I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 4: You and I feel like old friends when we see each other, so we might as well treat each ot

Chapter 4: You and I hit it off as old friends, so we might as well treat each other like brothers
  "I'm out of my mind, how could I possibly talk to a tiger about morality?"

"Wait a minute, why is there a time limit for killing a tiger?"

Huang Rong frowned slightly: "What the hell is Jingyanggang? We have to rush there in five hours, do we still have to kill the tiger?"

Although people liked to use time in ancient times, there was also the concept of "hour".

Astronomical regulations state that "when the sun moves to the left of the equator, every fifteen degrees is one hour."

According to this division, a day can also be divided into twenty-four hours.

It is no different from the later generations.

"The prescribed time is normal. It's impossible for a tiger to be there all the time waiting for you to kill."

"I estimate that after five hours of waiting, the tiger was either killed by someone else or ran away on its own."

Lin Xuan twitched his lips: "Speaking of which, since the time is so stuck, it is very likely that this is Jingyanggang."

Therefore, we still need to make some preparations now.

Instead of killing the tiger, the tiger's belly was full...

In storytelling, you can even sweep down small trees with your tail.

Not to mention a mere tiger, even within the palace, most of them can kill seven in and seven out.

"Well, it would be nice to meet a few merchants on the way."

This girl is probably still in her budding stage.

"Huh? Your analysis makes sense. You really need to figure out where we are first."

After all, the martial arts values ​​of masters in martial arts novels are also divided into many levels.

Just follow and win.

Huang Rong looked around: "We are on a small hill. There is a ruined temple half a mile in front. There seems to be a notice posted on the temple door."

Even the method of beating a dog with a stick is probably not learned yet.

If he teamed up with Gang Leader Qiao who brought his own BGM, Lin Xuan certainly wouldn't have to worry about this.

Lin Xuan had the impression that the tiger Wu Song beat was quite powerful.

Emmm, to be honest, Lin Xuan is more optimistic about that tiger.

Lin Xuan nodded: "Even if we want to kill this tiger, there are still five hours left, so don't worry."

If we really want to fight...

"You have good eyesight, let's go and take a look."

Lin Xuan's mentality was obviously not as optimistic as Huang Rong's.

Stop talking about the Nine Yin Scriptures...

The fighting ability is far better than that of ordinary tigers.

But in front of me is the girl Rong who started the Condor Shooting game...

Huang Rong muttered: "I just want to find out what is so evil about this tiger."

Following Huang Rong's instructions, the two of them walked half a mile and came to a dilapidated mountain temple.

As expected, there was a seal and announcement posted on the temple door.

It read: "Yanggu County Announcement: There is a new big insect on Jingyang Gang, which has hurt people's lives. Now the rods are restricted to all villages and hunters and others are hunting, but no one has been caught. If there are any travelers or merchants in the past, please contact us. , noon, and three hours later, people are allowed to cross the hill in groups; at other times, single guests and single guests are not allowed to cross the hill. They may be harmed. Everyone should be aware of this."

The writing is average.

But the paper and ink are very new, and it looks like they were posted just a few days ago.

"Sure enough, you were right. We are here on Jingyanggang."

Huang Rong glanced at Lin Xuan: "What should we do now?"

"The sun is high now, so it's probably noon. Let's go down the mountain and find a place first, and eat and drink before we go."

"We are all bare-handed, and we are at a disadvantage. We try to find some useful guys."

Lin Xuan smiled: "Even if you have to pretend to be a little beggar, you should go to the mountain spring over there to wash off the black dust on your face. The store won't want to see you when you come back."

Si time is from 9 am to 11 am, and late time is from 1 pm to 3 pm.

These three hours combined are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

It is the time when the sun is at its strongest during the day.

Tiger doesn't like the bright sun very much, and he doesn't want to provoke hordes of passing merchants.

They usually come out to look for food in the evening.

"Well, I don't feel comfortable with my face looking gray."

