I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 32 Is there another hidden mission? Level 4 village leader

Chapter 32 Is there another hidden mission? Fourth level village leader

"...I'm waiting for you!"

"Your Majesty, spare your life!"

The bandits were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and kowtowed like garlic.

We are all minions, and the treatment here is not very good.

Just barely enough to eat so as not to starve to death.

Most of the money stolen from Jie Dao must be given to Yan Shun and the village leaders.

It's like capitalists exploiting workers.

Therefore, the bandits did not have any special sense of identification with Yanshun and the other three, and they had no intention of working for them at all.

Even the flat-headed brother who was a bit stubborn just now rushed forward when he heard Yanshun's promise...

"We at Qingfeng Mountain bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, with a new leadership and a new atmosphere!"

Later, new people came, starting as the fourth leader.

Lin Xuan nodded: "Okay, you can follow us from now on."

Lu Zhishen's eyes widened in surprise: "You guys, you guys, do you follow that golden-haired rat to kill people and eat meat on weekdays?"

She is somewhat interested in the big boss.

However, this flattery is not too contrary to one's will.

Since Lin Xuan and Huang Rong had a favor, Lu Zhishen took advantage of the situation and gave up his seat.

"Two worthy brothers, please rise."

After all, a profession like banditry, where the sword tip licks blood, still respects the strong.

I feel that I am still comfortable being the second in command and playing a guest role as a dog-headed military advisor.

He has a bold and rough personality and doesn't like to take care of things.

"No, no..., only Manager Liu's group of soldiers can enter the hall on weekdays."

"The three masters are brave and invincible!"

The hundreds of minions who rushed in from the front must be some of Yan Shun and others' cronies.

Now that they have surrendered, a group of bandits immediately changed their mentality and started to flatter him.

However, the boss has a lot to do, and he has to deal with these bandits all day long.

But that group of people were basically beaten to pieces by Lu Zhishen, and they looked like dead figures.

"My younger brother, Huang Long, pays my respects to the master."

Huang Rong glanced at Lin Xuan and bowed down.

Well, survival of the fittest is a matter of course!
  Or, let’s put it another way: If you can’t beat us, join!
  "Bah! It's just a rebellion. Who dares to talk about 'sobering up soup' or something like that later? I won't be polite to the Sa family."

Huang Rong felt sick just by looking at it.

I am not very interested in the position of big boss.

"I can learn how to bark like a fox..."

Lu Zhishen laughed loudly and bowed to Lin Xuan and Huang Rong in turn.

These bandits are all very rough, and they don't take a shower all day long. They smell so bad that they are no better than beggars.

Lin Xuan smiled slightly and helped Huang Rong up first, then Lu Zhishen.

Since you want to be a bandit leader, you still need to have this courage.

Well, it’s almost the same as Wu Yong from Liangshan.

"Just do the fucking opposite."

Needless to say, Lu Zhishen was extremely brave.

"That is, from now on, no matter whether it is black or white, when you mention our Qingfeng Mountain, you have to give a thumbs up."

They were all smashed to pieces by Lu Zhishen.

"That's right, with these heroes as our village leaders, who will dare to bully us in the future?"

Lin Xuan remembered that in the original work, Lu Zhishen and Yang Zhi killed Deng Long and took over Erlong Mountain, and they also took in five to six hundred minions.

The strength that Lin Xuan and Huang Rong showed just now is far superior to Yan Shun, Wang Ying and others.

"Two brothers, please come and pay homage to the Sa family."

It’s simply too horrible to look at!
  "So it seems that you are all planning to abandon the darkness and turn to the light?"

In this way, the seating arrangements for the cottage were officially decided.

Nothing went wrong later.

The current group of bandits should be ordinary bandit workers, so they can be accepted.

"The Qingzhou Military and Horse Superintendent Huang Xin boasted to Haikou that he would capture all of our three mountains, known as 'Three Mountains'. Now that the three leaders are so heroic, it is better to capture him and make a sobering soup."

"That's right! Yan Gou Wang Gou and the others always look down on us little minions. Even if they have human flesh, they won't give it to us!"

"That's right! Even if there is sobering up...it is the responsibility of their own soldiers to have that thing."

"Third Master, don't be angry. You just killed all those bad guys."

