught her."

Zhu Houzhao was a little envious: "I have only heard of Hongxiu Tianxiang studying at night, but I have never met a girl who grilled chicken wings for me in the middle of the night."

"Okay, it does seem like something she would do."

Lin Xuan nodded: "Your Majesty, would you like to come with me and eat some chicken wings?"

"Hahaha, I do, but there are more important things right now." "Huh?"

"Not far ahead is the Meridian Gate. Those rebels are being held there. I'm going to surrender in person."

"Look, gentlemen, Mr. Lin is strategizing, and I will defeat others without fighting."

"Nowadays, the martial arts of our dynasty is probably comparable to that of Taizu in the past."

Zhu Houzhao looked at the courtiers behind him and laughed: "I am invincible tomorrow!"

"Ah, yes, yes, your Majesty is right!"

Wang Qiong and Yang Tinghe, who came in a hurry, looked at each other and sighed.

They also didn't expect that as the emperor, their cronies would rebel...

Together with Dongchang and Jinyiwei, they rebelled and almost massacred the capital.

In the end, this guy is still so proud.

"It turns out that Your Majesty still has such important things to do."

Lin Xuan nodded: "Then go and do your work, Your Majesty. I'll go back for midnight snack."

“There’s no rush, there’s no rush, and there’s no hurry.”

Zhu Houzhao got off his horse and trotted all the way to Lin Xuan: "Mr. Lin, how about I discuss something with you?"

"Your Majesty, please speak."

"You have done these great things today, and your merits are immeasurable, enough to make you a prince."

"It's unnecessary. I'm used to being idle, and the position of Duke is also a burden."

Lin Xuan said calmly: "If there is nothing else, I will leave."

"No, no, no, I know you won't want it, I just mentioned it."

Zhu Houzhao patted Lin Xuan's shoulder flatteringly: "But I have no merit, so I should have hard work, right?"

"There should be some..."

Lin Xuan didn't understand what kind of medicine Zhu Houzhao was selling in his gourd, so he said casually.

"You see, I am now the 'Governor-General of Military Affairs, the Mighty General and the Chief of the Soldiers'. I still have a few military merits before I can be promoted to the Duke of the Town."

"When the time comes, he will be a general and a duke of the country. How majestic and majestic it will be!"

Zhu Houzhao rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "Let's do this. You share some of the credit with me and let me enjoy being a prince. I will exchange it for gold and silver and give it to you."


Yang Tinghe, Wang Qiong and other important officials were standing not far away.

Several people looked at each other with speechless expressions on their faces.

"The majesty of the Duke of the country must be the prestige of the country... If you are granted the title of Duke of the country, you must follow the ancestors for three generations."

"His Majesty's ancestors have been emperors for three generations. They may not be willing to be demoted to become the Duke of this country."

Lin Xuan sighed and looked up at the sky: "Your Majesty is a person who does big things. You should solve this kind of thing yourself, and don't look for me."

Lin Xuan was really worried.

He was afraid that a bolt of lightning would strike from the sky and take Zhu Houzhao away.

Speaking of which, this version of Zhu Houzhao is relatively restrained.

In history, Zhu Houzhao should have proclaimed himself Duke of the Town after the great victory in Yingzhou, and later added a Grand Master.

In every sense of the word, he is an extremely humane minister.

If we can hold on for a few more years, we will probably have no choice but to rebel and usurp our own position...

"Hey, such a good opportunity..."

Zhu Houzhao didn't force it, and sighed: "If you don't want to, sir, forget it. I'll find a chance next time."

"Yes, Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. There is always a chance as the days are long."

Lin Xuan patted Zhu Houzhao's shoulder, turned and left: "There is nothing going on in the capital. I will go to Leshan with Ah Qing in a few days. Your Majesty, please take it easy and don't get too carried away."

Lin Xuan didn't know whether Zhu Houzhao was too eager to perform, or whether he was deliberately using this to show his mediocrity.

But he felt that it would be difficult for ordinary people's brain circuits to figure out Zhu Houzhao's operations.

Moreover, Zhu Houzhao seemed to enjoy these strange behaviors...

"I haven't been to Leshan either. Do you want you to take me with you..., uh, okay, I'm just kidding. Have a good trip."

Seeing Lin Xuan leaving, Zhu Houzhao jumped on his horse happily and said with joy: "Children, come with me to accept the surrender!"

Yang Tinghe: "..."

In the mysterious and majestic ice palace, a mysterious man wearing an ice mask is sitting on a piece of ice that has lasted ten thousand years, falling into a state of neither life nor death.

"Huh? Someone died? Two of them died at once. Who is it?"

At the moment when the Immortal God fell.

A pair of closed eyes in the ice mask suddenly opened, and an extremely cold breath burst out.

The next moment, the black turtle shell placed in the corner of the ice palace shook violently, and several copper coins with strange and ancient shapes fell down.

"Is it Wu Ming and the Immortal God? Will these two people die too?"

"Hahaha! Good death! I have two fewer opponents!"

Emperor Shitian glanced at the ranking of the copper plates, was surprised and delighted, and laughed loudly.

Although he is arrogant and arrogant, he feels that his two thousand years of cultivation are extraordinary and holy, and the Holy Heart of the Four Tribulations is not inferior to any magical power in the world.

But there is still some fear for those strong men and women who involve the power of heaven and earth.

Although in terms of age, Emperor Shitian can be regarded as the ancestor of these two people.

But to win down any one person, Emperor Shitian had to go all out and even pay a high price.

If the two of them go together, Emperor Shitian will have no choice but to run away...

Emperor Shitian was helpless when something like this happened.

You can't say that your qualifications are really bad, right?
Seeing these two people meeting the King of Hell together, Emperor Shitian was gloating about the misfortune, but also felt a little relieved.

"Although this is good news, it is also a bit strange. We still need to find out who killed these two people."

"If the Great Master and the Great Demon God don't take action, will there be such a master in the world?"

While pondering, Emperor Shitian turned into an afterimage and quietly left the Ice Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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