"I used to be angry with my father because he couldn't find me, so I dressed up as a little beggar."

Huang Rong curled her lips and ran to the mountain spring: "Daddy will definitely not be able to find me now, and I don't have to keep pretending."

"Obviously my family owns a mine, but I have to pretend to be a beggar..."

Lin Xuan looked at the girl's back and shook his head. In my impression, Huang Rong still loves to be clean.

When I was the leader of the Beggar Clan, I only made a few symbolic patches.

It must have been at the beginning that it ended up in such a mess.

The mentality of this little girl is not difficult to guess.

It was nothing more than that he felt unhappy after being scolded by Huang Laoxie, so he simply dressed up as a beggar.

While escaping from Huang Laoxie, he also hinted that Huang Laoxie was an old beggar to express his dissatisfaction.

As for what she said, Huang Rong was a bit nonsense just to see how hot and cold the world was.

It would be about the same if it were Jigong.

"Okay, long wait."

After a while, Huang Rong washed away the black ash on her face and returned to Lin Xuan with a smile.

"The way I am now, I shouldn't be looked down upon by others, right?"

The girl's eyes were slightly smiling, but they were crystal clear and extremely agile.

Her long hair was hanging down like a waterfall, dripping wet with water, and she looked a bit free and easy.

Although he still looks like a little beggar...

But paired with her unparalleled beauty and stunning appearance, it gives people the feeling of being in front of a royal nobleman, who cannot be looked at.

"It's okay to look down on you, but you are too beautiful the way you are now, so it's not convenient for you to act."

Lin Xuan thought for a moment and tentatively said, "How about you smear your face with soot?"

In the past, Lin Xuan's impression of Huang Rong was only the stars who starred in the TV series "The Condor Heroes".

It falls into the category of relatively beautiful, but generally acceptable.

But the Huang Rong in front of her, both in appearance and aura, far exceeded Lin Xuan's expectations.

Although it has not fully grown, it still gives him the feeling of beauty causing trouble.

This made Lin Xuan frown.

You know, the Water Margin plane is not a good place.

Bad things like snatching wives and daughters and raping civilian daughters happened from time to time.

Although, with Huang Rong's strength, she shouldn't be afraid of ordinary dandies.

But getting into a few fights for no reason, and having to take precautions against being smoked and sweating when there is nothing wrong, is not a pleasant thing.

If you want to be a mountain king in the future, problems may arise easily if a little beauty lives in the bandits' den.

"We have to stay in this hellish place for a full year. I can't keep pretending to be a beggar. It stinks so much..."

"Forget it, since you are older than me, I'll let you take advantage."

"I'll put on my male makeup in a while and tell everyone that I am your adopted brother."

Huang Rong rolled her eyes: "You and I hit it off right away, so it's reasonable for us to pay homage to each other, right?"

"If you have no problem with your appearance, then of course you can."

Lin Xuan thought for a while and felt that this proposal seemed not bad.

Although it is standard for a scholar to bring a little book boy.

But Huang Rong was probably unwilling to suffer such a loss.

Moreover, according to the task, Huang Rong has to be at least the third in charge.

The status of the little book boy is too low to convince the public.

"My dad taught me a little bit about the art of disguise. I can't specifically disguise myself as a certain person, but it's not difficult to just pretend to be a man."

Huang Rong squatted on the ground, held a handful of loess, and took out a small medicine bottle on her body.

Then, mix the two things together and apply on your face.

After a while, he turned into a young man with a feminine temperament and a sallow complexion.

Huang Rong has a very good foundation. Although she deliberately looks a bit ugly, she still looks very pretty.

It can be regarded as the category of beautiful boy.

However, compared to her original beauty and beauty...

It is already extremely inconspicuous.

"Well, Brother Huang Xian looks good. Let's go down the mountain."

Lin Xuan thought about this girl's style and added: "I don't have much money in my pocket, you can eat it in a while."

Huang Rong: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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