Seeing that Lu Zhishen had a tendency to get angry, the bandits did not want to take the blame and started talking in all directions.

"In that case, that's all..." Lu Zhishen thought for a while and said, "You are following the two brothers from the Sa family, and you will have to eat at the same time. If you dare to steal human flesh, the Sa family will hammer you into meat cakes."

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

The bandits looked at Lu Zhishen's casserole-sized fists, all of them looked frightened, and quickly agreed.

"I'm new here, so I don't know what your abilities are and how you usually perform."

"So, I will keep all the former bosses for the time being. After three months, I will re-appoint them based on your performance."

Lin Xuan said calmly: "There is no rule without rules. The more you work, the more you gain, both inside and outside the village. If you are someone who is capable of doing things and willing to contribute, I will entrust you with important tasks. If you are someone who fishes in troubled waters, then the village will not support idlers." ."

"Yes! I'll wait for the order."

The several petty leaders were shocked, and quickly divided their work and sent their men to carry the bodies of Yan Shun, Wang Ying and others to the back mountain for burning and burial.

While cleaning, washing the floor, inventorying storage, tidying up the house, and preparing for the banquet.

At first glance, it looked like he was in full swing.

"Congratulations to Lin Da for being the master, and congratulations to Brother Huang and Master Lu for occupying the precious place."

After the bandits dispersed, Hua Rong and Hua Shuang approached leisurely and said with a smile.

"...You guys are so fast."

Hua Shuang blinked her big eyes and whispered softly.

She just wanted to help.

However, she hasn't decided who to help yet.

The overall situation has been decided, and there is no need for her to take action.

It made the flower frost a bit uneven.

"Thanks to you two for your help this time."

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "We are having a banquet at the village to celebrate. You can stay and have a few drinks at the bar. I will also discuss the follow-up matters with Brother Hua."

"Then it's annoying."

  [The reincarnator has completed the hidden mission: occupying the magpie nest, and gained a total of 700 reincarnation experience points. 】

[Jiu Zhan Magpie Nest: Seize a large bandit force by force and become the leader of the new force. 】

[This task can only be completed once, and similar tasks will be automatically canceled. 】

[The reincarnator is currently at level 4 (200/1000), with strength +5, physical strength +5, skill +5, and spirit +5. 】

Neither Lin Xuan nor Huang Rong liked the noisy atmosphere.

After three rounds of drinking, Hua Rong and his sister took their leave.

The two left the table and took them to the carriage, waving goodbye.

At this moment, the electronic sound of the settlement in the reincarnation space sounded unexpectedly.

"What the hell is the name of this mission..."

Huang Rong shook her head speechlessly: "They are really trying different ways to make us fight."

"You still have to have a purpose in doing things. There is no need to gamble on hidden tasks all over the world."

Lin Xuan smiled: "According to our previous analysis, this should be the den of thieves in the north second only to Liangshan. If it is managed well, it will be enough to complete the main mission."

After reaching level four, Lin Xuan felt much more confident.

Put aside the few perverted and powerful ones.

With Lin Xuan's current strength, he may not lose to the ordinary Tiangang Star.

Of course, this is currently limited to infantry combat...

"The main plot should be fine, but can you complete the challenge mission?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to give it a try, but I always feel like something is missing if I just give up."

Huang Rong jumped up and down a few times: "My father once said that people who practice martial arts are like sailing against the current. They must have a brave and diligent mind throughout their lives. This is probably what he meant."

"You can give it a try, but first complete the main mission and get the permission to return..."

Lin Xuan said calmly: "When the time comes, if we can't kill Cai Jing and Gao Qiu, we can just choose to return."

"Can this still happen?"

Huang Rong tilted her head and thought for a moment, then showed a dumbfounded expression: "I'm planning to go all out, but you're messing with my mentality again."

"It's so easy to manipulate the mentality, so nothing will happen."

Lin Xuan reached out and patted Huang Rong's shoulder: "By the way, what we should consider now is how to get 1000 reputation..."

"What you said makes sense..."

Huang Rong blinked her eyes and raised the corners of her mouth slightly: "Anyway, Young Master Lin is taking me, why should I panic?"

"That's fine."

Lin Xuan smiled: "I'll give you a task. You go on a business trip."


(End of this chapter)

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