I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 326 The Ultimate Challenge Begins, Master Yuwen

Chapter 326 The Ultimate Challenge Begins, Master Yuwen
"Kill the enemy!"

Almost at the same time, Huang Rong gave a delicate shout and led her troops to charge towards the Jin army.

The iron hooves clanged, the earth trembled, and yellow sand filled the air.

The military formations of both sides expanded like thunder, as if two steel torrents were colliding with each other.

Now the distance between the two sides is very far, and the control of cavalry is very important.

It's not just who has better equipment or a better horse that will have the advantage.

After all, a warhorse is not a tank…

At this time, the horse's physical strength and morale are also very important.

If the distance is too far, after a burst of effort, the morale of the war horses will often gradually decline until they are exhausted.

The ability to maintain the rhythm and hold the army together is one of the criteria for distinguishing a good general from a bad one.

According to legend, Xiang Yu and Huo Qubing, representatives of the "military situation" among the four schools of military strategists, even had their armies rush to the enemy's front and completely collapse the enemy's formation simply by their military might and momentum, turning the confrontation between the two armies into a one-sided pursuit.

"Masters, follow me to attack the Nanman main formation. If we can capture the empress, we will be invincible."

"By then, the luck of the mountains and rivers will all belong to this emperor, and even if immortals intervene, it will be meaningless."

Wanyan Aguda laughed loudly and said, "Whoever captures the Southern Barbarian Queen for me, I will make him the ruler of a country, in charge of ten states, and can make decisions on your own!"

"Your Majesty's military power is unrivaled, and your power dominates the world!"

The eyes of several old men following Wanyan Aguda lit up at the same time, flashing with greed and excitement.

They are either demons, or top masters of Tantric Buddhism, Shamanism and Black Religion, or leaders of a sect.

During these few years, they were defeated one by one by Yin Qianyang and taken under his command.

Forced to acknowledge Yin Qianyang's status as the Imperial Master.

However, they still have strong ambitions in their hearts.

Seeing that the outcome of this battle may be decided, wealth and status will be within reach, which will be enough to make the sect rise to fame overnight.

This is comparable to the revival of the country by our founder.

Although they had high cultivation levels, they couldn't help but feel their hearts beating fast.


Wanyan Aguda laughed loudly, took the lead and rushed towards Huang Rong's main camp.


Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, Qin Ming and others who were not far away were startled and stepped out to intercept them.

"Each of you lead an army and stop the Nanman cavalry from getting in the way, regardless of the cost."

Wanyan Aguda's eyes showed excitement: "With the help of several masters, my hundred cavalry are enough to break the formation."


Wanyan Wuqimai and others agreed and led their troops to meet Lu Junyi and others.


Seeing that Huang Rong's formation was slightly disrupted, an old monk in blood-stained clothes let out a long howl and leaped forward like lightning.

The man was in mid-air, and a beam of blood shot out from his hand and suddenly slashed down.

Blood flew everywhere, striking the four light cavalrymen who came to intercept them.

The four men screamed at the same time, were cut in half, and fell off their horses.

A flash of blood appeared in the air and returned to the old monk's hands.

"I've long heard that the blood knife refined by the Black Cult is a peerless and vicious knife. It really lives up to its reputation."

The leader of the Tantric Buddhism, the Red Sun Dharma King, let out a long roar, appeared in front of Qin Ming, formed a heart seal and pressed it down slowly.

"You evil monks are so hard to kill."

Huang Shang sighed, waved his sleeves to block the attack from the Red Sun Dharma King, then appeared in front of the blood-stained old monk and slapped him down with a palm.

The blood-red knife light flashed and collided with Huang Shang's palm power with a clanging sound.

"You... you dare to take my Blood-Transforming Divine Sword with your bare hands?"

The old monk with the blood knife shook his body and looked alert.

He fought with Huang Shang with all his strength and was invaded by the opponent's internal energy. He felt his body stiffen and his blood flow backwards.

