I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 336: Demon King Lin Xuan, the Demon Locking Tower is not that strong

Chapter 336: Demon King Lin Xuan, the Demon Locking Tower is not that strong
During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Master Bodhidharma came to China to spread Buddhism. At that time, Emperor Wu of Liang, Xiao Yan, believed in Buddhism and denounced Taoism as an evil heresy.

He gathered numerous eminent monks and masters to Mount Shu, the headquarters of Taoism, and built a pagoda over a period of more than twenty years, which was said to be able to protect Taoism forever.

This kind of arrogant behavior caused great dissatisfaction among the Taoists practicing in Mount Shu, and they took action to fight against Buddhism and the imperial army.

This also marked the beginning of the first battle between Buddhism and Taoism in the Xianjian era.

In the end, Buddhism suffered a crushing defeat, and the Liang Dynasty's army was beaten to pieces and severely damaged.

Although the Shushan Taoist sect won, it was also severely damaged, so it can only be considered a tragic victory.

Many sects that practiced alchemy, taking medicine, and eating air in secluded valleys as a way of cultivation were tragically wiped out due to their weak combat effectiveness.

After winning the battle, everyone was prepared for danger in order to prevent retaliation from the Buddhist sect and the imperial court...

Therefore, Tai Qing, the head of Xianjian Sect, who was the strongest and won the MVP award in this battle, raised his arms and said that all the Taoists who made pills were dead, and the remaining sects were basically all sword cultivators.

We all live in Mount Shu and are of the same blood. And we have a powerful enemy to fight against, so why not just merge our factions?

The remaining dozen or so sect leaders weighed Taiqing's martial arts value and immediately felt that it made sense. They all bowed their heads and were willing to be his younger brothers and join the Xianjian Sect.

Thus, the "Shushan Sword Sect", the core of the entire Sword and Fairy series, was officially established.

The pagoda that Emperor Wu of Liang spent so much effort to build was also taken over by the Shushan Sect and transformed into the famous "Demon Locking Pagoda" for the purpose of imprisoning demons.

The outer layer of the Demon Locking Tower is tied up with iron chains, and countless talismans are pasted on the tower.

The environment inside the tower is extremely gloomy and full of demons.

Seeing that the Shushan Sect was so sensible, the God Realm enlightened Taiqing into an immortal in order to reward Shushan for its contribution in eliminating demons and defending the way of Taoism.

He lowered the barrier again and laid down seven sword pillars.

At this point, the Demon Locking Tower is as solid as a rock, and the demons can no longer escape.

Shushan also possesses the status of "granted by divine authority" and has become the agent of the divine and immortal worlds.

"True Lord, this is the origin of the Demon Locking Tower..."

Jiang Wan'er briefly introduced the origin of the Demon Locking Tower to Lin Xuan while holding her father's body into a small stone chamber to be buried together with her mother: "Dad said that the Demon Locking Tower is full of talismans and barriers inside and outside, and there are eleven sword pillars suppressing the entire tower. The magic weapons cannot be damaged, and the immortal magic cannot be broken."

Maybe it was due to her living environment, the girl showed no emotion when she spoke and seemed calm and indifferent.

"Well, since the God Realm has put so much thought into it, it is normal for it to be stronger."

Lin Xuan's mind moved slightly, he clenched his right fist and punched forward: "Let me try."

The God of War's strong energy surged, and his fists were as powerful as a tsunami, smashing towards the wall of the Demon Locking Tower.

The next moment, purple light burst out from the walls around the Demon Locking Tower, turning into a huge purple light shield.

The vast and unparalleled fist force hit the light shield, which trembled violently for a few times, showing ripples, which then dissipated along with Lin Xuan's fist force.

"The master's cultivation is unparalleled. It would be extremely difficult for ordinary monsters to break this protective formation, let alone make it appear."

Jiang Wan'er pursed her lips and said, "But Daddy said that you can't break out of this Demon Locking Tower by attacking the tower wall. Over the years, I haven't seen anyone get out that way."

Many monsters, when they are furious and desperate, will constantly attack walls as a way to vent their emotions.

Some of the monsters were so powerful that even she could hardly understand.

