I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 28 The Plan to Become the King of the Mountain

Chapter 28 The Plan to Become the King of the Mountain
  "Speaking of Zhanshan becoming the king, what good place can Master Lu go now?"

Lin Xuan ignored Huang Rong's resentful gaze and discussed alone.

The atmosphere has reached this point, and Lu Zhishen is willing to join the group.

Of course, we should strike while the iron is hot, and it is wise to choose a good base as soon as possible.

Huang Rong's side actually doesn't matter.

That little girl is smart and smart, and her bottom line is actually quite flexible. She is not some silly and decent heroine.

This little thing can be figured out in a moment.

If it doesn't work, just take some time in the evening to coax her some more.

"On the way, Sajia passed Umbrella Mountain, Baishawu, Yeyundu and other places, and found that a group of rabble gathered there. The terrain was not conducive to defense. Sajia thought it was okay not to go."

"I heard that Chao Gai, the King of Pagodas, now holds the top spot in Liangshan. There are quite a few powerful people on the mountain. There are also eight hundred miles of water and natural dangers. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is accessible in all directions. It is a unique choice."

You can't just kill Chao Gai as soon as you go up the mountain, right?
  Well, if you fight with real swords and guns, you probably won't be able to beat him...

Lu Zhishen sighed: "But the Sa family has failed Coach Lin's trust, and it is really shameless to go and seek refuge."

In other words, the power may not be strong, but it must be decided by oneself.

Now that the three of us are inserting ourselves, there is no need to think about the first three...

"If the two brothers don't go to Liangshan, the Sa family may have an idea."

Since the current leader of Liangshan is Chao Gai, the first major power reshuffle must have been completed.

"I heard that a few days ago, the green-faced beast Yang Zhi merged with the original leader of the village, the golden-eyed tiger Deng Long. Now he has gathered four to five hundred people, which is very majestic."

Lin Xuan and Huang Rong looked at each other and said decisively.

In other words, Huang Rong and she had to deal with Chao Gai, Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, Liu Tang, Ruan Shixiong and others...

Although he has never met Yang Zhi, he has been famous for a long time.

Lin Xuan estimated that Lu Zhishen and Lin Chong would be evenly matched.

Lu Zhishen said loudly: "As Yang Laolinggong, Yang Zhi is quite capable and courageous. If the two brothers are willing to join the gang, they can settle down there."

Lin Xuan pondered for a moment and prompted: "Master, what do you think of Qingfeng Mountain?"

"It doesn't make any sense to live under someone else's roof in Liangshan. There's no need to think about it."

Lin Xuan didn't intend to provoke him unless it was absolutely necessary.

Their main mission requires joining or forming an anti-thief force with more than a thousand people, and becoming the top three leaders of the force.

Being ranked in the top ten is considered a favor given by Chao Gai.

"The nearby Erlong Mountain in Qingzhou is also a dangerous place. If the pass on the mountain is closed, there will be thousands of troops and horses, and it will be difficult to break through."

The two of them are both from Kansai, so they have a bit of a hometown connection, which makes them a good choice.

Regardless of others, Lin Xuan was still quite afraid of Gongsun Sheng, a master who was trained in martial arts and immortality by others.

"Although Erlong Mountain is good, it is not the best choice."

Lin Xuan was indeed not interested in Erlong Mountain.

Although this place is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is still in a mess now, far worse than Liangshan.

Moreover, if he defected in the past and worked hard to become the second-in-command, he would always be a head lower than Yang Zhi.

Yang Zhi's martial arts was pretty good, and he was a descendant of the Yang family generals. He had some reputation in both black and white circles, and was more heroic than Chao Gai and others at this time.

It would be quite taboo to kill it hastily.

It's not good to worship Yang Zhi as the eldest brother.

After all, this person's ability is actually quite average, and he also likes to be suspicious.

If the copycat becomes bigger in the future, I might have to waste time and energy on scheming with this guy.

Why bother!

"There are three evil mountains in Qingzhou, namely Qingfeng Mountain, Erlong Mountain and Taohua Mountain. Among them, Qingfeng Mountain ranks first and is the most powerful."

"However, the Sa family heard that the three leaders of Qingfeng Mountain, Yan Shun, Wang Ying, and Zheng Tianshou, are all mediocre in martial arts and somewhat shabby. They are not heroes."

Lu Zhishen frowned: "It would be really depressing to be ranked below them."

"What if I'm not ranked below them?"

"Huh?" Lu Zhishen was startled: "Is Brother Lin planning to occupy the top of the mountain?"