The original god-like and devil-like aura could not help but weaken a little.

"Blood-Transforming Divine Sword? That's a pretty impressive name."

Huang Shang shook his head slightly and suddenly threw out a powerful demon-subduing fist.


The face of the Red Sun Dharma King changed, and he formed the Immovable Fundamental Seal to block Huang Shang's palm force.

"Let's join forces and kill this old man first!"

The Black Cult leader had a grim expression on his face and spoke in a low voice.

"it is good!"

The Red Sun Dharma King nodded slightly and stretched out his hand to strike out again.

"They are almost two celestial beings..."

Huang Shang took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Well, it's just right to use the lives of you two evil monks to help me achieve enlightenment above the gods."

"A mere old man actually has such ability."

Wanyan Aguda looked at the three people who were fighting each other, his face darkened: "Don't worry about them, just capture the empress quickly."


A senior monk of the Nyingma sect had a cold look in his eyes and swung his right hand, making a fake chop.

The air seemed to be boiling, and rolling heat waves swept around.

A several-meter-long flaming blade appeared in the air and slashed towards the Big Dipper Star Flag.

"Flame sword? I heard that the Great Wheel King was proficient in this skill in the past. I didn't expect to have the honor of seeing it today."

Huang Yaoshi's eyes lit up slightly and he flicked his fingers.

The magical power of fingers broke through the air and blocked the flaming knife.

Although the Great Wheel King Jiumozhi should not be from this world.

But the Nyingma tradition has not changed much.

Now that spiritual energy has revived, the sect's senior monks have mastered this supreme method, which is said to be able to exorcise demons and monsters.

This actually made Huang Yaoshi quite interested.

"The sponsor is not available, let's go first."

"The python monster on the opposite side seems to be very powerful. I definitely can't defeat it."

Xiao Qing stuck the Big Dipper flag into the ground: "But the remaining Black Spirit Mother seems to be a dragon spirit. I can fight with her."

"Well, go ahead..."

Bai Suzhen stared at Han Wusha and said, "This man is much more capable than me, but I should be able to give him a fight."

"Interesting. I never thought that a mere barbarian empress could actually make me personally take action."

Wanyan Aguda sneered, his body turned into a shadow and appeared in front of Huang Rong, slashing down with his long sword.

There was a flash of blood, and purple lightning gathered on it, with an extremely domineering aura.

"You are obviously the barbarian."

Huang Rong drew her imperial sword, and a huge dragon turtle silhouette emerged, blocking Wanyan Aguda's sword.

Countless sword and knife auras collided with each other, and purple lightning and golden light filled the air.


The sword energy dissipated, Huang Rong snorted lightly, stepped back a few steps, and frowned slightly.

"He does have some skills."

Wanyan Aguda's eyes flashed coldly: "If you kneel down and surrender, I can spare your life."

"Tsk! The amount of Qi and blood in your body is far beyond your ability to bear. Your internal organs have already been damaged."

"You probably used some weird recipe to overdraw your life force, which led to your great improvement in cultivation, right?"

Huang Rong sneered and said, "To be honest, you have no more than five years to live, and you don't even know it when death is imminent."


Wanyan Aguda grasped the hilt of the knife and asked: "Do I have five years left to live?"

"Hey? Do you think it's too long?"

"Not long, but enough."

"With this pill, I have no rivals below the immortals. I can destroy the Song Dynasty with a snap of my fingers."

"The next four years will be enough to destroy Xixia, massacre Dali, and launch expeditions to the Uighurs, Tubo, Fuso, and Goryeo."

Wanyan Aguda laughed loudly, looking at others with disdain: "A real man dominates the nine provinces and establishes an unparalleled hegemony. If he dies, he dies. What regrets do I have?"

"Is there no rival below the Immortal?"

Huang Rong said disdainfully: "How shameless! I will kill you today!"