The magical power released carried such a might that it could shake the entire tower slightly.

But none of these demons succeeded!

No matter whether it was magic or Taoist spells, or devil weapons or magical artifacts, when they were stabbed into the wall barrier, they could only cause faint ripples.

In the end, this group of disheartened demons called the wall of the Demon Locking Tower the "Wall of Sighs."

Therefore, Jiang Wan'er was not disappointed when she saw Lin Xuan's punch being blocked by the protective formation of the tower wall.

Because she never thought that anyone could blow up the walls of the Demon Locking Tower.

In her opinion, this is impossible.

"This magic circle is indeed quite powerful."

Lin Xuan smiled faintly: "I'll try again."


"The brilliant Seven Stars illuminate the Three Heavenly Soldiers."

Lin Xuan summoned the Human Emperor Sword, casually injected a trace of Donghua's mysterious energy into it, pressed his thumb against the hilt, and gave a light push.

The long sword moved rapidly in the scabbard and was three inches out of the scabbard.

Endless sword light shot out from the Human Emperor Sword, like the sun's radiance, revealing an unparalleled sharp edge that could kill all things.

The sword is only three inches away and the enemy is within reach!
Countless magic shields appeared at the same time, forming a dense shield formation, which was then cut through by the sword light like a dead tree or rotten wood.

The sword light flashed again and lightly touched the tower wall.

Like a major earthquake, the entire Demon Locking Tower began to shake violently.

The next moment, a fist-sized hole appeared in front of Lin Xuan and the others.

"This...what is this?"

Jiang Wan'er stared blankly at the entrance of the cave, her mouth wide open, as if she wanted to compare its size with the hole.

“This is the hole.”

“…I know. But…”

Fresh air rushed in, sunlight shone in through the hole, and dust particles floated in the beams of light.

Jiang Wan'er took a breath greedily and fell into deep thought.

A second ago, she had vowed that the Demon Locking Tower could never be broken into from the inside by force.

Then, the mysterious young Taoist in front of him poked a big hole in the Demon Locking Tower with a sword.

Jiang Wan'er felt an extremely unreal feeling in her heart, as if her body and worldview were also pierced by this sword.

"The tower will repair itself. It will be back to its original state in less than a cup of tea."

Lin Xuan looked at the flickering light on the wall and said, "If we want to get out, we should take the right path."

The Demon Locking Tower is indeed extremely solid, and ordinary sword techniques and spells are definitely useless.

Lin Xuan estimated that even if he used "Heaven-Shocking Earth-Shaking" he could only make the tower shake a few times but would not be able to blow it up.

However, the person who designed this tower probably didn't consider that they also had to guard against super-model attacks like the Donghua Qi...

Lin Xuan tried it casually and found that using the Donghua Qi to condense the sword, he could cut the tower wall as easily as cutting tofu.

If you just want to get out of trouble, you can leave now.

But the main quest requires "destroying the Demon Locking Tower and killing the Prison King"...

Lin Xuan thought about it and decided to crack it using the orthodox approach.

This also prevents the gods from noticing after you take advantage of the situation and causing other variables.

Well, we also need to deal with the monsters in the Monster Tower as best we can.

After all, they were going to fight the Western Demon Realm and the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady...

Stability in the human world is very important.

But destroying the Demon Locking Tower would obviously be a disaster for the world.

If a large-scale massacre occurs, the consequences will definitely be blamed on me.

It might even deduct a large amount of humanity's luck, which would be much more serious than destroying the Shushan Sect.

If it really turns out to be like the original plot with all the demons running rampant, you will still have to clean up the mess yourself in the end.

"Well, then..."

Jiang Wan'er hesitated, as if she didn't understand: "How do we get out by the right way?"

"The only... ahem, biggest weakness of this Demon Locking Tower is the Seven-Star Coiled Dragon Pillar underneath. As long as the Coiled Dragon Pillar supporting the tower breaks, the entire tower will collapse."

"However, in order to prevent the demons from escaping, the bottom of the Demon Locking Tower is also filled with demon-transforming water. Even if the demons here know this method, they are powerless."