"Right on my mind."

Lin Xuan nodded: "The three of Yanshun, Wang Ying and others are not good people at all. Just kill them all."

"If you just want to occupy the top of the mountain, you would be breaking the rules of the green forest..."

Lu Zhishen rolled his eyes strangely: "Does my brother think that these three people have a way to kill themselves?"

"Whenever the three masters of Qingfeng Mountain are full of wine and food, they like to take the merchants they catch to the hall, dig out their hearts and livers alive on the spot, and make hot and sour soup to sober up the hangover."

"Then, let your subordinates share the flesh."

Lin Xuan pointed to the kitchen intentionally or unintentionally: "In my opinion, it would be better for such a heroic man to die earlier."

"Fuck!" Lu Zhishen's whole body trembled with fat, and there was a ruthless look in his eyes: "In that case, let's take action on these three thieves!"

"Qingfeng Mountain? Qingfeng Village?"

Huang Rong's thoughts moved slightly and she glanced at Lin Xuan: "Are you going to find that Miss Hua?"

"Well, if she is willing to help, it can save me a lot of effort."

"Hmph! What are you looking for her for?"

"Pretend to be your wife."

Huang Rong: "???"

  Qingfeng Mountain is rugged on all sides and steep on all sides, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

There are hundreds of thatched houses densely packed in the wooden fence surrounding the village.

In the center is an extremely spacious thatched hall.

There are three tiger-skin chairs in the hall, and the table in front of the chairs is piled with wine and meat.

The three village owners were eating, drinking, talking and laughing loudly.

"Your Majesty, there is a carriage passing by on the mountain road, and the driver is a strong man in his early thirties."

"There was a scholar and a young lady sitting in the car. Their appearance was not clear."

"What a coincidence. I don't know if the horse lost its hoof or something. It's so slow that it can't run."

"Boss Liu is planning to take action, so let me come up first and report to the three leaders."

At this moment, a minion ran in and loudly reported.

"Huh? And horses?"

The three village owners stopped eating and drinking at the same time, their eyes showing joy.

As we all know, the Song Dynasty has never been able to take back the Sixteenth Prefecture of Youyun, and Ma Zheng paid very little attention to it.

Landowners and gentry continued to occupy horse farm land and converted pasture land into cultivated land.

As a result, the number of horses is decreasing year by year.

In the early days, you could also buy horses from northern party members.

But after Xixia was established, horses became their strategic materials and would not be sold.

Therefore, in addition to setting up some third-rate horse farms in the south, the Song people could only go to Dali to import some Yunnan horses.

Not only is the quality much worse, the price is too expensive!

An ordinary horse is worth about a hundred taels of silver.

If it is a good horse, the price will be increased several times.

The top of the mountain village has been harvested for several months.

“Since there are horses, it’s better to be careful.”

The headmaster Jinmao Huyan obeyed the order: "You will make one more trip. Go down the mountain and pick up the man. Keep an eye on the horse on the way. Be sure not to hurt the horse."

The second boss, Dwarf Tiger Wang Ying, said hurriedly: "Don't hurt that little lady either."

"Young man, take your orders!"

The guy agreed and hurried out.

"Brother Wang is willing to move forward and values ​​loyalty. He has always been a hero."

Yan Shun was a little disapproving: "It's a pity that this little bit of female sex can't be seen through."

"Hey, these days, those who own carriages are definitely not ordinary people."

"Maybe, that little lady is an official lady."

Wang Yingjie smiled strangely: "Brother, over the years, I have always lacked the companionship of Mrs. Yazhai. I didn't expect to meet a good match today."

"Hey, what's so great about an official lady?"

The white-faced man Zheng Tianshou bit his elbow and said, "Can you still go into battle and kill people?"

"You are all heroes. It's normal to look down on those vulgar fans."

Wang Ying frowned: "But this is my brother, you won't argue with me, right?"

"As the saying goes, brothers are like siblings, and women are like clothes."

Zheng Tianshou looked disdainful: "It's just a piece of clothing, of course I don't care about it."

"Then it's settled. The horse will be mine later, the wife will be given to Brother Wang, and other valuable things will be given to Brother Zheng."

Yan Shun bared his teeth and said with a smile: "Although the scholar is said to be useless, he is always pampered and well-educated. The taste of his heart and liver is especially delicious. Today everyone is very lucky."

"Hahaha! Big brother is right!"

Wang Ying and Zheng Tianshou both looked pleased with themselves and laughed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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