The sword energy was compressed to the limit, making a thunderous sword whistling sound.

The next moment, two rays of light that seemed to be able to cut through the sky and earth collided with each other with a loud bang.

The ground was torn apart, and the surrounding rocks and grass were all sucked into it by the two men's energy and crushed into powder.

"The barbarians' military momentum has not been weakened at all? I didn't expect that there are such elite warriors among the Han people. The empress can actually fight back and forth with the King of Gold!"

"Huh? You...you are also a snake demon?"

Looking at the ethereal figure of Bai Suzhen in front of him, Han Wusha's face became solemn: "Old Man Dan, act quickly, don't let these southern barbarians ruin the master's plan!"

“Hahaha! The scent of flesh and blood is truly intoxicating.”

The Dark Emperor Danyin nodded, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and he threw out the spell talisman that he had prepared long ago: "The blood souls of the four wastelands, all gather here, bones piled like a mountain, return to the underworld and descend to the world."

The talisman fell to the ground, and huge magic circles appeared behind the Liangshan army.

The magic circle emitted a dim light and transformed into groups of armored skeletons holding spears or bone knives.

There are at least hundreds of thousands of them all over the mountains.

There were eerie phosphorescent lights flashing in the eyes of all the skeleton warriors, and they looked terrifying.

"Haha! Unexpected, right?"

The Dark Emperor Danyin was excited and pointed at the Liangshan army: "Crush them!"


The ghost horn sounded, and the skeleton soldiers all over the mountains turned into a ferocious tide of ghosts, flooding towards Liangshan's rear army.

The murderous aura of hundreds of thousands of skeleton soldiers gathered together, like the legendary ancient ferocious beasts, exuding tremendous pressure.

"Form the Twenty-Eight Constellations Formation to ward off the enemy!"

Looking at the sea of ​​skeletons swarming in, the military strategist Zhu Wu's eyelids jumped and he shouted loudly.

The individual combat power of the skeleton soldiers is actually nothing.

Not to mention the masters of Taoism, even ordinary elite warriors armed with heavy weapons can cause considerable damage to it.

But there are too many skeleton soldiers summoned by Danyin...

Even if each Liangshan soldier was worth ten men, this group of skeleton soldiers would be enough to consume most of the army.

What's even more disgusting is that now the Liangshan army is entangled with the Jin army, and they are intertwined...

If we are going to end up losing to this group of skeleton soldiers, there is no need to fight today.

"Can so many corpse spirits be summoned in broad daylight?"

Lin Xuan stared at the skeleton soldiers that were rushing in like a tide, and his body appeared at the back of the army formation: "They are dead, but their bones can't rest in peace?"

He originally thought that Danyin would summon a few demon generals or high-level ghosts such as transformed snakes and purple flame spirits to fight against the generals of Liangshan.

As a result, this thoughtful Hades Emperor directly created the Skeleton Sea...

This is really a case of quality not being enough, so quantity is used to make up for it.

"That's right! We followed the rules so much that we didn't even kill Wanyan Aguda, but this group of people are so arrogant."

The sword light flashed in the air and transformed into Ah Qing's figure: "This makes us look like we are easy to bully."

The vast and ancient sword intent naturally emanated from the girl, stirring up the situation.

No need to draw the sword, no need for magic spells.

Just by being swept by the sword intent, the skeletons within a hundred feet of Ah Qing disintegrated and exploded on their own, turning into powder.

"Hmm? Are you the little sword fairy?"

The vast and cold voice echoed between heaven and earth.

The next moment, an unfathomable black sword light broke through the void and passed through the sky over Bianjing City like lightning.

Wherever the sword passed, dark clouds gathered, the wind blew, and the sky and the earth became gloomy and dark. "Who is it!"

Zhang Tianshi and Sa Tianshi's faces changed, and they flew into the air at the same time to block the black sword light.