Lin Xuan pondered and said, "You have half the demon bloodline. If you feel uncomfortable later, you don't have to go down."

Theoretically, the demon-transforming water is ineffective against humans.

But in this girl's situation, it is very likely that her demonic power will be dissipated, and her cultivation will be greatly damaged.

Therefore, Lin Xuan did not plan to let Jiang Wan'er follow him to the bottom of the tower to destroy the dragon pillar.

The seven dragon pillars in the game are quite powerful.

I am not very clear about their combat mode at the moment.

It would be a pity if Jiang Wan'er was killed accidentally.

Lin Xuan planned to train this girl well and entrust her with important tasks.

"I will follow your instructions!"

Jiang Wan'er now trusted Lin Xuan very much and nodded.

"Well, let's talk about it without further ado."

"There are many big monsters in the lower floors, some of which are quite powerful..."

"It's okay. Please introduce yourself to me later."

"If he is really the one who killed the human race and has a heavy blood debt, I will take action and kill him."

Lin Xuan thought for a moment and said, "Since Kong Lin, the flag bearer of the demon world, deceived your father, he is definitely not a good person. Let's kill him if we meet him."

Shushan believes that humans and demons cannot coexist, and the attitude towards demons is similar to that of Fahai.

Under this premise, there are indeed some innocent demons in the Demon Locking Tower.

For example, Jiang Waner, and Zhao Linger in the original plot...

But most of them are probably not good things.

Lin Xuan destroyed the Demon Locking Tower, but he had no intention of granting amnesty at the same time.

The monsters that should be killed must be killed.

As for Kong Lin... no matter whether he has killed anyone or not, just kill him together.

This kind of person has decent abilities, but also likes to stir up trouble. His life really affects others.

"Huh? Oh, okay!"

Thinking of Lin Xuan's tone just now, Jiang Wan'er felt that she was a bit suspicious of being bullied, and her face was slightly red: "I know the whereabouts of Kong Lin, please follow me, Master."

"Where is he?"

"If you don't count the seven-star coiled dragon pillar at the bottom of the tower that the True Lord mentioned, the Demon Locking Tower has a total of ten floors."

"If we count from the top down, we are now on the seventh floor."

Jiang Wan'er pondered, "Eight years ago, Kong Lin wanted to kill me, but I tricked him into the Demon Absorbing Altar. So, he should be on the fifth floor."

"The Demon Absorbing Altar... When you go downstairs, go take a look."

Lin Xuan's heart moved slightly and he nodded.

As for Kong Lin, it seems that he never appeared in the first part of The Legend of Sword and Fairy, and Lin Xuan currently has no idea where he is hiding.

If nothing unexpected happens, the fool that is Heavenly Ghost Emperor should be the one in the Demon Absorbing Altar right now.

However, even if it is the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, it is worth a visit.

Although the Heavenly Ghost Emperor is simple-minded, he is still very generous and righteous.
His own strength is also quite good, he can be considered a genius.

I am in need of people right now, so I can recruit them.

"Below the third floor, there is a very uncomfortable aura. It should be the demon-transforming water that the True Lord mentioned."

"There aren't many monsters there. Although I've only been down to the second floor, I rarely stay there."

"I heard that the sword pillars on the first floor suppress the entire tower's barrier, and the Hell King is personally guarding there."

Jiang Wan'er tilted her head and thought for a while, then said confidently, "Now that I think about it, he is not only guarding the sword pillar, but also preventing anyone from entering the bottom of the tower and destroying the Seven-Star Coiled Dragon Pillar."

"The Prison-Suppressing King? Is he so powerful that he can suppress all the demons in the tower by himself?"

Lin Xuan's heart moved and he asked.

In the game, although Zhenyu Mingwang has a domineering appearance and six strong arms exposed when he is shirtless, he is obviously a tough guy among tough guys.

But in terms of data, he still feels a little inferior to the top masters like Moon Worshiper.

To say he is not capable is not to the point of...

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor seemed to be very afraid of him.

After Zhenyu Ming Wang knelt down, he said, "No matter how bold we are, we dare not fight against the person who defeated Zhenyu Ming Wang."