The sword flashed, emitting an extremely cold demonic energy, sweeping towards the two of them.

When the demonic energy and the Taoist magic collided in mid-air, Zhang Tianshi and the other man groaned at the same time and fell back into the city with pale faces.

"You two have great reputations, but your abilities are mediocre."

The sword light fell in front of Ah Qing, and Yin Qianyang's arrogant figure appeared: "Dan Yin, wait a minute."

Beside him, black cracks appeared in the void, as if they would tear the space apart at any time.

Just looking at his figure was like facing an ancient demon god, giving people a feeling of fear as if their heart was about to explode.


The bone flute sounded again, and the tide of skeleton soldiers stopped moving at the same time.

"The sky covers the earth, the wind blows and the clouds hang down!"

Zhu Wu looked solemn and ordered the rear army to change their formation to prevent the skeleton soldiers from breaking in.

Military strategists throughout the ages have never been able to relax when faced with a sea of ​​skeletons of this size.

"This, this, this..., what on earth happened?"

Song Huizong stood blankly on the top of the city wall, his face pale without a trace of blood.

He had prepared himself mentally along the way, and barely suppressed the fear in his heart, and followed Lin Lingsu to the top of the city.

As a result, when I casually glanced at the city, I saw the murderous cavalry and infantry formations of both sides and an endless sea of ​​skeletons.

Although the former was strong, at least he was within the scope of what Song Huizong could understand.

But this sea of ​​skeletons was already somewhat mysterious, and it made Emperor Huizong of Song feel sick.

"Although there are a large number of skeletons, they should have been summoned by the ghost sorcerer using the spell of communicating with the mysterious world."

"If a top ghost master is willing to spend a hundred years, it is not surprising to accumulate such a scale."

"But the sword intent of that green-clothed woman is truly terrifying. Even the immortals in heaven may not be able to compare with her."

Lin Lingsu looked a little surprised: "The black-robed man's cultivation just now is comparable to that of a god or devil. Your Majesty must not act rashly."

"Thank you, Master Lin, for telling me..."

Song Huizong was shocked and said quickly.

He was already frightened enough when he saw this group of skeletons.

As a result, it was discovered that these skeletons were just miscellaneous soldiers, and the masters of both sides were actually gods...

Is this world so scary?
No wonder the Song Dynasty is no match for others!

If such non-war crimes led to the destruction of the country, it could be considered an explanation to our ancestors.

Thinking of this, Song Huizong secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you the Yin Qianyang?"

Ah Qing snorted, pulled out the green bamboo stick, and pointed it at Yin Qianyang diagonally: "Forget it, no matter who you are, you are not one of us anyway."

The sword intent surged, and an ancient green sword appeared behind her, slashing towards Yin Qianyang like thunder.

"The Sword Immortal is quite direct in his actions."

Yin Qianyang laughed in silence and tilted his body slightly.

A dark sword light as deep as a black hole suddenly shot out from the sword talisman on his waist and headed towards Ah Qing's ancient green sword.

The two sword beams collided with each other in the air, solidified at the same time, and then exploded, breaking into countless pieces.

"It seems that it is not easy to kill."

Ah Qing lowered his head slightly, stared at the broken sword intent on the ground, and let out a breath.

"Sword Immortal, you're too polite."

Yin Qianyang's eyes swept past Ah Qing and fell on Lin Xuan: "I have heard that Master Lin is the strategist of Liang State. I don't know why he doesn't say anything now."

"When I knew Brother Yin was coming, I did feel a little strange."

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Now I have roughly figured it out."

"Master Lin is being a bit mysterious."

"In fact, Brother Yin and I are not from this world, right?"

Lin Xuan said calmly: "It is not easy to find this world with all your efforts just for some illusory things."

"Those old friends and mortal enemies of mine are definitely not in this world."

Yin Qianyang's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice: "I don't know why the True Lord said that?"

"If nothing unexpected happens, this world is the place where Chi You's soul is sealed."

"Do you know the purpose of my actions?"

Yin Qianyang was slightly startled, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Chi You is an ancient demon god and a peerless military master. Even Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi had to work very hard to achieve victory."

"Even if such a person dies, his spirit and soul will remain immortal and unique in the universe."

Lin Xuan flicked his sleeves and said, "Since Brother Yin wants to use Chi You to fulfill his wish, he can only come to the place where Chi You's soul is."

"Oh my, you are good at swordsmanship, but why are you so wicked in doing things?"

Ah Qing frowned slightly: "Chi You is not a good guy. If you bring him back to life, you will kill a lot of people."

"Hmph! Twenty years ago, Chi You's wild spirit attached itself to the Jiuyi Tianzun Sword, wanting to destroy all living things and wreak havoc on the world!"

“Shenque Palace, Kalachakra Palace, and even the five sects in the Central Plains, which are full of talented people, are all afraid and try to avoid us.”

"In the end, it was only after a few of us risked our lives to break into the underworld that we sealed Chi You's wild soul under the Red Refining Abyss, allowing the human world to have peace."

"At that time, those decent people begged us to help. Their hypocritical faces were so pathetic and ridiculous!"

Yin Qianyang's brows showed great resentment: "But a year later, those righteous thieves made a conspiracy to plot against my husband and me."

"So, they took advantage of the time when Ye'er was the weakest after giving birth, first poisoned her and then used the supreme sword formation to kill my husband and me."

"At that time, I was poisoned and attacked by my senior brother. I lost one arm and was seriously injured."

"After giving birth, Ye'er lost all her magical powers. But in order to save me and Ping'er, she had no choice but to use the method of scattering souls and destroying spirits, severely injuring the enemies, but her own soul also flew away and she died."

"Humph! The noble spirit, the fight against evil and the defense of morality, are all just jokes!"

"So Yin simply fell into the devil's way and stopped being a human being. He became what they call a big devil!"

"Hahaha! Falling into the devil's way? There's nothing to be afraid of!"

Yin Qianyang's eyes showed a crazy look: "May I ask, Master Zhenjun, should these upright people die?"

"If that's true, then you deserve to die!"

"Even if it's from another decent sect, it wouldn't be wrong for Brother Yin to kill them."

"However, resurrecting Chi You is an act of world destruction, and has little to do with those famous and upright sects. Why do you have to generalize, Brother Yin?"

Lin Xuan said calmly: "So, based on emotion, he can be pitied, but based on behavior, he should be executed!"

The lower limit for the decent people in the Tiandijie system is indeed not very high.

But it's not the case that they will cross the river and burn the bridge before the year is up.

In fact, those who instigated the action were just the rubbish leaders of the Ziyun and Kongtong sects, and the eldest senior brother Ying Fengren who was blinded by jealousy.

Of course, other upright sects did not look very glorious before and after this incident.

Not only did they not make any comments at the time, but no sect came to seek justice for Yin Qianyang afterwards.

Lin Xuan felt that the reason was very simple. Longyue was Jiuli Youji, a descendant of Chiyou.

The fact that the upright people in the Central Plains and the common people of the world were saved by the Jiuli tribe is actually a dark history.

Therefore, all relevant personnel remained silent and turned a blind eye to Yin Qianyang's miserable condition.

Even the records of the sects used historical books to distort this history.

In this situation, Lin Xuan thought it was understandable if Yin Qianyang wanted to take revenge.

However, Yin Qianyang was so shocked that he didn't care whether it was useful or not, and just made a big move and brought out Chi You to destroy the world.

There's nothing much to say about this.

No matter what, Lin Xuan could not stand on Chi You's side.

"I understand too."

Ah Qing thought for a moment and took a step forward: "Lin Xuan is right. You are right, but damn it!"