The battle at that time was also a typical mode of the protagonist exploding.

Ling'er directly awakens Nuwa's bloodline and transforms into a dream snake. The combat power doubles, the physical strength is full, and the three-dimensional level is improved.

Moreover, according to the plot arrangement, the Drunken Swordsman secretly taught Li Xiaoyao the Dionysus Curse before sending him to the Demon Locking Tower.

Most Drunken Sword Immortals believed that without the Dionysus skills, the two of them would surely die if they went to the Demon Locking Tower.

A powerful weapon like Dionysus is definitely not used to fight small demons.

The only explanation, of course, is that it was used to fight against the Prison-Suppressing King.

It is actually quite difficult to assess the true strength of this kind of opponent, which requires the protagonist to burst into energy to defeat.

"I heard from the immortal in the book that the power of the Hell King himself is not particularly strong. But he has the power of hell-suppression granted by the gods and Buddhas, and has the power to kill or imprison the demons in the tower."

Jiang Wan'er stuck out her tongue subconsciously: "Of course, even if he is not strong, he is definitely stronger than Wan'er. Wan'er dare not provoke him."

"Just for demons?"

"The immortal in the book said so."

Jiang Wan'er thought about it and made a bold guess: "Wan'er feels that since the demon-transforming water did not take into account the fact that there are still humans in the tower, then the authority of the Hell-Suppressing King should not take this into account either."

"Let's go all the way over and take a look."

Lin Xuan nodded and followed Jiang Wan'er into the corridor leading to the lower level.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

At this moment, hundreds of monsters rushed out from both sides of the corridor, blocking the corridor and emitting an extremely terrifying aura.

"What a delicious smell of human flesh!"

An old red-haired zombie screamed.

"He is a master of martial arts. This kind of person tastes the most delicious!"

A large eyeball suspended in mid-air emitted spiritual fluctuations.

Lin Xuan took a look at it and for a moment couldn't figure out how this thing eats.

"I'm so horny!"

Another curly-haired baboon danced and laughed shrilly.

"Yes! Fresh blood food!"

Hundreds of monsters had gleaming eyes and extremely hungry expressions. There were even more than a dozen monsters drooling and their eyes were dull.

Most of the monsters here are of insufficient cultivation.

In the Demon Locking Tower, he was corroded by the aura of the Demon-Transforming Water, gradually exhausted his original demonic power, and faced death.

The other monsters were no longer surprised by this situation.

Wait until your companion dies and then eat him.

It is not easy to survive in the Demon Locking Tower. No resources can be wasted.


Jiang Wan'er's face darkened: "How dare you block our way? Do you really think I can't kill you?"

"Jiang Wan'er, we acknowledge your strength. In time, you may be the strongest in this tower."

"The young man next to you showed no fear from beginning to end. He must be an amazing master."

An old fox with a cane came out, sighing, "But there are more than a hundred monsters here, don't you care about them?"

"My time is precious, don't beat around the bush."

Lin Xuan glanced at the old fox: "Old fox, what do you want to say?"

"Okay! Have fun!"

"My life span is not long. I can probably live another 20 to 30 years outside, but I won't live more than two years in the Demon Locking Tower."

A trace of sadness flashed across the old fox's eyes, but it quickly disappeared: "My grandchildren's cultivation is not good enough, and they have been consuming their original power. They won't live long."

"so what?"

"Your blood and essence are extremely vigorous, and are a great tonic for our demon race."

"So, we can guarantee the safety of both of you, and we can also provide you with enough food so that you can live a peaceful life."

"But, you also need to provide us with some blood and essence regularly to keep us alive."

The old fox showed a helpless smile: "We are all in the tower. Only by cooperating with each other can we live longer. For many things, there is hope only if we are alive!"

“Not bad, they know about sustainable development.”

Lin Xuan thought for a moment and nodded slightly: "Among the monsters, you are considered to have some brains. You can survive today."

"If you agree... huh?"

The old fox was stunned: "Are you kidding me?"

"No, I said you can survive, so I won't kill you today."

Lin Xuan smiled slightly: "I won't give you my blood essence. But if you serve me as your master, I can take you away from here!"