The sword's intent was lingering, the light was sharp, and a pale golden shadow of a black bird emerged, spreading its wings as if ready to fly.


At the moment when the sword intent exploded, Ah Qing's figure suddenly disappeared.

Between heaven and earth, there was only one unparalleled divine sword left, emitting tremendous power.

The sword's edge was so cold and sharp that it seemed to be able to tear through the void and kill all the evil spirits!

"Nine Yins, Nine Deaths, Heaven-Slaying Sword Formation!"

Yin Qianyang slapped the sword case on his waist heavily, his expression remained indifferent.

The sky collapsed and the earth broke apart, and a majestic and domineering dark sword rose up.

The invincible sword intent surged, and with an extremely fierce demonic energy, it slashed towards Ah Qing's illusory sword.

Two unparalleled sword intentions collided in the air, tearing cracks in the void.

The heaven and earth were in rebellion, and sword waves like a volcanic eruption rolled in all directions, crushing tens of thousands of skeletons into pieces.

"The Sword Immortal is indeed worthy of his reputation!"

In the void, Yin Qianyang's lonely and arrogant figure appeared: "Yin paid such a price, but couldn't gain the upper hand at all. It's really ridiculous and pathetic."

"Is this the limit of Brother Yin's skills?"

Lin Xuan took a step forward, his sleeves fluttering, revealing the world in his sleeves.

The rolling waves of swords that swept towards the Liangshan army were all taken into his sleeves and disappeared without a trace.

"This person's actions are too cruel, you must not show mercy."

Figures flashed, and Tieguai Li and Zhongli Quan appeared behind Lin Xuan, staring at Yin Qianyang who was standing in the void with a fierce look.

They usually enjoy themselves and do not want to get involved in worldly affairs.

For the immortals, even if the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Song Dynasty, it was destiny and the change of human nature, and could not be violated.

But if Chiyou were to be resurrected, the nature of the situation would be different.

We need to do our best to stop it no matter what.

"Just relying on Master Lin and Little Sword Immortal, they are enough to make my soul fly away and I won't be able to enter the reincarnation cycle."

Yin Qianyang glanced at Tieguai and Li and said with a smile: "But if you want to stop Yin from doing what he wants, even if the Emperor of Heaven comes, it will be of no use."

"Who said that?"

Tieguai Li and Zhongli Quan looked at each other and sneered at the same time.

"That's what I said."

Hundreds of meters behind Yin Qianyang, the void was torn apart, and the extremely violent force of space surged, turning into a huge space gap.

Countless shattered fragments of space flew everywhere.

With the annihilation of each piece of space debris, the entire world would shake, causing mountains to collapse and the earth to crack.

The next moment, a man covered in black evil spirit broke through the gap in space and appeared behind Yin Qianyang.

The man was riding a giant panda with a pair of huge blood-red horns on his head, and he looked extremely ferocious and domineering.

The space gaps and space fragments that are large enough to cut everything will emit a hoarse bursting sound and dissipate once they touch the evil spirit.

Even the laws of heaven and earth are powerless against him.

“This, this, this…, you you you!”

Tieguai Li and Zhongli Quan were horrified and their faces turned extremely ugly.

[The ultimate challenge has been triggered! 】

[The ultimate challenge: Kill the military lord Chi You! ]

"It is indeed the military leader Chi You..."

Feeling Chi You's domineering aura sweeping across the world, Lin Xuan lowered his eyes slightly: "Thank you, Master Yuwen, for helping me."

"Taku is planning on doing that!"

With a light sigh, the Kunlun Mirror flew out of Lin Xuan's sleeve and transformed into a heroic and handsome young man.

The man's left eye is deep blue, and the right eye is dark red, which is completely different from that of ordinary people.
Blue as the sky, red as the sea of ​​blood!
In legend, this is the so-called "Yin Yang Demon Eyes".

The world will be in chaos or at peace, all depends on one thought.

(End of this chapter)

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