"what did he say?"

"Leave here? How is that possible!"

"I would hesitate to change to another place, but this is the Demon Locking Tower!"

"Hahaha, another crazy one."

"A hundred years ago, I wouldn't have dared to think about this kind of thing."

"A person with such a mental problem won't live long. We might as well eat him."

"Not necessarily. Maybe he's afraid of death and is making up this excuse on purpose."

"Take the tower and joke about it, you deserve to die!"

"But who doesn't want to go out?"


More than a hundred monsters were in an uproar at the same time.

The monsters showed expressions of anger, sarcasm, sadness, disdain, and so on.

Of course, things like the Will-O-W-No-Ghost-Umbrella Monster cannot make human-like expressions.

The pose is extremely abstract.

Lin Xuan couldn't figure out what they were thinking.

Never mind. It doesn’t matter anyway.

No matter what these monsters think, it will not affect Lin Xuan's subsequent plans.

"Young man, you..."

The old fox did not laugh.

After a long silence, the old fox let out a sigh and said solemnly: "Why do you think you can lead us out of the tower?"

"Killing the Prison King and destroying the Seven-Star Dragon Pillar at the bottom of the tower, is that enough?"

Lin Xuan smiled: "Of course, the premise remains unchanged."

"The demon-transforming water at the bottom of the tower... Yes, you are a human, so it has no effect on you."

"If you can lead us out, then I shall serve you as my Lord!"

The old fox frowned and said, "But the King of Hell is a god. How can you kill him?"

"If you serve me as your master, kneel down and swear allegiance, I will place a restriction in your body and tell you what will happen."


The old fox's face froze and looked a little ugly.

"It's so funny! Why are you pretending?"

"Young man, you are so arrogant. Do you think you are a god too?"

"Hahaha, you haven't been in the tower for a few days, but your mind is already out of control?"

The two toad spirits seemed to have received some instructions. They opened their bloody mouths and walked over: "Everyone, don't listen to his nonsense. Kill him quickly and divide his blood and food. Then you can rest in peace."




Half of the monsters' hearts beat fast, and they smiled ferociously and moved over.

"True Lord, let's fight our way out together?"

Jiang Wan'er pursed her lips, unsheathed the Seven Star Sword, raised her slender hand lightly, and formed the starting posture of the Ten Thousand Swords Technique.

Although her cultivation was not weak, she was still a little nervous when facing the numerous monsters in front of her.

"No need to bother."


"There's a proverb that goes, 'kill the chicken to scare the monkey.'"

"The chicken is indeed wronged, but this method works well."

"In that case, let's kill these chickens to warn the monkeys behind them."

Lin Xuan smiled, took the Seven Star Sword from the girl, and swung it gently.

Hundreds and thousands of spiritual flying swords appeared in the void.

The sword beams fell like rain, bombarding the monsters that were seeking death.

Wan Jian Jue!

No dodging, no fighting, not even screaming!

In less than a second, dozens of monsters that were approaching with a hideous grin were shot to pieces by the spiritual flying swords.

Even the blood had not yet flowed out before it was completely evaporated by the sword energy.

However, the monsters behind them were not affected at all by the sword energy, showing a control that was precise to the millimeter.

"Is this sword enough?"

Lin Xuan smiled and handed the Seven Star Sword back to Jiang Waner: "Not a bad sword."

This Seven Star Sword is quite excellent in itself.

Remember in the second generation of The Legend of Sword and Fairy, Li Xiaoyao, who had become the head of the Shushan Sword Sect, also held the Seven-Star Sword and activated the Thirty-Six Heavenly Sword Formation to fight against the Demon Lord.

Although the power of this sword itself may not be as strong as the ancient divine sword Wuchen Sword.

But it should be more in line with the sword-wielding skills of the Shushan School itself.

"This... didn't the True Lord say that he was not a disciple of Mount Shu?"

Jiang Wan'er's eyes were full of confusion: "But this Ten Thousand Swords Art is a unique magical power of Shushan. How did you learn it?"

"I saw him use it once when fighting with your father just now. I also took the opportunity to check the circulation of spiritual energy in your body just now."

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "I have seen it twice, so I can naturally perform it."

After obtaining Donghua's Qi, Lin Xuan understood everything and had his own feelings.

Combined with his original "Tianwu Daoxin" talent, he can analyze ordinary Taoist magical powers as if he were reading lines on the palm of his hand.

Lin Xuan estimated that Ah Qing must have felt equally relaxed and comfortable when learning swordsmanship from others.


Jiang Wan'er's delicate body trembled noticeably. She bit her lower lip lightly and she sheathed the Seven Star Sword without saying a word.

Jiang Wan'er originally thought that she had inherited her father's true teachings, and with her own talent and hard work, she had already mastered the Shushan sword technique.

Even if facing Jiang Qing himself, Jiang Wan'er felt that she would not necessarily lose.

But Lin Xuan's Ten Thousand Swords Technique almost destroyed her self-confidence.

Fortunately, she is a talented girl with a strong determination.

He barely suppressed the shock in his heart and asked one more question.

Then, Jiang Waner's mentality collapsed even more...

Is Master Lin using the Ten Thousand Swords Technique?

What am I learning?
Did they just take two glances?
How long have I studied?
who am I?
where am I?
Jiang Wan'er shook her head vigorously, trying to clear away the distracting thoughts, and felt a little bitter in her heart.


Lin Xuan ignored the genius girl who was hit beside him. He glanced at the monsters and said with a smile, "Do you want me to kill you one by one?"

"True Lord... No! The Lord's divine power is invincible!"

"The mere King of Hell is nothing but a clown in front of the Lord."

The old fox shuddered, suddenly jumped up, and shouted loudly: "We are willing to be loyal to you, and the master will definitely lead us out of this hellhole!"

It is hard to say whether Lin Xuan can defeat the Prison-Suppressing King.

But it had no doubt that if the young Taoist priest in front of it used another Ten Thousand Swords Technique, it would immediately become a hornet's nest.

He came to Lin Xuan to save his life, not to lose his life.

If you don't recognize your master, you will lose your life immediately.

If you recognize your master, there might be a chance to get out of the tower.

No need to think about it at all!

"Yes, yes! The Lord is invincible in the world!"

"We are willing to recognize... recognize the boss as our master!"

"Whoever disobeys the Lord will be the enemy who killed my brother Crow's father!"

"Me too!"

The demons suddenly reacted and rushed to kneel on the ground.

Everyone has lived in the Demon Locking Tower for many years and is considered a veteran.

You may not have the ability, but you must have good vision!
This kind of occasion is exactly when others need to establish their authority.

Don't hit the gun!

If you don't kneel, you will really die...

"Since you sincerely serve me as your Lord, that's great!"

Lin Xuan condensed a trace of Donghua's mysterious energy, transformed it into dozens of energy needles, and pierced into the heads of the demons.

When placing a ban on a person, the needle is usually inserted into the Dantian.

But Lin Xuan couldn't figure out the body structure of these monsters for a while.

Just choose the head.

Anyway, Donghua's Qi is the most yang energy, which is countless times stronger than Zhang Wuji's Nine Yang Divine Fire.

Once it happens...

Even if it is a magical species like the earthworm spirit, it is sure to die.

"We swear to be loyal to our lord until death. Please give us your instructions."

Feeling the burning mountain and boiling sea aura emanating from the Qi needles in his body, the old fox's expression became even more respectful.

"How many monsters are there on this floor?"

"About 1,300?"

The old fox thought for a moment and said.

"Okay! You are in charge of all these monsters here."

"Now you can capture other monsters or lure them here, just bring them to me."

"I'll wait here for an hour. As long as he's not an unforgivable monster, we can give him a chance to turn from evil to good."

"Any monster who abandons darkness and joins the light will be your subordinate from now on."

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Of course, if the number is too small, then you are not doing your job well."

"Master, rest assured, I will do my best!"

The old fox was startled, a gleam of brilliance flashing in his eyes.

"Well, go ahead and do your best."

Lin Xuan was familiar with this kind of gaze.

He had seen too much in the previous world.

It is the desire for power.

In a way, humans and monsters are the same.

(End of this chapter)

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